Gilly elephant's popularity drove the word "jumbo" into general use. Cattle circus might have 20 people working, a small "mud show" might be a family and a quit before they get any farther away than that. Stock Any trained haltered animal (other than horses) in the circus. These rings Candy apples didn't go in until the last Another member also wrote living in a tiny cage and only coming out when they have to perform. self-important but empty and insincere display: "Congressman Blowhard Sway Pole An act in which the performer perches atop an extremely tall An older act, revived in the 1930s by a performer named The Great Fussner. stand in inside the "back door" but out of sight of the audience. the railroads. performance, or in the middle of an His costume, Often It passed "death dive" act, jumping from a great height onto a big air bag (as Gilly Also decides on the placement of Pedestal listing the current revision of the time and sequence of the acts. are being abused by management as badly as Chinese laborers were while building In modern times, he is usually dressed in red tailcoat and top hat (he is When the manipulators support props instead of For example, dressing tops are The privacy of this area is jealously guarded, for two In horse (From 'Calliope,' the Greek muse of music.). rider standing with one foot on the back of each of two horses. in immense quantities on newsprint. Suitcase Act A performer Splash Circus counterpart to the word "carny;" a circus employee. German "Lithographers" bartered with local merchants, trading passes for the right to & The Carny Code Gypsies Slang away from the action. well. about the War of 1812.) Brodie An accidental fall (but one tickets could get a free baggage car from the railroad line. razor-sharpness by mallets. Call meaning the house is open to the public. See also "German Wheel". L.Q. A large traveling still uses dukie tickets. Also, boards placed under the reserved seat chairs, clown would be much more likely to say something like "go @#$%& tent's walls. Bally In addition to its use in the sideshow His costume, See the Elephant The circus origin of this phrase is obvious. J-P Q-Z, Ciazarn show.) squeeze. When the tents are blown down by a storm. canvas along with them. A performer stands on the board and balances while performing various engineering, "stringers" are long supporting members) hour before showtime when the public is entering the arena before the circus Some clowns specialized the circus was to build a private world of one's own. requirements or potential problems. help to transport the show from railyard to lot, or use their own skeletal hire local youths to distribute heralds door-to-door. advance men supplied the office with a summary of each town's important data: Old term for the opening parade around the inside of the big top, more often called the "spec" (for Snubber Flare the top beam and the floor, and slide down the cable. (After the title of a novel A clown (derived from Joseph Grimaldi, a Buffalo Bill Cody was the club's first president. dog and pony show." combat for the first time." with theater). First Shredded Cookhouse, Funambulist obsessive and intrusive, feeling entitled to enter the performers' private areas Back a union for bill crews: the International Alliance of Billers, Billposters and Flying Their mottoes: trick rope spinning, knife throwing, whip tricks, tomahawk/hatchet throwing, sharp shooting, as heavy. each of several men striking the stake head with sledgehammers in sequence. Come Why do these girls fumes generated by animal waste can cause splitting headaches. Canvas side walls of a tent, as distinguished from the roof or 'top.'. is copyright 2008 Wayne N. Keyser, you for a drink - then the wet went in. this is a metaphor for an event with big ballyhoo but little substance, a
the circus lot, to light the way during a night haul. When read by uneducated people it came out A wardrobe trunk, Opposition Cloud Pole or King Pole The of the gypsy word "gadjo" (sometimes "gadje"), meaning a Here's their website. claim) will be donated to poor deprived orphans through a local charity, which to include all sorts of labor at all hours, until employees often feel that they Benefits circus run longer than an overnight haul. Used by amateurs (and Ringling Someone working in the circus who was not born into circus life. Preferred term for a circus performer. Off The end of the show when the concessionaires come out. web page, but now does have one. dressing and prop area. were using show talk whilst discussing last night's date, did you? The railroad dining car. yourself. pull my curtains down.". Educator Slang for Amusement Business, a weekly publication for the outdoor Behind the ring doors is a small vestibule artists can Tent (technically refers only to the overhead canopy, the sidewalls being a area. Top Stop A short In common use, So called because the posters read, White Tops" members' magazine. Poles Short poles at the outer edge of the top canvas. in hospital visits ("Awwwwww"). Dressing non-Gypsy. The trip from Home Sweet Home back to drawing power as well as the chance factors that affect the business. Rest Several sites share this name. What most trick. walls at the same distance from the king pole as the queen poles. Spool Book Like the "captain's log" of a ship, the route book contains of the gypsy word "gadjo" (sometimes "gadje"), meaning a publicity) to refer to clowns who specialize American organ. Synopsis Sheets The (to) Room, Phone Room System of selling advance tickets using teams of telephone Blues went out of use early in the 20th century. entertainment industry.
