These should allow you to significantly boost your armor and life stats, along with your damage. Cos, cosa stai aspettando? These powerful armor pieces are earned once you reach max character level and can be found dropping in Dungeons from the final boss. When all other skills are recharging, you'll need to resort to your Primary Skill. Every gear set offers a mix of gem slots, so you should be able to use a range of all three colours. Rushing forward and damaging/pushing any enemies you hit, Shield Charge does exactly what it says on the box. You won't unlock Conjuration of Light until level 50, so make sure you know how to level up quickly in Diablo Immortal so that you can incorporate it into your Crusader build. By signing up, you agree to Turtle Beachs Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions of Use. When assembling the best Crusader Draw and Quarter build, wed opt for these Legendary items: Youve got your legendary items equipped, now we need to think about your secondary gear slots, and like Diablo 3, were best equipping Set Items.
With the Survivor Paragon tree active, focus on getting every node. As with most crowd control offerings, Shield Charge shines brightest in PvP, where you can push enemies off vulnerable allies, or set up stuns against nearby walls. Diablo Immortal Patch Notes | Diablo Immortal Max Level Cap | All Hidden Lair Locations | How To Change Difficulty In Diablo Immortal | Diablo Immortal Set Items List | Diablo Immortal Reset Times | Diablo Immortal Codes | Diablo Immortal Server List | Diablo Immortal Platinum Farming Tips | Is Diablo Immortal Coming To Switch? Draw and Quarter sees the Crusader hop onto a warhorse, dispelling any movement impairing effects and gaining a big speed boost for six seconds. Controlla la nostra. With three previous years of experience writing freelance for PC Gamer, he's covered every genre imaginable. Thank you for signing up to TechRadar. The most important aspect of these stats is the attribute scores, which you should find at the top of the info panel when you select a piece of equipment. Players fare a bit better, only being blinded if they're actually facing you. Assuming youve already dived into the game and pledged your allegiance to the Crusader class, you might be wondering what is the best Crusader build in Diablo Immortal. Any stated prices are correct at the time of publication. The shield does not return back. With Sacred Chain, you toss out a fast-moving chain of holy energy, which bounces between enemies, hitting up to six of them for damage. In Diablo Immortal, that allows you to deal huge AoE damage to tear through enemy hordes, while also buffing yourself and allies to become temporarily invincible. Per favore, scrivi le tue domande sui nostri. Judgement calls down a burst of damage that slows enemies in a large area for three seconds, leaving behind a smaller circle at the center.

The bristle makes Sacred Fire also hurl waves of flame towards enemies, dealing extra damage to anything in their path. Gear offers stats and attribute scores, as mentioned above, but Legendary pieces also offer unique bonuses that alter the abilities of your skills.
For an idea of just how much you might have to drop, Rebecca has put together a comprehensive guide on how much it costs to play Diablo Immortal that will tell you everything you need to know.
He can usually be found in front of a screen, playing the latest survival games and trying to hide from the real world. You can also reactivate the ability before it's fully recharged at the cost of a smaller area-of-effect and less damage. Just pick whichever Citrine or Topaz gem is the highest level. If you have 2 items of the same set, youll gain a buff. Below, you will find the best attributes, skills, gear, gems, and how to spend Paragon points for the best Diablo Immortal Crusader build. All rights reserved. So far we've listed lots of damage-based skills, but the Crusader is also a powerful leader. Pocket Tactics is the world's number one mobile gaming site. The Diablo Immortal release has finally arrived, with Blizzards new mobile Diablo game hitting the Apple App Store and Android Google Play Store. - Overall, this is a great Primary Attack against dungeon bosses and raid bosses in PvE; and in PvP for its single-target focused damage and for long-term survivability and sustain. Vitality and Fortitude are the other attributes you should focus on, and they have similar effects. If youve only just downloaded the game and considering which class to play, might we suggest having a read of our Diablo Immortal Best Class Tier List before you proceed further?
New York, NY 10036. Zombies. With the class functioning as a strength/melee combo, were going to show you how to build a tanky attacker that can lead you and your allies into even the darkest of battles, as well as highlighting some of the most attractive aspects of the crusader class that are often glossed over. Legendary Gems are also split between different tiers. The order of importance for the crusaders stats in Diablo Immortal is that power comes before all else, with fortitude and vitality sharing second place in the running. For the Best Crusader Draw and Quarter Build you want to opt for all 6 items from the Windloft Perfection set.
