Gains your target's undivided attention for 18 seconds. Absorbs 10% of incoming melee damage, up to a maximum of 920. Divine Protector's Unity X, when activated, casts the highest rank of Wrathful Fury, Armor of Unyielding Grace, Remorse for the Fallen, and Silent Piety that you have scribed.
Undead creatures will be damaged for up to 7112 damage instead. Absorbs 10% of incoming melee damage, up to a maximum of 700.
This blessing will fade after you have been healed 32 times.
Braces your body to withstand the next 3 incoming melee or spell attacks, reducing damage done by 90% for 6 seconds or until 35592 damage has been absorbed. Stacking: Block new spell if slot 4 is 'Current Mana Repeating' and < 126.
This blessing will fade after you have been healed 32 times. This buff will fade after 14 successful strikes or 12 seconds. This ability, when activated, allows you to sacrifice yourself in order to transfer all of your remaining health to all allies within a 100 foot radius. Strikes your target with mental terror, dealing up to 367 damage and returning mana to you. Increases your maximum hit points by 17618. This effect will fade after 12 successful strikes or 12 seconds.
This spell will deal 1954 damage to undead creatures, 1737 damage to summoned creatures, or 1448 damage to everything else. This ability, when activated, allows you to escape combat from NPCs that are 5 or fewer levels higher than you, causes you to be the last possible target of rampage attacks from any current attacker, and triggers Evader's Temporary Sanctuary, which causes you to be the last target of any aggressor for 1 minute. Heals 3543 hit points initially.
Intensity of the Resolute, when activated, increases the chance your healing and damage spells will apply critically by 50% and the base damage of your melee attacks by 55% for 60 seconds.
Adds a chance for incoming attacks to trigger Preservation of Rodcet Effect II. Absorbs 10% of incoming melee damage, up to a maximum of 12494. As a reward, the Fiery Defender is granted.
He requests a testimony of truth, sword of faith, and Soulfire's hilt, which has been stolen by a Troll named Xicotl.
Undead creatures will be damaged for up to 7468 damage instead.
any Giant Bomb content. This ability permanently enhances your vision allowing you to see the invisible. Causes a creature of up to level 105 to attack you exclusively for 18 seconds. Confronts your target for an honorable purpose, instantly increasing their hatred for you by 3286 points then by 3286 points every 6 seconds for 30 seconds.
This passive ability reduces the reuse time of your Sanctification discipline by 45 minutes 30 seconds and extends its duration by 6 seconds. This passive ability increases the duration of beneficial spells that you cast by 100%.
Your allies will generate 95% of their normal hatred during this period. A reflected affirmation will heal you for 3531 hit points every six seconds and cause your actions to generate 55% more hatred for 18 seconds.
Heals 2039 hit points initially. Channels the power of the sunrise, healing your allied target or your enemy's target for 17218 hit points. This bonus will decay over time. Increase Critical Hit Damage by 65% of Base Damage (Non Stacking), Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 65% of Base Damage, Increase Critical DoT Damage by 65% of Base Damage, Increase Critical Nuke Damage by 65% of Base Damage. This passive ability allows you to breathe underwater and in airless environments. Emanates a wave of sorrow from the caster, healing 18011 hit points for everyone in your group.
Generates 25427 hatred in your enemy.
Decreases armor class by 1586. A reflected affirmation will heal you for 5726 hit points every six seconds and cause your actions to generate 65% more hatred for 18 seconds. Your allies will generate 85% of their normal hatred during this period. This spell will generate 4050 less hatred than a comparable heal would. Confronts your target for an honorable purpose, instantly increasing their hatred for you by 7900 points then by 14221 points every 6 seconds for 30 seconds.
Return 75% of Spell Damage as HP, Max Per Hit: 53360. This focus applies to the following combat abilities: This passive ability increases the effectiveness of your instant-duration healing spells by 85%. Lock Aggro on Caster and Decrease Other Aggro by 5% up to level 110.
