Oops! Keep in mind that vaccines take some time to build up immunity- up to 2 weeks, so organize your daycare/boarding stay well in advance. For dogs ineligible for playgroup, their day consists of one midday 15-minute one-on-one playtime and morning/evening potty breaks if they are in the resort during that time. The group your dog is in depends on his/her size, temperament, and the dynamic of all the guests we have at the time of his/her stay. This is generally how long it takes for a dog to completely shed the virus from their system and no longer be contagious to other dogs. What are the requirements for group play? In my blog you will find all the important information about dogs breeds, upbringing, care, ammunition, interesting facts, etc. A little extra clean up is a must, so an extra $50 will be added to the per night rate. We believe the benefits of dog daycare far surpass the possible risks. In order to maintain a consistent environment for your pet, we suggest you bring the food you feed your pet daily at home. 20% boarding discount only applies during an active membership (rates vary by location). This is a crucial part of your dogs overall health, as some diseases can be potentially life-threatening. In nearly all cases, Kennel Cough will run its course (within 2 weeks of the first sign of illness) without medication. Should your pet require emergency medical assistance,Wf Pet Resort & Spa relies on a 24-hour emergency medical clinic nearby. This vaccination comes in two forms, an intranasal spray that your vet will administer in your dogs nose, and an injection. During Holiday stays, a deposit may be collected to ensure your pets spot. Dogs use their teeth like we use our hands; they grab each other by the neck and nibble, run, and play with one another. Package extensions are not available if it is more than 30 days beyond the date of expiration. ATTENTION TO RIGHT HOLDERS! Our staff is dedicated to providing the same personal attention you and your dog have come to expect. D Pet Hotels has a strict supervision policy, and your dog will always be in the company of one of our trained employees. Canine Influenza rapidly spread across the country in 2015, when there was no true vaccination for it.
Yes. Our Unlimited Monthly MEMBERSHIPS are like gym memberships, providing you everyday access to daycare. Kennel Cough is simply the dog version of a common cold. Frequent question: How can I improve my dog's digestion? Upon admission for services, your signature of contract acknowledges your awareness and acceptance of our policies. These boys have a lot of extra mojo, so they will have a little extra special time together with our staff. Parents of extremely old, young, and sick dogs should take extra precaution because of their delicate immune systems, and limit their exposure to dogs in general. Injuries can also sometimes occur at daycare. All dogs four months of age and older must have received the rabies vaccination. Giardia and coccidia are intestinal parasites that may cause diarrhea or vomiting. 4 Different Types of Dog Training Methods, Thank you! Plus, if your little one has gained an extra fewyou can set up some time for your pup to enjoy one on one time with our trainer in PANT.
We also have custom play packages available for you to purchase if youd like your pooch to get a little additional exercise. This is a risk you must be willing to accept if you want your dog to play in this environment. What vaccinations do dogs need for kennels UK? This is very similar to the flu shot for people; each year a vaccine is developed based on the most prevalent strains. At Wuf Pet Resort & Spa, we want to offer your dog the same relaxed environment with comfortable surroundings and service tailored to his or her needs. Once that is all set, you are good to go to make a reservation! The benefits for all Unlimited Monthly Members with an active membership include: everyday access to daycare, discounted boarding and guaranteed daycare space during holiday blackout periods (reservation required). Some vets don't automatically give it, but even if you didn't bring your dog here, it is highly recommended. We are quick to interrupt inappropriate social behavior and overly rough play. You should get copies of the vaccination schedule and other pertinent medical records as requested by the dog daycare. When your dog is a guest at Wf, well give him one-on-one attention and structured play time. Additionally, we require that you maintain a year-round treatment for ticks and fleas in order to protect the facility from any contamination and thus protect all of the pets. In general, we do not require an interview. safety and comfort while theyre with us. It is not fair to expose your dogs playmates to potential health issues. If the reservation is canceled within fourteen (14) days of the holiday dates within the extended reservation, the 50% holiday deposit is non-refundable and the portion of the extended stay deposit that is greater than the 50% holiday deposit will be refunded. Rabies (one or three year protocol); Feline Distemper combination (FVRCP) (one or three year protocol); Feline Leukemia (only for cats allowed outdoors); and a negative fecal test (annually for indoor cats, every six months if cat is allowed outdoors).
