This workshop is designed for renewing Solid Waste Operators that became certified prior to 2011. Make your online reservation for state park cabins, camping sites, shelters and lodges. That is up to each individual operatorto find, schedule and verify qualification and attendance to those classes. Carey Hurlburt has retired! 24 hours (CEUs) of course work which has been approved by the department. Additionally, these operators at solid waste facilities encounter wastes that may be contaminated with illegal substances and attendees will learn what to do in these situations including when Narcan may be needed. Landfill Post-Closure Care for Consultants 8AM Iowa's natural resources plates include the state bird and flower, pheasant, eagle, buck and a Brook trout. Instructors will cover how to handle, manage and address the following wastes that may come into the facility:clandestine drug and explosive labs, waste ammunition, flares, fireworks and even blasting caps. Attendees will learn how to handle a used oil spill at their facility and how to manage used oil that has been brought to their facility that is contaminated. Register Here Composting Basics: Don't Oversimplify It Used Oil, Part I Learn how you like to learn, at your pace, at your convenience. Request for Certified Iowa Municipal Sanitary Landfill Operator CEU Request for Certified Incinerator Operator CEU For a list of pre-approved course dates and locations, please contact any of the following: Other courses may also be eligible with prior approval from the Department. The instructors have developed a practical method for clarifying the parts of the operating plan and what facility activities should and can be covered in the plan. Facility Managers: Post-Closure Landfill Monitoring and Maintenance CEUs for renewal of operator certification are often offered by: Requests for Alternate CEUs can be submitted through theAlternate CEU Approval Form. July 22, 2022 Experience Iowa's natural beauty and all the fun our state parks offer. This workshop is designed to address how landfills fit into the waste management hierarchy and to delve into the management of specific wastes at a landfill site. Instructors will discuss how asbestos is regulated and what operators need to know at their facilities, including identifying asbestos and what should be included in operating plans. NHDES notifies processed applicants of the next opportunity to trainand test; that status is withdrawn if the operator does not attend. of post-closure annual facility reports; andGroundwater monitoring permits (maintaining them and understanding the monitoring results). Operating Plans This entitles them to work at solid waste facilities in NewHampshireuntil they attend basic training and take the examination. What? Pollution Prevention and Household Hazardous Waste This workshop is designed to identify how residuals from wastewater treatment plants, septic activities and even cooking can relate to operations at solid waste facilities. To become a certified operator an individual shall: Operator certification is valid for 3 years from the date of issuance. Recognized by several states as the standard for solid waste professionals, SWANA Certification identifies you as an asset within the The attendee will learn about the early history of solid waste landfills in NH, how they have been closed and how they are monitored for the protection of human health and the environment. Landfills: What You Never Knew You Needed to Know This workshop is a hodge-podge of a variety of topics that directly affect the personal health and safety of solid waste facility workers. Contact Information by County. NHDES partnered with Northeast Recycling Council to hold a workshop to assist solid waste operators, municipal officials and interested parties on pertinent solid waste issues in the Northeast. Instructors are from the Northeast Recycling Council. Operators of Connecticut landfills, transfer stations, volume reduction facilities, resources recovery facilities, recycling facilities (MRFs/IPCs)and general permitted facilities must take a virtual training classes and take an examination to obtain DEEP certification. Topics will focus on issues specific to collection/storage/transfer solid waste facilities. Customer Service: 515-725-8200 | Iowa DNR Headquarters Wallace State Office Building | 502 East 9th Street, 4th Floor | Des Moines, IA 50319-0034, Scholastic Action Shooting Program (SASP), Declaratory Orders and Rulemaking Petitions, State Conservation and Outdoor Recreation Plan, Appliance Demanufacturer Operator Certification. on what does and doesnt work for them and why., Kelly Vrooman
They must be stored properly and taped. 2) Determining what recycling strategies will work best for your community and facility. After submitting an initial application, all operators will receive a packet of information including the Instructions for Registering and Logging in to the Online SWOT Basic Training. The training will include open discussion and two industry representatives. This workshop is designed for municipal officials, motor vehicle recycling facilities and other interested parties. Operators should bring either their Basic Training Manual orBMP Manual to each of the workshops in order to build and update their library of information. Natural Resource Plates. This link should not be shared with others. This workshop is designed as a follow-up to the Asbestos workshop. NHDES partnered with the NH State Police Bomb Squad to provideinformation to solid waste operators on how to properly address such situations. Mock Inspection of a NH Transfer Station Our experts will also outline each party's responsibility for operating, licensing and certifying compliance at the local level. Textiles Recovery and Diversion Additionally, attendees will learn of the options for processing C&D including recycling, restoring, treating and finally landfilling if there is no other alternative. Viewing the webinar recording counts toward 30 minutes of continuing professional development hours. NHDES has developed BMPs for the compliance requirements of motor vehicle salvage yards.