This ability, when activated, expends your energy to unleash a magnificent shower of light. Heals 1791 hit points every six seconds. This passive ability grants you a 100% chance to endure what would otherwise be a stunning melee attack, from any angle, without being stunned. If your target is an enemy, you will heal that enemy's current target instead. Increase Critical Hit Damage by 320% of Base Damage (Non Stacking). This ability, when activated, consumes 800 mana to revive a slain ally, restoring 96% of their lost experience.
Increase Chance to Resist Spell by 10000%. This ability, when activated, instantly teleports you up to 234 feet forward.
They told tales of marathon quests that yeilded these weapons to members of each class from Bards to Warriors. That's how I like it. Emanates a wave of sorrow from the caster, healing 11259 hit points for everyone in your group.
This spell will deal 6312 damage to undead or 5365 damage to summoned creatures. A direct damage spell which reflects a healing twincast upon the caster. Adds a chance for incoming attacks to trigger Preservation of Oseka Effect III. Obtaining the new epic weapon, the Fiery Defender, requires the possession of the Avenger first. Increases your maximum hit points by 7280.
Confronts your target for an honorable purpose, instantly increasing their hatred for you by 2857 points then by 2857 points every 6 seconds for 30 seconds. This passive ability grants you a 5% chance to completely resist incoming detrimental spells.
Increases your maximum hit points by 14915.
Undead creatures will be damaged for up to 5864 damage. Increase Chance to Cast Through Stun by 66%. Limit Effect: Current HP greater than 100.
We don't get any vs.summoned spells, so this is a great weapon to take along with you when the casters ask you to come to The Hole with them.
This blessing will fade after you have been healed 32 times.
So don't get bummed over my post there. Increases the potency of 2 level 120 and lower healing spells that restore at least 100 health by 1 to 80%. Increases your maximum hit points by 14205. Decrease Current HP by 6498 (If Not Undead Or Summoned), Decrease Current HP by 8286 (If Summoned). Increase Current HP by 18917 (If HP Below 15 Percent), Increase Current HP by 15764 (If HP Between 15 and 25 Percent), Increase Current HP by 13137 (If HP Between 25 and 35 Percent), Increase Current HP by 10511 (If HP Between 35 and 45 Percent), Increase Current HP by 8407 (If HP Above 45 Percent). Increase Current HP by 18016 (If HP Below 15 Percent), Increase Current HP by 15013 (If HP Between 15 and 25 Percent), Increase Current HP by 12511 (If HP Between 25 and 35 Percent), Increase Current HP by 10010 (If HP Between 35 and 45 Percent), Increase Current HP by 8007 (If HP Above 45 Percent). Harm touch interrupt, woot!
Paladins do get kick butt weapons and armour not to mention our spells (90% exp rez and a 600 hp heal) but look at what we have to accomplish to get these items. What about coolest shields? Heals your target's target for up to 6789 hit points.
This passive ability increases the damage dealt by your critical direct damage spells by 305%. Heals 3906 hit points initially. This spell will cause 6668 damage to undead creatures or 5927 damage to summoned creatures. This passive ability extends the duration of your Steely Stance line of spells by 180 seconds. This passive ability makes it impossible for you to fizzle level 116 or lower spells.
Strikes your target with mental terror, dealing up to 676 magical damage and returning 77.5% of that damage as mana to you. We group and get into a fight, he has to sit while i heal and keep going, and then i have to heal him, and then re-buff both of us. Deals 611 magical damage to your target and reflects a buff which will restore 10% of your melee damage as health. Anyone can have a bad day and end up just like me, is in no way affiliated with Sony, Sony Online Entertainment or Verant Interactive,, _thumb.jpg,, re=related.
Heals yourself of severe wounds.
Heals you for 3708 every six seconds and causes your actions to generate 60% more hatred for 18 seconds. Decrease Current HP by 6804 (If Not Undead Or Summoned), Decrease Current HP by 8164 (If Summoned). Increase Current HP by 26497 (If HP Below 15 Percent), Increase Current HP by 22080 (If HP Between 15 and 25 Percent), Increase Current HP by 18402 (If HP Between 25 and 35 Percent), Increase Current HP by 14723 (If HP Between 35 and 45 Percent), Increase Current HP by 11777 (If HP Above 45 Percent). Decrease Current HP by 6171 (If Not Undead Or Summoned), Decrease Current HP by 7405 (If Summoned). Increases your maximum hit points by 5720. This blessing will fade after you have been healed 32 times. Increases your maximum hit points by 37945.
