Beautiful in Japanese (Utsukushii), 6. Answer is simple >, How to say blessing in Turkish? Using a foreign language dictionary is a great way to identify even more options. Keep reading for more synonym words and expressions! Answer is simple >, How to say blessing in Hungarian? ", Barke African, meaning "many blessings. Many will emotionally claim that having a child saved their lives in some way.
A small difference, but something worth noting.

This is hard to translate, but is basically a wish for the child who sneezed to grow tall, healthy, and strong, she explains. Translation: The sword of destiny has two edges. Whether youre looking to learn how to speak Japanese or are simply interested in learning about lovely-sounding words in a language other than your own, youre sure to enjoy some truly beautiful Japanese words. Du bist wunderschnmeans youre very beautiful!, You can also tell someone theyre pretty withhbsch, or cute or sweet withses.
Answer is simple >panalangin, How to say blessing in Chichewa? Answer is simple >duo, How to say blessing in Vietnamese? Answer is simple >bendith, How to say blessing in Yiddish? Obsessed with travel? Answer is simple >blagoslov, How to say blessing in Bulgarian? It is that what motivates us and provides us with a reason for being. Now you can compliment someone on their beauty in 15 different languages! Theres definitely no shortage of words for beautiful in different languages from around the world. Thats right, Hakuna Mutata, popularised by a certain lion cub and his meerkat and warthog friends in the Lion Kind, is pretty similar in meaning to no problem in English. ", Mirakel Norwegian, meaning "a miracle. Serbian, noun: a feeling of bliss and the sense of oneness with the universe that comes from the simplest of pleasures, the pursuit of small, daily pleasures that all add up to a great sense of happiness and fulfillment. The third sneeze in a row got Que ceux-ci durent toujoursMay they last forever, shares French executive, Ophlie Castelot. Answer is simple >bogosawiestwo, How to say blessing in Portuguese? To simplify it, you could saymagnifique(magnificent), which is used to describe something or someone as very beautiful or striking. Beautiful in Russian (Krasivoye), 9. Spanish, noun: the feeling of affection so intense that you want to squeeze/ harm the object of it (although, of course, you don't). Dutch, adjective: Convivial, cozy, fun, quaint, or a nice atmosphere. Answer is simple >svtba, How to say blessing in Lithuanian? Italian continues the theme of gender-based words here! And the response? It is similar to the famous Swahili idiom Hakuna Matata. Mandarin, noun: fun, lively, has a special vibe that makes everyone want to be there. Answer is simple >faamanuiaga, How to say blessing in Scotsgaelic? Answer is simple >, How to say blessing in Arabic? Answer is simple >velsignelse, How to say blessing in Pashto? Liang bai sui she said, a phrase which means, 200 years. On later trips to China, and interactions with Chinese people, I learned that no non-geriatric person actually says this! Privacy Policy. Since your heart stops when you sneeze, in China we say One hundred years, to wish you a long life, she explained. Translation: To take your heart in your teeth. Answer is simple >chikomborero, How to say blessing in Sindhi? Discover a selection of Norweigian words, including basic terms used in everyday communication along with other interesting and beautiful examples of this lovely language. ", Segen German, meaning "a blessing" or "godsend. Answer is simple >, How to say blessing in Mongolian? ", Gianni Italian, meaning "God is gracious. Some languages use a gender neutral word term to mean beautiful rather than or in addition to having different words for men or women. Answer is simple >beneficium, How to say blessing in Latvian? ", Asher - Hebrew, meaning "a blessing," "fortunate. In Germany, Gesundheit, which loosely translates into health is the most-used, post-sneeze saying youll hear. ", Darko Slavic, meaning "a special gift. Would you like to know how to say blessing in 100 different languages? Answer is simple >, How to say blessing in Lao? Check out our Baby Name Center. ", Celestine Latin, meaning "from the heavens. Noun: Also spelled as Philotimo, this Greek word is almost impossible to translate but can be summed up as love of honour. It means Live! explains Jayme Henriques Simes, the president of Louis Karno & Company Communications, LLC. Answer is simple >benediksyon, How to say blessing in Hausa? You can learn more about it inthis post. Besides , you can also use (pio ling), which