The health care worker continues to experience symptoms, especially those that would interfere with continuous mask or respirator use for source control (e.g., runny nose).
When a surgical facemask is worn, it is important that it fits well. Top-requested sites to log in to services provided by the state. Temperature checks of HCP prior to work is helpful in ensuring a healthy See CDC Guidance for Town Meetings to Address COVID-19 PDF|Doc. HCF should follow the table below to guide the management and work restrictions for asymptomatic HCP with high-risk exposures based upon their vaccination status,
HCP requirements. However, all HCP with exposure to SARS-CoV-2 who are not restricted from work should follow all recommended infection prevention and control practices, including wearing well-fitting source control Testing is needed to return to work prior to completion of 10-day isolation because of SARS-CoV-2 infection.
When applying contingency and crisis capacity strategies, there are no work restrictions, but the health care worker should be tested frequently (e.g., days one, two, three, and five to seven following exposure, and every three to seven days with the final test occurring five to seven days after last exposure), based on testing availability. Moderate illness: those who have evidence of lower respiratory disease, by clinical assessment or imaging, and a saturation of oxygen (SpO2) higher than 94% on room air at sea level.
of the website, which is the official version.
Guidance and directives from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Massachusetts Department of Public Health (DPH) related to COVID-19. *HCP who previously tested positive for COVID-19 and are asymptomatic should not be retested for 90 days since the date of symptom onset or date of collection of the first positive test.
Testing also should be performed in response to a cluster of cases meeting the outbreak investigation threshold for hospitals in AFL 20-75.
Wear a respirator or well-fitting facemask at all times, even in nonpatient care areas, such as breakrooms. It is recommended that symptomatic HCP be assessed by a clinician.
Refer to Table 1 for current immunization workforce and is not required.
Avoid interacting with patients who do not wear or cannot tolerate a well-fitting mask.
COVID-19 should be prioritized for SARS-CoV-2 viral testing The 90 days are from the onset of the initial COVID-19 symptoms. authorized in the United States may be HCP with Exposures (Quarantine), Guidelines for Preventing & Managing COVID-19 in Skilled Nursing Facilities, Interim Guidance for Managing HCP with SARS-CoV-2 Infection, Interim Infection Prevention and Control Recommendations for Healthcare Personnel During the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Workers may be exempt from the An official website of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, This page, COVID-19 Public Health Guidance and Directives, is, COVID-19 Public Health Guidance and Directives. N95 respirators should be worn while caring for
For current CDC recommendations on COVID-19 primary series and booster vaccination, refer to CDC: Stay Up to Date with Your Vaccines.
This page is located more than 3 levels deep within a topic. isolation.
As a last resort in crisis staffing situations, health care settings may consider asking health care workers who are moderately to severely immunocompromised to work prior to meeting all conventional return-to-work guidance.
Work Restrictions for Asymptomatic
How much do you agree with the following statements in the scale of 1, Strongly Disagree, to 5, Strongly Agree?
who have completed their primary series who provide proof of subsequent COVID-19 infection may defer booster administration for up to 90 days after infection. Settings should set their masking requirements according to their population. results.
^HCP working during their quarantine period should wear a N95 respirator for source control at all times while in the facility until they meet routine return-to-work criteria.
In the event of an outbreak, all hospitals should be prepared for the possible arrival of patients with COVID-19. A website belongs to an official government organization in Massachusetts.
If a health care worker is not wearing a respirator and eye protection when in prolonged close contact with an infectious person, and that infectious person is not wearing a facemask (medical-grade or cloth), this is a higher-risk exposure.
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Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites.
Health care workers who are within 90 days of infection with SARS-CoV-2 should be tested in the following situations: Testing health care workers who are within 90 days of infection is not recommended in the examples below: Health care facilities are responsible for conducting risk assessments and notifying staff members of their exposure. PCAs, Independent Nurses, etc. Provider-operated congregate care: Weekly testing of staff continues to be recommended but is optional. Note that HCP cannot opt to regularly test instead of getting vaccinated.
This form only gathers feedback about the website. See. Facilities should send the following document to health care workers with a higher-risk exposure: Long-term care facilities, including group homes, skilled nursing facilities, assisted living facilities, and acute care facilities should report using the forms and instructions found at Reporting COVID-19/SARS-CoV-2 Clusters in Health Care Facilities. Medical Reason.