Safety & Risk Management at Solid Waste Facilities Certification is good for three years, This two-day course (with exam) is for professionals pursuing careers in demolition waste/industrial waste landfill management. NHDES Solid Waste Operator Training Program has partnered with Mark King from the State of Maine, DEP to offer workshops for solid waste operators as well as municipal officials, composting facilities, community gardens looking to implement composting as well as the public. Connecticut's Extreme Hot Weather Protocol will be activated from 8AM on Tuesday, July 19, through 8PM on Sunday, July 24, 2022.
Looking for chapter training? Sections 22a-209-6 and 22a-231-1 of the Connecticut Solid Waste Management Regulationsrequires the certification and training for operators of all solid waste facilitiesthat are permitted or authorized by the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP). New landfill operators are required to take a 25 hour class prior to examination, and incinerator operators must take a 12 hour class prior to examination. These courses provide you with the tools to obtain your certification as required by Minn. R. ch. Adequate verification of at least 2.5 hours of continuing professional development within the previous 12 months. The MPCA administers the certification program and provides workshops and conferences to help you stay up-to-date on your certification. Questions? There are over 250 inactive (closed) landfills in New Hampshire that require post-closure care, including inspection, monitoring and maintenance. Basic Training Refresher The Solid Waste Management Bureau (SWMB) Staff will be available to answer questions from solid waste facility representatives regarding completing that year's AFR for active solid waste facilities. Please contact, Department of Energy and Environmental Protection, Regulating Waste Storage, Treatment, Transportation & Disposal. Annual Facility Report for Active SW Facilities, Post-Closure Report for Inactive SW Landfills. The SWOT Programhosts CPD for operators throughout the year. This workshop is designed for solid waste operators who handle batteries of any kind or who may come into contact with household hazardous waste.
Sample education and outreach materials for customers and residents will be provided. Fostering Greener Yards: A Look at the NHDES Motor Vehicle Salvage Yard Program
For more information please review the operator certification rules. The materials provided will assist facility representatives in updating the operating and closure plans specific to the solid waste facility in which they represent. Scrap Metal & Stormwater Management Use this form to renew your certification. Seats in this workshop will be held for SW Operators and town officials in charge of implementing composting at a permitted solid waste facility. Instructors will familiarize operators with how the electronics recycling industry works; identify who the recyclers are; understand the role of certification in the recycling industry and answer questions regarding the e-waste recycling markets. Operators and others who attend this workshop shouldbe familiar with their most current post-closure annual facility report, landfill closure plan,monitoring data. For online sessions, attendees are encouraged to send the SWOT Coordinator ( photos of odd batteries received at the facility. Attendees should bring their records, questions, concerns and anything else they might need so that the SWMB Staff can fully answer their questions. All online classes are recorded so that they may be viewed at a later date. For in-person sessions, attendees are encouraged to bring odd batteries received at the facility with them to training. This workshop is designed for municipalities that are looking to either implement or change their existing Pay As You Throw Programs. When attendees leave the workshop, they should have information, knowledge and/or the beginnings of a plan of action on the following. & Why? Instructors are from the Northeast Recycling Council.
