Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. I also offer a comprehensive sponsorship capacity-building service for large, diverse, and decentralised organisations.Please feel free to drop me a line to discuss. Once the money arrives, its time to kick back and relax right? An external corporate event is an event hosted by a company typically with the goal of marketing their product or service to attract customers. These things that you sell are called assets and those assets are grouped together into your sponsorship proposal inventory.Most people start the sponsorship process by creating a sponsorship proposal template based on their financial goals, full of predefined benefits, grouped into three or four levels. Considering that part of what you are probably selling them is a license to use your intellectual property, and that you wouldnt want just anyone using your logo without permission, you should really know better.
An efficient way to do this could be with a matrix table that includes all the packages as the columns and the packages features as the rows.
This website uses cookies to improve your experience. Thatll be a no.. Rather than offering sponsorship packages, they can stand alone and be purchased separately. Most event sponsorship proposals are done as a PDF, but some choose to feature the proposal as a webpage on their website. The thing is that there are a number of red flags proposal killers that sponsors can spot a mile off. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Because you spent the time talking to them and getting to know them on the front end, you have earned the right to follow up. Start by downloading my Generic Inventory of benefits, to give you a lot more options. Im going to hazard a guess that 90% of the proposals I see have the sponsor logo on the title page. This also helps create a sense of scarcity and will make potential sponsors reach out much quicker. Start with a statement about how you like to work with sponsors and your philosophy. Solution: As above, you can let the sponsor know that this information is available. Its worth noting that so far, this guide on the corporate sponsorship proposal hasnt even discussed graphics, number of pages or sponsorship level name ideas. Its not like this information is top secret. No matter what, sponsorship package information needs to be given with the price and number of packages available. It can also be helpful to directly outline why a potential sponsor would want to sponsor your event, like in The Successful Bookkeeper Summits proposal. Solution: The alternatives are many and varied, and miles more interesting.
Chris now spends his time working with clients to value their assets and build strategies that drive sales. Objectives for these types of events are to teach others about and market their own product or service and allow non-competitive partners or sponsors a chance to showcase theirs.
There is a LOT wrong with this thinking. Invite them to have a look and contact you with their own suggestions about how they want to engage your network, then list all of your assets and opportunities! Objectives for these types of events are to teach others about and market their own product or service and allow non-competitive partners or sponsors a chance to showcase theirs. They say to a sponsor that you dont understand them and what they need, youre unsophisticated, and youll be hard to work with. It wont be. The best visual tool for potential sponsors is the sponsorship table, however, some association events do not include one. If a highly-reputable brand is featured it makes other sponsors more confident in the events value, and in turn, more likely to sponsor the event.

Second, it gives you the ability to negotiate with sponsors and trade benefits acrossthe various levels within your sponsorship packages.
In fact, if a sponsor hits this information before there is anything meaningful and specific about how the sponsorship works for their brand and target markets, the result is much more likely to be, Oh great, BOARD profiles. And theyre always made up of the same commodity benefits tickets, logos, mentions, hospitality, and designation. Take the list you created in the sponsorship proposal inventory building section and ask yourself what types of companies want to hear about these opportunities. The logo should also be included for branding purposes. Sponsorship is always tax deductible.
Solution: Never use donation wording in a proposal.

After looking through some of our examples, you can see the possibilities are almost endless. If you need additional assistance, I offer sponsorship consulting and strategy sessions, sponsorship training, and sponsorship coaching.
Encourage sponsors to get in touch, tell you whats missing and tell you what they want to add or change.
The best way to do this is to list every single item you plan to sell in your sponsorship proposal along with who will see it (or hear it) and assign a value to that benefit. Use a title like we want to hear from you! Use a call to action.
The other way to display sponsorship packages is to just list all the relevant info out under the package name, like MICCAIs event sponsorship prospectus. In fact, the potential sponsor probably already has that kind of sponsorship in their portfolio, so if youre selling based on the fact that it ticks some box, their box is already ticked. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Its important for you to be realistic in your estimation of attendees, because your sponsors will expect you to deliver on the number of people who will see their brand.