Reduces the mana cost of your next level 90 or lower spell with a mana cost of at least 1 to 1 point of mana. The Dark Elves' leader, Pietro Zarn, left behind a great sword glowing with energy, which led Zimel to believe that it did not belong to this Dark Elf anyway, so he snuck into the camp and took it.
LOH and the others offset whatever advantage the warrior or other have in damage output easily.
Reklon Gnallen, an Erudite paladin in the Temple of Quellious in Erudin, can offer some insight on the plight of Irak Altil. The shield must be cleansed using the light of a clean spirit, which can be done by Ella the Pure in South Felwithe. Decreases armor class by 2754. Strikes undead creatures for up to 12076 damage. This spell will deal 9284 damage to undead or 7891 damage to summoned creatures.
Strikes your target with fury. Channels holy power into a cohesive bolt of energy, causing 1306 damage. When used properly, this combination of abilities is a serious hazard to anyone who tries to kill a Paladin. + he procs a 50hp lifetap to add on to that. If your target is an enemy, you will heal that enemy's current target instead. This ability can only affect targets up to level 125. This spell will deal 5948 damage to undead targets, 5287 damage to summoned targets, or 4406 damage to anything else. If your target is an enemy, you will heal that enemy's current target instead. Absorb Melee Damage: 10% over 1, Total: 7166. This ability, when activated, transports you to the Theater of Blood.
Decrease Current HP by 5445 (If Not Undead Or Summoned), Decrease Current HP by 6534 (If Summoned).
Heals you for 2683 every six seconds and causes your actions to generate 65% more hatred. Heals 1670 hit points initially and heals an additional 1328 hit points every 6 seconds for 6 seconds. Channels a sacred power, healing your targeted ally or your enemy's target for up to 14777 hit points. Beacon of the Righteous XIV, when activated, instantly consumes up to 8 opponents within a 0 foot radius in a beacon of light, stunning level 123 or lower opponents for 3 seconds, increasing their hatred for you by 22000 points, then by 12000 points every 6 seconds for 30 seconds. Bathes you in a holy blessing, increasing your strength by 60, your armor class by 149, and increasing the hatred your actions inspire in your enemies by 10%.
Increase Current Endurance by 46 per tick. What were good shields to get for a Paladin? This passive ability increases the number of save slots in your bandolier window by 8. Heals your target's target for up to 9509 hit points. This ability can only affect targets up to level 115. Channels holy power into a cohesive bolt of energy, generating a large amount of anger in addition to causing 3526 damage.
This spell has a 20% chance to inflict Requiem Trigger III on undead targets.
This spell will deal 6870 damage to undead targets, 6106 damage to summoned targets, or 5089 damage to anything else.
Returning all three gleaming crested items to Reklon allows him to offer a Mark of Atonement and advise of one final sacrifice that must be done. This spell will cause 10575 damage to undead creatures or 9400 damage to summoned creatures.
They have usefull stuns but their tanking skills and damage skills are enough to make you laugh.. 150dmg every 3 seconds isn't very good.. My 55 necs pet does 57,55,57,57 then a 1-161 dmg backstab.. Deals 815 magical damage to your target and reflects a buff which will restore 10% of your melee damage as health. Groflah can be found at his forge during the day, but around 1:00 AM each night, he is much more talkative at the Seafarer's Roost in East Freeport. If your target is an enemy, you will heal that enemy's current target instead. Channels the power of sunlight, healing your target for 15653 hit points. Adds a chance for incoming attacks to trigger Preservation of Tunare Effect II. Channels holy power into a cohesive bolt of energy, generating a large amount of anger in addition to causing 3358 damage.
Many of which are Pally only. This bonus will decay over time.
This passive ability grants you a 30% chance to perform a double riposte.
