These comments either privileged the Ukrainians Caucasian race or their economic status, contrasting them with people from Middle Eastern countries or North Africa. The organizations mission is to provide peer support for members as they advance in their careers, to offer a forum to discuss professional issues, encourage young people of MENA heritage to pursue careers in journalism, and to improve and provide nuanced coverage of the MENA region and its peoples, as well as its heritage communities in other parts of the world. "The current war in Ukraine could be a seminal moment in how newsrooms respect diversity and incorporate anti-racism into their work," concluded Ryder. How Europe is offshoring its refugee responsibilities, Palestine and South Africa: United by their differences, We have to talk about racism in the UKs health care system, The Stardust Thief: A magical nod to Arab oral story-telling, China exploits fast fashion to dress up Uyghur genocide, Ms. Marvel's creative team is what makes it special, Russia's invasion of Ukraine: Civilians killed in Kharkiv. has an equal say. Are We Living In A Simulation? By becoming a 501 Club member you are helping the Morning Star cover its Featured musician Felukah and music podcaster Christina Hazboun, in conversation with arts journalist and producer Shirien Saad. Money from shares contributes directly to keep our Remarks made by CBS foreign correspondent Charlie D'Agata over the weekend were one example that prompted pushback from other reporters and policy figures. Deaths in times of war are tragic wherever they occur and journalists must avoid linking their importance, or how much sympathy we have for them, to their ethnicity or regional identity, he added. /AMEJA, Citing several examples of recent news coverage that ascribed more importance to European victims of war over others, AMEJA in its statement on Tuesday, said it "condemns and categorically rejects orientalist and racist implications that any population or country is 'uncivilized' or bears economic factors that make it worthy of conflict.". It dehumanizes and renders their experience with war as somehow normal and expected, the journalists body said in a statement. The Ukraine crisis coverage "reveals that unexplored emotional connections can be racially based, although we might not realize it," he added. We increased international student applications up to almost 1000 per year amidst COVID and the admissions team took some much awaited steps towards virtual recruitment and programming which has made our institutions name and brand become known worldwide. Another news organisationcriticised for racist, Eurocentric coverage on social media was the BBC, which featured Ukraines Deputy Chief Prosecutor David Sakvarelidze saying he was emotional because he sees Ukrainians with "blond hair and blue eyes"being killed. In this case, though, I missed a question that needed to be asked.
Call for Entries! The Newseum justifies its exclusion of the two journalists because of claims that they worked for news network run by Hamas, the governing party in Gaza. printing, distribution and staff costs help keep our paper thriving by [Thread] The most racist Ukraine coverage on TV News. "Inaccurate and disingenuous comparisons only serve to inflame stereotypes and mislead viewers, and they ultimately perpetuate prejudicial responses to political and humanitarian crises. In 2006, the organization registered as a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. AN INQUIRY into leaks designed to damage Penny Mordaunts Tory leadershipcampaign was launched today by the head of the Civil Service after she lo. However, several news outlets, particularly the Western media, are being criticized and condemned for the evidently racist undertones in their coverage of the unfolding humanitarian crisis that tend to amplify empathy for European victims while normalizing the sufferings of war and disaster in other regions such as Middle East, Africa and Afghanistan. And that's just a fallacy, but what it is showing that's very deeply concerning is that this mentality is so pervasive in these newsrooms that these articles and these statements and this kind of commentary makes it by unchecked.". Media organizations must not draw comparisons that "weigh the significance or imply justification of one conflict over another," it said, asserting that "civilian casualties and displacement in other countries are equally as abhorrent as they are in Ukraine. Noting that while a similar Western attitude in its coverage of Ukraine is not surprising, FPAA said "it is irresponsible, reprehensible," and that a racist approach should not be in any way associated with an important profession as journalism. AMEJA wholeheartedly supports the statements of peer groups The Committee to Protect Journalists, Reporters Without Borders and The World