Having the right products and knowing your customer are essential, and so is knowing what to charge for the assets in your sponsorship proposal. Event Marketing Whether you are brand new to sponsorship sales or a few years in and simply looking for new tips on how to improve your proposal technique, check out How to Craft and Pitch a Sponsorship Proposal. You may also be interested in my white papers, Last Generation Sponsorship Redux and Disruptive Sponsorship: Like Disruptive Marketing, Only Better. Your property may be amazing, but if your proposal is awful, youre not going to get a yes. Include your logo and the name of the opportunity or program and your tagline. For instance, if your event is an outdoor concert, sponsors will be less likely to pay for a location next to the port-a-potties than they will be to drop money for a prime spot next to the beverage stations.
Sponsorship is all about the audience! I call this post The Definitive Guide to the Sponsorship Proposal for a reason! This can be done using either tiered packages, a-la-carte options, or a combination of both.
Your event may fit into more than one of these event-type sponsor prospectus templates; however, all the content on the templates is quite similar. They can be add-ons to be purchased along with a sponsorship package as a customization option. Equally important, a post-event survey from the previous years event can help convince prospective sponsors to secure their spot. According to sources, 87% of clients are willing to provide a testimonial, but only 10% of companies ever ask for one. This also helps create a sense of scarcity and will make potential sponsors reach out much quicker. Privacy PolicyWebsite designed & maintained by WP Expert, How to Write a Sponsorship Letter That Actually Works (With, The Definitive Guide to Sports Fan Engagement, Sponsorship Activation Defined: What is it and How Leverage, How to Ask for a Corporate Sponsorship and Actually Get It, How to Display Sponsors at an Event (That People Will.
Testimonials from past sponsors and attendees can also help. Gold, Silver and Bronze (or any other stock levels) sends a message to your sponsors that you are an amateur. You need them to actually read the proposal, so they understand the relevance to their brand and target markets, as well as how they can use it to achieve their objectives. A good resource for that is The Sponsorship Seekers Toolkit 4th Edition. This isnt difficult, but it requires that you let go of all of these bad habits and restructure your approach. Sponsors support events to promote and build their brand, so make sure the attendeesare in your sponsors target demographic. First off, you dont have permission a license to use their logo.
For example, if your event is a beer festival, you probably wouldnt want to attempt getting sponsorship from a brand that markets their products primarily to children. Solution: Leave the logo out. Well, for two reasons. Online Sponsorship Just one. In a sponsors mind, this bodes very badly for a relationship that has to be highly collaborative to work. Request your demo today! However, once you have a solid prospectus or proposal, its easy to edit and use it as a template for next years event. This is like that first date weve all had, where your date does all the talking. An example would be something like a chocolate show or toy show. When I do, I never bring anything with me but a mental list of questions.
First, the name of the event and the organization that will be hosting the event should be shown, along with the dates of the event.

(Ex. Podcast Insights Powered by Podchaser Winmo is thrilled to team up with Podchaser to give Winmo customers a straight path Name Image and Likeness (AKA NIL): Whats all the BUZZ about?. Sitemap. They may be less willing to pay a lot of money for advertising at your event if your attendance is projected to be low. Come up with a list of everything you currently sell and then ask the group whats missing from the list. List some of the ways that you can help your sponsors achieve their goals but dont list them out as packages that they have to buy.
All rights reserved. Youll want to include terms and conditions and/or rules and regulations and definitely include the cancellation policy with details about any refund compensation. If a sponsor does not align with the values of the association, the association can always reject potential event sponsors. Theres a reason for this! What markets are they trying to influence or get in front of. Instead, show your sponsors that you have options that help them with the following areas: Show your sponsors how youve helped other sponsors achieve their goals by working with you. This list will go over common guidelines when creating a sponsorship proposal it doesnt have to strictly follow these rules. A sponsor doesnt need to know all of those details in order to make a decision, and if your business case is compelling, theyll check out your website and/or request this information from you. Do this with every prospect on your list and suddenly you will have more prospects than you know what to do with!