This passive ability reduces the chance of failing Fletching recipes by 50% and allows you to increase your skill past its Specialization cap by 50 points by learning more recipes. Decrease Current HP by 5626 (If Not Undead Or Summoned), Decrease Current HP by 7174 (If Summoned). Heroic Leap VIII, when activated, instantly causes you to leap approximately 10 feet in front of your target, attracting the attention of up to 8 opponents within a 200 foot radius of your target, increasing their hatred for you by 12500 points. This passive ability increases your melee avoidance by 15% and your armor class soft cap by 25%. Bathes you in a holy blessing, increasing your strength by 69, your armor class by 210, and increasing the hatred your actions inspire in your enemies by 15%. It is infused with the power of a spell known as Holy Shock, which stuns an enemy while decreasing their health simultaneously.
Fills you with a remorseful demeanor that grants you Remorseful Effect Rk. Strikes your target with earnest fury. The first guy is right and Pally do rock. If your target is an enemy, you will heal that enemy's current target instead.
Decrease Current HP by 8369 (If Not Vampire or Undead), Decrease Current HP by 14362 (If Vampire or Undead).
Fills your target's body with cleansing light, healing 6251 hit points every six seconds for 24 seconds. This passive ability increases the base healing of your Burst of Dayspring, Burst of Morninglight, Burst of Wakening, and Burst of Dawnbreak spells by 27%. This spell will generate 4262 less hatred than a comparable attack would.
Of course, he is referring to the Fiery Avenger.
Reminds me (probably on purpose) of Arthur Dayne from A Song of Ice and Fire book series. Bathes you in a holy blessing, increasing your strength by 69, your armor class by 232, and increasing the hatred your actions inspire in your enemies by 15%. A reflected affirmation will heal you for 4282 hit points every six seconds and cause your actions to generate 55% more hatred for 18 seconds.
This passive ability grants your melee attacks a chance (with a 27% bonus) to bless you with Blessing of Life XXXII which heals 11000 health. This passive ability grants your melee attacks a chance to trigger Touch of the Cursed XXVIII on your target which deals 4000 damage and heals you for 75% of that damage up to 53360 points.
Bathes you in a holy blessing, increasing your strength by 69, your armor class by 255, and increasing the hatred your actions inspire in your enemies by 15%.
Kalatrina Plossen is trusting enough to reveal that they have a spy within the ranks of the Freeport Militia.
This passive ability reduces the chance that an NPC target entangled by your root spells will break free when struck by a non-melee attack by 80%. This spell has a chance to lower your target's armor class and make them more vulnerable to melee attacks. Groflah recognizes the burnt parchment as a price list that once hung on the wall of Zimel's Blades, a shop in East Freeport that has been condemned after Ariska Zimel's disappearance. Better soloers..less downtime between fights.
This spell will deal 1691 damage to undead creatures, 1504 damage to summoned creatures, or 1253 damage to everything else.
Absorb Melee Damage: 10% over 1, Total: 700. Plus the proc to undead is amazing, it spams it to hell too. Decrease Chance to Fail Pottery Combine by 50%, Increase Pottery Skill Cap with Recipes by 50.
This passive ability increases the base damage of the strikes triggered by your Divine Might spell lines by 800 to 800% and of Blunted Strike by 85%. Absorbs 10% of incoming melee damage, up to a maximum of 10073. Increase AC by 232 to 306, Based on Class, Summon Pet: PETVeteranRewardJester 6896, 6892, 6894 x 1 for 900s. Decrease Current HP by 5276 (If Not Vampire or Undead), Decrease Current HP by 9056 (If Vampire or Undead). Undead creatures will be damaged for up to 8625 damage instead. Channels holy power into a cohesive bolt of energy, causing 2268 damage. He requests that it be returned for him to Zimel who is still imprisoned there, and has apparently gone mad. Warrior is all flurry , but when that's said and done, they will be on the ground and the Pally will still be duking it and taking it on the chin like a true melee should.
This passive ability increases your chance to land a critical hit with your direct damage spells by 40%. Causes a creature of up to level 115 to attack you exclusively for 18 seconds.