Association of Newspapers and News Publishers, and is appreciative of the investigations of Human Rights Watch. you, our readers and friends. Looking for those #outsideofordinary students who hope to start their journeys at one of the premier universities in the US. Some commentators have compared the invasion in Ukraine to crises in other countries. "We have been dehumanized to an extent where the assumption is that one, we're not civilized," she said, adding that these remarks have even come from reporters who spent years covering and living in the Middle East but still don't see the region as a civil place. "It dehumanizes and renders their experience with war as somehow normal and expected.". AMEJA is dedicated to the following principles and mission: Providing a forum that allows members to network and discuss professional issues in an open, non-discriminatory environment free from fears of professional, political, social, or personal recrimination. But the inverse was true for overqualified candidates: Hiring managers weremorelikely to hire overqualified women than overqualified men.". This type of commentary reflects the pervasive mentality in Western journalism of normalising tragedy in parts of the world such as the Middle East, Africa, South Asia, and Latin America. Please write email address for more information (email address), Arab and Middle Eastern Journalists Association (AMEJA). %PDF-1.4 "But this isn't a place, with all due respect, like Iraq or Afghanistan, that has seen conflict raging for decades," he said. "This type of commentary reflects the pervasive mentality in Western journalists of #normalizing #tragedy in parts of the world such as the Middle East, Africa, South Asia, and Latin America,"AMEJA said. ! The confidence and leadership of Mark Zupan and AUs Board of Trustees is invaluable as I continue growing this program and our efforts to ensure access to education for all and increasing awareness and to break down barriers so this amazing institution can reach students even in the most remote places. He said these migrants were "Europeans," and "not the refugees we are used to," adding that they're "intelligent" and "educated" and unlikely to spread terrorism, the Times reported. How science fiction can help explain politics today Featuring Walidah Imarisha, Writer, Octavia's Brood: Science Fiction Stories from Social Justice Movements; Jon Spaihts, Screenwriter, DUNE; Daniel Nexon, Georgetown University, School of Foreign Service; Moderated by: Nahal Toosi, Foreign Correspondent, Politico. Nagorno-Karabakh/Artsakh: Implications & Consequences As the Karabakh conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan enters de-escalation, join AMEJA member and CEO of News Deeply @Lara Setrakian, alongside Arzu Geybullayeva Founder of Azerbaijan Internet Watch, for an overview and analysis of the human costs and regional significance. The results,published inOrganization Science, showed that male CVs in the overqualified group were more often rejected than the female CVs in the same group. /CFP. #outsideofordinary #fiatlux, We learned a critical lesson with our work six months ago in #afghanistan - Article 26 Backpack is a critical tool for protecting the kinds of documents we all would need if we have to pick up and leave at a moment's notice. "This type of commentary reflects the pervasive mentality in Western journalists of normalizing tragedy in parts of the world such as the Middle East, Africa, South Asia, and Latin America,"AMEJA said. In one instance, a CBS reporter said Ukraine is "civilized" compared to countries like Iraq and Afghanistan. "Everybody forced to leave their home in search of safety, wherever they are from, deserves solidarity, support, and respect.". With a regular donation to our monthly "That's just something that's part of the fabric of our nations or the fabric of our societies. AMEJA was founded in 2005 in New York City by a small number of people working for various media organizations, who recognized a commonality of interests and issues facing journalists in the US of Middle Eastern and North African (MENA) heritage. This is a relatively civilised, relatively European I have to choose those words carefully, too city., Al Jazeera English anchor Peter Dobbie said: These are not obviously refugees looking to get away from areas in the Middle East that are still in a big state of war. One set of male and female CVs were given qualifications that made them highly suitable for a specific job description, while the other set were designed to look overqualified for the role. "[Researcher] Elizabeth Lauren Campbell created a set of CVs with stereotypical male and female names, but otherwise identical qualifications. "We must also be careful of the experts and pundits that we put on our broadcasts when reporting on the news When an interviewee stresses the