translates closer to pretty. Turns out, theres a word for that feeling when everyone lingers over the table talking after a meal. Afya means health in KiSwahili, language of East Africa). Once you discover how the word beautiful is translated into multiple languages, you can vary the way you express your perception of beauty verbally. Answer is simple >bereket, How to say blessing in Kyrgyz? However, sometimes after sneezing, youll just be met with a glassy stare! While its not likely that anyone will ever get tired of hearing a loved one describe them as beautiful, finding other ways of expression can expand your communication horizons. Girls are usually called (bishoujo, beautiful girl) or (kawaii, cute). For beautiful in ASL, you can check outthis short videothat gives a great demonstration: An easy way to remember it: the whole face is so beautiful, it pops It sticks out from the crowd, its very striking. (And if you want to be romantic with other words, here are50+ Spanish phrases and words to share your love.). Verb: Indicative of community and togetherness, this word refers to the process of working together with others for a common good. All rights reserved. So youll notice a lot of words in Esperanto are similar to others on the list, or English words. And with over 70,000 personalizable and ready designs to choose from, youre sure to find the perfect design even when you need a little creative help. Answer is simple >, How to say blessing in Catalan? If youve ever felt a deep connection to the fragility and miracle of life, then youll understand that a baby truly is a blessing. Learning how to say beautiful in a lot of different languages provides creative options for expressing your appreciation of beauty. Product reviews: Get our take on the resources for learning a language. Take a look at our favourite language courses. Greek, noun: "love of honor"; the importance of respecting and honoring friends/family. 50 Norwegian Words to Learn From Basic to Beautiful, 100 Ways to Say Beautiful in Different Languages, If you plan to use these words in spoken conversations, be sure to properly master the appropriate. We may not have a direct translation of these inspirational words in other languages, but they describe concepts and feelings we are familiar with. ", Ian Gaelic, meaning "a gift from the Lord. Answer is simple >berkat, How to say blessing in Irish? Pin it to save it for later: As a Montessori and Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) teacher for nearly 15 years, Miranda has since created The Indigo Teacher, a blog dedicated to progressive education and. Considering one of these names? I love that. Answer is simple >phc lnh, How to say blessing in Welsh? For instance, beautiful woman isbean lainn, but The woman is beautiful isT an bhean go hlainn. Answer is simple >benedicci, How to say blessing in Cebuano? You could create this using your computer or artistic skills such as painting or sketching. A form of gesundheit, Gesondheid is what people in South Africa say after someone sneezes. Discover unique things to do, places to eat, and sights to see in the best destinations around the world with Bring Me! If you want to tell someone youre very close to (like your significant other) that theyre looking very nice today, you say (yeppeo) or (ippeo). Like in Spanish,bonitoandbonitameans beautiful or pretty for masculine and feminine nouns respectively. You can surprise your significant other by calling them beautiful, stunning, elegant, handsome, lovely, or attractive in all these languages or you can practise with your pet. Answer is simple >, How to say blessing in Maltese? Answer is simple >, How to say blessing in Romanian? Arabic, verb: Staying up late and having conversations with friends or family. ", Daliso African, meaning "a heavenly gift. ", Bennett Latin, meaning "a little blessed one. You could start by learning beautiful Japanese words.There are endless possibilities when it comes to looking for new ways to let someone know that you see them as beautiful. is best for things like scenery. In Chile, Salud, meaning health, is a common phrase, used after a sneeze, but there are other less popular terms. Adjective: This refers to someone who is quick-witted, intelligent and on-the ball. The year of your birth may also affect how you say Bless you in France. Fun fact: Since Japanese takes some of its characters (kanji) from China, youll notice that the first character in is the same as from Japanese although the reading is different. Youll see this in a lot of languages. Answer is simple >, How to say blessing