The Hungarian politicians claimed that they were ready to give the non-Hungarian ethnicities a great deal of autonomy. Horse use 481503. After 1918, Hungary did not have access to the sea, which pre-war Kingdom of Hungary formerly had directly through the Rijeka coastline and indirectly through Croatia-Slavonia. Treaty of Lausanne Third Anglo-Afghan War (1919) [21] According to some opinions, the Allies drafted the outline of the new frontiers [22] with little or no regard to the historical, cultural, ethnic, geographic, economic and strategic aspects of the region. Furthermore, ethnically diverse Transylvania, with an overall Romanian majority (53.8% 1910 census data or 57.1% 1919 census data or 57.3% 1920 census data), was treated as a single entity at the peace negotiations and was assigned in its entirety to Romania. To make the situation even more complex, in the multilingual kingdom there were territories with ethnically mixed populations where people spoke two or even three languages natively. [65] Most Hungarians regarded the treaty as an insult to the nation's honour. Vide for the controversy of the role of the state: T. I. Berend and Gy. Montenegro Poison gas Some predominantly Hungarian settlements, consisting of more than 2 million Magyars, were situated in a typically 2050km (1231mi) wide strip along the new borders in foreign territory. South Africa Laurence Emerson Gelfand, The Inquiry; American Preparation for Peace, 19171919 (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1963), p. 332. Meuse-Argonne Offensive [59] For non-Hungarians from the Pannonian Basin it was a process of decolonisation instead of a punitive dismemberment (as was seen by the Hungarians). But what did the treaty contain? There are several reasons for this population decrease, some of which were spontaneous assimilation and certain state policies, like Slovakization, Romanianization, Serbianisation. The Romanians joined their ethnic brethren in Romania, while the Slovaks, Serbs and Croats helped establish nation-states of their own (Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia). a Kzponti Statisztikai Hivatal Npesedsstatisztikai Fosztlyn], Bp.
Kroly Kocsis; Eszter Kocsisn Hodosi (1998). [76] Further provisions stated that in Hungary, no railway would be built with more than one track (even going so far as to remove one of the two tracks on one of the lines)[citation needed], because at that time railways held substantial strategic importance economically and militarily.[86]. According to the National Office for Refugees, the number of Hungarians who immigrated to Hungary from neighbouring countries was about 350,000 between 1918 and 1924. Kerensky Offensive [51] The Western powers' main priority was to prevent a resurgence of the German Reich and they therefore decided that her allies in the region, Austria and Hungary, should be "contained" by a ring of states friendly to the Allies,[citation needed] each of which would be bigger than either Austria or Hungary. Considering the size of discrepancies, some demographers are on the opinion that these censuses were somewhat biased in the favour of the respective ruling nation.[39]. In addition, 61% of arable land, 74% of public roads, 65% of canals, 62% of railroads, 64% of hard surface roads, 83% of pig iron output, 55% of industrial plants, and 67% of credit and banking institutions of the former Kingdom of Hungary lay within the territory of Hungary's neighbours. PolishUkrainian War (19181919) "Die Ereignisse in der Slovakei," Der Demokrat (morning edition), 4 June 1919. Signing the Treaty on 4 June 1920 at the Grand Trianon Palace in Versailles. [31] The population of the autonomous Croatia-Slavonia was mostly composed of Croats and Serbs (who together counted 87% of population). Southern Rhodesia Hungary lost connection to strategic military and economic infrastructure due to the concentric layout of the railway and road network which the borders bisected. The inscription on the monument says: "To the King Peter I, gratious people, to its liberator". Revolutions and interventions in Hungary (19181920) 100106, Good, David. Document 246. [60] The Hungarians did not see it this way because the newly defined borders did not fully respect territorial distribution of ethnic groups,[61][62] with areas where there were Hungarian majorities[61][62] outside the new borders. Paris Peace Conference
