Kinesiology (KNES) 311 - Leadership Foundations: Contemporary leadership best practices with a focus on physical activity, pedagogy and sport coaching. For additional sample plans, see MyUI. Any applicant seeking to pursue a graduate certificate in Leadership Studies must submit an application at Current KU graduate students should include the following materials in their online application: Visit the Institute for Leadership Studies website for more detailed information about the application process. Each semester we identify several second-year master's students in the higher education program to serve as teaching assistants in the undergraduate Leadership Studies courses. It requires a student to take initiative and pursue active leadership roles and responsibilities. and Kainai First Nations), as well as the Tsuutina First Nation, and the Stoney Nakoda (including the
CLD230 / EDL230: Intrapersonal Leadership, Pillar II: Organizational Change (3 credits) Students will take one course from each of the four pillars and two additional elective leadership courses, Pillar I:Leadership Foundations (3 credits)

Credits earned while completing this certificate may be subsequently applied toward either the A.S. or B.S.
Certified, Biochemistry Emphasis, Comprehensive Major, Chemistry with Business Emphasis, Comprehensive Major, Science Teaching, Chemistry Emphasis Comprehensive Major, Communication, Communication Studies Emphasis, Major, Communication, Communication Studies, Minor, Communication, Organizational Communication Emphasis, Major, Communication, Organizational Communication Emphasis, Minor, Integrated Strategic Communication, Advertising Emphasis, Major, Integrated Strategic Communication, Certificate, Integrated Strategic Communication, Minor, Integrated Strategic Communication, Public Relations Emphasis, Major, Organizational Communication, Certificate, Computer Science, Liberal Arts Emphasis, Minor, Computer Science, Software Engineering, Major, English & Language Arts, Comprehensive Major - Teaching, English, Creative Writing Emphasis, Major, English, Critical Studies in Literatures, Cultures, and Film Emphasis, Major, English, Critical Studies in Literatures, Cultures, and Film, Certificate, English, Critical Studies in Literatures, Cultures, and Film, Minor, English, Rhetorics of Science, Technology, and Culture Emphasis, Major, English, Rhetorics of Science, Technology, and Culture, Certificate, English, Rhetorics of Science, Technology, and Culture, Minor, Geography, Environmental Geography, Comprehensive Major, Geography, Transnational Geographies, Comprehensive Major, Geospatial Analysis and Technology, Comprehensive Major, Geospatial, Geographic Information Systems, Certificate, Geology, Dual Degree Geological Engineering Emphasis, Comprehensive Major, Geology, Environmental Science Emphasis, Comprehensive Major, Geology, General Geology Emphasis, Comprehensive Major, Geology, Hydrogeology and Water Chemistry Emphasis, Comprehensive Major, Science Teaching, Earth/Space Science Emphasis Comprehensive Major, Social Studies Teaching, History Emphasis, Comprehensive Major, Global and Comparative History, Certificate, History of Race, Gender, and Society, Certificate, Spanish and TESOL, Teaching, Comprehensive Major, Latin American and Latinx Studies, Certificate, Latin American and Latinx Studies, Culture and Society Emphasis, Major, Latin American and Latinx Studies, Language Emphasis, Major, Materials Science and Biomedical Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering, Comprehensive Major, Biomedical Engineering, Comprehensive Major, Mathematics, Comprehensive Major - Teaching, Mathematics, Liberal Arts Emphasis, Major, Mathematics, Research Emphasis, Comprehensive Major, Mathematics, Statistics and Applied Mathematics Emphasis, Major, Music, Applied Instrumental, Comprehensive Major, Music, Applied Voice, Comprehensive Major, Music, Teaching All Choral Emphasis, Comprehensive Major, Music, Teaching All Instrumental Emphasis, Comprehensive Major, Theatre Arts, Musical Theatre, Comprehensive Major, Physics, Dual Degree Engineering Emphasis, Major, Science Teaching, Physics Emphasis Comprehensive Major, Political Science, Legal Studies Emphasis, Comprehensive Major, Political Science, World Politics Emphasis, Comprehensive Major, Environmental Public Health, Comprehensive Major, Sustainability and Climate Action, Certificate, Womens, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, Certificate, Womens, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, Major, Womens, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, Minor, Advanced