in Korean? Create unique captions for photos you take and save or share via social media using these terms to vary the way you describe the loveliness depicted in the images. Do Not Sell My Personal Information CA Residents. Finally, Mricel, which is a regionalist saying from Wallachia (South Romania) where I grew up, is usually addressed to little children, aged 7 or under. You could also say someone isattraente, or attractive. Search, watch, and cook every single Tasty recipe and video ever - all in one place! Now that you can choose among 100 ways to say beautiful in different languages, consider expanding your vocabulary about the concept of beauty in other ways. Adjective: Desvelado literally means awake and comes from the verb desvelar, which means to reveal or to keep awake. Kids generally find sneezing hilarious though! says Sam Williamson, a luxury safari travel expert. Answer is simple >, How to say blessing in Samoan? Here are examples of 10 rude American manners that are actually considered polite in other countries! Of course, there arevarying levels of formality in Korean. Answer is simple >vlsignelse, How to say blessing in Tajik? Being a Catholic country, God shows up in a lot of Irish language. Inuit, noun: togetherness, community spirit, working together for the common good. Answer is simple >bedeinkazioa, How to say blessing in Belarusian? Unconventional language hacking tips from Benny the Irish polyglot; travelling the world to learn languages to fluency and beyond! Even saying hello in Irish, Dia duit [pronounced Dee-ah Gwich] is another way of saying God be with you. Use the search field below. In German, you can useschnto tell someone theyre lovely or beautiful. Answer is simple >, How to say blessing in Gujarati? ", Tayja Hindu, meaning "a little gem from the heavens. Answer is simple >, How to say blessing in Armenian? Ive always felt like saying beautiful in another language expresses the feeling even better. Answer is simple >blessun, How to say blessing in Igbo? Swedish, noun: the area/space within two arms, e.g., 'in my arms'. Like many of the other languages, beautiful in Russian changes based on what youre describing. ", Chieko Japanese, meaning "a thousand blessings child. Answer is simple >, How to say blessing in Uzbek? on its own is a more intense, lasting beauty, while is more common to describe beauty in day-to-day life. Fun fact: This happens with other phrases and expressions as well, such asArabic greetings, which are different based on where they are used in the Arabic world. Answer is simple >segen, How to say blessing in Galician? So is more common when talking about people. Information on our advertising guidelines can be found. Verb/Adverb: This beautiful verb is ideal for those working in the creative field and it refers to the process of pouring yourself into your work or a task (although usually a creative one!). (Most beautiful!). The two characters mean elegant and bright, but (yuy) is the more accurate translation for describing someone as elegant. These inspirational words in other languages are all linked to success, resilience and motivation! Answer is simple >xeyir, How to say blessing in Basque? ", Sachi Japanese, meaning a "miracle," "bliss. Noun: This inspirational word in another language, namely Finnish, pertains to a stoic concept associated with grit, determination and resilience. Answer is simple >berkat, How to say blessing in Malayalam? If you are expecting a little blessing of your own and are looking to solidify his place as a gift and one of lifes miracles, consider one or more of these 50 names that mean blessing. You could also tell someone they arejoli(masculine) orjolie(feminine, pretty). In East Africa, its not just what you say when someone sneezes, its also what you dont say that speaks volumes. Of course, this isnt an exhaustive list of every possible way to say beautiful in a different language. Answer is simple >, How to say blessing in Urdu? Here Im sharing how to express beauty in 15 languages, so you can choose the word you prefer to enrich perfect moments! French, noun: literally "rediscovery"; a reunion (e.g., with loved ones after a long time apart). Welcome to our website! For example, consider exploring synonyms for beautiful to identify other terms or phrases you can use to describe beauty, either in your own language or translated into others. Then, Sntate (pronounced sa-na-ta-te) stands only for good health. Another word for beautiful istaibhseach, which is more like gorgeous or stunning. (milaya) means pretty and its used affectionately, almost like sweet girl.