Along with information about the organization, general information about the event itself is needed as well. I can see where this is going. Lastly, include contact information for the prospective sponsors to send their booking form and ask any questions about surrounding your event, organization, and sponsorship. Youre painting the picture of your property and why it matters to your fans, so they have some context as you build your business case. As the Mayor of Podunk, Im delighted to support this new event taking place in our lovely city blah blah blah.. Pricing, Contact The thinking behind this is that the sponsor will get some kind of buzz that you went to the trouble.
I see a lot of sponsorship proposals, and most of them are terrible. If your proposal has any of the above, youre doing yourself and your property a disservice. If youve got a celebrity ambassador, put a sentence about it in your Overview and leave it at that. A sponsor will want to know how many people will be attending your event. Proposals dont sell sponsorship, people do! Since associations bring many similar people together, attendee demographics do not to be quite as detailed as other events. If this is any kind of major feature in your proposal a big reason that the sponsor should say yes you are putting yourself in a box marked 1992. Careers at Whova Around the time theyre telling you about their crush on their year six teacher, you head to the bathroom and then feign getting a text about some emergency and you really have to leave, like, now. Solution: Leave this stuff out completely.
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Youll also need to specify when the event will be, so the city, the venue, and/or virtual event format will need to be specified. By this thinking, theyre all good corporate citizens and giving back. To sponsor a trade show, most organizers need to purchase an exhibition booth as a requisite.
Once you have sent your sponsorship proposal to your prospect, give them a few days to sit with it. Every sponsor has at least some charitable/arts/grassroots sponsorships in their portfolio. Fire-Rescue Canadas event sponsorship example, ACS Spring 2021s event sponsorship example. You should not how many members are in the association and sponsorship at an association event can be highly targeted. You can also offerthem other advertising benefits they can exploit, such as discounts to event attendees and getting people to sign up for mailing lists. Second, those terms imply that sponsors should be giving back to the community. Have a number of contingencies based on events outside your control. I would say that getting the commitment from a sponsor is about 20% of the total work of sponsorship. Some of these types of events are a part of a conference.
You may find someone appropriate on my sponsorship broker registry. How a Great Sponsorship Proposal Follows a Hollywood Story Arc, Sponsorship Proposal Basics in About 15 Minutes, Disruptive Sponsorship: Like Disruptive Marketing, Only Better, sponsorship consulting and strategy sessions, Sponsorship Leverage vs Activation: The Difference and Why It Matters, 4 Warning Signs that a Sponsor is Planning to Exit, Sponsorship is Unallocated Funds, End of Story, The Rejection Letter Sponsors Wish They Could Send. Youre asking them to invest marketing money, with which they need to achieve a lot of objectives, but youre too self-centred to make that connection. In this article, we gathered a5 Step Guide to creating an Event Sponsorship Proposal and created4 Free Templatesspecific to an event typeto help you get inspired for how to prepare your next event sponsorship prospectus. Once the sponsor is convinced and excited to partner with your event, you need to give them a way to move to the next steps. The goal of most association events is to network and increase their membership.
You can always add a line in your covering note or at the end of the proposal to say that your event is spearheaded by a great executive team, and to find out more about them and the board, they can visit your website.
Event sponsors can help you fund your event, as well as add to its prestige. If one bank has interest in your brand then I bet they all do. Your sponsors want to connect with a particular group of people and they want that group of people to take a very specific action. Suite 200 Atlanta, GA 30305. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies.
