Clinical Pharmacology, Department of Public Health, University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark, 3 US government claims databases. Regions by themselves are not allowed to levy taxes. Denmark Danmark Wikipedia, DenmarkNorway DanmarkNorge (Danish)/(Norwegian) DnemarkNorwegen (German) Personal union Wikipedia, Denmark Parish, New Brunswick Denmark Parish Location of Denmark Parish within Victoria County, New Brunswick Wikipedia, Denmark, Wisconsin Village Nickname(s): FFA/FFA Alumni Capitol of the World Wikipedia, Denmark Hill railway station Denmark Hill Wikipedia, Denmark Technical College President Michael M. Townsend Sr. Originally Jarke, modified by Daniel Pilsgaard HenriksenDerived from While the storms blowing from the Atlantic Ocean and the North Sea make the climate harder, the Gulf Stream allows the weather to soften in winter. Furthermore, it is important to readers of Danish epidemiological research to know that the different regions can be considered a representative sample of the entire Danish population.
The https:// ensures that you are connecting to the same time on the trade route from the Nordic countries to central Europe. The study was conducted entirely based on publicly available aggregate data, and therefore no ethics statement was required. Furthermore, there is an extensive educational cooperation between Denmark and Greenland and the Faroe Islands, as the latter do not have any institutions of higher education. Greenland and the Faroe Islands are represented in the Danish Parliament. About usStatistics Denmark [Internet]. Denmark has an open economy, and trade with the rest of the world is of great importance. We obtained data for the entire Danish population, and stratified by the five regions (Capital Region of Denmark, Region Zealand, Region of Southern Denmark, Central Denmark Region, and Region of Northern Denmark). According to the law of March 27, 1953, the women of the line of the ruler can also rise to the throne. For example, a similar average in hospitalization rate between two regions may coexist with large differences in individual-level distribution of hospitalizations. The king is the appointed prime minister in parliament. Most of the islands, which are composed of plains and low hills under the sea level, are covered with clayey soils formed by glaciers under the glaciers. Results of demographic-, and socioeconomic characteristics as well as healthcare utilization and medication use from 2008. The population is 1,822,659. Only municipalities are considered local authorities. Longest Tunnels in the World (Top 21 Rail and Road Tunnels), Top 10 Upside Down Houses Around the World in 2022, Top 10 Largest Banana Producing Countries, Tourism in Micronesia, 20 Reasons to Visit Micronesia, Bahrain Tourist Attractions and Things To Do (20 Reason Why You Should Visit). The reform was confirmed by the Danish Parliament on February 24, 2005, and the counties were abolished on January 1, 2007. All relevant data are within the paper and its Supporting Information files. Both entities are elected for four years. The average temperature during the year ranges from 0 degrees to 16 degrees.
According to the municipal reform in 2007, Denmark has a total of five regions. The proportion of women in the five regions ranged from 49.7% (Region of Northern Denmark) to 51.0% (Capital Region of Denmark) (Table 1). Located in Northern Europe, Denmark is the smallest country on the Scandinavian peninsula.
Home Counties and Regions Maps Regions of Denmark. Please turn on JavaScript and try again.
However, the regional clinical databases are of special interest, as they often provide additional valuable clinical information like laboratory values[13], redeemed prescriptions from the pharmacies[10,11], or microbiological data[12]. The Danish National Prescription Registry, Danish registers on personal income and transfer payments, Conducting pharmacoepidemiologic research in Denmark, Existing data sources for clinical epidemiology: Aarhus University Prescription Database. In the east, there are small natural harbors with narrow lake valleys, plains, and low hills; sand beaches and sand dunes in the west, as well as recesses and protrusions created by the lagoons. Furthermore its population is 589,148. FOIA The eastern and western parts of the Jylland Peninsula are quite different. Available: Overview of the Danish Education SystemMinistry of Education [Internet]. You will need to temporarily disable your Ad-blocker to view this page.
divide the Baltic from the sea area Kattegat. With this reform, the number of municipalities in Denmark has been reduced from 270 to 98. Three measures of healthcare utilization were used: 1) annual number of hospital admissions per 1,000 residents, 2) annual number of outpatient contacts per 1,000 residents, and 3) annual number of GP contacts per resident.
