The self-reported relative socioeconomic position of the family (the familys material resources, patterns of consumption, and purchasing power) was assessed via the Family Affluence Scale III (FASIII) [28]. All statistical comparisons were 2-tailed, and values <0.05 were considered statistically significant. It is therefore important also to ensure that information reaches the home, so that parents have a good level of knowledge on energy drink constituents and on their possible effects among adolescents.
See the Global Consumer Survey methodology for details. 112(1):1559. Box 56, Dunedin 9054, New Zealand, Division of Sciences, University of Otago, P.O. Energy drinks are prevalent within the extreme sport subculture due to sponsorship of events and athletes. For every year older, odds of consuming energy drinks were 3.1% lower . Furthermore, we suggest that parental monitoring of friends, expenditure, and free time activities may be important as a preventive factor. Kim, SY, Sim, S, and Choi, HG. Amongst Argentinian physical education students >21 years of age, 65% had used energy drinks at least once and 39% had used six or more times in the last month [23]. A. Alsunni and A. Badar, Energy drinks consumption pattern, perceived benefits and associated adverse effects amongst students of University of Dammam, Saudi Arabia,, A. Mead, Extreme sports: energy drinks,, M. A. Heckman, K. Sherry, and E. G. De Mejia, Energy drinks: an assessment of their market size, consumer demographics, ingredient profile, functionality, and regulations in the United States,, D. C. Mitchell, C. A. Knight, J. Hockenberry, R. Teplansky, and T. J. Hartman, Beverage caffeine intakes in the USA,, S. Kerrigan and T. Lindsey, Fatal caffeine overdose: two case reports,, C. J. Reissig, E. C. Strain, and R. R. Griffiths, Caffeinated energy drinks--a growing problem,, A. J. Berger and K. Alford, Cardiac arrest in a young man following excess consumption of caffeinated energy drinks,, A. Chart. Differences in total caffeine intake between energy drink consumers and non-consumers Are you interested in testing our corporate solutions? herbs, and vitamins. 29(4):23844. Degirmenci, N, Fossum, IN, Strand, TA, Vaktskjold, A, and Holten-Andersen, MN. The authors thank respondents for their participation, Dr. Jill Haszard for statistical advice, and the School of Physical Education Sport and Exercise Sciences and the Department of Human Nutrition for support. The available evidence indicates that among adolescents, higher energy drink consumption is linked to male gender [3, 6, 1517], and older adolescence [13, 15].
The prevalence of energy drink consumption and the distribution of consumption, by background factors, individual resources and family factors (Health Behaviour in School-aged Children, Finland, 2014 and 2018). In 2018, half of the adolescents reported consumption of energy drinks (combining weekly and less than weekly consumption). The total sample consisted of 7405 Finnish adolescents. Scand J Public Health (2016). [21] in which it was found that 67% of those that consumed energy drinks did so for taste. Int J Environ Res Public Health (2019). [13] who found that lower socioeconomic status is associated with higher energy drink consumption. Copyright 2021 Puupponen, Tynjl, Tolvanen, Vlimaa and Paakkari. in energy drink intake between 2003 and 2016.
By contrast, adolescents reporting medium family affluence were less likely to consume energy drinks on a weekly basis. Participation was voluntary. Child Develop (1993). (Accessed July 16, 2020). The final questionnaire comprised 41 questions. Interestingly, family affluence, which is typically seen as a strong predictor of health behaviors [41], had no significant role in energy drink consumption in the sample as a whole; nevertheless, a weak association was found when age-specific consumption was examined. [27]: low (values 1025), medium (values 2635), and high (values 3640) health literacy.
It may then be possible to target intervention at the appropriate group of adolescents, the aim being to intervene at an early stage, prevent health compromising behaviors, and improve health in adolescence, and later in life [2]. In 2014, the study obtained ethical approval according to Finnish national guidelines, and in 2018, from the University of Jyvskyl Ethical Committee. Moreover, in 2018, weekly energy drink consumption was more prevalent among 15-year-old adolescents with a non-academic educational aspiration (46.0%) than among adolescents with an academic aspiration (18.3%). [28] found that the main motivators for energy drink consumption were a lack of sleep, to increase energy, and preparing for stressful events, such as exams or major deadlines. 25. Chan School of Public Health, Boston, Massachusetts, Independent consultant, Washington, District of Columbia, Department of Health Policy and Management, Harvard T.H. The proportion of adolescents not consuming energy drinks was higher among girls (58.9%) than boys (40.4%), and among 13-year-olds (56.2%) than 15-year-olds (43.1%).