Business Communication, Certificate, Health Care Administration, Comprehensive Major, Human Resource Management, Comprehensive Major, International Business, Comprehensive Major, Marketing, Marketing Analytics Emphasis, Comprehensive Major, Marketing, Professional Sales Emphasis, Comprehensive Major, Operations and Supply Chain Management, Comprehensive Major, American Sign Language Studies, Certificate, Communication Sciences and Disorders, Comprehensive Major, Elementary-Middle Education: Grades 4K-9, Major, Kinesiology, Physical Education Teaching Emphasis, Comprehensive Major, Rehabilitation Science, Comprehensive Major, Science of Coaching, Minor - Liberal Arts, Special Education and Inclusive Practices, Special Education, Unified Early Childhood, Comprehensive Major, Special Education, Unified Special Education K-12 & Elementary/Middle, Comprehensive Major, Nursing, B.S.N. in service learning courses from the following. The PDF will include all information unique to this page. Emergency Management | Equal Opportunity University | FERPA & Privacy The Undergraduate Certificate in Leadership Studies is an 18-credit, interdisciplinary, multidimensional, and experiential program open to all Florida State undergraduate students. Students may work with staff at the Pomerantz Career Center to find an approved internship opportunity, or they may secure their own internship. The following persons have been designated to handle inquiries regarding the nondiscrimination policies and are the Title IX coordinators for their respective campuses: Director of the Office of Institutional Opportunity & Access,, Room 1082, Dole Human Development Center, 1000 Sunnyside Avenue, Lawrence, KS 66045, 785-864-6414, 711 TTY (for the Lawrence, Edwards, Parsons, Yoder, and Topeka campuses); Director, Equal Opportunity Office, Mail Stop 7004, 4330 Shawnee Mission Parkway, Fairway, KS 66205, 913-588-8011, 711 TTY (for the Wichita, Salina, and Kansas City, Kansas medical center campuses). Fax: (859) 257-1015. Receive customized updates about our offerings, programs and deadlines directly to your inbox. in a course focused on experiential or hands-on learning. To earn the embedded certificate in Leadership Studies, students must complete six courses: two core courses (six units) and four elective courses (twelve units) selected from the Leadership Studies elective list. Elective courses may also be used for credit towards the students current degree program. The Center for Leadership & Social Change ), OLS 26300 Ethical Decisions in Leadership(3.0 cr. To receivea diploma for this or any program, students must notify the department of intent to complete the certificate at least two semesters prior to taking the last course. P: OLS 25200. Learning is focused on developing self-awareness in relation to leadership practices and the capacity to facilitate leadership skills in others.
Upon completion, the Leadership Certificate appears on students academic transcripts. We actively research and develop leadership studies courses offered to the undergraduate students across the campus. Hays, KS 67601-4099 Students will be able to demonstrate ones personal ethics, including the values and culture that contribute to their ethical position. Practicums may be paid or unpaid. Witness, experience, and "consume" leadership as it progresses from individual to team to organizational to community levels. Why the Undergraduate Certificate in Leadership Studies? December Program Completion: submit application for graduation to department by June of prior year. Accessibility Information. The embedded certificate was thoughtfully developed with experiential learning and evidence-based research in mind. 600 Park Street region in Southern Alberta, which includes the Blackfoot Confederacy (comprised of the Siksika, Piikani, CLD403 / EDL403: Leadership and Communication The PDF will include content on the Requirements tab only. o LDRS 407 Global Challenges (3 credit hours), o SOC 460 Comparative Cultures and Societies or, Approved Study Abroad Experience (3 credit hours), o LDRS 460 Global Leadership (3 credit hours), Required for Certificate: 12 total credit hours. Students may register for the following course earning a minimum of 2 s.h. For LDRS Core Course Rotation, click here, Department of Leadership StudiesFort Hays State University600 Park StreetRarick Hall 119Phone: 785-628-4303fhsuleaders@fhsu.eduContact Department. 2022 Fort Hays State University. They must complete all course assignments in order to fulfill the experiential learning requirement.