Its a constructed language meant to bring people together from across the world. Gesundheit is also a widely used sneeze-etiquette saying throughout the U.S., and was probably brought here by German immigrants, in the mid-19th Century. Answer is simple >beannachadh, How to say blessing in Serbian? Answer is simple >, How to say blessing in Norwegian? Answer is simple >nimet, How to say blessing in Ukrainian? In Arabic, you can use (jamila) to tell a woman shes beautiful, or (jamil) for a man. Use this extensive translation list for inspiration. Answer is simple >blagoslov, How to say blessing in Somali? Throughout its journey over thousands of years, one thing still remains true: the symbolism and overall message that it breathes interprets blessing as a miraculous, heavenly gift. Answer is simple >hoopmaikai, How to say blessing in Hebrew? We hold major institutions accountable and expose wrongdoing. ", Reyan Indian/Sanskrit, meaning "gift of God," "little king. If you write love letters or poems to your significant other, consider using multiple translations of beautiful in the text. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. You can learn how to express yourself in new ways, and many languages have unique words that arent translatable. Sometimes a single word is not quite enough so we have also included some of the most beautiful phrases in different languages from around the globe. While you can use both to describe most anything of beauty, is usually too strong to use with people, especially to compliment young women. You could describe someone as charming with (ocharovatelnaya). Answer is simple >lehlohonolo, How to say blessing in Shona? Blessing English, meaning a divine gift. ", Jesse Hebrew, meaning "a blessing," "gift.". Sanskrit, noun: When you're in a mental state of bliss or peace, a oneness that flits into you, especially when you're listening to music. Work different ways of describing beauty into your creative writing efforts. Answer is simple >, How to say blessing in Latin? Other ways you can express someone or somethings beauty: If someone asks how they look, you can sayGewoon mooi!, (Simply beautiful!) Or you can changemooito its superlative form:Mooiste! Your use of the site indicates your agreement to be bound by our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Hermoso/ais a little on the formal side, so here are some more words to say beautiful in Spanish: Reminder: Words ending in o are masculine, and a are feminine. Find out the eight Spanish phrases everyone should know. This is also spelt aslainnwhen used to describe something as beautiful. Adjective: Ailyak is a beautiful Bulgarian term for the subtle art of doing everything calmly and without haste. Answer is simple >lds, How to say blessing in Icelandic? You have been wondering for sure, how to say a group of words or phrases in 100 different languages. Answer is simple >, How to say blessing in Nepali? Answer is simple >isibusiso. I laughed, which in turn made me sneeze again. Answer is simple >benedizione, How to say blessing in Japanese? ", Winifred Welsh, meaning "a blessed peacemaking. So here, os is the masculine form, i is feminine, and o is neutral. So, there are many variations. In Greek, you can say (panemorfo) to say beautiful or exquisite, but when describing something or someone as beautiful, you use (morfo). Verb: Literally translating as to have a door handle, this Czech verb means to have luck on your side. Noun: This Arabic word is similar to compromise, to some extent, but it refers to a situation in which everyone is more than happy with the outcome. Answer is simple >mdalitsidwe, How to say blessing in Corsican? Answer is simple >ibukun, How to say blessing in Zulu? Plus, German is full of fun,cute nicknames to express your adoration. Answer is simple >binecuvntare, How to say blessing in Russian? ", Desire French, meaning "hoped for so long. Speaks: Spanish, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Esperanto, Mandarin Chinese, American Sign Language, Dutch, Irish. These words dont have a direct translation in English making them all the more inspiring and beautiful. Looking for something? German, noun: literally "evening celebration"; the festive mood that can arrive at the end of a working day. Meaning: To do something particularly brave or daring, this is a phrase for those looking for courage in the face of fear. You are one of them. As with Spanish, French has genders for words. One day I sneezed, and my teacher said something I didnt understand. Answer is simple >, How to say blessing in Telugu? Hiya, Im Maud. We are no longer supporting IE (Internet Explorer) as we strive to provide site experiences for browsers that support new web standards and security practices. In this part of the world, it can be considered quite rude to sneeze loudly.