Get context into the entire marketing & advertising landscape, What if you knew tomorrows news, today? Contact us. Dont do this! How do you normally engage in sponsorship? Companies are also looking to sponsor events to gain visibility and a positive reputation. Once youre done this exercise, challenge your group to come up with a list of five things not on the list and not being done by your competition. Lead Retrieval Before you ask your sponsors for money, tell them about your audience. I cover this approach in more detail in my article Five Questions for Every Prospect but here are the questions I always ask my prospects before I submit a sponsorship proposal: Here is a really simple sponsorship proposal template: Remember: your sponsorship package is not the sales toolyou are! Alternatively, and only if its short (like a couple of pages), you can include it in an addendum. Along with selling exhibit booths, expo organizers will also sell sponsorships as the main goal for these events is to make money. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. Now, for every sponsorship prospect youve added to your list, research their competitors. Connect with Chris via:The Sponsorship Collective|Twitter|LinkedIn, 2022 Sponsorship Collective.
.The attendee demographic section is very important so that potential sponsors can decide whether they will reach the target audience by sponsoring the conference. If you struggle, you should probably read, Sponsorship Pricing Basics. Cost and availability should also be specified somewhere in the table. When youre done, move on to your competitors and see who they are working with.
The key is to capture the attention of the potential sponsor because they will likely skim the proposal at first, so dont overcomplicate things make sure everything is presented clearly.
The best way to gauge potential traffic is by selling tickets in advance. Privacy Policy
Companies that have products and services related to the technology in the conference will be the best for sponsorship. Were talking gold-silver-bronze and the like. You should probably also read Last Generation Sponsorship Redux, as a good primer on what sponsorship is really about. Highlights: As you can see, writing an event sponsorship proposal can take quite some time and thought.
Instead, list your ideas (as discussed above) to help bring your audience and sponsor closer together while helping your sponsor achieve their goals. These templates will hopefully give you an idea of what to put on your sponsorship prospectus. If youre going to go to the trouble of putting together a strong business case and customised offer, you need to put a price on it, or youve wasted everyones time. How to Craft and Pitch a Sponsorship Proposal.
Do not include a section for your sponsor to cut out and mail back with their payment.
While you might want to squeeze as many sponsors into your venue as possible, not all locations are attractive. FAQ
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After several years as a sponsor (thats right, the one investing the money!) And the more of the above traits are in your proposals, the more doomed they are. Instead, open by telling your prospects that these are suggestions to get the process started. If youre a charity and you include this information, the inference is that it will be deductible as a donation. The intent is clearly to convey a sense of credibility, but its really not helping you. Tiered packages are usually displayed in two different ways. Plain and simple- dont talk about need or sad stories. You should seek outsponsors who align well with your event-goers. It has the whole process laid out in detail, including lots of checklists and templates.
Again, the thinking behind getting this kind of letter from someone in government or a celebrity ambassador is that it will lend credibility to your offer, but this isnt what builds credibility for a sponsor. The most effective way to determine the best suggestions is to conduct research on your prospects in order to find commonalities between your organization and the space they work within. Many of these events limit the number of sponsors they have so sponsorship opportunities are usually limited. Then, include a checklist for the sponsorship opportunities that prospective sponsors can fill out, like in the OECD Meeting event sponsorship example. If you have a media sponsorship, make sure to include their audience in this process.
This process is far easier than most people realize. Hottest Summer Brands Increasing Spending, News, tips and insights for those who sell to advertisers & agencies, Join John Zaldonis and guests for daily brand and agency news with Winmo's acclaimed insider info, Downloadable content that gives you an unfair advantage, Find out how much youre leaving on the table, Meet Winmo, a company fueled by passion, growth and yes - fun, Want to join our growing team? Get in touch with your sponsors, ask them what they thought of your sponsorship request, ask them what they thought of benefits and what advice they have to change your sponsorship package to better suit their needs. Further, a-la-carte sponsorship opportunities can work in three ways. Kent was looking to connect with a Coca-Cola marketing director. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. What youre selling could be amazing, but the way youre selling it isnt compelling. Write a preliminary proposal to your potential sponsors and be sure to include these five important points.