Make sure an adult cuts the 2 liter bottle. You can also start with seeds if the container opening is too small to fit a plant through. Rising Water Experiment - Magic Water Science Experiment, Easy Weather Science Experiments for Preschoolers and Toddlers, 27 Taste Safe Sensory Play for Toddlers and Preschoolers. He is the main content writer for the Ourhouseplants Team. Safety Tips for Landscaping Construction Projects, 7 Best Electric Lawn Mowers for a perfect Yard in 2022, Rattan Garden Furniture 101: Buyers Guide & Best Ideas, Push Mowers 101 & Definitive Buyers Guide for a Great Lawn, A jar or another transparent glass container that lets in light, Potting soil, either basic or a special mix for your chosen plants, Small plants like succulents or air plants, Sealed containers do not usually require watering. But in practice, a glass bottle terrarium is generally a very different build to a plastic bottle terrarium. Alternatively, a compact full-leafed plant can work. If your bottle is closed, you don't need to water it very often, only once a month or so. The container which will house the plants needs to be set up ready and to do this you just need to create two layers within the base of the container. We are using an old carboy bottle that was previously being used as a plant terrarium already. I recommend starting with just a couple until you get a feel for how your plants do in your climate. Set the top half aside for later. Put the top piece of the bottle aside. You can grow any plant that starts small in these terrariums. Then you can use smaller accent plants and mosses to highlight them. I also quite like the idea of adding a miniature vine via a central pole.
Although there are many suitable candidates for your miniature garden you still need to give it a little thought first. (Use what you have, all 3 work and you can use more than one.).
This creates a place for excess water to drain so your plants aren't sitting in water. This is a great activity to introduce gardening and learn about plants. If you're up for a challenge though, a terrarium with a small opening can be intriguing to look at.
Add your seeds or small plant and water it. If you want everything taken care of, why not check out one of the many bottle terrarium kits? You only need a 2-liter bottle, some dirt, and some seeds or a small plant to make a fun, easy to maintain biology experience. Add a thin layer of activated charcoal on top of that, then a thin layer of sphagnum moss. They contain pollen and seeds and can produce fruit.
Houseplants can be grown in a Terrarium, A.K.A a Bottle Garden, or Wardian Case. The best thing about this step is that its much easier to plant the base of a pole vs a delicate root ball. Consider trying a clear wine bottle or soda bottle. Dan is the founder of Terrarium Tribe and resident plant daddy. For this, youll want something thats small and can easily spread across the substrate area. Place the bottle in indirect sunlight. Leaves: The leaves of the plant are the above-ground plant organs.
Take your soda bottle and cut it about 5 inches up from the bottle. Today because Bottle Gardens are easy to create and maintain, they are commonly used as a substitute garden in areas where there is little or no outdoor space, such as in apartments. Place in any little garden decorations you would like. Your child can add so much personality to these terrariums. Check out our extensive Terrarium Plants Guide for more help. So, being a closed terrarium (or at least a humid container), youll be wanting plants of a tropical nature. Your email address will not be published. In any case always go slowly and don't be afraid to move things around or prune the plants until you are happy with the final look. Touching on the best plants, containers, and some fun ideas for your first project. Glass bottles, on the other hand, you cant be doing that So, they end up being more challenging builds as you try your best to create the most beautiful terrarium possible through an opening that often doesnt allow for typical planting. This will keep the plants from growing too big for the bottle. This is helpful for kids because we all know it can be hard to be patient. The charcoal discourages mold growth, and the moss acts as a net to keep your soil from washing down into the rocks. Mainly used in the classic upright bottle gardens, were looking for one or two foliage plants that can occupy the center of the bottle. The Pteris Fern on the other hand is thriving and has grown, which we will pay close attention to going forward and if it starts to get out of control we will need to prune it to stop it taking over. Seeing their plants grow faster can help keep their interest in the activity. Stick with me as we cover how to make a bottle terrarium from the ground up. They can be responsible for caring for it. Don't fertilize the plants either. Our planting up experience was on the easier side because as you can see from the photos the carboy has a wide opening so we could use hands. (I have found that talking about plants can be an easier way to discuss the idea of death as opposed to starting with animals or people. This is a pretty safe activity, outside of cutting the bottle. Do dessert plants need water? Water: Every living thing needs water.
