Copyright 2022, Inc., a division of IXL Learning All Rights Reserved. Forums. Vocabulary.Games. A few days after you shave, your skin will be rough with stubble. All rights Reserved, We let them enjoy for a while, and then We shall drive them to a torment, , - . The word in the example sentence does not match the entry word. rough in Marathi Marathi of translation of rough Marathi meaning of rough what is rough in Marathi dictionary? How many can you identify?
Used of animals. The meanings of uneven and rough largely overlap; however, uneven implies a lack of uniformity in height, breadth, or quality. See how your sentence looks with different synonyms.
Also see: rough in Hindi, English to Telugu Translation.
Konkani 2022 LoveToKnow Media. Having or covered with scales or small projections and rough to the touch: Of a body part other than the head, having hair growing from it.
Having a thin edge or a fine point suitable for or capable of cutting or piercing. The definition of burdensome is something that is hard to deal with, or that places too great of expectations.
Usage explanations of natural written and spoken English. (Botany) Having symmetrically arranged parts of similar size and shape: Produced under artificial and controlled conditions: Polite and gracious; considerate toward others; well-mannered. Literal translation leads to mistranslating of idioms, which is a serious problem for machine translation.[2]. Rough means harsh and uneven. The number of unregistered voters is 13,000, according to rough estimates. broken, bumpy, craggy, irregular, jagged, rocky, rugged, stony, uneven, bristly, bushy, coarse, dishevelled, disordered, fuzzy, hairy, shaggy, tangled, tousled, uncut, unshaven, unshorn, agitated, boisterous, choppy, inclement, squally, stormy, tempestuous, turbulent, wild, bearish, bluff, blunt, brusque, churlish, coarse, curt, discourteous, ill-bred, ill-mannered, impolite, inconsiderate, indelicate, loutish, rude, unceremonious, uncivil, uncouth, uncultured, ungracious, unmannerly, unpolished, unrefined, untutored, boisterous, cruel, curt, drastic, extreme, hard, harsh, nasty, rowdy, severe, sharp, tough, unfeeling, unjust, unpleasant, violent, cacophonous, discordant, grating, gruff, harsh, husky, inharmonious, jarring, rasping, raucous, unmusical, arduous, austere, hard, rugged, spartan, tough, uncomfortable, unpleasant, unrefined, basic, crude, cursory, formless, hasty, imperfect, incomplete, quick, raw, rough-and-ready, rough-hewn, rudimentary, shapeless, sketchy, unfinished, unpolished, unrefined, untutored, crude, raw, rough-hewn, uncut, undressed, unhewn, unpolished, unprocessed, unwrought, amorphous, approximate, estimated, foggy, general, hazy, imprecise, inexact, sketchy, vague, draft, mock-up, outline, preliminary sketch, suggestion, bruiser, bully boy, casual, lager lout, ned, adumbrate, block out, delineate, draft, outline, plan, sketch, suggest, knock about or around, maltreat, manhandle, mistreat, thrash, work over, civil, considerate, courteous, courtly, delicate, elegant, graceful, gracious, pleasant, polite, refined, smooth, sophisticated, urbane, well-bred, well-mannered, gentle, just, kind, mild, pleasant, quiet, soft, complete, detailed, finished, perfected, polished, refined, specific, adequate, cobbled together, crude, improvised, makeshift, provisional, sketchy, stopgap, thrown together, unpolished, unrefined, boisterous, disorderly, haphazard, indisciplined, irregular, rough, rowdy, scrambled, scrambling, English Collins Dictionary - English synonyms & Thesaurus, Collaborative Dictionary English Thesaurus. 'All Intensive Purposes' or 'All Intents and Purposes'. There's his car and her car, his towels and her towels, and his library and hers." Can you name them all? Free from worry, anxiety, trouble, or pain: Designating or of a type of film characterized by a fast-paced plot, a series of suspenseful confrontations, violent fight and chase scenes, etc. While in some cases nearly identical to rough, harsh implies a surface or texture distinctly unpleasant to the touch. We can only give an approximate number for dinner until all the invited guests have responded. To brush is defined as to use a tool with bristles or to quickly sweep something with the hand. However, rugged implies irregularity or roughness of land surface and connotes difficulty of travel. Marathi Indicating a lack of confidence or certainty; hesitant: (Nautical) The depth of a vessel's keel below the water line, especially when loaded: A supporting structure or framework, as of a building. A preliminary plan or version, as of a written work. Bengali Bikini, bourbon, and badminton were places first. Exact, as in performance, execution, or amount; accurate or correct: The definition of complete is someone or something that is finished or whole and that is not missing anything or any parts. , ShabdKhoj - English Hindi Word Search and Translation, the part of a golf course bordering the fairway where the grass is not cut short. The definition of arduous is a way of describing something that is extremely tiring and difficult. Sanskrit Alakazam's Japanese name Foodin was inspired by a rough translation of Harry Houdini's last name. Accessed 21 Jul. Literal translation of idioms is a source of translators' jokes and apocrypha.