These graduate students are able to apply their personal leadership learning gained in EDH Leadership Theory and Practice, a required course in their degree program. A unique feature of this certificate is its ability to attract a diverse group of students from across the myriad of disciplines taught at IUPUI. | It introduces diverse approaches to studying and practicing leadership and gives students a structure for organizing knowledge and skills from other leadership courses and experiences. Please see the Admission to Graduate Study policy for information on admission requirements. It provides opportunities to learn specific knowledge, skills, and values that can guide you through your collegiate journey and career path. Required for Certificate: 12 total credit hours To fill out the Intent to Complete the Criminal Justice Leadership Certificate Form, click here . CLD260: Community Portraits To meet the certificate's experiential learning requirement, a practicum must last a minimum of 15 weeks in fall or spring semester or six weeks in the summer and requires 150 hours of work. Step 1: ENROLL in the Certificate with the Program (this tells us you are in the certificate) Leadership is a key component in any organization, role and industry.
Classes discuss various leadership theories and leadership in the context of social change. With at most 3 credits from MSL101, MSL102, MSL201, MSL202. The certificate program prepares students for leadership in multiple contexts and uses practical experience and service-learning projects to frame leadership learning within the context of social change. An experiential learning course may take different forms, such as a service learning experience, an internship, or an on-campus leadership practicum. Applicants already in a KU graduate program must be in good standing with their home department to be eligible for admission the certificate program. A course may not be used to satisfy more than one certificate requirement. Actual course selection and sequence will vary and should be discussed with an academic advisor. o CRJ 307 Administration of Justice Systems (3 credit hours), o CRJ Elective: Any Criminal Justice Elective (3 credit hours), o LDRS 302 Introduction to Leadership Behavior (3 credit hours). Questions or Comments, Privacy Policy
CLD470: Leadership Power, Ethics & Impact
The course features presentations by guest instructors from across the University, offering students an interdisciplinary perspective on leadership. With the world changing at an accelerating rate, Leadership Theory to Practice (LS:3012) examines leadership effectiveness and the demand of a high-level ability to work with others and respond to change. Florida State To satisfy the experiential learning requirement, they must complete one of these options: LS:1024 or LS:3002 or LS:3011. Practicums that fulfill the certificate's experiential learning requirement must be approved in advance by one of the certificate program's advisors. To fill out the Intent to Complete the Global Leadership Certificate Form, click here . This is the first version of the 2022-23 General Catalog. Please send the form to criminaljustice@fhsu.edufor processing. Copyright 2022 The Trustees of The final edition and the historical PDF will be published during the fall semester. Leadership Studies (LEAD) 401 Foundations in Ethical Leadership: Evidence-based approach to leadership with an emphasis on self-awareness and personal development. Students will learn the behaviours that predict leader emergence and leadership effectiveness. Therefore, program availability varies by state. email: and the Board of Regents of the Four vital pillars are complimentary to undergraduate programs and are reflected throughout the content of course work in the following ways: The program consists of 18 credits of undergraduate study in leadership. Candidates for this certificate are required to be formally admitted by the IUPUI Office of Admissions, but are not required to be a B.S. The internship must last a minimum of 15 weeks in fall or spring semester or six weeks in the summer and requires 150 hours of work. Graduation applications are required for all certificate programs and must be completed per the schedule below: May/August Program Completion: submit gold application for graduationto department by October of prior year. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis. They allow students to gain hands-on experience along with a deeper understanding of course content while responding to real community needs. Undergraduate Certificate in Leadership Strategies and Applications, Graduate Certificate in Leadership Studies, --Public Affairs Administration (in CLAS), Medical Center Campus Interdisciplinary Studies, Office of Graduate Studies, Lawrence and Edwards Campus Students, Office of Graduate Studies, Medical Center Campus Students.
