On June 26, 2017, President Donald Trump nominated Brenda Burman to serve as the Commissioner of the United States Bureau of Reclamation. [4] Then, in 1907, the Secretary of the Interior separated the Reclamation Service from the USGS and created an independent bureau within the Department of the Interior.
The Bureau is also the second largest producer of hydroelectric power in the United States. US BLM Paul E. Scheele Mead guided the bureau during the development, planning, and construction of the Hoover Dam, the United States' first multiple-purpose dam. This RMP has been developed cooperatively between the Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) and the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission (Commission). Department of the Interior, 1849 C Street NW., Washington, DC 20240. Reclamation's redefined official mission is to "manage, develop, and protect water and related resources in an environmentally and economically sound manner in the interest of the American public". The new Reclamation Service studied potential water development projects in each western state with federal landsrevenue from sale of federal lands was the initial source of the program's funding. Its 53 powerplants produce annually more than 40 billion kilowatt hours of electricity, earning nearly $1 billion in revenues and generating enough energy for 3.5 million homes. About | 388), which is popularly known as the Reclamation Act or National Irrigation Act of 1902, former Secretary of the Interior Ethan A. Hitchcock established the U.S. Reclamation Service (USRS) in the Geological Survey in July. chapter 12. Recreation sites that are developed as a result of BR water projects rank among the Nation's most popular places for water-based outdoor recreation. Codified statutory material dealing the Federal Government's reclamation and irrigation of public lands is found in 43 U.S.C. FAQ | USA.gov, The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration 565). Burman resigned on January 20th after the inauguration of the Biden Administration. 39, Resource Management Plan: Calamus Reservoir, Nebraska [citation needed], In 1928 Congress authorized the Boulder Canyon (Hoover Dam) Project, and large appropriations began, for the first time, to flow to Reclamation from the general funds of the United States. She was confirmed by the United States Senate on November 16, 2017. These projects include approximately 6.5 million acres of land and water that are, for the most part, open to the public for recreation. Home The disruption that they visit upon ecosystems can cause new listings under the Endangered Species Act. It brings water to more than 31 million people and provides 140,000 Western farmers with irrigation water for 10 million acres of farmland. On June 17, 1902, in accordance with the Reclamation Act, Secretary of the Interior Ethan Allen Hitchcock established the U.S. Reclamation Service within the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). The Bureau of Reclamation develops, manages, and protects water and related resources in a way that is environmentally and economically responsible and that benefits the American public. Reclamation is also the second largest producer of hydroelectric power in the western United States. Burman is the first woman to ever lead the Bureau of Reclamation. Today, Reclamation is a contemporary water management agency with a Strategic Plan outlining numerous programs, initiatives and activities that will help the Western States, Native American Tribes and others meet new water needs and balance the multitude of competing uses of water in the West. Water surface areas carry a wildlife management designation.

From 1941 to 1947, Civilian Public Service labor was used to carry on projects otherwise interrupted by the war effort. This RMP has been prepared in compliance with the National Environmental Compliance Act (NEPA).
It covers all or part of nine states and encompasses a wide range of ecosystems from alpine tundra to the gulf coast. In 1907, the USRS separated from the Geological Survey and became an independent bureau within the Department of the Interior. 2021 4th Avenue North, Billings, MT 59101, United States. Subject to available funding, upgrades and improvements to existing facilities will be implemented through cooperative programs sponsored by Reclamation and/or the Commission. or phrase to find your match. The last major authorization for construction projects occurred in the late 1960s, while a parallel evolution and development of the American environmental movement began to result in strong opposition to water development projects. Since this RMP does not identify any construction or development projects to be addressed programmatically under this document, all future development projects implemented at Calamus Reservoir or Kent Diversion Dam will be addressed under NEPA documents and/or National Historic Properties Act documents prepared separately to address those project activities. The major rivers have been harnessed and facilities are in place or are being completed to meet the most pressing current water demands and those of the immediate future". The Boulder Canyon Project: Historical and Economic Aspects (Stanford: Stanford University Press). On August 4, 1977, President James E. Carter approved Public Law 9591, which is also cited as the Department of Energy Organization Act. David Murillo was serving as the acting commissioner of the bureau.
USDOI On May 18, 1981, former Secretary of the Interior James G. Watt issued Secretarial Order 3064, which renamed the WPRS the Bureau of Reclamation (BR). My Account | These bivalve mollusks adversely affect the natural ecology, which harms endangered native species. * The Commissioner reports to the Assistant Secretary of Water and Science. [12], "USBR" redirects here. The RMP provides information regarding project characteristics, land and water use, cultural resources, endangered species, wildlife and fisheries management, recreation management, agency responsibilities, and reservoir operations. The BR posts its organizational chart in Portable Document Format (PDF) for viewing and downloading. 578) as part of an effort "to secure effective management to assure a coordinated national energy policy" (STAT. We place great emphasis on fulfilling our water delivery obligations, water conservation, water recycling and reuse, and developing partnerships with our customers, states, and Native American Tribes, and in finding ways to bring together the variety of interests to address the competing needs for our limited water resources. The total Reclamation investment for completed project facilities in September 1992 was about $11billion. Pursuant to Public Law 161 (32 Stat. Vol. We bring water to more than 31 million people, and provide one out of five Western farmers (140,000) with irrigation water for 10 million acres of farmland that produce 60% of the nation's vegetables and 25% of its fruits and nuts. Presidential Studies Quarterly She was confirmed by the United States Senate on November 4, 2021. 8, No. The Calamus Reservoir Resource Management Plan (RMP) serves as a guidance document for land and resource management at the Calamus Reservoir and Kent Diversion Dam project areas. Agriculture Commons, According to a 2007 park user survey conducted at Calamus Reservoir, 84% of visitors rated their satisfaction with the Calamus State Recreation Area as better than average or excellent.