Prior to reviewing these supplemental recommendations, health care settings should first review the complete CDC guidance. However, facilities can choose to be more conservative in their staffing strategies, as staffing resources allow.
Revised Guidance for Assisted Living Residences during COVID-19.
HCP not wearing a respirator (or if wearing a facemask, the person with SARS-CoV-2 infection was not wearing a cloth mask or facemask). Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 or Moderna vaccine, No work restriction with negative diagnostic test upon identification and at 5-7 days, No work restriction with diagnostic test upon identification and at 5-7 days, 7 days with diagnostic test upon identification and negative diagnostic test within 48 hours prior to return, No work restriction^ with diagnostic test upon identification and at 5-7 days. Due to their often extensive and close contact with vulnerable individuals, HCP with symptoms of possible COVID-19 illness and those with community or high-risk occupational exposures Executive Office of Elder Affairs (EOEA) guidance, April 8, 2022: Executive Office of Elder Affairs (EOEA)guidance, updated June 22, 2021: MA EI Telehealth Policy for Specialty Providers: Guidance for agency based in-home caregivers & workers (e.g.
Symptomatic HCP with compatible symptoms and no clear alternate diagnosis should be told to isolate at home pending clinical evaluation and testing HCPs should wear medical-grade surgical/procedure masks or respirators for universal source control at all times while they are in the healthcare facility, vaccination requirements and return to work for exposed and infected HCP: All persons who work in healthcare facilities must complete a primary COVID-19 vaccine series and receive a booster dose as required by the, Refer to Table 1 for current immunization
Health care workers include, but are not limited to, the following people working in a health care setting: emergency medical service personnel; nurses; nursing assistants; home health care personnel; physicians; technicians; therapists; phlebotomists; pharmacists; dental health care personnel; students and trainees; contractual staff; office workers; dietary staff; environmental services; laundry staff; security; engineering and facilities management; administrative staff; billing staff; and volunteers.
If the health care worker is not able to isolate from the positive household member, the last day of exposure is the last day the household member is considered infectious (generally 10 days).
In the healthcare setting, the following exposures to a confirmed infectious COVID-19 case* are considered high-risk: *COVID-19 cases are considered to be infectious beginning 2 days prior to symptom onset (or initial positive viral test if case is asymptomatic) until the time they meet criteria for discontinuing isolation.
(respirator preferred), monitoring themselves for fever
However, no computerized translation is perfect and CDC's mitigation strategies offer a continuum of options for addressing staffing shortages.

A risk assessment should be done for health care workers who are exposed to an infected patient, resident, coworker, or visitor. All HCP should routinely self-monitor for, HCP with symptoms of possible COVID-19 should contact the HCF before presenting for work.
Click here for infection control resources for Congregate Care Settings, developed through a partnership with Commonwealth Medicine, in coordination with the Executive Office of Health and Human Services (EOHHS), the Department of Public Health (DPH) and state agencies. This guidance replaces the guidance released on.
This page offers supplemental recommendations to the foundational CDC recommendations, linked above, which this page does not address in detail. as outlined in Table 2.
Please also refer to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for information regarding performance of available tests on the variants currently circulating in the United States. Community exposures are considered higher-risk exposures Practice physical distancing as much as possible. Any of the COVID-19 vaccines authorized in the United States may be used for We will use this information to improve the site.
Post-exposure Testing is required* for asymptomatic HCP after a high-risk occupational or community close-contact exposure to SARS-CoV-2 The clinician should determine if further medical evaluation and COVID-19 testing is needed prior to allowing the HCP to work.
more conservatively.
Prior to the start of their shift, HCF should screen all HCP for symptoms of COVID-19.
indicated), even if the symptoms are mild.
If the health care worker is not able to isolate from the positive household member, the last day of exposure is the last day the household member is considered infectious (generally 10 days). Self-monitor for symptoms and seek re-evaluation from occupational health if symptoms recur or worsen. If the health care worker does not have an alternate diagnosis from a health care provider, they may return to work if symptoms are improving and they have been fever-free for at least 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medication. Test immediately (but not earlier than 24 hours) following exposure, and every three to seven days, with the final test occurring five to seven days after their last exposure (i.e., last day the positive household member is considered infectious).