As shown in the Table 1, weekly energy drink consumption increased among Finnish adolescents between 2014 (18.2%) and 2018 (24.4%). doi:10.1111/apa.13543, 18.
Online information sheets, a consent form, and prize draw contact information were included prior to accessing the questionnaire. A survey of energy drink consumption patterns among college students.
Logistic regression models were generated using Stata 14.2 (StataCorp, Texas) for differences in energy drink consumption relating to age, gender, frequency of extreme sport viewing, and advertising. These findings indicate that consumption of energy drinks has grown substantially Energy drink consumption in children and early adolescents. Advertisement was via social media, emailing extreme sport clubs, flyers at extreme sport locations, and word of mouth.
Amongst students of a university in the USA, 59% consumed at least one energy drink in the last seven days and 64% consumed 1/week in the last month [26]. Several fatal heart attacks related to excessive caffeine ingestion from energy drinks have been reported [1216], indicating a possible health risk when consumed in excess. A weekly figure of 20.6% was found in Slovakia [14], while in Norway, weekly consumption figures of 15.122.4% have been obtained [13]. According to our study, in 2018 every second Finnish adolescent reported consumption of energy drinks, and every fourth adolescent reported consumption on a weekly basis. 12. 379:163040. doi:10.1177/1403494816669639, 26.

Learn more about how Statista can support your business. Our findings warrant further investigation to understand a demographic that is susceptible to influences that affect consumption behaviours and may lead to increased sugar and caffeine intake. Moreover, our study indicated that weekly energy drink consumption was more prevalent among adolescents with non-academic educational plans. The nationally representative data (cross-sectional) were drawn from the Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) surveys among Finnish adolescents. The ideal entry-level account for individual users. A caffeinated energy drink improves jump performance in adolescent basketball players.
[30], using questions starting with: How much does your mother/father know about . Chan School of Public Health, Boston, Massachusetts. The most commonly stated reasons for avoiding energy drinks were that they were perceived as unhealthy, to avoid caffeine, and that they did not like the taste (Table 2). estimates of the percentage of energy drink consumers in the U.S. and to analyze trends No 1169/2011 of the European parliament and of the council of 25 october 2011. Eur J Public Health (2019). The Lancet (2012). In a survey of New Zealand high school students, 35% had consumed energy drink(s), with 12% having consumed 4 within the past week [34]. Should the sale of energy drinks be prohibited?] MP performed and JT and AT contributed to the statistical analyses. Viewing of these sports occurred primarily via social media and other online applications. PLoSONE (2017). Energy drinks market size worth $84.80 billion by 2025; CAGR: 7% [press release].
Demographics of those completing the questionnaire on energy drink consumption.
and over 1Mio. The sampling was based on the Finnish school register. No related content is available yet for this article. PLoS ONE (2017). Energy drink launches grow 29% in five years as global sales reach 8.8 billion litres [press release]. caffeine [16, 36], and that they tend to confuse them with sports drinks [36] or with other soft drinks [16, 31, 36]. 46(3):1817.
Barrense-Dias, Y, Berchtold, A, Akre, C, and Surs, J-C. Consuming energy drinks at the age of 14 predicted legal and illegal substance use at 16.
Acta Paediatr (2016). In order to understand the popularity of energy drinks among adolescents, and to target interventions, it is important to identify the determinants underpinning consumption.
Of the respondents, 137 (55.5%) participated in extreme sports, 229 (92.7%) followed extreme sports, and 119 (48.2%) had both participated and followed extreme sports. Official journal of European union (2011). Moreover, weekly energy drink consumption has been associated with adolescents perceptions that energy drinks are safe drinks for teens [37]. Health literacy (as a set of competencies to make health decisions and to identify and modify the factors that affect health) was measured by an instrument (HLSAC) created specifically for adolescents [25, 26]. Two hundred and fifty two surveys were completed, and 247 were included in the analyses. 61(3):299306. The instrument was computed from five items, relating to who your friends are, how you spend your money, where you are after school, where you go at night, what you do during your free time. Factors Influencing Energy Drink Consumption in Participants and Viewers of Extreme Sports, Department of Human Nutrition, University of Otago, P.O. 52(1). Our results indicate that in 2018 energy drink consumption was more common among older adolescents, confirming previous findings [13, 15]. Objective. Of those that consumed energy drinks, 65.7% (n=94) reported consuming servings larger than one standard energy drink in a single sitting (250mL, 90mg of caffeine, Figure 1).