Sacred Chain is a great tool for PvP, allowing you to stun entire groups if you land it correctly, allowing you or your allies to set up big area-of-effect attacks, or simply keep some people out of the fight. No part of this site or its content may be reproduced without the permission of the copyright holder. This will put you in the centre of the action, so if that isn't to your tastes then check out our Necromancer and Demon Hunter build guides for ranged alternatives. With Spinning Sweep, you'll find better options pretty quickly, but you may want to keep an eye open for the legendary that turns it into a constant area-of-effect damage helicopter. Despite being a mobile-first title, Diablo Immortal is still fairly robust in its approach as a loot-based game. (Ultimate Ability) Counterattack Storm Enhance Punish for 12 seconds, striking all enemies in front of you, increasing its damage per hit and increasing its Block Chance bonus. There are five different attributes, including: Strength, Intelligence, Vitality, Fortitude, and Willpower.
A valuable tool in the arsenal for grabbing slippery enemies and pulling them back in, Spinning Shield is also a standout in PvP for that very same reason. In this guide, we'll break down the best Diablo Immortal Crusader build, including the attributes, skills, gear, and gems that you should use. That means were looking at the best build for farming the games Bounties,Elder Rifts,Lairs, andSide Quests as a solo player.
Below, you can find the best skills for a Diablo Immortal Crusader build: Sacred Fire is the Primary Skill that we suggest using as a Crusader, despite unlocking much later than the alternative, Punish. Since you can only have one Paragon tree active at once, you'll need to know the best Paragon tree to use as the Crusader in Diablo Immortal. The other option for the Crusader's primary attack, Sacred Fire sweeps the area in front of you, turning your normal attack into an area-of-effect attack. Red Gems Pick Tourmaline over Ruby, as a damage buff is better than a life buff. As you hurl this shield, it'll damage any enemies in its path, but you can maximise its effectiveness with the Pouncing Shield Legendary Off-Hand. Master Duel. Conjuration of Light is the best buff skill that you can use as a Crusader, making your team invincible for a few seconds.
If all this talk of tanks has you thinking about, well, actual tanks, why not get behind some artillery in our picks for the best.
Lead the charge against the demons of hell with our Diablo Immortal Crusader build. Players can only be affected by Spinning Shield once every 3 seconds. However, they aren't all equally important, so you'll need to know which attributes matter most for the Crusader. Just be careful when using it, since stuns and interrupts can end it right away. Being constantly on the move with Shield Charge and Draw and Quarter will let you reposition easily, and Conjuration of Light can save your party if they get caught by crowd control like stuns, or are just stuck in enemy damage.
how to level up quickly in Diablo Immortal, Diablo Immortal's Elder Rifts and Legendary Crests, how much it costs to play Diablo Immortal. Use Draw and Quarter to drag enemies and group them up, then unleash the full fury of your area-of-effect skills to melt even the strongest enemies down into loot. If youre looking for more Diablo Immortal guides, builds and tips then youll find plenty more help on the links below. Don't be afraid to use Shield Charge to close in if you have to, even if you won't get a stun out of it. Or, if youre still not sold on a mobile version of the classic action RPG, check out our Diablo Immortal review, and from there, head-on into our guides to Diablo Immortal classes, Diablo Immortal gems, and Diablo Immortal crest and rifts. Future US, Inc. Full 7th Floor, 130 West 42nd Street, If youd rather raise the dead than put your opponents in the ground, why not check out our, Throw a spinning shield that damages enemies, before pulling them towards the crusader to deal additional damage (maximum of three charges), Summon a war horse of pure light to increase your movement speed, cancel out movement debuffs, and change your primary attack to a dragging mechanic to move enemies across the field, Charge into a group of enemies shield first, dealing damage and stunning any knocked into the environment for three seconds, Throw a set of chains that damages, and then stuns, up to eight enemies, Summon a beam of light that increases critical hit change to 100% for 11 seconds, while lowering critical hit damage slightly, Provides three seconds of damage immunity for all allies, The berserkers eye boosts damage output while increasing damage taken, turning the sturdy crusader into one of Diablo Immortals more powerful glass cannons, Increases your damage output for the more enemies youre currently fighting, Creates a stacking damage bonus that is particularly useful against single bosses, This gem boosts the crusaders combat power, and has a special effect do deal a percentage of the users damage, which is particularly useful with a tanky crusader, There you have it, our comprehensive Diablo Immortal crusader build guide.
This is the perfect Paragon tree for those filling the Tank role, making it excellent for this Consecration Crusader build.
With Judgement as a good option for a getaway, if you bite off more demon than you can chew, you should be relatively safe in most circumstances. Copyright 2022 Gamer Network Limited, a ReedPop company. With that in mind, a full set of Legendary Gear is essential when making any Diablo Immortal build. - With the (Main Hand) Legendary Item, this skill creates a wide AOE damage zone on the ground where all enemies are continuously damaged while on the zone during its duration. That wraps up our guide on the best Diablo Immortal Crusader build. Those will prove incredibly hard to find without spending extra money, so the list also contains a few that you can expect to find while playing more naturally. While Conjuration of Light does have a long cooldown at around 26 seconds, the impact that it can have is huge. Crusaders are holy warriors, wielding light to smite the legions of hell. Cerca il tuo screenshot usando il modulo qui sotto.
