This was all I needed to get it to leave the "Restoring" state after restoring a backup of this database to a different DB name.

How to end this state without stopping SQL Server services? If you're using one of these applications in the Virtual Office or Software as a Service (SaaS) environment, contact Support to request a database restore. If you prefer, you can observe the process or restore in real-time based query.

If you're stuck in "restoring" process you can bring back a database to online state by executing: If there's a need for multiple files restoring, CLI commands requires WITH NORECOVERY and WITH RECOVERY respectively - only the last file in command should have WITH RECOVERY to bring back the database online: You can use SQL Server Management Studio wizard also: There is also virtual restoring process, but you'll have to use 3rd party solutions. After several hours of issue tracking, the following query worked for me. So I right-clicked it in Management Studio, hit Refresh and it was back to normal. Failing to restore a SQL database from Snapshot. I had a . Right-click the CS Professional Suite database (for example, ACS_XXX_FIRM or CSP_XXX_[firm database name]), and then choose Tasks > Restore > Database from the context menu. Thanks! I restored using the Mng Studio wizard, entered a new database name but by mistake left the filenames as the same as an existing database. The backup contains both a data and log file: You can now choose to sort by Trending, which boosts votes that have happened recently, helping to surface more up-to-date answers. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. How can I clone an SQL Server database on the same server in SQL Server 2008 Express? Blamed in front of coworkers for "skipping hierarchy". As follow: There can also be problem deleting a stuck database if snapshot is enabled. Ran into a similar issue while restoring the database using SQL server management studio and it got stuck into restoring mode. RESTORE DATABASE successfully processed 0 pages in 18.530 seconds run command: drop database [snapshot database], and then run the command in step 2 again. I almost done it on production environment. In the twin paradox or twins paradox what do the clocks of the twin and the distant star he visits show when he's at the star? In my case, I had to add ',RESTART' to the WITH clause, to solve the issue. Launch SQL Server Management Studio by choosing Start > All Programs > Microsoft SQL Server > SQL Server Management Studio. This solved my problem. Started my MS SQL Management studio with normal login. Worked perfectly - without needing to tear it down and up again. Let check and run SQL Agent Service firstly. Uncheck the file, and click OK. Restore process is much faster and also can save a lot of space on disk drive. RESTART, REPLACE; All the WITH RECOVERY based options did not work for me. In the Specify Backup dialog, click the Add button, browse to the location of the database that you want to restore, select the backup file, and click OK. Mark the checkbox in the Restore column next to the database file to be restored. How can I delete using INNER JOIN with SQL Server? Are shrivelled chilis safe to eat and process into chili flakes? How can recreate this bubble wrap effect on my photos? Site design / logo 2022 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. Remember, THE LAST RESTORE QUERY MUST HAVE RECOVERY OPTION. Corporate technology solutions for global tax compliance and decision making.

Some people have theorized that it's because there was no log file in the backup, and it needed to be rolled forward using: And exactly what you want in a catastrophic situation is a restore that won't work. I copied both of these files to another folder. Why is the US residential model untouchable and unquestionable? Why does the capacitance value of an MLCC (capacitor) increase after heating? I need stop "Restoring" state to continue using db. If you choose to restore a firm database over an existing one, you will overwrite data for all clients included within that database. Relief, it worked!! Trending is based off of the highest score sort and falls back to it if no posts are trending. however when running with microsoft sql server management studio It works just fine. Thank you. I believe, the catch is the to have the .mdf and .log file in the same directory. // ]]>. I had a similar issue with restoring using SQL Management Studio. Simply stopping/cancelling the in process restore should have the same effect. How to stop a restore of a database with Microsoft SQL Server 2005? I tried it on local first, ended up in this same situation and found your comment. I had a similar problem today with a SQL Server 2005 database. Use the following procedure to install the latest version of the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio application on your server. WITH Tipu, thanks for that. All the LDF and MDF files related to this database have gone from DATA folder (mentioned in step 2). OK, I have similar problem and exactly as it was in case of Pauk, it was caused by the server running out of disk space while restoring and so caused a permanent restoring state. A cloud-based tax and accounting software suite that offers real-time collaboration. Perfectly! Valid database file extensions include .bdf or .bak. And now the database is stuck in the restoring state. On step 10, I chose to overwrite the existent files. Why Sql Server Database froze on restoring? CREATE DATABASE or ALTER DATABASE failed because the resulting Never the less, I propose another possible solution for those that tried the RESTORE DATABASE WITH RECOVERY Usually you can use a database backup as live online database. you only wish to restore a database backup and then be able to access the database. Connect with other professionals in a trusted, secure, environment open to Thomson Reuters customers only. This command appears to have restored the database to its prior state. This solution worked and the response I got was. And restore again. SQL Server: Database stuck in Restoring state with PHP, sql server database stuck in restoring state. Created a new database with the same name (same name of the one I deleted in step 6 - the culprit database). Interestingly, I logged onto the SQL server directly and issued the. Scientifically plausible way to sink a landmass. I was trying to restore a backup to a side database, but my main database went into a restoring state for some reason. Chat with Triva