There was also a division of labour present throughout the empire: that is, in the Austrian part of the Monarchy manufacturing industries were highly advanced, while in the Kingdom of Hungary an agroindustrial economy had emerged. vi npszmllsok trtnete s jellemzi [ksz. The Treaty of Trianon was the peace agreement signed in 1920, at the end of World War I, between the Allies of World War I and Kingdom of Hungary (one of the successor states to Austria-Hungary). It was also stipulated in article 207 that within six months of the entry into force of the treaty, the successor states (Poland, Romania, Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia, Hungary and Austria) had to negotiate bilateral trade agreements, and the Reparations Commission could intervene to conclude them. Alice Teichova, An Economic Background to Munich International Business and Czechoslovakia 19181938 (Cambridge, 1978); R. Olsovsky, V. Prucha, et al., Prehled gospodursveho vyvoje Ceskoslovehska v letech 19181945 [Survey of the economic development of Czechoslovakia] (Prague, 1961). By Domokos G. Kosry, Steven Bla Vrdy, Danubian Research Center [77] These factors all combined created some imbalances in the now separated economic regions of the former Monarchy. China After a Hungarian-Czechoslovak cease-fire signed on 1 July 1919, the Hungarian Red Army left parts of Slovakia by 4 July, as the Entente powers promised to invite a Hungarian delegation to the Versailles Peace Conference. Linguistic map of the Lands of the Crown of Saint Stephen, i. e. Kingdom of Hungary and Croatia-Slavonia according to the 1880 census, Representatives of small nations living in the former Austria-Hungary and active in the Congress of Oppressed Nations regarded the treaty of Trianon for being an act of historical righteousness[25] because a better future for their nations was to be founded and durably assured on the firm basis of world democracy, real and sovereign government by the people, and a universal alliance of the nations vested with the authority of arbitration while at the same time making a call for putting an end to the existing unbearable domination of one nation over the other and making it possible for nations to organize their relations to each other on the basis of equal rights and free conventions. Battle of Baku While the territories that were now outside Hungary's borders had non-Hungarian majorities overall, there also existed some sizeable areas with a majority of Hungarians, largely near the newly defined borders. Battle of Jerusalem Your email address will not be published. This census recorded population by language and religion, but not by ethnicity.
Blockade of Germany [7][8][9] Five of the pre-war kingdom's ten largest cities were drawn into other countries, and post-Trianon Hungary was left without direct access to the sea. Composed of 12 parts, the Treaty of Trianon began, like all other peace treaties signed at the Paris Peace Conference of 1919-1920, with the Covenant of the League of Nations, that is, the materialization of the idea of US President Woodrow Wilson on the need for an international body that had to discuss and resolve international issues to avoid another world war.
Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
Digitized 19 June 2008 IV, 209. The treaty was dictated by the Allies rather than negotiated and the Hungarians had no option but to accept its terms. Turkish War of Independence The National Assembly in Alba Iulia (1 December 1918) Union of Transylvania with Romania, seen as an act of national liberation by the Transylvanian Romanians. Valosag 21, no.9 (Budapest, 1978), pp. Compared with the pre-war Kingdom of Hungary, these temporary borders did not include: After the Romanian Army advanced beyond this cease-fire line, the Entente powers asked Hungary (Vix Note) to acknowledge the new Romanian territory gains by a new line set along the Tisza river. Battle of Romani 111; L. Lengyel, "Kolcsonos tarsadalmi fuggoseg a XIX szazadi europai gazdasagi fejlodesben."

(Socio-Economic Interdependence in the European Economic Development of the 19th Century.) [71] Meanwhile, the territory of present-day Czech Republic (Kingdom of Bohemia) owned 75% of the whole industrial capacity of formal Austria-Hungary. Unable to reject these terms and unwilling to accept them, the leaders of the Hungarian Democratic Republic resigned and the Communists seized power. This army was initially successful against the Czechoslovak Legions due to having been implicitly aided with food[17] and weapons by Italy;[18] which made it possible for Hungary to reach nearly the former Galitian (Polish) border, thus separating the Czechoslovak and Romanian troops from each other. Japan [30] 5% of the population of "Hungary proper" were Jews, who were included in speakers of the Hungarian language.
However, these new or enlarged countries also absorbed large slices of territory with a majority of ethnic Hungarians or Hungarian speaking population. Your email address will not be published.