Up to 6.0 credit hours in comparable transfer credit complete in other programs orat other colleges and universities may be applied to this undergraduate certificate program. Linking leadership theory with critical reflection. University, FSU | The Center for Leadership & Social Change. Fort Hays State University Students are encouraged to start working towards the embedded certificate requirements by enrolling in their electives this academic year..
Click here to print certificate curriculum .
Participants in the certificate program will learn to facilitate change within their local, civic and organizational surroundings while also acting in accordance with social responsibility to address world issues. and inclusive campus that encourages Indigenous ways of knowing, doing, connecting and being.
Step 3: VisitAPEX to determine your progress in the Certificate. Students must complete 3 s.h. Students are required to successfully complete the following required courses and complete the Application for Graduation to earn the certificate inLeadership Studies: OLS 25200 Human Behavior in Organizations(3.0 cr.
degree student in thePurdue School of Engineering and Technology. Internships consist of preapproved, supervised on-the-job learning; they may be paid or unpaid. Available to all University of Calgary undergraduate students, the embedded certificate in Leadership Studies gives undergraduate students the opportunity to explore the foundations of leadership and build the necessary skills to succeed as a leader. The University of Calgary acknowledges the impact of colonization on Indigenous The undergraduate Certificate in Leadership Studies requires 20 s.h. This certificate can count as a secondary program when combined with other COB majors. Per state laws, distance education courses and programs must be legally authorized in a state prior to offering courses or programs to students residing there. School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape, Real Estate Council of Alberta (RECA) Pre-Licensing Programs, Real Estate Development Leadership (REDL) Certificate, Real Estate Development Leadership (REDL) Courses, Mitacs Business Strategy Internship (MBSI) program, International Exchange Development Partners, Organizational Behaviour and Human Resources, Canadian Centre for Advanced Leadership in Business (CCAL), The Canadian Centre for Advanced Supply Chain Management and Logistics (CASL), Centre for Corporate Sustainability (CCS), Hunter Centre for Entrepreneurship and Innovation (HCEI), Westman Centre for Real Estate Studies (WCRES), Trico Foundation Social Entrepreneurship Centre, Centre for Public Interest Accounting (CPIA), Calgary Centre for Research in Finance (CCRF), Global Business Futures Initiative (GBFI), Canadian Centre for Research Analysis and Methods (CCRAM), Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME), Any 12 units of elective courses from the approved list of which a minimum of 3 units must be at the 400 level or above, Any 12 units of elective courses from the approved listof which a minimum of 3 units must be at the 400 level or above, Civil Engineering (ENCI) 471: Project Management I, Civil Engineering (ENCI) 565: Project Management II, Civil Engineering (ENCI) 570: Group Design Project, Community Rehabilitation (CORE) 205: Introduction to Disability Studies, Community Rehabilitation (CORE) 583: Community Development in Community Rehabilitation, Data Science (DATA) 201: Thinking with Data, Engineering (ENGG) 513: The Role and Responsibilities of the Professional Engineer in Society, Engineering (ENGG) 515: Project Management for Engineers, Environmental Science (ENSC) 502: Special Problems in Environmental Management, Kinesiology (KNES) 344: Gender, Sexuality, and Sport, Kinesiology (KNES) 431: The Art of Coaching, Organizational Behaviour and Human Resources (OBHR) 321: Foundations in Organizational Behaviour and Human Resources, Organizational Behaviour and Human Resources (OBHR) 407: Rationality and Decisions, Organizational Behaviour and Human Resources (OBHR) 421: Interpersonal Behaviour, Organizational Behaviour and Human Resources (OBHR) 447: Haskayne Wilderness Retreat, Organizational Behaviour and Human Resources (OBHR) 491: Lifework Planning and Career Assessment, Organizational Behaviour and Human Resources (OBHR) 493: Business Negotiations, Organizational Behaviour and Human Resources (OBHR) 517: Indigenous Peoples and Sustainable Development, Organizational Behaviour