Health behaviors track forward to adulthood, calling for a deeper understanding not only of the individuals background factors reflected above, but also of individual resources, and of family factors, as these all affect this specific health behavior. We use cookies to help provide and enhance our service and tailor content.
DOI: Considering children and health literacy: a theoretical approach. Copyright 2020 Conrad A. Goodhew et al. Use Ask Statista Research Service, November 22 to December 27, 2017 and April 11 to May 28, 2018, Answering this question was optional for respondents, based on the individual relevance of the topic (profiling data). Energy drink consumption in Europe: a review of the risks, adverse health effects, and policy options to respond. Of the respondents who watched extreme sports, 92.1% did so on the Internet (including YouTube, social media, and websites other than social media).
Gallimberti, L, Buja, A, Chindamo, S, Vinelli, A, Lazzarin, G, Terraneo, A, et al. They were given the Qualtrics questionnaire 24 hours prior to a one-hour focus group. This publication was funded by the University of Jyvskyl, Faculty of Sport and Health Sciences. Focus groups were then conducted to refine the questionnaire. The popularity of these drinks among boys, has been explained via the fact that energy drink consumption is linked to screen time [35] and to gaming [31], both of which are higher among boys. An online survey, informed by focus groups, was administered via Quadrics. However, due to the cross-sectional study design, it is not possible to make causal inferences between consumption and the measured individual determinants. Weekly consumption increased from 2014 to 2018, suggesting that energy drinks have not lost their popularity among Finnish adolescents, despite the fact that these beverages are inappropriate for this target group [911]. Prevalence of childhood and adult obesity in the United States, 20112012. In addition, participants who were brought up with the sport were more likely to consume energy drinks, whereby long-term exposure would occur. "Consumers of Energy Drinks in The United States in 2018, by Age. Energy drinks are widely consumed by adolescents across the world, and adolescents are the main consumers of these beverages [3]. 41. To read this article in full you will need to make a payment. Surprisingly, the two respondents who were sponsored by an energy drink company did not consume energy drinks. doi:10.1093/eurpub/ckl087, 39. Note that because the proportion of Swedish-speaking students in the data was larger than in the general population, all the analyses were weighted accordingly. Amongst Australian adolescents, 56% professed as being lifetime users with 36% having consumed more than 2/day [35]. 80:1839. Key data.
Costa, BM, Hayley, A, and Miller, P. Young adolescents' perceptions, patterns, and contexts of energy drink use. Multilevel mixed-effects binary logistic regression on the associations between weekly energy drink consumption and background factors, individual resources and family factors, among 13- and 15-year-olds (Health Behaviour in School-aged Children, Finland, 2014 and 2018). Box 56, Dunedin 9054, New Zealand, Completed undergraduate (or higher) degree or diploma, Increases energy for physical activity or sport, Aids you to study or complete a major project, I do not like the feeling it creates after consumption, It gives me vomiting, nausea, and/or abdominal pain, I get chest pains and/or heart problems after consumption, H. Puchan, Living extreme: adventure sports, media and commercialisation,, H. Thorpe and B. Wheaton, Generation X games, action sports and the olympic movement: understanding the cultural politics of incorporation,, H. Thorpe and B. Wheaton, The X games: re-imagining youth and sport, in, L. Jung Woo, The meaning of sport: sociolinguistic analysis of sport and energy drink brands advertising messages,, R. Cohen, The relationship between personality, sensation seeking, reaction time and sport participation: evidence from drag racers, sport science students and archers, in, A. Statista Survey (Global Consumer Survey).

Respondent demographics are displayed in Table 1. In Canada, in a large sample amongst 1224 year olds, of those who chose to answer questions on energy drinks, 74% reported ever consuming energy drinks, with 16% having consumed one in the last week [36] with 12% of surveyed 1220 year olds in another Canadian study having consumed at least one in the last week [37]. Paakkari, L, and Paakkari, O. 172(10):133540.
Register in seconds and access exclusive features. 29(3):4326. Miller, KE, Dermen, KH, and Lucke, JF.
Kouluterveyskyselyn tuloksia. doi:10.4278/ajhp.130820-QUAN-435, 38. doi:10.1037//0033-2909.112.1.15510.1037/0033-2909.112.1.155. statistic alerts) please log in with your personal account. [12] found the (at least) weekly energy drink consumption of adolescents in the United States to be 15.1%. It has been reported that adolescents have limited knowledge of the ingredients of energy drinks, especially of their key ingredient, i.e. Read the winning articles.
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Caffeinated energy drink use by U.S.