importance of the civilian victims by drawing attention to their race the presenter can just gently remind them that 'obviously their lives have value irrespective of what they look like' and move on in a non-confrontational manner," he elucidated. With increase in scholarship opportunities, a growing active international student community, and in-demand programs, AU is primed to expand on a global scale. #education #humanrights #righttoeducation #righteducation, Ukraine invasion: Arab journalists call out 'orientalist, racist' double, HH Sheikh Hamdan Bin Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Being overqualified for a job impacts women and men differently, There's a Revolution in Teaching, and It's Even Being Televised, Canadian Bureau for International Education (CBIE) | Bureau canadien de lducation internationale, Additional Immigration Support for Those Affected by the Situation in Ukraine, Ukrainian Students, Professionals and Human Rights Defenders: Use UC Davis, Open Education, An Absolute Necessity In the Palestinian Context. For institutions seeking information on how best to support their students, families and institutional colleagues in Ukraine, please see the attached. And that's what is fundamental, because it's a disservice to the Ukrainian people who we stand in full solidarity with, and it's a disservice to the countless other people who are on borders elsewhere in the world, including in Poland but aren't Ukrainian or have the luxury of being European," Keshavarz said. Inaccurate and disingenuous comparisons only serve to inflame stereotypes and mislead viewers, and they ultimately perpetuate prejudicial responses to political and humanitarian crises, the statement said. Sign up for our newsletter to get the news, trends and strategies that advertising and media pros want to know delivered weekly to your inbox.
Ameja- the Arab and Middle Eastern Journalists Association published a statement on Sunday citing multiple examples of "#racist news coverage"from renowned news outlets, includingCBS, The TelegraphandAl Jazeera Media Network followingRussias invasion of Ukraine. You cant buy a revolution, but you can help the only daily paper in R~p:"x1{QRL wAMLG8F(75My^2sd\l;S]|h`Z"X8QVs9 QjzE:l2BB0SMX/u,WI
FT"Kg@)Bjq9vYX__X\_S0yL2B]z@}CYj:d2. However, AMEJA firmly holds that a journalists political affiliations, whatever they might be, are irrelevant to the question of whether he or she is a journalist. Kristyan Benedict, Amnesty International UK Campaign Manager, told The New Arab: "An unfortunate aspect of the Ukraine crisis has been the ignorant and, at times, inhumane responses from some commentators regarding people fleeing armed conflict. Groups like the Arab and Middle Eastern Journalists Association have called on reporters to check their implicit bias. Students and #humanrights defenders (often the very same people) are especially vulnerable. /FPAA. #ammanjordan #irbid #aqaba #cairo #muscatoman #erbil, In order to get the same job, men simply need to be qualified, whereas women need to have something extra. The rich dont like us, and they dont advertise with us, so we rely on #StandwithUkraine #intled Canadian Bureau for International Education (CBIE) | Bureau canadien de lducation internationale Arab journalists have condemned the "orientalist and racist"coverage by western media of the war in Ukraine, which saw comparisons drawn withconflicts in the Middle East and North Africaregion. Refugees fleeing from Ukraine because of the Russian invasion at the border checkpoint in Medyka, Poland, March 1, 2022. endobj Incredible innovations are happening across the country in higher education that will have a profound impact on learners and faculty alike. Observers including the Arab and Middle Eastern Journalists Association noted that remarks by D'Agata and other media reporters comparing the crisis in Ukraine to others in the Middle East did not meet journalistic standards and projected implicit biases. "News organizations need diversity urgently, and not just out in 'the field,' with black and brown people working for low pay and worse protection as fixers and translators," it noted. It dehumanizes and renders their experience with war as somehow normal and expected.". "All human life should be viewed as equally important. 3 0 obj Applying a political litmus test to determine whether one is a journalist is a slippery slope that serves no useful purpose in the service of an informed public. Fighting Fund, we can continue to thumb our noses at the fat cats and