Thanks! Should I remove older low level jobs/education from my CV at this point? How to restore to a different database in SQL Server? I had a similar incident with stopping a log shipping secondary server. Learn more. creating a backup of the .mdf and .ldf files in the data folder, put the .mdf and.ldf files back into the data folder, Attach the instance to the .mdf and .ldf files. You may have more sucess using the restore database wizard in SQL Server Management Studio. I got the error "restore failed but log tail successful" and database attached to those files was stuck in a restoring state. WHERE dbid = DB_ID('db_name'); RESTORE DATABASE FROM DISK = 'DB_path' WITH RECOVERY option is used by default when RESTORE DATABASE/RESTORE LOG commands is executed. per database. In the transactions files if you see a file checked, then SQL server is trying to restore from this file. You can take a look on infographic here for some comparison. If you are in this state, then your best bet is to: 1. Why does hashing a password result in different hashes, each time? I ran the following query against the SQL Server instance and found that the database immediately became usable: You need to use the WITH RECOVERY option, with your database RESTORE command, to bring your database online as part of the restore process. In most cases you would not need to use the following restore procedures. Announcing the Stacks Editor Beta release! Script the DB drop, recreate and then restore. Rename or delete the Database and Log files (C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\Data) or wherever you have the files; Otherwise, if your database is set up with, run command: drop database [your database], which will give you an error telling you the name of the snapshot database. The original database showed the error. We had a DB stuck in restore for 2 hours. I've never had to use the recovery statement when doing what he is doing. Log into the server itself and fire up the default SSMS program on the actual database server. I opened the DATA folder where the Ldf and Mdf files resides in the SQL directory, normally its like : After the download is complete, navigate to and double-click the SSMS-Setup-ENU.exe file to begin the installation. in my database name, and the query didn't work because of that (saying Incorrect syntax near '.') 3 Dbs of 80+ Gb each takes a while ! Killed all other SPIDs from new session but still stuck. This may be fairly obvious, but it tripped me up just now: If you are taking a tail-log backup, this issue can also be caused by having this option checked in the SSMS Restore wizard - "Leave source database in the restoring state (WITH NORECOVERY)". Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers, Reach developers & technologists worldwide, I had the exact same issue and all of the solutions failed. I have actually started doing this by default. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. hideHotTopics = true;
Lesson learned: Use scripts and don't trust SSMS in important situations. What did was to do the complete restore from Management Studio. After the restore job completed the database remained in a "Restoring" state. I got this issue when restoring a copy-only file back-up of a database to a new database. Yes, I was using NORECOVERY but the restore process hangs. Try our solution finder tool for a tailored set of products and services. I had no disk space issues-- the database simply didn't come out of the "Restoring" state. Done. However, if the situation arises, you can follow these steps to install the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express application and restore your firm's data from there. @ErikE For me, SQL server said it can't drop a database in the middle of a restore, even though it wasn't really restoring. @ErikPhilips In that case I suppose one is back to stopping the service. The 'RECOVERY' options, finish all transactions and let the database ready to perform transactions. (optional), Best practices for safeguarding your firm and client data. I have got the MyDbName (Restoring) case because of SQL Express licensed limit. Find the backup file that was used for the Tail Log back up 3. If you need assistance with installing Microsoft SQL Management Studio, contact a qualified IT professional. What would the ancient Romans have called Hercules' Club? Expand the Databases folder in the Object Explorer pane. Then I started all the SQL related services (in step 1) again from windows services. That would help to avoid the impression of having just copied it in the hope of getting reputation. Restore the backup The restore should succeed and bring the database back online. SELECT filename Find centralized, trusted content and collaborate around the technologies you use most. If you needed to keep it, copy the MDF file and rename it and attach it as a new database. This helped me in get rid of database in Restoring state which I wanted to remove altogether. Tks for the tip. I resolved this by adding double quotes around - single quotes wouldn't work giving an "Incorrect syntax near " error. Integrated software and services for tax and accounting professionals. All SQL Commands require that the client stay connected the entire time. This actually recovered my DB. Then I right-clicked on Databases and selected Refresh which removed the entry in the SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS). To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. [db name].mdf and [db name]_log.ldf. We're sorry. Why is rapid expansion/compression reversible? Worked for me on SQL Server 2008 R2. @mrdenny: i would have assumed that changes get undone when a client disconnects. If you are working in a Windows 10 environment, we recommend that you install SQL Server 2014 or later. [database name]->right click -> tasks -> Bring Online. Was able to drop database as solution. I then Copied both the files (from step 3) back to the DATA folder (step 2). If still unable to locate the database backup, attempt to move it to a local drive and attempt to browse for it again. Email