Splits your magic, allowing you to twincast any instant healing spell. This passive ability reduces the chance of failing Research recipes by 50%, increases your Specialization cap by 100 points, and allows you to further increase your skill past its Specialization cap by 50 points by learning more recipes. Decrease Current HP by 1596 (If Not Undead Or Summoned), Decrease Current HP by 1915 (If Summoned).
Absorbs 10% of incoming melee damage, up to a maximum of 30088. This passive ability grants your melee attacks a chance (with a 5% bonus) to trigger Touch of the Cursed XXXV on your target which deals 5400 damage and heals you for 75% of that damage up to 73333 points. Channels the power of the sunrise, healing your allied target or your enemy's target for 23021 hit points.
Increases your maximum hit points by 18499. This spell has a 20% chance to inflict Requiem Trigger on undead targets. Inquisitor's Judgment XXXII, when activated, grants your melee attacks a chance (with a 800% bonus) to trigger Inquisitor's Judgment Strike XXXII up to 30 times for 6 minutes.
Confronts your target for an honorable purpose, instantly increasing their hatred for you by 4793 points then by 4793 points every 6 seconds for 30 seconds. This bonus will decay over time. Decreases armor class by 1903. Yeah, maybe at level 13. Throne of Heroes, when activated, transports you to the Throne of Heroes in the Guild Lobby. Absorbs 10% of incoming melee damage, up to a maximum of 13119.
This passive ability increases the maximum that your strength, stamina, agility, dexterity, wisdom, intelligence, and charisma can be raised to by 350 points. This spell will deal 1270 damage to undead creatures, 1129 damage to summoned creatures, or 941 damage to everything else. With our Buffs, Flash of Light and most importantly the kick *** LOH!!!
Your allies will generate 85% of their normal hatred during this period. Paladin's: Confort yourselfs in the fact that we have the be. This passive ability increases your maximum health by 40000 points. Undead creatures will be damaged for up to 14362 damage instead. This passive ability grants your melee attacks a chance to trigger Touch of the Cursed IV, a 125 point lifetap, on your target.
They also hold aggro better with such spells as DC(though nerfed), WOE, and sometime WOS. Decrease Current HP by 5103 (If Not Undead Or Summoned), Decrease Current HP by 6507 (If Summoned).
Stuns a foe of up to level 103 for one second and deals up to 4270 damage to them. This passive ability grants your melee attacks a chance to trigger Touch of the Cursed XVII, a 560 point lifetap, on your target. Decrease Current HP by 3416 (If Not Vampire or Undead), Decrease Current HP by 5864 (If Vampire or Undead).
Increase Critical Nuke Damage by 305% of Base Damage. We can root you, blind you, stun you.
This passive ability reduces the chance of failing Fishing recipes by 50% and allows you to increase your skill past its Specialization cap by 50 points by learning more recipes. This spell will deal 14723 damage to undead or 12515 damage to summoned creatures.
Generates 24216 hatred in your enemy. Return 77.5% of Spell Damage as Mana, Max Per Hit: 1566. This buff will fade after 10 successful strikes or 12 seconds. The Militia have beaten him nearly to death, but he is able to get a burned parchment to you to take back to Kalatrina. Bathes you in a holy blessing, increasing your strength by 70, your armor class by 464, and increasing the hatred your actions inspire in your enemies by 15%.
Confronts your target for an honorable purpose, instantly increasing their hatred for you by 15242 points then by 19598 points every 6 seconds for 30 seconds.
The devs themselves claim that 2hs(ie, what paladins wield) are under the dmg of 1hs(ie, what warriors wield).
I think Ghoulbane looked perfect.
Increase Max HP by 23673 (Decaying to 9105 @ 607/tick). Bathes you in a holy blessing, increasing your strength by 85, your armor class by 590, and increasing the hatred your actions inspire in your enemies by 15%. Actually, not so much.
Increase Max HP by 16408 (Decaying to 7504 @ 371/tick). Increases attack power by 350 points, attack speed by 30%, mana regeneration by 120 points, and the chance that your weapon's magical effects will trigger during melee combat by 60%.