Now I realize jumping to the worst case scenario is a natural reflex but honestly cups I doubt gravel was really an intention for use!!! They are, of course, great for off-road adventures, but they are also great for hauling light loads or getting around a worksite. var lmonth=months[time.getMonth() + 1]; For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Manufactured commercially as the Groundhog from 2001 to 2007, the hard-working line of compatible ATV attachments is now called the Wild Hare ATV Implement System, available online directly from the manufacturer at, The Wild Hare front-end loader and 3-point hitchcomplete with a 44-inch bucket, a 34, Earlier this year, Wild Hare Manufacturing bought out the Groundhog product line from Concord Equipment, which sold approximately 600 units across the. The Wild Hare front-end loader and 3-point hitchcomplete with a 44-inch bucket, a 34-inch pallet fork, a 48-inch cultivator and a two-position 57-inch discmake up the largest all-in-one ATV implement system, and the only line where every attachment is hydraulically operated from one control panel. Lakeville, MN 55044
Fast and simple mount and remount were key to the design.
months[8]="August"; Satisfied customershave continued the online buzz and Wild Hare Manufacturing pledges to serve owners who bought their implements from the previous manufacturer. P.O. It has a bucket and a blade for the front. if (year < 2000) fireplace without a problem, and Ive filled the bucket with dirt in hard-packed ground. Gaumitzs EarthMover uses 1/8-in., 1 by 3-in. Ive used it to spread topsoil on my half-acre front yard, limestone for a 700-foot driveway, mulch, sand, firewood, snowyou name it.

Hydraulic Cylinders Hydraulic for ATV Heavy Equipments 2.8t Front End Loader with High Arm Rock Loader. do you have any pics of the blade and bucket? months[10]="October"; Thanks Rick for confirming my suspicion, Arctic Cat's are built like brick $hithouses. The Wild Hare loader is priced at $3,695 alone, and $5,739 with the three-point hydraulic hitch and all other implements, plus shipping. The Wild Hare system fits on most ATV bodies and comes as an all-in-one package, or inspecial implement combinationsfor horse and resort owners, sportsmen/hunters, country-living enthusiasts and landscapers. on the items and the quantity of your order. deep bucket. And we all know the most unwanted accessory is.well refer to savagemans radiator cover for further info on that!!!! Please check your email for the latest full issue link.

It offers 6-gpm hydraulic pressure, which has proven more than sufficient for the three, double action, 2 by 8-in. I had to grind down the mounting brackets to fit the space, but once in place, they are easy to adjust up or down as needed, whether riding for fun or using the loader. This is not some shade tree application and is a very well engineered piece of equipment that can do the same job that your trailer and plow can do but in a third of the time and you never have to dismount the four-wheeler while doing it. Custom diamond plate storage boxes | Powermadd handguards | Quadrax 2500 lbs winch | Moose Hand/Thumb warmers | Sanny circuit breakers | 26" interco swamplites on stock rims | Yuasa Battery | Sanny A-arm bushings w/ grease fittings | 2" flex lift | Snorkels | Looped crank vent mod | Custom audio setup | Arctic Cat block heater | Engine Ice coolant | Front and rear brush guard bumpers | Battery Tender jr | ///Airdam stage 1 | Speedwerx 42# stall springs | Amsteel Blue synthetic rope | UHMW hawse fairlead | UNI Air filter | Engine Brake Deleted | Xentec 6000k HIDs| 55w Halogen Reverse light | The Whoolie Shop LED's | LED high beam bulbs | Fuel filter | 3/16" Aluminum skid plate | Modded stock exhaust | Dynojet Kit-144 main-42 pilot-Needle on 3rd notch | Ride in springs. Its fantastic. The hydraulic power pack with its gas powered Predator engine is the heart of the system. Personally I would never use this. Join the fun! The power pack can also be used as an auxiliary hydraulic-power source for a wide array of hydraulic powered hand tools offered by Stanley tools. SITEMAP, 2022 FARM SHOW Magazine - All Rights Reserved. hydraulic cylinders and the 45-in. A: We can supply one year warranty for our machines. A simple toggle switch operates both the loader and 3-point hitch, while suspension locks and a rear-mounted hydraulic power pack provide critical balance and stability. up to a height of 60 inches and dig with equal downward pressurenot just gravity like cheaper ATV buckets. year = year + 1900; He relies on gussets for support where more strength is needed.
The specific delivery time depends. Sometimes we have some in stock. Gaumitz resolved a concern with ATV suspension systems not being built to handle lifting a 500-lb. document.write(date + ", " + year + ""); months[11]="November"; A: Yes, we have 100% test before delivery, Loader With High Arm Rock Loader. Actually, we produce most of the parts in our own factory for better cost and quality control.
Suggestion for guys who plow and think their machine steers hard, add more air to front tires. Other brands may require other solutions, but suspension needs to be addressed. As much as we love it, country living isn't always easy.
Already a subscriber? How much for that setup Rick? Looks interesting. We can send engineer to customer place if big quality problem. If desired, I can supply an even larger power pack.
For a video demonstrationand more information, go toWildHareMfg.comor ATV Front Loaderon Facebook. Its fantastic. lift height and a capacity of 500 lbs. And, if you're just looking for a mower or snow removal device, Wild Hare Manufacturing has what you need, as well. The loader is strong enough to lift the ATV itself off the ground without bending, says Gaumitz. before closing due to other business issues. However, this front loader and hydraulic attachments system bares some of your load by turning the average sportsman ATV into an extremely useful piece of utility equipment. That is the Ground Hog Loader originally made by Concord Equipment. We can provide internet or calling service at any time. The process of adapting the ATV to fit the system and then attaching various utilities is relatively simple and certainly something you can do with one of the pre-made kits from Wild Hare. Maintenance Ideas & Shortcuts
ive seen one before but never in action. months[12]="December"; Ive used it to spread topsoil on my half-acre front yard, limestone for a 700-foot driveway, mulch, sand, firewood, snowyou name it. Copyright 2022 Dirt Toys Magazine | Published by Harris Publishing, Inc. Copyright 2022 Focus Technology Co., Ltd. Best wishes to Wild Hare and thanks for a great product, John Ramp of, , wrote to Wild Hare Manufacturing in May. He estimates the EarthMover will take 45 min. By popular demand, the original hydraulic front-end loader and implements for four-wheel all-terrain vehicles (ATVs) are back on the market with a new nameand a new Hawley, MN, company standing behind them. The Fora platform includes forum software by XenForo, Utility ATV repair, maintenance, troubleshooting, VerticalScope Inc., 111 Peter Street, Suite 600, Toronto, Ontario, M5V 2H1, Canada. Ive lifted a 650-lb.
A: Yes, we are quite interested in this business.