Find our Chapter Events here. You must also include proof that you took the required course.Compost Facility Operator Application(542-0026)Pre-Approved Compost Operators Training Courses are offered by: Pre-Approved Transfer Station Operator Training Courses are also offered byEVORA Consulting.Other courses may also be eligible with prior approval from the Department. In 2020, additional topics of Category IV permit requirements including information pertaining to transfer stations and fire weather, recommended burn days and smoke management were included. This workshop is designed for renewing Solid Waste Operators who are in a supervisory or management position at a solid waste facility. The operator shall submit to NHDESthe followingto renew: If NHDES receives the application after the expiration date, but within 90 days following the expiration date, operators must pay an additional $25. Pay As You Throw, Recycling Strategies and Toxics in Packaging Things that Go Bang! . Electronic Waste Management Attendees will learn: how to determine if a solid waste is a hazardous waste; rules and regulations for household hazardous waste (HHW); how to sponsor a HHW Collection Day; and about various types of batteries and how to manage/recycle them. File an application with the department on a form provided by the department. Instructors are from the Northeast Waste Management Officials' Association. To apply, submitthemost up-to-dateinitial applicationorcontact the SWOT Programfor a copy. This workshop will provide participants with information on the environmental and economic benefits of recovering textiles and on what kinds of textiles are acceptable. Solid Waste operators need to be prepared for storm debris to come to their facility consisting of approved and prohibited waste. Each registrant will receive a confirmation email with a unique link to join the training. When training sessions are scheduled, they will be available on the NMED Events Calendar. Instructors are from the NHDES Air Resources and Waste Management Divisions. Best Management Practices for Transfer Stations All rights reserved.1100 Wayne Avenue, Suite 650, Silver Spring, MD 20910|Phone: 1.800.467.9262|Fax: 301.589.7068Web Design and Development by Matrix Group International, Inc. Signatures on complete sign-in sheets for live classes; Attachments to renewal form with the following information: Brief description of events and include how it pertains to the applicant's job at the solid waste facility; AND. SWANA is taking its first-rate industry education on the road! Food Scrap Management Instructors will give a brief history on septage, discuss biosolids and how they are used at solid waste facilities, and instruct operators how to determine what is flushable or not. Attendees will learn about construction and demolition (C&D) debris and asbestos, what can and cannot be burned in a burn pile, ash management, and alternatives to open burning. This training would also be applicable to any DPW employee. Implementing Compost Activities at Your SW Facility This class is a NEW workshop and has been updated from previous Safety Sessions where NHDES partnered with Primex. An application is required for individuals interested in taking an exam to obtain either a Sanitary Landfill Operator Certificate or Solid Waste Incinerator Operator Certificate. Operators that understand the requirements are in a better position to properly maintain their facility, control operating costs, and protect public health and the environment. industry and as a leader among your peers. . Join Reagan Bissonnette and Bonnie Bethune of the Northeast Resource Recovery Association, a recycling nonprofit, for a workshop on understanding recycling markets and practical tips for municipalities. NHDES Solid Waste Operator Training Program has partnered with Mark King from the State of Maine to offer workshops for solid waste operators as well as municipal officials, composting facilities, community gardens looking to implement composting as well as the public. Other courses may also be eligible with prior approval from the Department. NHDES has developed a curriculum for solid waste operators that meets the definition of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) (Env-Sw 1603.03). To request Landfill Continuing Education course approval, please submit the form below to the Iowa Department of Natural Resources for approval of Contact Hours/Continuing Education Units for licensed landfill operators. (Nine contact hours). Appliance Demanufacturing Certificate Training information can be found at. They are designed to protect public health and the environment. Get the Dirt on Biosolids & Yellow Grease Instructors will discuss the terminology that has been used over the last 30 years including the misconceptions of those terms. Attendees will learn Best