Rest is not about doing, but about being. In this message, we look at the story of Dinah, Jacobs daughter, being sexually assaulted by Shechem. As we explore the redemptive potential of hospitable acts, we see God's great desire for us to extend this same kindness. This meeting can be considered one of the first worship services in Scripture. Pastor Jim describes what is meant for love to be sincere and warns us about the dangers of hypocrisy in our relationships with God and one another. But, none of those is the identity Paul talks about in the opening verses of Philippians because none of those leads to joy. CALVARY CHURCH God affirms in this that He values our relationship with Him above all us. On this New Years Day, we look forward to Gods promises for Calvary and commemorate Jesuss sacrifice by participating in communion. Matthew 27:57-66 Pastor Jim explains how Adam's sin affects us through and apart from what he did and how being obedient to God overwhelms any amount of disobedience. He completed a bachelor's degree in English in 1987 and a law degree in 1990 before completing seminary work at Grand Rapids Theological Seminary in 1997. 704.543.1200 Romans 8:31. In this message Pastor Tom dives deeper into the topic of Gods sovereignty only to reveal the incredible mercy of God. 5801 PinevilleMatthews Road entering into the ark of salvation. We are invited to cry through reading the story of Hagar and Ishmael as Hagar weeps over their circumstances out in the desert. Georges Houssney, President of Horizons International, joins Calvary for Missions Conference 2016. He has purposed it, and commanded Noah and humanity to spread out and cover the earth. We join the kingdom of God when we acknowledge and affirm God as King in our lives. In Christ, all of our sins have been forgiven, even the ones we are unaware of. While this may seem normal today, this was shocking in ancient history. In this message Pastor Jim Samra explains how the provisions made for unintentional sin in Joshua 20 is a picture of what God did for us in Jesus.
Ultimately the hope of this message is that through Jesus, God is creating a community of faith where victims today can experience what Dinah did not. This message encourages believers that God can open any door, no matter how closed it may seem. Houssney shares inspiring stories of God's work in the Muslim world to bring people to a saving knowledge of Jesus. This foreshadows the way in which God will covenant Himself any who believe in Him, through the sacrifice of the cross. May we all press into Jesus and seek His salvation by grace alone through faith alone! Pastor Ed also serves as a part time hospital chaplain and is endorsed by the IFCA international. But Paul explains just the opposite. The link has been copied to your clipboard; paste it anywhere you would like to share it. This week Pastor Josh teaches from Romans 16 on what it means to truly live with God as master of our lives. In reading Genesis 22 and 23, we see the model that Abraham leaves for us as he matures into a person that trusts God through two difficult trials. In this week's message Pastor Jim Samra highlights the characters found in 2 Samuel 15-19 to illustrate Paul's second command of love in Romans 12: "Be devoted." Did you know that we also have full-songWorship Highlightsavailable from our Calvary Choir and NextGenWorship Ministries? Are you nice?

Meanwhile, Abraham was at a place where he had accepted Gods blessing and was therefore in a place to bless others through his hospitality.
The Jews hold a special place in Gods heart and plan for revealing Himself to the world. In this weeks message Pastor Jim Samra outlines the five rhetorical questions in Romans 8 that remind us of Gods powerful love for us found in Christ. In our Sunday service we connect with God through expository preaching rooted in the Bible and theologically rich worship. Jesus often taught in parables or visual illustrations. In this message Pastor Jim explains how Joseph receives an unexpected gift in Jesus and how this unexpected gift would become the greatest blessing the world would ever know.
In this message Pastor Tom takes us to Mark 1 as we look at Jesus baptism. What do you do if you dont like the allotment you have been given in life? In this message, Pastor Jim teaches us what it looks like to overcome evil with good and why this practice is crucial for healthy, godly relationships. God reminds Joshua and us that the question is not whether or not God is on our side, but whether we are on Gods side. Even though they face very difficult situations, God promises to be present with them in a special way when they are willing to step out and obey. This week Pastor Jim talks to us about the unique role food plays in our spiritual life and shares insight into the blessings and dangers that come along with it. This week Pastor Jim speaks into that very question as we continue in the book of Esther and look at the story of Mordecai. We were reminded that success is also a result of hard work, but even the ability to do so comes from God. Guest speaker Lenski Llorens, shares \from the book of Philemon looking at the power of the gospel to restore us and our role in furthering the cause. Baptism is also a sign that now Gods Law is written in our hearts through the Holy Spirit. Pastor Randy starts from the beginning from the Gospel of John during the pandemic. This week we continue in our Stories of Redemption series as we look at the life of Esther. We see how Gods love for us is great and trustworthy solely because of Him, and not our actions or behavior. God is faithful and he has a great eucatastrophe waiting for all of us.
Pastor Jim teaches us what being generous and hospitable looks like and why it is will benefit our relationships. No one enjoys suffering. We see how a lack of faith on Abrahams part leads him to sin and leads Abimelek to almost commit sin. In this message, we look at how sin entered the world and brought condemnation and death. Ultimately, Day 7 is not about what God produces, but who God is. Ridding Ourselves of Idolatry and Cultural Cross Pollination, A True Life | Crucifixion and Resurrection. In this message Pastor Jim discusses the use of casting lots in Joshua 18 and the importance of knowing that there is no detail too small for God to control. If Jesus is the source of our joy, then living like him will bring joy to our lives and to those around us. The story of Noah and his life gives us a simple picture of how we can honor God and preach Jesus through the way we work, study, and live. Light is the source of life and as John 1 tells us, Jesus is light and Jesus was there in the beginning creating all things. In this message, we hear the explore the dysfunctional nature of Isaac and Rebekahs family. What does it mean to give God our best? Pastor Tom shares the sixth commandment of love, Be faithful in prayer. In this message Pastor Tom explains why love demands that we be faithful in prayer and how Gods love for us is always the best motivator for a committed prayer life. But have we continued to live as members of his kingdom? While the life of Jesus is countercultural and often difficult to adopt, Paul encourages his hearers and us to see the value and joy that comes in being like Jesus and how our lives point to the exalted Son of God. He was married in 1989 to his wife Janet and has two adult children, Timothy and Olivia as well as 3 grandkids. Hear from all ages in our Ministry Videos that profile our student and children's ministries, our adult life groups, and some of our outreach programs. In this sermon pastor Jim asks us how might we be playing the role of Reuben, Gad and Manasseh. In this sermon pastor Jim Samra explains that the many stories in the book of Joshua are not meant to just be interesting history. In Philippians 2, Paul calls all of us to unity in all of our relationships through a countercultural posture of humility. Ultimately, we focus on shepherds so we can be reminded of the ways in which God shepherds us. Pastor Tom teaches on what it means to have Jesus as Judge. We find that the term Shepherd is first used in Scripture when it is referring to Rachel, highlighting that the nature of a good shepherd is loving and compassionate. In this message, Pastor Jim explains what drives Jesus ministry. In this message Pastor Jim Samra continues his series on sacrifice from Romans 12 by examining the story of Abraham and Isaac in Genesis 22.
Serving God can sometimes be mistakenly attributed to something only a few do, while the truth is the work is much bigger than that.