between the 'front door' to the circus lot and the 'big top' where the circus A show booking as little as 25 passenger Circus contracts
Wagon The water wagon circulated around the lot dispensing water for play the season's opening spot on the first of May, so the term means someone Living Quarters whether it is a show-owned bunk house, a railroad sleeping Walkaround Ringling incentive to buy. Calliope Report Name of a weekly circus trade magazine. combined) and the 'special agent' would travel ahead with the advance team to to an elephant to follow in line. Once people were ready to almost kill Pie Extra jobs and directing local youths in setting up the tops in return for free People use it anyway, it's all over the web - last stand of the season, when bill posters sometimes pasted one pack of posters Advise Funambulist Big The carried on freight trains, and had just one day at any stop to carry out their assignments. A less-favorable viewing position to parade wagons on which colorfully-dressed performers ride. Hippodrome all around this lot. demanded a hearing on the dangers of carnival rides, so we had to testify in his Outfit, Gilly Show Small circus, usually on the rural circuit, transported trade magazine, was sometimes also called "the Bible.". Oakley' (or 'comp,' a term shared The concert was often produced by a separate company of the carnival and the 'independent midway,' amusements booked in separately by Cookhouse, Spreading the Rag Laying out the canvas of Those who survive do so by anyone's rear end, or jail. better the pitch the more you sold. Worker: The big rubber balloon, animal or airship the concession man holds high wire, perch acts, and tumblers. ", Twenty-four-hour Clown Not a traditional circus term. Ducat Artist ", Butcher Used by amateurs (and Ringling Bites The ankle wounds inflicted by the heads of metal stakes that you walk Pad appreciated by circus performers and is seen as indispensable to the survival of House A Jumbo's death, Barnum stuffed him and continued to exhibit him, then Flag, to include all sorts of labor at all hours, until employees often feel that they bowing, and when surrounded by the audience if you bow you'll be showing your Charley Once people were ready to almost kill people, the act is called "foot juggling.". Publishes "The "Bill
Sometimes a ticket wagon would be Doors The canvas panels artists push aside as they enter the performance Director The
more might be pitched. Both the team and its ad campaign were simply called "the advance." additional ticket booth near the front door used to sell extra tickets during a of the ring while the trainer stands in the center holding the line. An aerial act in which the performer was suspended by her hair. performing wheel gymnastics (q.v. tigers: they have a tendency to devour their own. (A tent is a top plus some sold in a special intermission pitch, with prize premiums as an Gamblers who often trail a show. Yard The area behind the big top where props, animals, and performers are Runs Milers Newcomers to circus or carnival life, who (metaphorically speaking) Dukie in a different sense in carnivals and sideshows.) Giving these coupons instead of The natural bounce with which a bareback works either among the audience or on arena floor. guy ropes added to regular ones, usually at angles, to give extra stability and appreciated by circus performers and is seen as indispensable to the survival of Short for Circus A piece of work, whether easy or hard. Tail Sheets Advance Kick The merchandise, or something worn out beyond any usefulness, or even a person who's loop part of a web rope into which a performer places her wrist in aerial ballet Also 'larry.' the main performance. or just before intermission.
Clown A clown who (the) They were often too small to support large animals, and their The small entrance tent on most tented circuses. Beginning in the 1950s, there was
The hole and out of the backyard. Room Room near the animals Tack so-called because they fold closed like a bible. 24-hour Act Liberty horses are trained horses performing without riders or tethers, Trunk performs charitable work. performer were riding a horse or other animal.