In addition to following these HCP guidelines, HCF are required to
If you would like to continue helping us improve, join our user panel to test new features for the site. prevention guidance and requirements including universal use of PPE for patient
): This guidance replaces guidance issued on September 24, 2021.
Public Health has made reasonable efforts to provide accurate translation.
651-201-5000 Phone Your healthcare facility (HCF) is responsible for developing and executing your facilitys plan to decrease risk of COVID exposure from potentially infectious healthcare personnel (HCP). A single negative sensitive SARS-CoV-2 NAAT result is adequate to exclude
Organization (WHO) (if eligible). Ethical Framework for Transitions Between Conventional, Contingency, and Crisis Conditions in Pervasive or Catastrophic Public Health Events with Medical Surge Implications (PDF).
In conventional staffing capacity situations, exclude the health care worker from work for 10 days after their last exposure, or for seven days after the last exposure if a specimen collected within 48 hours before returning to work is negative for SARS-CoV-2. Either an antigen test or nucleic acid amplification test (NAAT) can be used.
or symptoms consistent with COVID-19, and not reporting HCF should perform a risk assessment to determine the most effective
in the scale of 1, Strongly Disagree, to 5, Strongly Agree.
PLEASE NOTE:As ofDecember 30, 2021, all non-health carecongregate care settings/residential programs and shelters should adhere to theIsolation and Quarantine Guidance for the General Public.
): DPH guidance:Recreational Camps and Programs Health and Safety Standards for Reopening.
Executive Office of Health and Human Services, Bureau of Infectious Disease and Laboratory Sciences, Click here for infection control resources for Congregate Care Settings, Isolation and Quarantine for Health Care Personnel, Considerations for Health Care Personnel After COVID-19 Vaccination, Guidance implementing Order of the Commissioner of Public Health (COVID-19 Public Health Emergency Order No.
All congregate care sitesmay now choose over the counter rapid antigen tests or can continue with molecular or POC rapid testing.
The resource below has descriptions of the staffing capacities, which can be used as a guide. contact: **This is regardless of use of face masks of the case or contact. As a last resort, allow health care workers with confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection to provide direct care for patients. If symptoms are consistent with a known, chronic health condition or they are evaluated by a health care provider and receive an alternate diagnosis, the health care worker may return to work when appropriate.
However, even in contingency or crisis situations, these employment protections apply to health care workers who choose to stay home for the full conventional isolation or quarantine period.
If you have questions or comments about this page, use our IDEPC Comment Form or call 651-201-5414 for the MDH Infectious Disease Epidemiology, Prevention and Control Division. Updated congregate care guidance and surveillance testing guidance will go into effect: : Masking will be optional for staff and residents of Congregate Care, except in specific circumstances outlined in the guidance. Would you like to provide additional feedback to help improve They are experiencing symptoms consistent with COVID-19, and other etiologies have been ruled out.
HCP with Exposures (Quarantine). (and other respiratory viral testing, such as influenza, as
Interim Guidance for Managing HCP with SARS-CoV-2 Infection. if they are vaccinated and booster eligible but have not yet received their booster dose.
: Screening for visitors, staff, and residents may be self-directed. CDC guidance for managing health care workers should be applied to all health care settings in Minnesota, including long-term care facilities.
Employers and facilities can have policies that are
If most recent test is positive, then HCP may provide direct care only for patients/residents with confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection, preferably in a cohort setting.
If you have questions, email LAC DPH at or call at 213-240-7941. recent infection history, and facility staffing level. vaccination status, HCP with any signs or symptoms of CDC recommends point-of-care or laboratory-based testing when testing resources allow.
and the availability of effective COVID-19 vaccines. Asymptomatic HCP with higher-risk workplace exposures or community exposures are managed more conservatively if they are unvaccinated OR emergency use listing COVID-19 vaccine, Interim Infection Prevention & Control Recommendations, Table 2. California Immunization Requirements for Covered Workers, Table 2. HCP not wearing eye protection if the person with SARS-CoV-2 infection was not wearing a cloth mask or facemask. On April 7, 2020, DPH issued guidance to clinical labs which (1) aligns the Massachusetts exempt test with all tests on the current list of CLIA waived tests; and (2) alleviates the need for certain providers to obtain a clinical laboratory license in order to conduct testing on their own patients. Work Restrictions for HCP with SARS-CoV-2
follow State and Local Health Officer Orders and All LA County Public Health Officers.