A daily challenge for crossword fanatics. You can create your own lists to words based on topics. The definition of coarse is something that has large particles, poor quality, a rough texture or something that is in bad taste. 2022 Reverso-Softissimo.
Having a surface free from irregularities, roughness, or projections; even. For many days he wandered through rough and dangerous places. You can enter a word by copy & post, drag & drop, or by typing in the search box above to get the meanings of rough. Causing sharp, often prolonged discomfort. ' ' - . definition, antonym, and synonym of rough. . The definition of polished is shiny, refined or without errors.
Test your vocabulary with our 10-question quiz! Learn a new word every day. in shape or texture; or being in the same plane or at the same height as something else (i.e. Synonyms of rough The following has often been told in relation to inexperienced translators or to machine translations: When the sentence, "The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak" (" , ", an allusion to Mark 14:38) was translated into Russian and then back into English, the result was "The vodka is good, but the meat is rotten" (" , "). While all these words mean "not smooth or even," rough implies points, bristles, ridges, or projections on the surface. Difficult to undertake, surmount, or defeat: (Law) Entailing more liabilities than benefits or imposing significant obligations. Acting with force; having a strong or violent effect; severe; harsh; extreme. All rights reserved. Missing important points or lacking in detail; not thorough: Not extensive or important; minor or insignificant: The definition of uncouth is awkward, clumsy or uncultured. ; out of the ordinary; anomalous. You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: Improve your vocabulary with English Vocabulary in Use from Cambridge.Learn the words you need to communicate with confidence. . For example, American children of German immigrants are heard using "rockingstool" from the German word "Schaukelstuhl" instead of "rocking chair". 2022, All rights reserved.
Characterized by moderate temperatures, weather, or climate; neither hot nor cold. in growth or form. Difficult or distasteful to accept, admit, or bear: The definition of crass is something that is crude, insensitive and unrefined. the process of changing something into a different form, usually to produce a. Even or uniform in tone, color, pitch, volume, rate, etc. marked by bursts of destructive force or intense activity, at least wear a raincoat if you're going out into that, requiring considerable physical or mental effort, a forensics expert who willingly takes on, harsh and threatening in manner or appearance, marked by a series of sharp quick motions, marked by turmoil or disturbance especially of natural elements, 'Dunderhead' and Other Nicer Ways to Say Stupid, 'Pride': The Word That Went From Vice to Strength. The most accurate translation of the word would be master. WITH BOATS, FERRIES, PLANES AND SNOWMOBILES.
HinKhoj is registered trademark of HinKhoj InfoLabs LLP. First make a literal translation and then try and put it into idiomatic English. Assamese set of words and word groups together with their definition, You want to reject this entry: please give us your comments (bad translation/definition, duplicate entries), English Portuguese translation in context, Free: Learn English, French and other languages, Reverso Documents: translate your documents online, Learn English watching your favourite videos. I don't like it when you're rough like that. Slightly at odds with established standards of propriety; somewhat improper, offensive, or coarse: Hostile to or lacking in appreciation for, Used to describe people who display a marked lack of manners as defined by a given, Violent and disorderly, with no concern for rules. Rough means coarse or bumpy, and can be used in many different ways. Nepali . Historical comparisons are always inexact and often misleading. Not harmonious; discordant, in conflict, etc. He wrote the first English translation of Homers 'Iliad'. Designating, of, or resulting from a process of manufacturing steel from high-phosphorus iron, in which the refining agent is a basic slag formed from a basic furnace lining and the addition of lime. the last stage in a game of chess when only a few of the pieces are left on the board, Keeping an open mind and opening your heart: useful phrases with open. Bodo Constituting or contributing to luxury; splendid, rich, comfortable, etc. And more We provide a facility to save words in lists. not even or uniform as e.g. Kannada Yes! Instead, the concept of three ' sorts of people ' expressed a rudimentary perception of broad, Under the scanning electron microscope its surface appears. Search rough translation and thousands of other words in English definition and synonym dictionary from Reverso. Characterized by a lack of moral restraint; dissolute or licentious: Roughness or harshness, as of surface, sound, weather, etc.