and Human Resources (OBHR) 559.1: Selected Topics in Management and Organizations (Personal Leadership & Team Dynamics), Philosophy (PHIL) 249: Morality, Virtue and Society, Philosophy (PHIL) 314: Information Technology Ethics, Philosophy (PHIL) 330: Philosophy of Money, Philosophy (PHIL) 345: Issues in Environmental Ethics, Philosophy (PHIL) 347: Contemporary Moral Problems, Philosophy (PHIL) 451: Contemporary Ethical Theories, Philosophy (PHIL) 453: Social and Political Philosophy, Psychology (PSYC) 321: Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Psychology (PSYC) 427: Environmental Psychology, Psychology (PSYC) 442: Intergroup Relations, Psychology (PSYC) 481: Advanced Topics in Organizational Psychology, Psychology (PSYC) 491: Cross-Cultural Cognition, Psychology (PSYC) 495: Consumer Psychology, Social Work (SOWK) 361: Professional Use of Self, Social Work (SOWK) 397: Practice and Evaluation with Communities, Social Work (SOWK) 399: Practice and Evaluation with Organizations, Strategy and Global Management (SGMA) 371: International Business, Strategy and Global Management (SGMA) 533: Dilemmas and Decisions in Business, Strategy and Global Management (SGMA) 551: Social Issues, Strategies and Shareholders, Strategy and Global Management (SGMA) 561: Ethical Issues and the Professional Manager. degree in Organizational Leadership (OLS); however, students with a declared major in OLS are not eligible to earn theLeadership Studiescertificate due to curricular redundancy. Upon completion of the certificate inLeadership Studies, students should be able to: Students must notify OLS of their intent to pursue the certificate (call317.278.1313or send email with IUPUI Student ID# Speak to an academic advisor about adding the embedded certificate in Leadership Studies to your degree!
Service learning courses incorporate community engagement with academic coursework. The Leadership Studies certificatewill not count as a secondary programwhen combined with the Business Administration major. 2022 UK College of Education - 103 Dickey Hall - Lexington, KY 40506-0017 - (859) 257-6076 Students may apply for a program revision through their student centrebyselecting the embedded certificate in Leadership Studies (LDST-EMC) under the embedded certificates section. The certificate program provides a structure for involvement and commitment to leadership. All rights reserved. Students will be able to demonstrate appropriate and effective use of listening, oral, and written skills as well as critical thinking skills and self-analysis for use in specific leadership situations. Such a strong mixture of interdisciplinary perspectives augments the richness of learning that occurs in certificate courses. The paper should be five to seven pages in length, double-spaced, and in 12-point font. EDL402 / CLD402: Principles of Leadership
UW-Eau Claire Management Studies (MGST) 453 Ethical Leadership: Apply a variety of different leadership frameworks to problems and develop an understanding of when various frameworks are most applicable. Students should check the UK Out-of-State Educational Activities website to determine if a distance education program at the University of Kentucky is available in their state of residence. Website Support -, Early Childhood, Special Education and Rehabilitation Counseling, Educational Policy Studies and Evaluation, Educational, School, and Counseling Psychology, Collaborative Center for Literacy Development (CCLD), Meet the Faculty, Staff, & Doctoral Students,, Understanding core concepts about leadership, Fostering team and organizational leadership, Focusing on intercultural communication skills. of credit. The purpose of the Graduate Certificate in Leadership Studies is to build foundational knowledge of the history, theory, and practice of leadership with a focus on ethical decision making and understanding of the dynamics of power in doing the work of leadership.
), OLS 32700 Leadership for a Global Workforce(3.0 cr.) Whether you are a freshman who is just beginning to explore credit hours and electives or a senior with a small amount of wiggle room, the Fort Hays State University Leadership Studies certificates will work for you in advancing your strategic thinking and leadership IQ. Alberta, Region 3.
These may be found in the Graduate Studies section of the online catalog. 785-628-FHSU (3478). Undergraduate to Graduate (U2G) students may earn the certificate when the undergraduate classification is primary.