Moreover, it will guarantee continuous tracking of the vehicles and a clear management system.
Read the case study of Itransition's team delivering a BPM solution based on multiple customized Odoo modules for a Canadian car service provider.
The information includes each vehicles production year, configurations, mileage, and troublesome areas; their history of breakdowns and accidents; when, where, and why they were last serviced; what parts were replaced and how much they cost, along with other useful details.
They can also create different company-specific categories to make reports more detailed or customize the field to enable attaching receipt photos for more accountability. In addition to that, you can set up an insurance policy, in order to manage your fleet in the most efficient way possible. The Odoo 15 Fleet module ensures that a new contract for your company's vehicles is created.
The section also allows comparing the spending with previously recorded periods for the team to assess fleet spending dynamics. To create a service, click on CREATE button. Odoo 15 Fleet dashboard contains Fleet, Configuration, and Reporting. The List view of the Contracts window displays information such as Name, Contract Start Date, Status, Vendor, Recurring Cost, Contract Expiration Date, Driver, and Recurring Cost Frequency. Fleet managers can then schedule individual maintenance activities some time in advance directly on each vehicles page and assign them to responsible parties.
Moreover, in case of an unforeseen downtime on the road, drivers can log it in Odoo via the mobile app, allowing managers to take timely actions, change the ETA time, or re-optimize the route.
Display every cost connected with a provided vehicle or with a sort of service.

Manufacturers create things that are invented by a recognized company or a specific person.
The Odoo Fleet Management Module is a perfect solution for all worries your companys fleet operational concerns.
Against this backdrop, a proper tool for business process management can prove mission-critical for a vehicle-owning company in 2021.
Record every cost associated with your fleet in a transparent and thorough report, and establish a custom report with every information you require. Consider adding Manufacturers and Contracts to the Odoo 15 Fleet.
We are a one-stop shop for all your business needs, including Odoo Implementation, customization, integration, and support. All Odoo apps support Windows, Android and Cloud-Based. You can set the number of cars in the New Vehicle Request option.
Click on the Close Contract button stage changed to Closed.
When building a new route, fleet managers can easily glean the fleet vehicles location, maintenance state, fuel levels, and other metrics, and assign the most appropriate vehicle to it. Mail: It allows the labeling of vehicles so we can classify them according to the characteristics we want, for example, own vehicles, convertible vehicles, sedan vehicles, etc.
PayLoader automates the whole transportation process from an order placement to payment processing and client reviews management. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website.
I hope this brief analysis will help you. All of this contributes to the development of Contracts, Manufacturers, Odometers, Vehicle Models, Services, and Model Categories.
It allows to keep a history and record of the maintenance associated with a vehicle, as well as the possibility of scheduling said maintenance after a set time, they are associated with the expenses of the organization.
Thanks to the application of ODOO it is now very easy to keep track of your fleet. The integration provides managers with a full view of vehicle location and speeding history on the one hand, and vehicle performance data, from odometer readings to refueling to incidents, on the other.
The Fleet module makes it simple to create several contracts for vehicle repairs and maintenance. Determine registration number, brand and model, number of doors and seats, chassis number, colour, etc. Address: Bassam Commercial Complex, Kallai Road, Kozhikode 673002, India, Phone: (+91) 88912 49995 The Odoo 15 Fleet module allows you to add manufacturers and contracts to your company's fleet. This can assist the fleet manager to earmark the worries. This is based on user satisfaction (84/100), press buzz (61/100), recent user trends (rising), and other relevant information on Odoo Fleet gathered from around the web.
This tends to be a nuanced and time-consuming process, which can significantly affect the entire systems scalability and maintenance needs down the line.
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Some visual tools to help, not to be missed renewals or unsubscriptions.
For more details, Call us on +91 88912 49995 or +91 70250 75566 email us at or fill out the form to get a free consultation, Your email address will not be published.
To maintain a track of the vehicles mileage report odometer readings and predict service and repairs. The Odoo Fleet platform's Configuration tool allows users to simply configure the manufacturer's details. The Odoo Fleet module is a platform for handling vehicle contracts, vehicle costs, vehicle insurance, various orders, and vehicle fuel book entries in the most efficient way. No matter what be your business, if you are administering fleet-related operations, ERP tools can offer you assistance to handle the maintenance, registration, repair, driver and fuel consumption, and all the other facets of the vehicles.
The Contract governs the holding time, price, and date of automobiles.
Germany near Munich airport But when a vehicle goes out of operation unexpectedly due to an accident, poor weather, or a breakdown, it can result in unfulfilled contracts, missed deadlines, or tarnished reputation, and almost inevitablymoney loss. And also you can see this in Kanban, Graph and Pivot.