Inspirit Your Week With The Word Of The Day Quiz! Characterized by violent emotions, passions, speech, or actions: Characterized by, requiring, or capable of accuracy of detail; very accurate; methodical; correct, Not processed after looming, as woolen cloth. This is a list of clothes usually worn during a sport activity or at a gym. Does English Have More Words Than Any Other Language? Santali The definition of attack is to make an attempt to hurt someone or something (physically or verbally), to destroy someone or something, to impact someone or something in a dangerous manner, or to forcibly take someone or something.
. Rough : Meaning of Rough in Hindi - Definition and Translation, Rough meaning in Hindi : Get meaning and translation of Rough in Hindi language with grammar,antonyms,synonyms and sentence usages. Irregularly notched, toothed, or indented: Rough or surly in manner or speech; brusquely rude, Filled with haze; somewhat foggy, misty, or smoky, Covered with rough bristles, stiff hairs, or small spines, Not finished or complete; lacking in something. Of, full of, or covered with rock fragments or pebbles: Intense in activity or feeling; vigorous or ardent: causing or characterized by jolts and irregular movements. rough | Marathi dictionary translates English to Marathi and Marathi to English rough words rough phrases with rough synonyms rough antonyms rough pronunciations. That does not make sense, because the literal translation of both "his" and "hers" into French is "sa" in case of singular, and "ses" in case of plural, therefore the French version is not understandable.[3]. Manipuri What does rough means in Telugu, rough meaning in Telugu, rough definition, explanation, pronunciations and examples of rough in Telugu. Intermediate and Advanced level grammar practice with progress tests. Il y a sa voiture et sa voiture, ses serviettes et ses serviettes, sa bibliothque et les siennes." On a rough day, lots of things go wrong. Dogri and The definition of preliminary is something that happens or comes before the main action. or of circumstances, A brutal, violent, lawless person; tough or hoodlum. Nglish: Translation of rough for Spanish Speakers, Britannica English: Translation of rough for Arabic Speakers.
Sparse, scrubby, irregular, uneven, ragged, etc. roughneck, roughhouse, roguish, rough-and-ready. . Many such mixes have specific names, e.g. Requiring great effort, energy, or exertion: That exists and evolved within the confines of an. .css-1w804bk{font-size:16px;}See how your sentence looks with different synonyms. Able to be depended on for the discharge of obligations incurred; of unimpaired credit. Are You Learning English? marathi-dictionary-translation-meaning-of-rough, Official Languages of India Dictionary Translation. When each letter can be seen but not heard. in shape or texture, not carefully reworked or perfected or made smooth by polishing, contrary to rule or accepted order or general practice, of textures that are rough to the touch or substances consisting of relatively large particles, of paint or varnish; having the appearance of alligator hide, of leaves; appearing puckered as if blistered, used of skin roughened as a result of cold or exposure, of textiles; having parallel raised lines, (of the surface) having a rough, riblike texture, treated so as to have a permanently wrinkled appearance, used especially of leaves or bracts; overlapping or layered as scales or shingles, rough to the touch; covered with scales or scurf, (used especially of skin) marked by lines or seams, used of paved surfaces having holes or pits, abounding in or bordered by rocky cliffs or scarps, having rough edges that can be used for sawing, having a very rough nap or covered with hanging shags, (of skin) covered with warts or projections that resemble warts, having a surface free from roughness or bumps or ridges or irregularities, being level or straight or regular and without variation as e.g. Oriya Hard to put up with; causing great discomfort or fatigue. Land covered with a dense growth of tropical vegetation. This subdivision, however, is not relevant as far as the, These two microstructural effects are expected to have repercussions for the rheology of the suspension containing, As is often the case, definitions are difficult, but the. Telugu