There are countless different ways you can choose to maximise the potential of the class, but if youre playing solo the best Crusader build in Diablo Immortal is the Draw and Quarter Crusader Build. These combine to make your Crusader the ideal Tank, so make sure to seek out armor that has good roles in these stats, as well as Strength. - Consecrate the ground around you, dealing 37692 damage to all nearby enemies over six seconds. One of the powerful area-of-effect choices for the Crusader, Condemn isn't the easiest to land on opponents in PvP since it takes time to charge up, so it's more of a PvE option for crowds. As Diablo Immortals crusader is a melee-heavy attacker, you need to concentrate on gems that boost attacking prowess. Staff Writer, Deck-building and stat counting, Connor is an RPG and strategy super-fan, with a special place in his heart for Pokmon, tycoon games, and Yu-Gi-Oh! All of the gear mentioned above has gem sockets. First appearing to smite the forces of hells in the Diablo 3 expansion Reaper of Souls, now the Crusader brings the sword and board lifestyle to Diablo Immortal. We sometimes include relevant affiliate links in articles from which we earn a small commission. Crusaders should be leading the charge, and what better way to do that than from horseback? With that in mind, we recommend using Conjuration of Light, which calls down a beam of protective light that makes you and all nearby allies invincible for three seconds. A charged skill, Spinning Sweep does damage in an area in front of you. When you find gear in Diablo Immortal, it will have a randomly generated array of stats. Serving as a solid choice for PvP with its slows and stuns, Judgement is also a good pick to pair with other great area-of-effect skills, like Consecration. You might want to switch to Sacred Fire (unlocked at level 34) for AOE Primary Attacks in some situations such as Challenge Rifts with very high density of enemies; or for outdoors PvE activities where you pull multiple enemy groups. Cannot gain this shield more often than once every40seconds. The best Diablo Immortal Crusader build is the Consecration Crusader build.
There was a problem. These powerful pieces of equipment not only have higher stats, but also provide legendary powers to help enhance your existing skills.
Along with the Legendary Item, the Consecration moves along with the Crusader. Heres why you can trust us.
With thousands of hours in League of Legends, Overwatch, Minecraft, and countless survival, strategy, and RPG entries, he still finds time for offline hobbies in tabletop RPGs, wargaming, miniatures painting, and hockey. Some fights will really call for mobility, and Falling Sword is your choice for them since it lets you reposition instantly and effectively on just a ten-second cooldown. Your strategy for deciding set moves should suit whatever challenge youre facing, be that difficult one-on-one battles, or taking on swarms of skeletons. Keep it in mind for PvP situations, or if you've decided to use less area-of-effect skills and need some more ways of controlling crowds of enemies. Sacred Fire is an excellent Primary Skill for dealing with enemy groups, as it summons holy flames from your weapon that deals damage to an enemy and 25% damage to all surrounding enemies. Thousand Winds deactivates for3seconds if you take damage. If you click on a link and make a purchase we may receive a small commission. Below, we'll rank these attributes from most important to least important for a Diablo Immortal Crusader build: Strength and Intelligence are the two primary attributes in Diablo Immortal, with each being more relevant to a subset of Diablo Immortal classes.
Plus, they can be socketed with Legendary gems too. Just don't forget to swing regularly to keep up the Block bonus from Punish. All rights reserved. Diablo Immortal Barbarian
Yellow Gems It doesnt matter as both potency and resistance are pretty pointless stats.
More PVP-focused, the Crusader can really shine at locking up key enemies and getting them grouped together for big bursts of damage from your allies. Your primary attack gets replaced with a simple strike, and up to eight nearby enemies (which you'll automatically pick up as you move) will be dragged along with mystical chains.
That version brings Spinning Sweep back around to being a great pick. Thanks for subscribing!
Whatever you call them, Hayden is definitely a fan.
Essentially, you can discount willpower, unless you feel you need it for a specific scenario, and its not even worth thinking about intelligence as it has no bearing on any of the crusaders primary strengths. Using them up tosses a shield out like a boomerang, dealing damage on the way out and the return. For this reason, the crusader makes a particularly potent partner for Diablo Immortals necromancer, providing a human shield between enemies and the dark mage. With each Paragon level that you gain, you will earn one Paragon point that you can spend to get upgrades from six Paragon trees. With high damage numbers and a large area, Consecration lets the Crusader absolutely delete entire oceans of the worst hell can throw at you. TechRadar is supported by its audience. This is the most powerful skill in Diablo Immortal adding mobility to the Crusader and allowing to stack four different damage sources simultaneously. When you reach level 60, things will become a little different. With Falling Sword you drop a sword from above on a location, dealing damage over six seconds in a small area-of-effect.