Arrange the services nearby the vehicles and talk with the qualified service providers; handle invoices and notes.
With the Odoo Fleet Management System we can have an updated monitoring that allows us to record the consumption and costs associated with a vehicle, which we will then be able to consult quickly and with reports segmented by dates or periods.
The vehicle page in the Odoo fleet management module has the Services tab where managers or drivers can log the costs of maintenance works. Copyright 2022. Allows you to store detailed information about a vehicle such as make, model, license plate, chassis number, number of doors and seats, color, type of fuel used, among others. The adoption of geospatial tech and vehicle tracking technology in particular has proved to make a tremendous difference for fleet-owning SMEs and large enterprises. After installation, you can see the Fleet in Odoo. ContractsA record of Contracts is provided in the fleet contract system of companies. Organize services around the vehicles, and communicate with quality service providers, as well as manage invoices and notes. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.
The Odoo 15 Fleet module aids in the management of Contracts and Manufacturers for your company's cars.
This Contract specifies the start date, the recurring fee, the owner's name, and the vehicle. With a GPS tracker integrated into Odoo, fleet managers can also measure each vehicles fuel consumption during each trip and identify drivers engaging in behavior that wastes fuel. Go to Fleet >> Fleet >> Configuration >> Model Category, Now you can see the list of Model Categories.You have to create New Category, click on CREATE button.
The Odoo Fleet module also includes Services, Vehicle Creation, Cost Analysis, and Model Category. The wide array of easy-to-install modules makes Odoo a universal platform that can be tailored to workflows of fleet-owning companies across industries and their evolving business needs. Recurring costs of your contracts (such as leasing and service contracts) are automatically added to your accounting at the beginning of each period of the frequency specified in the contracts, and all other costs (like fuel and repairs) are automatically added to your report, as well. After filling out this form, you can click the Save button to save the details.
Odoo 14 really has it all! Register all refills for all the cars to supervise fuel consumption, or connect all the vehicles to a particular fuel card to record transactions automatically. Yes, you can get a web-service API to access all your custom objects easily. Also, the lack of some advanced features is offset by the platforms high customizability, either through the efforts of Odoo developers or with over 25,000+ ready-made modules on Odoo App Store.
Rights: At any time you can limit, recover and delete your information. HOW TO CREATE A MANUFACTURING ORDER FROM SALE ORDER, Usage of Subcontracting in Odoo| Manufacturing Module, Odoo Web Library | Creating a Field Widget.
The data is then automatically compiled and configured into easy-to-interpret reports, so the team can accurately gauge the fleets maintenance needs and craft a preventive fleet maintenance program that would cater to each vehicles specific needs, ensuring a sufficient number of vehicles is always in service. Fleet -> Fleet -> Services.Then go to the Services window, as shown below.
Manage every contract for your vehicles and obtain a warning email when contracts get to their expiration date.
But opting for Odoo, companies also tap into more long-term benefits arising from process digitization and visibility. You can also use Odoo Fleet to manage leasing, and all other contracts, with ease. Cheers. It allows managers to assign disciplinary issues to employees for them to explain their behavior and determine final actions against the wrongdoers.
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The Odoo Fleet Management System can be integrated into the other variety of modules available on this platform, so we can even associate fuel expenses with our employees' expenses or automatically record fleet movements in our accounting reports, all from a single tool and with automated processes. To start parameterizing the module, we simply have to activate the developer mode of our odoo, then go to the fleet menu and look for the Configuration session, in it we will find a series of master that we detail below: Vehicle Tags: This master gives us the possibility to classify or label our vehicles by various characteristics such as the type of vehicle (Sedan, Convertible), the type of status (bought, rented) or simply who can use a vehicle (employees, managers).Once the masters have been created, we simply have to register our vehicles to which we are going to associate the brand, model, license plate, driver, their properties, their value and acquisition date, among other characteristics. In our latest version, users can compute allowable deductions from vehicles and link them to a vendor bill with an analytic account, archive vehicle makes and models, and a new vehicle type (bicycle) was introduced.
Likewise, the tool gives us E-mail notifications associated with expiration of contracts linked to a vehicle, added to this, it gives us the possibility of properly analyzing the costs of all our fleet, which allows us to make a quick analysis of the decisions to be made on the sustainability and performance of our vehicles. Then you can go to Fleet -> Configuration -> Manufacturers.
If you need to view the reviews in Kanban and Graph format, you may click on the respective icons on the window.
If you want to create a new Odometer click on CREATE button.
But its seamless connection with the Accounting and Employee modules is where Odoo really shines, as it enables fleet managers to carry out operational and strategic planning and navigate some emerging and persistent challenges. No extra code required. It has fast and advanced reports that allow us to have a clear idea of our vehicles and our fleet in general.