A signed acknowledgement is required. For Pooch locations where dogs wear their collars, our preference is a snap-lock buckle collar with your pets identification lasered, stitched or engraved on the collar. We cannot administer shots or injections. D Pet Hotels is open for business from 7am - 7pm Monday-Sunday. Note that the deposit is fully refundable, unless dates of a reservation fall within our holiday/blackout period. Frequent question: Does it hurt a dog when you cut its ears? But dont worry your dog will still be happy to see you when you get back. D Pet Hotels offers three separate areas for our different sized babies. The current vaccine only protects against certain types of the multiple different variations of Leptospira bacteria that cause leptospirosis. They are not required for private lessons at your home. We request 24-hour notification by telephone for cancellation of spa services, so that we may reschedule without charging for missed appointments. And likewise, just because one gets the flu shot, does not mean they are safe from that years strain of flu. My cat is an indoor only pet. Also known as 'kennel cough' or 'canine cough.' Our minimum requirement is once per year. Although we accept intact guests, they are ineligible for playgroup if over seven months of age. No. We are open to the public 7 days a week except for major holidays. Think about it- your dog will be meeting and interacting with numerous other dogs on a daily basis. There could possibly be an extra $35 added to the per night rate. Depending on your boarding facility, it may also be preferred that your dog has canine influenza and leptospirosis vaccinations. What are the terms and policies for Packages? For Monthly Membership refunds within 10 days, days used will be charged at the full day non-promotional rate and deducted from the purchase price. If its your first time, and youve done your research, then youll know that most daycares are strict when it comes to their 4-legged guests being caught up on vaccinations before they can stay at the center.. Mellow Mutt Package $17: One additional 10-minute play time per day, Playful Pooch Package $27: Two additional 10-minute play times per day, High-Octane Hound Package $37: Three additional 10-minute play times per day. Guests are divided into playgroups based on size, temperament and energy level. The time has come for you and your sweet doggo to go your separate ways, and youve either signed her up for doggie daycare or boarding. We recommend topical solutions such as Advantix and Frontline, which are available over-the-counter. Often shown on a vet document as DHLPP or something similar, Often shows on a vet document as DHLPP or something similar. Kennel Cough is an ailment that is common among dogs. That way, you can make sure she gets a full check up and is up to date on her vaccines. Memberships are assigned to a specific pet and are not intended to be shared. Giardia can cause severe dehydration which further weakens your dogs ability to fight the parasite. Daycare & BoardingPACKAGESare intended to offer a promotional price for frequent guests within a 90-day period. For your pets health and safety, you should never leave, Its certainly good for them to play together sometimes, but each one needs time, Why is my dog shedding so much all of a sudden? The Auto-Renew Unlimited Monthly Membership is based on a calendar month, and renews every month, on the same day AUTOMATICALLY! * If your pet does not have a fecal test result at the time of check-in, we will perform a fecal test in-house. (Some clinics include the cost of the rabies vaccination.). For privacy reasons, we are not able to call your vet. Pick-up is required by 7pm Monday-Friday and 5pm on Saturday. State law dictates that dogs older than three months must receive the rabies vaccine. Please talk to your veterinarian about your options and frequency of treatment.