Literal translation can also denote a translation that represents the precise meaning of the original text but does not attempt to convey its style, beauty, or poetry. / , , , , - . kasar, jalan bergelombang, tidak menyenangkan, Test your vocabulary with our fun image quizzes, Clear explanations of natural written and spoken English. Delivered to your inbox! Punjabi Early machine translations (as of 1962[2] at least) were notorious for this type of translation as they simply employed a database of words and their translations. You can complete the list of synonyms of rough translation given by the English Thesaurus dictionary with other English dictionaries: Wikipedia, Lexilogos, Oxford, Cambridge, Chambers Harrap, Wordreference, Collins Lexibase dictionaries, Merriam Webster English-Synonyms dictionary : translate English words into Synonyms with online dictionaries. Copyright 2009-2022. The definition of polite is someone or something that exhibits consideration for others and socially acceptable behavior. Translation. The definition of abrupt is when something suddenly happens or changes suddenly, with no advance warning. , , . 22 Official Languages of India with an extensive vocabulary of 10+ million words, meanings and definitions. Tamil It is a rough translation by someone who knows Russian better than English. , - , , , City name (optional, probably does not need a translation). The definition of trying is defined as an irritating person or thing. A rough person (who could be called "a rough") tends to get into fights. . English While the fidelity and speed of the system are still a long way from those achieved by state-of-the-art devices, a lot of this is down to the, Planes couldnt fly that morning because of weather, and the water was, McIlroy did not call an official after checking on his ball in the, As Beal said, it was important for the Wizards to see that type of win after a, Thats the part where my passion lies finding the diamond in the, He wrote the pilot episode, envisioned the, Local news outlets like the Monitor-News were in, AFRICAN COMMUNITIES WARN LANGUAGE ISSUES COULD SHUT THEM OUT OF REDISTRICTING, WHY SOUTH AFRICA STOPPED USING THE ASTRAZENECA COVID-19 VACCINE, CONNECTING DISTANT QUBITS JUST BROUGHT DISTRIBUTED QUANTUM COMPUTING CLOSER. This page is an online lexical resource, contains a list of the rough like words in a Marathi language in the order of the alphabet, and that tells you what they mean, in the same or other languages including English. Unpleasant, uncomfortable, or hostile to survival: The definition of stern is someone who is very serious or strict. Spoken pronunciation of rough in English and in Telugu. Its a rough translation but I think the meaning is clear.
Lacking refinement, culture, or elegance; uncouth, boorish, coarse, vulgar, etc. Word-for-word translations ("cribs," "ponies" or "trots") are sometimes prepared for a writer who is translating a work written in a language they do not know. Rugged is defined as durable or sturdy, or a rough terrain or landscape. Vocabulary exercises help you to learn synonyms, collocations and idioms. Official Languages of India Dictionary Translation is significantly better than Google translation offers multiple meanings, alternate words list of rough rough phrases with similar meanings in Marathi | , Marathi | dictionary Marathi | rough translation rough meaning rough definition rough antonym rough synonym Marathi language reference work for finding synonyms, antonyms of rough. Subscribe to America's largest dictionary and get thousands more definitions and advanced searchad free! Below is a rough translation of a letter of Helena Roerich concerning Alice Bailey. To manage lists, a member account is necessary. ; forbidding. Here Are Our Top English Tips, The Best Articles To Improve Your English Language Usage, The Most Common English Language Questions. The list is to help you get acquainted with the tableware. Malayalam This results in a mix of the two languages in something of a pidgin. 3the tree has a rough, purplish-brown bark, 4the cream brings immediate relief to rough skin, 5his voice was rough with barely controlled anger, 6down the hall, a noise of rough laughter and shouting could be heard, 9a robust machine, able to withstand rough handling, 15How are you feeling? Pretty rough, 16she cobbled together a rough draft and then rewrote it, 18I'm afraid the accommodation is rather rough, 1the artist's initial roughs are very important, , irregular, bumpy, stony, rocky, broken, rugged, jaggy, craggy, the tree has a rough, purplish-brown bark, the cream brings immediate relief to rough skin, his voice was rough with barely controlled anger, , hoarse, harsh, rasping, raspy, husky, throaty, gravelly, guttural, down