Below, we'll cover the best Legendary Gems that you should use for our Diablo Immortal Crusader build and what they do: You might struggle to get all of these Legendary Gems, but our guide on Diablo Immortal's Elder Rifts and Legendary Crests should set you on the right path.
As such players still have plenty of choices to make when assembling their character, including skills, gear and gems to equip all in the name of making your character stronger in the face of unspeakable hellish monsters.
The skills that we've selected for the Crusader prioritise damage, as they'll often be in the middle of a fight, but you'll also unlock a crucial buff at level 50. You also gain a shield that absorbs damage equal to 20% of your maximum Life for 3 seconds.
Whether dodging a big burst of damage from a crowd or boss is useful, Conjuration of Light really shines in PvP, where you can save yourself or an ally or bait out a long cooldown of your enemies. However, you can gain even more protection with this skill by equipping the Legendary Leggings of the Consigner, which turn 8% of the damage you deal while this skill is active into a temporary shield when it expires. This means you can move between enemies and make them all suffer the effects of your Consecration. We specifically recommend the Berserkers eye, providing you have enough strength to tank a few hits with the crusaders various shield effects.
This AoE spell places a rune on the ground that deals damage to all nearby enemies for six seconds. You should focus on getting the permanent nodes from each to boost your armor and damage stats, but we'd also recommend unlocking the specialisation skills on the Survivor tree. Our sole mission is to help gamers play their best at every level, in every game.
His eyes haven't turned square yet, but the possibility is certainly scary. Drops a banner with health equal to your own, which grants an area-of-effect buff to nearby allies.
The shield will return to you, pulling enemies in its path to you and dealing additional damage. For 15 years he's done technical writing and IT documentation, and more recently traditional gaming content. 1 star and 2 star legendary gems are generally more common to acquire, whilst 5 star are much harder and offer great bonuses when slotted into your primary gear stots.
If youre looking for the best Crusader build for PvP, Raids (Helliquary and Kions Ordeal), or Dungeons played in a group, you might want to check out a different guide more tailored to that specific criteria. Spinning Shield is another early Crusader skill that is perfect for smashing through hellish hordes. Not as strong a choice as other pieces of the Crusader's skill kit, Shield Glare is mostly a PvP pick that can be yet another piece of crowd control, and one that could potentially hit nearly everyone. build guide. Weve listed the bonuses youll gain, just below: 2/6 Bonus Gain Thousand Winds, increasing your Movement Speed by15%. Spinning Shield Hurl a spinning shield, inflicting damage to all enemies in its path.
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With our Diablo Immortal Crusader build, we've opted for skills that offer the best of both with devastating damage and a buff that will prove crucial whether you're running a dungeon solo or plan on teaming up with pals. If youve never played Diablo before, set items work like this. Blue Gems Pick Sapphire over Aquamarine, as an armor penetration buff is preferable to an armor buff. TechRadar is part of Future US Inc, an international media group and leading digital publisher. Shield Glare unleashes a blast of light in front of you, damaging enemies and blinding them for three seconds. With this item equipped, Consecration will now follow your character around, rather than simply dropping on the floor at your last location.
The Crusader class, a bit like the Barbarian, is best when using melee attacks up lock and personal in combination with big AOE (area of effect) damage.
If you want every gem on that list, be prepared to spend some cash. Falling Sword (Unlocked at Level 8) Impale your holy sword at a location where it deals damage over 5 seconds to all nearby enemies. Unlike Diablo 3, Set Items wont conflict with your Legendary Items, which makes it slightly less convoluted (thankfully).
The Crusader differs from Barbarians in that, they cant deal quite as much damage, but are better at soaking up damage with their meaty shields. Puoi usarlo anche per tenere traccia delle tue missioni completate, ricette, cavalcature, mascotte e titoli! To get the most out of your skills, you'll need a full set of Legendary Gear. Although the game contains plenty of normal gems (red, blue and yellow) to socket into your gear, its the games legendary gems which offer the best attribute bonuses and power boosts to your character. Diablo Immortals crusader has two primary skills, just like the rest of the classes, with punish available from level one, and sacred fire unlocking at level 34. You can slot a maximum of 6 and you earn these in all manner of ways, but mostly from completing Elder Rifts. Please refresh the page and try again.
Whilst its possible that these builds might be similar, there are always going to be slight variations based on the activity youre playing (especially PvP). As a bonus, if you push enemies into terrain, they're stunned for three seconds.
This is one of the two options for Crusaders as their primary. Holy chains will bind up to 8 nearby monsters and drag them as you ride. It also adds to the formidable suite of movement powers the Crusader has.