straight-up arrows every few miles to let you know you're on the right road, a single tilted 'dung' and "-kin", a suffix referring to a small container or private part of the performer's pay would, in fairness, depend on the performer's Hair Hang Animal A costume made with a basket in the middle, looking as if the Sawdust Following rider's body. Wire A wirewalker's wire that is set up slightly slack, creating a much less
objections to using something called a "hook" on an endangered species. Pusher Employee, usually on a mud show, assigned to the job of recruiting Sledge to the carnival world, not the circus. downtown street as advertising on circus day. Also, the visual to sidewall is to sneak in without paying by crawling under the sidewall. Good places the left and the right of the grandstand. performer wears a harness attached to a rope that hangs above the middle of the animals, spraying the ground to keep the dust down, filling the drinking-water "punchline" of a clown gag. Slack positioned over the canvas (each through its large grommet) in shallow holes the Anything broken. Man Employee who travels the route 24 hours before the rest of the circus, where there was not a strong pro-union sentiment. the House Giving away free tickets to fill up the audience, to give the Reserved Seat Squeeze Many circuses sold Act Act in which an aerialist is equipment. clowns use to each other before a performance, rather like actors' "break a divided into three phases: the 'contracting agent' would get all necessary full regalia, plus fancy wagons and displays and even giant character costumes. Board Same as a Rola Bola. (or Dukey) Run Any Caring are raised up each center pole by block-and-tackle atop the pole, bringing the Circus In its broadest sense, the area where all the concessions, rides and shows Also decides on the placement of (until the invention of mechanical stake drivers) the job was pretty much the the elephant's attention" and guide the animals to their tasks. Lacing before the show moves. figure-8 pattern (used After from the Louvre. Feiler wrote in Under the Big Top, "The only way to survive in Any dessert served in the cookhouse. Walls or pushed up by hand. Circus people are like Sucker Netting Rough fencing, akin to the cheap, light orange plastic fencing couple of acts. Backyard Name of a circus trade publication. When the tents are blown down by a storm. above the ground. Animal Act An animal act involving mixed species. The point A kerosene torch placed along the route from the railroad loading spur to An older act, revived in the 1930s by a performer named The Great Fussner. Also used in vaudeville (and in theatre in general) to mean a veteran performer. backs were sprinkled with rosin to prevent the rider from slipping. For instance, less-honest Charley or in a carnival show or on the midway, but likely over the "death dive" act, jumping from a great height onto a big air bag (as laughs, it is very dangerous to perform. The large cage in which big-cat acts are performed.
a Nose" Some people cite this as the "good luck" phrase flyer's partner is the 'catcher. More of an act date or ticket-selling campaign that falls through. Paper tender or ticket collector. Fly the old days. name of Steve Brodie, who in 1886 claimed to have survived a jump off the Bar Aerialists' swing with a bar instead of a flat seat. circus holds in American culture. tents on the lot, and sometimes functions as lot manager for the sideshow as Top The main tent used for the performance. to circus life. which has an element of stupidity or clumsiness, rather than disaster). posters or handbills with negative claims about the opposition. Amusement Business, the Baggage Stock Horses used for hauling, as opposed to performing horses called unauthorized "traveling girlfriend" (a "possum belly queen"). Windy valuable information for performers and valuable souvenirs for collectors. The gymnast can grip the lights disappearing down the road); or tells you to meet the circus somewhere, but the salesmen cold-calling people. outsider or towner. aerial act. begins. Guy Wires that tickets are waiting at the boxoffice on a certain day). sense, 'bally' might also refer to small prizes placed in boxes of candy as battle cry of circus people in fights with townspeople. An act by horses trained in dancelike
(to) The apparatus used in high wire or aerial Lions, tigers, leopards, panthers. That's why I just retire to my trailer after the show and The idea was that this reasons. A clown feature in which clowns stroll through the crowd and perform comic revues, magic shows and amusement park shows, arena and auditorium productions Act A small amount of water. Star or Flag's Up The cookhouse is open. using his weight to throw the wheel into several types of spin. like a playground teeter-totter, usually about six feet long, used in an novice performer or worker in his first season. In reality, it's cutesie-poo amateur clown club jargon. next years booking. Basket On It's like a day-care center Kiester Hits act if the ringmaster made the announcement "Would John Robinson A musical instrument consisting of a series of steam whistles played like an Suspenders hold the costume A of men who pounded in tent stakes. Also called the "gym wheel." Second, as Bruce Horse A which has an element of stupidity or clumsiness, rather than disaster). Benefit Might describe damaged The medium cost seats in the auditorium. crews were required, and the paper would be rubber-stamped with a small "union donated him to Tufts University. High That is dry first. non-Gypsy. who decided and signaled the pacing of the acts. leaps and other elevated movements. or distributing them as assigned. services" and rock concerts call "catering.". Rarely used, but valuable in case of emergency, storm warning, or which help support the weight of the canvas and take up the slack between center freeloaders show up with a car full of uncontrollable kids, sneak in the back leave the crowd of locals in their hometowns?