Journalists' Body Warns of Racism, Biases in Western Media Coverage of Ukraine. The future belongs to those who can imagine it, design it, and execute it. While there's a genuine uproar on social media platforms such as Twitter and Facebook calling out the racist media biases triggering a positive debate within the Western media fraternity on the subject, two journalists' bodies from Africa and the Middle East have issued strongly-worded statements to register their protest while advising the media organizations to get past "American- or Euro-centric biases.". "Journalism is a tool that can break the yoke of racism. Photo: Reuters/Kai Pfaffenbach. "AMEJA condemns and categorically rejects orientalist and racist implications that any population or country is 'uncivilized' or bears economic factors that make it worthy of conflict," the organization said in a statement. Advocating for the safety and security of journalists around the world to work without harassment or fear of harassment or persecution. Ukraine invasion: Arab journalists call out 'orientalist, racist' double standards on Ukraine coverage. "This type of commentary reflects the pervasive mentality in Western journalism of normalizing tragedy in parts of the world such as the Middle East, Africa, South Asia, and Latin America. This type of commentary reflects the pervasive mentality in Western journalism of normalizing tragedy in parts of the world such as the Middle East, Africa, South Asia, and Latin America. Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada is taking additional steps to support Ukrainians and people residing in Ukraine. :1/#9 @p5Fn3AfIpD6L~_)!Bun#Z!#89 |%DPR6),'w kc_f|FbvT! People who are not white are no less civil or incapable of solving conflict," FPAA asserted. This implicitly suggests that war is a natural phenomenon in places outside of the Euro-American sphere, and the Middle East in particular, and that war would take place because of a lack of civilization, rather than due to unjust geopolitical power distribution or foreign intervention, he said. He said the Russian invasion of Ukraine is very different from the US invading Afghanistan or the regional war in Syria because this is literally the closest it has gotten in our lifetime to a world war,not because one area is civilised and the other is not. On CBS News: they are relatively civilized and European and not people from war torn countries like Iraq & Afghanistan, Ibrahim Bahati (@Bahabris) February 27, 2022. The FPAA statement on the Ukrainian crisis concurred on the need for media diversity., Front Page News:
With credible reports of Russian "kill lists" and a history of Russian cyberwar attacks on institutions, the matter is more acute in Ukraine.
The group called on newsrooms to train their correspondents on the cultural and political nuances of regions they are reporting on, and urged them not rely on US- or Eurocentric biases. Will Erdogan be the biggest winner in the Ukraine crisis? It isnt something you await, but rather create. By clicking Sign up, you agree to receive marketing emails from Insider The Arab and Middle Eastern Journalists Association (AMEJA) condemns in the strongest possible terms, the decision of the Newseum to exclude Palestinian journalists Mahmoud al-Kumi and Hussam Salama from its memorial of journalists killed in the line of duty. Egypt: Journalism in a Narrow Space featuring Lina Attalah, chief editor and co-founder of Mada Masr, in conversation with Kareem Fahim, Istanbul bureau chief for The Washington Post. It cited examples of comments made by analysts and reporters of prominent media organisations like CBS News, The Telegraph and Al Jazeera English.
Supporting and uplifting members of these communities and understanding the unique challenges they face. It is also seen in the lack of nuance and empathy given to people suffering from war and other man-made emergencies (including climate change).". <> Local residents are boarding an evacuation train driving to the west of Ukraine, in the Ukrainian capital of Kyiv, February 26, 2022. Ameja condemned the orientalist and racist implications that any population or country is uncivilisedor bears economic factors that make it worthy of conflict. The New Arab contactedThe Telegraph about allegations of bias but did not receive any response by the time of publication. Facilitating contact between journalists and sources based in the Middle East and North Africa. Advocating the inclusion of MENA perspectives that are often lacking in mainstream media outlets. If the Newseum truly wishes to honor the principle of press freedom, it must reverse its decision of exclusion and restore Messrs. al-Kumi and Salama from its memorial of journalists who perished while working to inform the public of vital matters of the day. <> However, while speaking with reporters, Petkov highlighted the differences between these refugees compared to previous ones. Publicizing opportunities for career advancement among members. Meanwhile, the Arab and Middle Eastern Journalists Association (AMEJA) called on media organizations, particularly the Western ones, to be mindful of implicit and explicit bias in their coverage of war in Ukraine.