It could be an explicit way or not. I have the same problem running this command with PHP PDO driver from microsoft. Worked immediately. But it still showed as being "In Recovery" state. Worked for me but only when I removed the double-quotes -- I just had [MY_DB_NAME] as the parameter. Some SSMS restore wizard defaults will leave the source DB in restoring state such that you can continue restoring various backups or logs with no fear of users, and this command is proper way to return the DB to normal once you are done. By default, every RESTORE DATABASE comes with RECOVERY set up. option and it still didn't work. Cannot handle OpenDirect push notification when iOS app is not launched. I wonder how to make my php application connected the entire time ? Afterwards I did a new restore which worked fine (note that bringing it offline did not work, a restart of the SQL service did not work, a server reboot did not work as well). "C:\Program Files***********\MSSQL\DATA, Then I copied both the Ldf and Mdf files of the database: Ensure that all users have closed CS Professional Suite applications. I tried to restore a backup of the database to a new one with a different name. Also, code-only answers (which is the main visible difference) are not appreciated here, because they give the wrong impression that StackOverflow is a free code writing service, I fixed the formatting, just to make the similarity to the older answer more obvious. This worked for me too. Right click on the culprit database and hit DELETE (to delete the database at all). The likelihood of data for a single client becoming corrupt is very low; therefore, backing up and restoring data for clients individually would be an ineffective defense against data corruption, hardware failure, or a similar scenario. But you could learn to do that here, SQL Server: Database stuck in "Restoring" state, How APIs can take the pain out of legacy system headaches (Ep. So if you are trying to restore a bigger database, you need to switch your SQL Express server to Developer edition for instance. The following query restores the database from an existing backup to a previous state. How do I UPDATE from a SELECT in SQL Server? (0.000 MB/sec). Thanks a bunch! This way you can select the specific file locations, the overwrite option, and the WITH Recovery option. Thanks a bunch. When the database file has been restored successfully, click OK. Then I realized that I need a bracket for the name: Use the following command to solve this issue, In my case, it was sufficient to drop the database which was hanging in state "Restoring" with the SQL command. We ran this command from a different machine against master and it fixed us right up. This was the minimal solution I've tried to resolve this issue (stuck database in restoring state) and I hope it can be applied to more cases. If the client who issued the RESTORE DATABASE command disconnects during the restore, the restore will be stuck. For me this worked: Have you tried running a VERIFY ONLY? What purpose are these openings on the roof? Then [database name]->right click -> tasks -> Take Offline. I had a situation where my database showed restoring state and I couldn't run any queries and couldn't connect with our software. Data Imbalance: what would be an ideal number(ratio) of newly added class's data? Can you tell us why? It's like it got corrupted or something. Solving hyperbolic equation with parallelization in python by elucidating Mathematica algorithm. I ended up resolving this by deleting the files as mentioned but instead of trying to restore the DB again I copied over fresh .mdf and .ldf files and Attached these using the Front End Attachment wizard. In the US, how do we make tax withholding less if we lost our job for a few months? It took FOREVER to copy over the new files as I am using a Virtual Machine so copying and pasting using the clipboard took like an hour itself so I would only recommend this as a last attempt. 465), Design patterns for asynchronous API communication. We had a SAN failure in the middle of a restore and this was a quick and clean solution. Cannot open backup device. In your CS Professional Suite application Practice CS, FileCabinet CS, Accounting CS, or Workpapers CS data for all of your firm's clients is stored in a single SQL database. Using WITH RECOVERY, REPLACE it doesn't hang the process anymore. I have had this problem when I also recieved a TCP error in the event log Drop the DB with sql or right click on it in manager "delete" Right Click database go to Tasks --> Restore --> Transaction logs Comprehensive research, news, insight, productivity tools, and more. The 'NORECOVERY' options, basically tells the SQL Server that the database is waiting for more restore files (could be a DIFF file and LOG file and, could include tail-log backup file, if possible). Review by SQL Hammer about ApexSQL Restore. Operating System error 5, SQL Server Restore Error - Access is Denied, Create Duplicate SQL Database for Testing. @FistOfFury If a previous restore operation on the same database is in a suspended/sleeping state then yes. I tried all of the above none of them fully worked, I especially thought the suggestion to stop the service and deleting the mdf and ldf files would work but it still froze up on restore? Note: If you are not restoring over a database, right-click the Databases folder and choose Restore Database. Add a column with a default value to an existing table in SQL Server, How to check if a column exists in a SQL Server table, How to concatenate text from multiple rows into a single text string in SQL Server, LEFT JOIN vs. LEFT OUTER JOIN in SQL Server. When adding a new disk to RAID 1, why does it sync unused space? In therms of T-SQL, the situation: WITH REPLACE option must be used with caution as it can lead to data loss, Or, if you perform a FULL and DIFF backup, you can use this. Just to make sure it's a sound backup. I had this situation restoring a database to an SQL Server 2005 Standard Edition instance using Symantec Backup Exec 11d. After the command to remove the server from log shipping and stopped the log shipping from primary server the database on secondary server got stuck in restoring status after the command. Our continued learning packages will teach you how to better use the tools you already own, while earning CPE credit. This worked. At first this failed and after fixing the new database's file names it was successfully performed - in any case the issue I'm describing re-occurred even if I got this right from the first time. That way you don't have to stop the service. Perfectly forwarding lambda capture in C++20 (or newer).