Your email address will not be published. Sahl Andersen J, De Fine Olivarius N, Krasnik A. This page offers information about the Kingdom of Denmark, which in addition to Denmark itself, also includes the Faroe Islands and Greenland. which 78 are inhabited (2013). We used only aggregate data, and not data on individual subjects, potentially missing subtle differences within groups. [emailprotected]. The annual number of persons redeeming a prescription of any medication from a pharmacy was 723 per 1,000 residents in Denmark, ranging from 718 per 1,000 in the Central Denmark Region to 743 in Region Zealand (CV = 0.016). Its surface area is 2,546.30 square kilometers. Built-up areas and traffic areas make up the remaining 15%. The proportion of residents in 10-year age categories stratified by gender and region are presented in Fig 2A2C. Danish Regions; 2012. The Faroe Islands obtained self-government in 1948; previously the islands had the status of a Danish amt. In this article, we will get some general information about these regions.
Available: Statens Serum Institut. Taxes finance approximately 83% of all healthcare expenses, including free access to hospitals, outpatient clinics, GPs, as well as partial reimbursement of prescribed medicines. Jutland Island. 1 This has eliminated the old division into counties. These data sources comprise aggregate data from four different nationwide registers: The Danish National Patient Register, The Danish Civil Registration System, The Danish Register of Medicinal Product Statistics, and The Danish National Health Service Register for Primary Care. The aggregate data, which was based on data from the four databases above, was retrieved from three different sources: We used data from 2013 for our primary analysis, but also obtained the same data from 2008 in order to compare the years, and identify potential differences in the population development over time. The king has the authority to enforce and execute laws. [2] A collective work of Dexia Crdit Local Research Department, Sub-national governments in the European Union Organisation, responsibilities and finance, Dexia Ed., La Dfense, 2008, pp. Two measures of medication use were used: 1) annual number of persons filling a prescription of any medicine per 1,000 residents, and 2) the annual number of persons filling a prescription of the 6 most commonly used main medication categories in the Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical Classification System (ATC) (ATC: A Alimentary tract and metabolism; C Cardiovascular system; D Dermatologicals; J Antiinfectives for systemic use; N Nervous system; R Respiratory system)[25]. HHS Vulnerability Disclosure, Help The municipalities depend on the Local Government Act and are under the responsibility of the local council with the mayor at its head. In addition to the overseas agreement, Greenland has a number of agreements with the EU such as the Fisheries Agreement. Other religious groups are around 1% of the population. Denmarkhas been amember of the European Union since 1973,the year when Ireland also joined the union. 4% of the Danish population is Muslim. Copenhagen is the seat of sdministration for the whole country.. We found that the results were stable over time, when comparing data from 2008 to 2013.
Federal government websites often end in .gov or .mil. Economic, Social and Territorial Cohesion, Environment & the Fight against Climate Change, Relations with the EU/Representation at EU level, Monitoring reports of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities (Council of Europe). The country is a unitary State organised on a decentralised basis. It is a distinctly low-lying country, the highest point being only 173 metres above sea level, but the landscape is undulating and varied; only occasionally is it possible to find undisturbed nature and the view everywhere shows signs of human activity. There are 179 members elected in 4 years. We obtained descriptive data for the five Danish regions, using publicly available data sources: Statbank Denmark, the Danish Ministry of Economic Affairs, and As such, they are under The Ministry of the Interior and Health.
The remaining 72% are employed in the service sector; 31%of which work inthe public sector and 41% in private businesses. Performed the experiments: DPH LR. In addition to the nationwide registers, regional registers also exist [1013]. There are some limitations associated with the current study. Available: Thygesen LC, Daasnes C, Thaulow I, Bronnum-Hansen H. Introduction to Danish (nationwide) registers on health and social issues: Structure, access, legislation, and archiving. If you're using HTTPS Everywhere or you're unable to access any article on Wikiwand, please consider switching to HTTPS ( The southwest coast of the half is swampy, the middle is flat.
Denmarkhas a coastline totalling 7300 km in all, and a 68 km-longborder with Germany.
There are two regions in Jutland, another two in Zealand, and one covering Funen. During the Wikipedia, Denmark, Illinois Unincorporated community Wikipedia, Denmark Township, Washington County, Minnesota, Lists of former subdivisions of countries. Each municipality decides upon its management structure and the organisation of the different departments and units. Its largest city is Odense. Please click the "Downloads" icon in the Safari toolbar, open the first download in the list. Conceived and designed the experiments: DPH LR MRH JH AP. Department of Clinical Chemistry and Pharmacology, Odense University Hospital DK5000 Odense C, Denmark. Administratively, 99% of the 3.5 million tonnes of fish are produced in the Atlantic Ocean and 1% is in the inland waters. Three throats emerged after the ice broke: the Great Belt between Fyn and Sjaelland; Small Belt between Sjaelland and Fyn; Skagerrak, Kattegat, and Oresund, which combine the Baltic and North seas to distinguish todays Denmark from Scandinavia. Medstat.dkData basis and description [Internet]. No differences in heterogeneity were observed in 2008 as compared to 2013.