Its affiliation was a matter of international dispute between the Kingdom of Italy and the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes. The 1919 and 1920 Transylvanian censuses indicate a smaller Hungarian minority (26.5% / 25.5%). Bilingualism was also disappearing. excluding Croatia-Slavonia. Although the treaty addressed some nationality issues, it also sparked some new ones.
Battle of the Masurian Lakes The borders of Hungary were those established by the commissions of experts of the Peace Conference as early as the spring of 1919. Third Battle of Ypres (Passchendaele)
TurkishArmenian War (1920) By Edwin A. Pratt, The Rise of Rail-Power in War and Conquest. However, it is generally accepted that the largest ethnic group in the Kingdom of Hungary in this time were the Hungarians. 2,431,273 "others" (mostly Hungarians 1,662,948 (31.6%) and Germans 563,087 (10.7%)). Rist, The Economic Situation of Austria (Geneva, 1923). Articles 5460 of the Treaty required Hungary to recognise various rights of national minorities within its borders. The modern boundaries of Hungary are the same as those defined by the Treaty of Trianon except for three villages that were transferred to Czechoslovakia in 1947. According to another source, population distribution in 1910 looked as follows: Difference between the borders of the Kingdom of Hungary within Austria-Hungary and independent Hungary after the Treaty of Trianon. Iraqi revolt (1920)
[34] Owen Johnson, an American historian, accepts the numbers of the earlier censuses up to the one in 1900, according to which the proportion of the Hungarians was 51.4%,[30] but, he neglects the 1910 census as he thinks the changes since the last census are too big. The Trianon Peace Treaty was signed on June 4th, 1920 by France, Great Britain, Italy, the United States, Japan, Romania, the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes, Czechoslovakia and nine other states, on the one hand, and Hungary, on the other hand, being represented by Agost Benrd, Minister for Labour and Social Welfare, and Alfrd Drasche-Lzr, Plenipotentiary Minister. The disseminating economic problems had been also noted in the Coolidge Report as a serious potential aftermath of the treaty. G. Gratz and R. Schuller, Die Wirtschaftliche Zusammenbruch Oesterreich Ungarns (Vienna. Ivan Berend and Gyorgy Ranki, Magyarorszag gazdasaga 19191929 [Hungary's economy] (Budapest, 1965). The percentage and the absolute number of all non-Hungarian nationalities decreased in the next decades, although the total population of the country increased. [58] The western powers and most non-Hungarians that lived in the Pannonian Basin saw the Hungarians as colonial-style rulers who had oppressed the Slavs and Romanians since 1848, when they introduced laws that the language used in education and in local offices was to be Hungarian. [78] Austria, especially the imperial capital Vienna, was a leading investor of development projects throughout the empire with more than 2.2 billion crown capital. Thus, the resulting uneasiness and despondency of one part of the concerned population was later one of the main antecedents of World War II. After World War II approximately 200,000 Germans were deported to Germany, according to the decree of the Potsdam Conference.
Vlora War (1920) The Allies rejected the idea of plebiscites in the disputed areas with the exception of the city of Sopron, which voted in favour of Hungary.
Hungarian was spoken by 96% of the total population and was the mother language of 89% of the people. Romania, Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia had to assume part of the financial obligations of the former Kingdom of Hungary on account of the parts of its former territory that were assigned under their sovereignty. Latvian War of Independence (19181920) Die italienisch-ungarische Freundschaft," Bohemia, 29 June 1919. Other important factors were the Hungarian migration from the neighbouring states to Hungary or to some western countries as well as decreased birth rate of Hungarian populations.
Ukraines Famine How Stalin hid it from the world, Ukraines century-long struggle to keep its culture and independence, The Polish State during the Second Republic (1919 1938), Russia-Ukraine crisis: 9 milestone moments in history that explain todays invasion. Military Wiki is a FANDOM Lifestyle Community. Treaty of London
Treaty of St. Germain [60] President Wilson initially supported the outline of a border that would have more respect to ethnic distribution of population based on the Coolidge Report, led by A. C. Coolidge, a Harvard professor, but later gave in, due to changing international politics and as a courtesy to other allies.