the hall, a noise of rough laughter and shouting could be heard, , discordant, cacophonous, grating, jarring, strident, harsh, dissonant, unmusical, inharmonious, unmelodious, , rowdy, disorderly, unruly, unrestrained, wild, riotous, undisciplined, unmanageable, a robust machine, able to withstand rough handling, , loutish, oafish, brutish, coarse, crude, uncouth, rough-hewn, roughcast, vulgar, unrefined, unladylike, ungentlemanly, uncultured, ill-bred, ill-mannered, unmannerly, impolite, churlish, discourteous, uncivil, ungracious, rude, brusque, blunt, curt, , stormy, storm-tossed, tempestuous, violent, heavy, heaving, raging, choppy, agitated, , wild, tempestuous, squally, wet, rainy, windy, blustery, , filthy, nasty, inclement, unpleasant, disagreeable, , hard, tough, bad, unpleasant, demanding, arduous, , hard, tough, stern, sharp, abrasive, severe, unfair, unjust, unrelenting, unfeeling, insensitive, nasty, cruel, , unsympathetic, inconsiderate, brutal, heartless, savage, merciless, extreme, , unwell, poorly, bad, out of sorts, indisposed, not oneself, sick, queasy, nauseous, nauseated, peaky, liverish, green around the gills, run down, washed out, faint, dizzy, giddy, light-headed, , below par, not up to par, funny, peculiar, lousy, rotten, awful, terrible, dreadful, crummy, she cobbled together a rough draft and then rewrote it, , hasty, quick, sketchy, cursory, basic, crude, rudimentary, rough and ready, raw, unpolished, unrefined, , inexact, estimated, imprecise, coarse-grained, vague, general, hazy, I'm afraid the accommodation is rather rough, , basic, simple, rough and ready, rustic, rude, crude, primitive, spartan, uncomfortable, the artist's initial roughs are very important, , draft, outline, mock-up, model, artist's impression, , thug, lout, hooligan, hoodlum, rowdy, bully boy, brawler, , beat, attack, assault, knock about, knock around, maltreat, mistreat, abuse, batter, manhandle, , bash up, work over, beat the living daylights out of, , sketch out, outline, block out, mock up. (Entry 3 of 3). Privacy Policy. For translating synthetic languages, a morphosyntactic analyzer and synthesizer is required. grating, gravelly, rasping, raspy, scratchy. with rough motion as over a rough surface, Not conforming to established rule, method, usage, standard, etc. Gujarati even with), (of linens or clothes) smoothed with a hot iron, of textures that are smooth to the touch or substances consisting of relatively small particles, causing or tending to cause things to slip or slide, resembling glass in smoothness and shininess and slickness, designed or arranged to offer the least resistant to fluid flow, smooth and soft to sight or hearing or touch or taste, (botany) of leaf shapes; of leaves having no divisions or subdivisions, having toothlike projections that are themselves toothed, having saw-like notches with the notches themselves similarly notched, having a margin or fringe of hairlike projections, wavy or notched and curled very irregularly, having toothlike projections in the margin, having an irregularly notched or toothed margin as though gnawed, having edges irregularly and finely slashed, irregularly slashed and jagged as if torn, having a surface covered with a network of cracks and small crevices, having incised margins with the lobes or teeth pointing toward the base; as dandelion leaves, notched like a saw with teeth pointing toward the apex, of the margin of a leaf shape; not broken up into teeth, (of leaves or petals) having a smooth edge; not broken up into teeth or lobes, having a strongly waved margin alternately concave and convex, (especially of weather) affected or characterized by storms or commotion, of motion that runs or flows or proceeds without jolts or turbulence, (used of persons and their behavior) not refined; uncouth, having or showing determination and energetic pursuit of your ends, (used especially of fur or wool) not having been sheared, cut or shaped with hard blows of a heavy cutting instrument like an ax or chisel, (used especially of fur or wool) shaped or finished by cutting or trimming to a uniform length, having long and narrow ornamental cuts showing an underlying fabric, not having or showing or requiring special skill or proficiency, the piece of land on which something is located (or is to be located), to prepare verbally, either for written or spoken delivery, not easy; requiring great physical or mental effort to accomplish or comprehend or endure, disagreeable to the senses, to the mind, or feelings.