Management Practices and compliance issues with used oil. Gain a competitive advantage. Instructors will focus on health and safety at these locations and any emergency actions that must be taken. We are currently filling a waitlist for the courses below. For renewals, simply submit a certification application form (below) requesting renewal within 6 months of yourexpiration date on your certificate. The class will round out with a discussion on yellow grease and how to implement a collection program at their solid waste facility. Operators may choose to taketraining from athird partyvendor. RENEWAL CERTIFICATES:Operators who are currently certified no longerneed to re-attend the certification class for a renewal certificate. This workshop is designed for renewing Solid Waste Operators who are in a supervisory or management position at a municipal solid waste facility as well as any municipal official who would like to learn more about full cost accounting (FCA). The MPCA is following this guidance for learners and partners participating in agency training and certification events. Acompleted and signedrenewal application. Have room to improve or learn something new? This responsibility is contained in RSA Chapter 236 sections 111 through 129. help you build a strong skill set of abilities, qualities, and experiences you can apply to perform better, become an expert in a certain topic, and progress in your career. Type II and Type III Certification Class applicants who intend to take the Certification Exam on the second day of training will need to complete this application form and submit it with their registration. Instructors will not be completing the AFR or PCR forms for the solid waste facility representatives. Within 30 days of hire, all operatorsemployed at a solid waste facilitymust submit a complete applicationwith a$50 fee to NHDES. This workshop will guide operators on how to set-up and maintain an electronics waste recycling program at their facility. 7048. Have at least one year of experience in the operation of a facility of the same type as that for which certification is sought. To see all of the pre-recorded webinars, you may either view the table below or go to the NHDES SWOT Channel. Solid Waste Landfill Operator Training brochure (p-tr2-20). Also, steps to implement a Pay As You Throw (PAYT) program and how PAYT can be phased-in to best fit your community, what are the different PAYT models used, how to "win over" elected officials and the public to understanding the benefits of PAYT, and what are the benefits and challenges to adopting PAYT in your community. Additionally, motor vehicle recyclers are invited to attend. At least one owner or employee of an appliance demanufacturing facility must have a training certificate from a department-approved training course. Discussion will also include managing fires that occur from batteries. Asbestos II Current list of CEU's earned to date. The attendee will learn what asbestos is, the history of asbestos waste in NH, its potential health risks, typical asbestos-containing products and Best Management Practices (BMPs) for the management, transportation and disposal of asbestos waste that may be brought to their Solid Waste Transfer Station. Each of these webinars qualifies for 1.25 hours of SWOT credit. (MORE INFO). This workshop is a follow-up to the Electronic Waste Management class that provided operators with the tools to identify electronics recyclers and how to choose the proper end markets for their goods. Groundwater Basics, Landfill Monitoring & Case Histories Solid Waste Operators and those that work in the industry of solid waste encounter many different hazardous situations including handling waste that has the potential to combust. Instructors will discuss FCAmethods that will enable municipalities and facility owners to make educated budgeting decisions as well as ways to manage volunteers in accordance with the rules. Instructors will discuss what is authorized vs. prohibited waste, NH's statutory waste bans and an overview of operating/closure plans. Some of the features on will not function properly with out javascript enabled. The attendee will learn what Best Management Practice (BMP) is as it relates to a Solid Waste Transfer Station, how to use them and why they are important. There are approximately 1,400 certified solid waste operators in New Hampshire. The purpose of this workshop is provide practical information to attendees on how to implement composting at their permitted solid waste facility. Need help working smarter, incorporating best practices and new technologies, managing and leading better? A certification application form must be completed and an operator must pre-register for the next available virtual class. Asbestos Due to the current state of emergency, all SWOT Basic Training classes