Then go to the Fleet module; you can see the below view. So there is no wonder that 72% of the respondents of the previously cited Verizon report had GPS fleet tracking software in 2020, and more are likely to adopt it in 2021.
It allows you to manage any variety of contracts and leasing taking into account their execution and completion date, as well as the initial costs of the contract and those recurring costs, in the same way, it sends an email message when these contracts are about to expire. Because fleet management is so interwoven with many other organizational workflows, including human resources, project management, accounting, and others, a dedicated solution will need to be integrated with the corporate digital infrastructure. If you want to create a new vehicle model, click the Create button.
Odoo Fleet is revolutionary with its analysis and reporting. Go back to the Vehicles Page, Click on Contacts Tab on the top right side you can see all details of the vehicle contract.And the contract stage is IN PROGRESS.
We can write other information about this service in the Notes field.
With Odoo, fleet managers can mitigate the preventable causes of unforeseen downtimes and keep vehicles on the road when needed.
This, together with spiraling vehicle operating costs and budget constraints, also puts a premium on preventative fleet maintenance and safe driver behavior. Manage all vehicle contracts and receive e-mails with warnings before a contract expires.
How to Configure, Create & Manage the Deferred Expense in Odoo Version 15. Purpose of the data: Control SPAM, comment management. 84051 Altheim
Here you can view any vehicle model available for your company, and the number of vehicles for each model is also displayed. Any company having commercial vehicles sooner or later understands the difference that dedicated management software can make for their fleets productivity and cost-efficiency. For some enterprises, it is simply the keystone of a well-running business. It has an advanced management of the vehicle's odometer that you can then associate with the fuel consumption record, which allows us to know the fuel consumption per kilometer that becomes an advanced management of expenses.
Last but not least, Odoo can help companies meet their environmental and safety goals without loss of productivity. Have a day by day track of every vehicle maintenance requirements, to forecast services and maintain a track of repairs.
Users can compare different types of costs (which vehicles cost the most; which services have been performed on which vehicles; etc.)
Maintain the main points: procurement, maintenance, subsequent delivery,? Dont waste time with multiple applications.
then click on the RESET TO DRAFT button stage become change into INCOMING and start your contract.
A variety of master data to use the tool more efficiently, the main masters are: Vehicle Model, Vehicle Make, Vehicle Status, Type of Services, Vehicle Tags, Vehicles and Drivers.
You can generate the report in graphs by clicking on these reports.
This is necessary to effectively manage your companys fleet. Lets now have a closer look at Odoos fleet management capabilities and the positive effect they can have on fleet operation.
The ongoing rise of ecommerce is putting a strain on companies transportation resources, while the shifting consumer demands require enhanced responsiveness and productivity from fleets.

Although the issue of drivers safety is multi-faceted, spanning corporate culture, hiring decisions, training, etc., fleet managers also have an impact on mitigating it on their part. 14 With Odoo Fleet, you can monitor all your costs at once.
An efficient fleet management system will help the business to manage all vehicle-related operations like repair, maintenance, etc.
Planned downtime is an effective fleet maintenance measure.
Odoo's advanced Fleet Management System has a variety of features, among which we can highlight: The Odoo Fleet Management System is between the native modules of Odoo Community and Enterprise, we just have to install the version that we like the most, go to the APP tab and activate the Fleet module, the module does not need any technical configuration as it automatically creates all the necessary configurations.
Odoo Fleet allows you to manage your vehicles, contracts, costs, insurances, and assignments without any pain or frustration. Learn the difference between CRM and ERP systems and find out whether your business needs a CRM, an ERP, or both.
Required fields are marked *. The Third menu available under the Fleet tab of the Odoo Fleet module is the Services menu.
There are also several visual tools in place to ensure that youll remember to renew (or end) your contract.
First and foremost, Odoo provides managers with a comprehensive view of the fleets state and operating conditions.
Recognize and follow the money spent by your firm for every fleet vehicle. As with all Odoo applications, you can choose the number of users you would like.
We are a team of passionate people whose goal is to improve everyone's life through disruptive products.
Moreover, by calculating vehicles CO2 emissions using odometer and GPS data, the team can pinpoint vehicles with unreasonably high emissions, and recommend company leadership to replace them with more fuel-efficient models on reasonable grounds.
This app makes fleet management an absolute breeze! Beyond that, vehicle location data alone is not enough to manage fleet operations proactively and build optimal and cost-efficient routes, where all potential complications are accounted for.
Various visual tools are established to assure that you'll recall to renew (or end) your contract.
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