There is a constitutional administration. Denmark is a constitutional monarchy and a parliamentary democracy. All Stata codes as well as a detailed guide on how to extract the raw data and reproduce the study results including how to generate the figures are available at Kastrup, near Copenhagen, is the largest international airport in the country and is at the same time a crossroad for air traffic to and from the other Scandinavian countries. Careers. Due to the difficulties in obtaining this additional clinical information on patients, it is therefore important that the source population (the region of interest) resembles the target population (the entire Danish population). Ngletal [Internet]. They hold competence in all matters except foreign and security policy, monetary systems, police and justice, and constitutional matters, which are regulated as a part of Denmark. Conclusions drawn from data are incorrect. The regions and the municipalities do not hold legislative powers and must act within the confines of the applicable law. Denmark is therefore nationally and culturally very homogeneous. The new PMC design is here! Gudena, the countrys longest river, crosses the north of Jylland, then heading east, reaching Kattegat in the Randers Fjord. The Danish National Health Service Register. The annual number of persons redeeming a prescription of any medication was 723 per 1,000 residents (range: 718743, CV = 0.016). Virtually all medical care in Denmark is furnished by the national health authorities with limited or no co-payment from the patient, and perfect linkage can be achieved using the unique Danish Civil Registration Number assigned to all Danish citizens[4].
The territory of the country, which is an extension of a large flat in Northern Europe, is not too rough. The Moreover, the church is the Lutheran sect designated by the Danish Constitution. Roskilde is the largest city. The annual number of GP contacts for the entire Danish population was 7.1 per resident, and ranged between 6.7 (Capital Region of Denmark) to 7.4 (Region Zealand and Region of Southern Denmark), (CV = 0.041) (Table 2). The entire country is otherwise covered by a network of medium-sized towns. While Denmark is well known for its plethora of registers. The language used in Denmark is Danish, but over85% of Danesspeak English fluently. However, chalk for the production of cement is found in considerable quantities and more oil and gas is extracted from the North Sea than is needed fordomestic consumption. Its population is 1,313,596. The mean age was 40.7 years in the entire Danish population and ranged between 39.6 to 42.4 years in the five regions (coefficient of variation between regions [CV] = 0.028). Muslims constitute Denmarks second largest religious community. Analyzed the data: DPH LR MRH JH AP. The large administrative registers like the Danish National Patient Register[5] and the Danish Cancer Registry[6] are all nationwide, and contain information on all Danish residents. The surface shapes are usually formed at the fourth time. 2.3 million inhabitants. Railways and air links provide quick transport, and islands are connected by eitherferries, bridges or both. Population-based samples could, like in the present study, be obtained in terms of a geographical boundary of all persons living within a certain area. Prior to 2007, the Danish territorial organisation consisted of the State, the Counties and the Municipalities. We found that the Capital region had a larger proportion of urbanized area, and a higher population density, than the Danish average, which were the most profound differences we encountered in the data. The mean age was 40.7 years in the entire Danish population, ranging from 39.6 years (Capital Region of Denmark) to 42.4 (Region Zealand) (CV = 0.028). The surface area is 7,874 square kilometers. Thus, the large US databases are more limited in scope and underrepresent minority and underserved populations [29]. Greenland is recognised as having the Overseas Countries and Territories status at the EU level. The population density in the five regions ranged between 74 persons per km2 (Region of Northern Denmark) to 679 persons per km2 (Capital Region of Denmark) (CV = 1.230) (Table 1). However, this comes at the expense of a smaller sample size, a lower statistical precision and the recurring question of generalizability or external validity, potentially affecting the high quality studies published from these registers [14]. The Danish Ministry of Economic Affairs and the Interior.
The site is secure. The rich, well-designed and extensive architectural heritage of Denmark preserve its past and art well. Unemployment was defined as the proportion of persons aged 1564 years unemployed in each region. By international standards, the standard of living is high, and the differences between rich and poor are smaller than in many of the countries to which Denmark is traditionally compared. In 2013, 5,602,628 persons were living in Denmark, and 50.4% (N = 2,823,776) were women. 2015 [cited 27 Mar 2015].
The country, which consists of more than 400 islands, also includes Greenland and Faroe Islands. Higher education, secondary education, vocational training and research; Sick pay, child benefits and elderly pensions; Unemployment insurance and labour inspection; Citizen service regarding taxation and collection in cooperation with State tax centres; Administration at national level, over and above administrative responsibilities exercised at regional and local level.