will be held online. The workshop will also include small group discussion sessions where attendees will have an opportunity to share information withone another. Attendees are to bring a copy of their permit and most current operating plan in order to complete the classroom activities. Supp.). Please contact Paula Guerrera,at,for all certification & training inquiries. Due to the current COVID-19 pandemic, instructors will spend time discussing personal hygiene procedures, proper use of masks, social distancing and will entertain questions from the audience on their concerns. Staff will also be available to field questions regarding PCRs for inactive solid waste landfills - these questions may be relayed to other NHDES staff members if necessary. UnderstandingRecycling Markets & Practical Tips Here are the dates of upcoming trainings: Solid Waste Operator Certification - Examination Application, 2022 Solid Waste Incinerator and Sanitary Landfill Op Cert Exam Schedule, Request for Certified Iowa Municipal Sanitary Landfill Operator CEU, Request for Certified Incinerator Operator CEU, Iowa Waste Reduction Center | University of Northern Iowa. Distinguished Individual Achievement Awards, *NEW* Manager of Landfill Operations (MOLO), American National Standard for Waste and Recycling, SWANA Caribbean Hurricane Preparedness Plan, Rehrig Pacific Environmental Capabilities, Joint Advisory on Designing Contracts for Processing Municipal Recyclables. The instructors will be from the Northeast Recycling Council and NHDES. This workshop is designed to assist SW Facility Managers, Owners and permittees develop operating plans that meet the requirements of the rules, conditions of their solid waste permit and any other regulations that the facility may be subject to. Cooling centers are open statewide. Operators must renewtheircertification every year no more than 90 days prior to the certification expiration date. Instructors will cover a variety of specific BMPS, such as Universal Wastes, Used Oil and Filters, Household Sharps, Composting, Brush Piles, Glass, and Scrap Tires. Students with disabilities, as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act, may contactGenevieve Morgan to request any necessary accommodations at the course location when registering for the course. Privacy Policy |Contact UsCopyright NHDES Staff will also quiz attendees on their knowledge of the used oil and fluids management BMPs. This two-day course (with exam) is for professionals pursuing careers in municipal solid waste management. This webinar does qualify for 1 hour of SWOT credit. It could be because it is not supported, or that JavaScript is intentionally disabled. It seems that JavaScript is not working in your browser. Instructors are from the Northeast Recycling Council (NERC). Instructors will discuss management of scrap metal at solid waste facilities in accordance with the rules and cover any best management practices for managing thatas a commodity inaddition tofederal requirements for stormwater management. Attendees are encouraged to bring a laptop, calculator, scrap paper, and additional implements needed when working with data. 1) Knowing whether "Pay As You Throw" is a viable option for your facility and/or municipality. Attendees are invited to bring questions regarding their facility and the requirements as they pertain to the Solid Waste Rules. Attendees should be able to determine how to manage an "unexpected" load of asbestos and whether a shipping facility is authorized to accept asbestos.
Each of the operator certification courses is worth 24 CEUs towards renewal of any solid waste operator certification. This workshop will offer participants: an understanding of the requirements for development of an infrastructure for organics management; public education strategies to promote food reduction and composting; and a description of Best Management Practices for planning, implementing and promoting the Food Recovery Hierarchy. An operator certification training course offered by the department or its designated agent; or, An alternate training course which has been approved by the department; or. Instructors are from the NHDES Waste Management Division. Meet the requirements of the Parental Responsibility Act, NMSA 1978, Sections 40-5A-1 to 40-5A-13 (1998 Cum. Topics will include: Abrief history of landfill closures in NH; Very basic landfill design including cap types; Inspection requirements for closed landfills; The Who? Batteries and HHW Landfills in the Hierarchy Instructors will discuss recordkeeping, reporting and permit requirements that solid waste managers typically handle. A description of the classes and resources are listed in a two-column table below. The exam is required to be a certified Type III facility operator. Statement signed by the applicantverifying this to be true.