Every daycare/boarding center has different requirements for vaccine procedures, so you need to start preparing as early as possible. Cats must have a flea/tick preventative applied within 30 days of their stay at Paradise 4 Paws for their own protection. Are dogs separated into playgroups based on size? Your veterinarian will recommend a Bordetella booster shot every six-to-twelve months based on your pets risk of exposure to Bordetella. Contacts | About us | Privacy Policy & Cookies. An appointment is required for a Temperament Test in order to stay at D Pet Hotels Los Angeles. However, having your dog vaccinated does decrease their risk of becoming sick with leptospirosis. How long after Bordetella vaccine can I board my dog? For peak holiday times, there is a non-refundable $50 charge at the time of booking, and if at least 5 days notice is not given, then we will charge a 1 night room rate. The staff is trained to anticipate a problem and break up a serious fight quickly. If we need to go to the grocery store, it will be an extra fee. What are the terms and policies for the Unlimited Monthly Members? Like most gym memberships, its intended to renew every 30 daysor every month. The Month-to-Month Unlimited Monthly Membership is a month-to-month option that allows you to start and stop your membership months, or take a break as needed, with a small) upcharge. Coccidia causes similar, but less severe, symptoms. For group training classes, they can have two of the three sets. Most dogs recover quickly with prompt medical attention. We do suggest the Bordetella and fecal test every 6 months for our guests, but will defer to your veterinarians requirement. Check out time is 1 p.m. Any pets picked up after 1 p.m. will be charged half the room rate their pet stays in. Although there is a vaccine (Bordetella) for Kennel Cough, it is often not effective in preventing all strains of Kennel Cough. Sure, you want to show up to your dogs first day of boarding without any hiccups or worse- being turned away because your dog hasnt been vaccinated. Your veterinarian may prescribe antibiotics to prevent any further illness while the immune system is down. A female in heat tends to stress out the boys, so she will stay in her Princess Palace, and not enter recess. ID tags can fall off, especially with a lot of activity. This is also a good time to check that heartworm and flea meds are up to date too. It is preferable to wait two weeks after your dog gets vaccinated before boarding. If your pooch seems to be a bit under the weather, please keep him home and seek veterinary attention if symptoms persist. Minor injuries such as nicks, cuts, scrapes, missing hair and strained muscles do happen. These vaccination requirements are for the benefit of all the dogs in our care, including yours, and are standard in the industry across the country. It needs to be given at an appropriate time to be effective. Packages for additional dogs should only be used when multiple dogs are utilizing the package on the same day/night. By law, we need a one-page document from your vet that shows these due dates. Daycare packages used during holiday blackout periods may be subject to a $5/day holiday upcharge. The incubation period is about 8-10 days, so more than a week can pass after your dog has been exposed to the virus before they start to show any signs of illness. It doesnt hurt to take your dog in to see the vet before you leave her at the center for the first time. Once de-wormed, a dog should stay home for at least a week to give the dead parasites time to work their way out of the dogs system. Enter email address to subscribe to our latest news & updates. There is D staff on premises 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Guests are assessed based on their individual temperament. We also require all our guests to be on heartworm and flea/tick preventative year round. The core vaccines include the DHLPP (distemper, hepatitis, leptospirosis, parvo, and parainfluenza). Members who select the Auto-Renew option will enjoy a $30 savings off the Month-to-Month price on your second month and beyond. Discounts on packages may be lower since package pricing is already promotional/ discounted pricing. Reservations required and based on availability. After the halfway point, we will charge the credit card on file weekly. We are diligent about quickly cleaning up dog waste and we sanitize our facility daily. * If your pet does not have a fecal test result at the time of check-in, we will perform a fecal test in-house. We know sometimes plans change, so as long as you give us 24 hours noticeyoull be in the clear. If need be, the owner is contacted immediately and the pet is either taken to his/ her own vet our to our veterinarian on-call. All materials posted on the site are strictly for informational and educational purposes! How long after kennel cough can a dog be boarded? Sure! All Unlimited Monthly Members enjoy guaranteed daycare during holiday blackout periods (reservation required) and +$5 holiday upcharge applies. This vaccine is required, since these diseases can be life-threatening to unvaccinated dogs. For more information, always contact your veterinarian. It is caused by an airborne virus, which is highly contagious. Some dogs are simply carriers and dont display any signs of the virus, yet they can still transmit the illness. This is why not every dog in a boarding facility will catch the ailment if there is an outbreak. However, there could be fights among the dogs in any play environment like this. We ask that you bring in the document when you check in or you can fax it to us at 312-276-8588. All Rights Reserved. If your dog causes an injury to another dog or staff, you are financially responsible for that injury. If a serious injury or emergency occurs, we will rush your dog to the nearest veterinary hospital. For our mid and gargantuan Distinguished/Dogs we have recess in the big space from 7 to 7. Yup. We have appointment times every day from 11am to 4pm.