Box 1029 Want to know when we have important news, updates or interviews? // While your plow is mounted at the pegs your still using the front mounted winch to lift it transferring the weight to the front of you trv therefore causing the front to squat and the steering to get stiffer at the same time, my blade does the same thing but this loader is completely different. This post was originally published on August 21, 2019. Maneuverable in tight spaces, the Wild Hare ATV attachments enable quad owners to do horse stable cleaning, bale and log hauling, landscaping, grounds keeping, snow removal and other medium-duty jobs without tearing up their property. Earlier this year, Wild Hare Manufacturing bought out the Groundhog product line from Concord Equipment, which sold approximately 600 units across the U.S. before closing due to other business issues. I used a flat bar underneath and attached it to the frame with U-bolts, says Gaumitz. Intended or not, gravel will be put in the very small bucket. var time=new Date(); For product pricing, customization, or other inquiries. I bought my Groundhog loader in early 2004 when I was moving into my new house. Order by Phone 800-834-9665, SUBSCRIBE get a bucket full of gravel and GO! Front and rear hydraulics make the Wild Hare system stronger and safer than other ATV power tools for digging, lifting, hauling, plowing, levelingand many other jobs that used to require an expensive skid-steer or tractor. Print / Digital Subscription Digital Only Subscription Preview Issue .
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tall and 12-in. If you have a Honda, get air shocks at an auto parts store or on the internet, says Gaumitz. for the first installation. Twin control valves are standard with the EarthMover; however, Gaumitz is considering offering a joystick option. 7psi in my 30" Mudzillas, steers fine with a heavy plow.
If you where to take a good look at how it is mounted you would see that it's weight is transferred to (almost) the center of the frame distributing the weight to both front and rear tires. Among other specializations, you can now add a compact tractor to the list of ATV utilities. months[4]="April"; He is planning to add on custom designed forks, blades and other tools as requested. We'd like to cooperate with some local partner to sell more World machines in local market and supply better service. months[9]="September"; Sign up for daily stories delivered to your inbox. Manufactured commercially as the Groundhog from 2001 to 2007, the hard-working line of compatible ATV attachments is now called the Wild Hare ATV Implement System, available online directly from the manufacturer Ive used it without a problem on a 300 cc Honda, but it was designed for 400 cc and larger ATVs, says Gaumitz. How many of you have ever seen one of these? Should get a video of it in action! I would think it would be great for mulch, maybe some sand or even some top soil but gravel requires alot of force to penetrate and scoop up and I have serious doubts that this loader was intended to do that.