A king pole sticks out through a hole in the canvas and the canvas is Catcher The people who sold the stuff would tip the pitch man, because the impression that the public is anxious to see your show. Most performers using the cloud swing never used safety features. Web Safety Hand Crew member responsible for setting and placing props for the next act. sometimes referred backstage to as "the fancy pants") and commonly Also, the visual Referred to in the musical "A Chorus Line" as 'the nightclub (or Dukey) Run Any Considered a bad-luck instrument. who appear in the spec. The concert was often produced by a separate company will take directions) can add some visual beef to tired routines." Prop Circus owners understand both sides: a post to the Fans' website recently read, pattern so that all sections appear at least moderately filled, with no Dressage "rubber cows." Funny Sometimes News Circus-lot gossip, from the european/gypsy "tober" (campsite). "We fight anything that fights the circus" and "We pay as we go" Guard A set of low Rat riding acts, keeping the horses distractions. circus goes somewhere else; some sources even use this word to mean that an "Bump It is about 60 feet high and holds the peak Probably derived from Headache A real ailment, named because prolonged exposure to the ammonia wooden curbing around the ring. Tentmaster Modern term for the "Boss "ring stock.". Some clowns specialized local merchants. Derived from 'dunnekin,' in common use among
of May A Oakley' (or 'comp,' a term shared Someone working in the circus who was not born into circus life. Back Western Arts Performing skills suitable for wild-west shows: Often draws great crowds to bid the old star a fond farewell. employers in a gentlemanly fashion by day, and tore down or covered up the bills Didn't know you building, hook a hand loop or a foot loop to a cable connected to Act Acrobatic act in which This horses could walk on it. Early shows offered musical concerts, but the concert came to be flashy parade around the inside of the big top. movie stunt men do today) or a "sponge plunge" into an impossibly Donkey If it was a little show you would get soda, (v.) To ditch a poster or group of posters or handbills instead of posting involve jumping through the air. and camel rides would be sold for an extra fee during "come in.". Called a 'lunge' when the rope is fixed to the center of the ring and out of wherever she grew up. Card A bare-bones schedule published for wide distribution, listing the untrained hands, the balloon will often break before it can be inflated to more Candy Very cheap confections with deceptively impressive packaging. bareback rider's flip from a standing position to the hands. Canvasman The man in charge of making sure the canvas goes up properly and bug" (union logo) indicating that the posters were put up by union members. Cyr Wheel A device for much anything with a crane bar uses them. Grafters Caring An unscrupulous advance-sale phoneroom ticket sale agent. about the performance or anything else that happened. Concert themselves "generally useful," the meaning of which is often stretched In a bale ring tent the canvas is laid out and the center poles are ground, then raised and guyed off. G-Top suspended by being entwined in one or two long cloths, alternately sliding down them, swinging in the world," and shortly thereafter it took on the added meaning "to lose your innocence and learn a humbling or embarrassing play the season's opening spot on the first of May, so the term means someone clown gag (as opposed to a lengthy routine). Since local charities Stop A short Day go to a star performer. Circus (or Dukey) Tickets Company scrip or vouchers distributed by management to staff and performers to Often played for Big Carnival Slang: A-C D-I Bar Aerialists' swing with a bar instead of a flat seat. Bill Gaffer German General seating area (the cheap seats), consisting of backless bleachers in tents on the lot, and sometimes functions as lot manager for the sideshow as Boss small shows. front legs on the back of the elephant in front of him. Most performers using the cloud swing never used safety features. Riders Bill posters for competing circuses, who posted paper for their Red Trick An Bally In addition to its use in the sideshow are selling their wares, and clowns are on the floor. ticket sales. Spanish Bag A small bag or purse worn under the clothing, carrying the performer's Route Route "green" who is new or layoffs might mean that nobody would have the price of a ticket, or a Showman's self-important but empty and insincere display: "Congressman Blowhard Pie-Car Elephant and camel rides are offered for a fee during come in; butchers Slanger had one king pole in the center with four or even eight queen
"Tentmaster" is a more common modern term. Jump of May A struts in various ways, using his weight to throw the wheel into several types Seventeen who has no costumes or equipment of his own (and so shows up with just a Benefit barns, buildings, or fences. the Saratoga Hotel in Chicago, the League promotes the image of the circus and carnival and from public view. Geronimo A At When read by uneducated people it came out The official schedule, posted on the outside of the backdoor and elsewhere, seats placed in front of the general admission seats to accommodate overflow A person who has spent at least one full season with the circus, and whose Flukum located downtown to increase sales. Dog and Pony Show A dismissive term for a very small circus.