Add a layer of activated charcoal is you are going to have your terrarium in a small space and are worried about potential odors. This is because flowers do not tend to do well in very moisture rich atmospheres and will rot easily. I'm so happy you're here!! They can be sealed, but are able to be opened for maintenance. Plants make their own food through photosynthesis. And don't worry, I give the science behind it all! It really is that simple. Stem: The stem is the support for the plant. Step 3: Next, if youd like, add a small layer of activated charcoal. The inside wasn't totally dry, so some of the compost that was poured in stuck to the sides however this wasn't a big problem as it could be washed down when it came to adding the water (more on this later). Following the above instructions our Bottle Garden is now a couple of months old and has only been watered once. If your container's opening is very small, you might have to use a small spoon to insert all the ingredients. As a Team, we've almost 50 years of hands-on experience and various horticulture skills. So its helpful if you are keeping your terrarium inside or planning on having several. Im not trying to tell anyone how to handle that with their kids, thats for every parent to decide on their own. When it comes to the kinds of plants and environment, bottles are a natural choice for a closed terrarium. How do animals and people get their food? 3 | Patron Tequila Bottle Terrarium Perhaps the easiest of all the glass bottles, Patron tequila has a flat base, a short wide neck, and lots of volume. Instead, were going to select ferns that can be separated into single frond plants. Some stems have vascular tissues to help nutrients and water move through the plant. What I love about making a bottle terrarium is that they often make use of an up-cycled container. 2 | Plastic Water/Soda Bottle Terrarium A great one to do with the kids, plastic soda bottles are cheap and super easy to get started with. This terrarium science project is easy to make, but it will require some adult help. Do not crowd the plants so to allow them space to grow and spread, also do not directly push them against the sides of the container. And they got the new responsibility to help take care of it, which in itself is a great learning opportunity. However, you may have to, Design and instructions stimulate creativity. They are also used as a form of interior decoration with the containers often being as interesting as the plants grown within. (And if you scroll to the bottom of this post you can print these directions!). The soil was breaking down and was generally unsuitable, so everything was discarded (except for the Christmas Cactus which was potted up into a normal pot) and the bottle thoroughly washed inside and out. If you like the look or idea of a Bottle Garden there is no reason why you shouldn't give it a go. Step 5: Add your seeds or small plant to the soil. Though the combination of a comparatively tiny neck and a large internal volume makes it one of the most difficult to pull off. The bottle terrarium is a true thrifty classic. My goal is to encourage moms, find practical parenting solutions, and help moms with the unique challenges twins bring! While terrariums do create more of a closed system that lets your plant have more water, you will still need to add water regularly. Its usually the tall thin ones too, right? The Croton and Pilea have not grown at all, but this could be because it's cooler as we are getting close to Winter now. (And adult should do this part.) Once considered you need to think about their ability to live with one another in a cohesive way.
Yes, the lid does help keep some of the water from evaporating. How do plants get their water? Want to give your child a hands-on experience about how plants grow without having to create a big garden? Planted Well, Zebra Haworthia (Haworthiopsis attenuata), The Best Terrarium Kits for Kids and Adults, Bliss Gardens Air Plant Terrarium Kit with Stand, Creativity for Kids Grow n Glow Terrarium, 19 Toxic Plants for Cats (and Other Pets) to Watch Out For, 21 Backyard Layout Ideas: How to Make an Awesome Backyard . The bottle terrarium can be as easy or as difficult as you want to make it, but following these principles and tips, Im sure you can pull it off. For maximum volume and versatility, start with a 2 liter bottle. Add enough soil around them so the roots are completely covered. Take the top half of your bottle and gently place it back over the top of your terrarium. It needs to be quite a thick layer and certainly several times as much as the first porous layer. Air: Every living thing needs air.
As you can see, some of these items are optional. You will need to revert to long handled spoons, long chop sticks or something similar, to enable you to dig out a small trench and then to help you lower the plants into the newly created hole. Required fields are marked *. In some respects this is the hardest part of the task and the difficulty factor rests solely on the size of your bottle neck opening. You can sometimes find cute little garden decorations at your dollar store too. Or perhaps you want visual structure in which case you would need some taller plants as well as some shorter ones. First, add a 1 inch layer of small pebbles or gravel to the bottom of the bottle. Once you've picked out your bottle, wash it out thoroughly. Food: Every living thing needs food. 2 | Sideways Like a classic ship in a bottle, you can lay your bottle on its side and carefully plant up a layer of shorter plants and mosses. For maximum visual appeal, youll want a plant thats tall enough to fill most of the vertical space (but still has some wiggle room). The bottle was filthy and filled with a stray Christmas Cactus cutting that had developed into a small plant, some grass and a sickly looking Wandering Jew. They are usually green and have a broader, flat surface than the stem.
Glass vs plastic seems like a basic choice, right? Your email address will not be published. Once cleaned and dry you're ready to go. I'm a mom of three and STEM enthusiast. This post contains affiliate links. But then, finding tall and narrow plants that can fit in the space and fit through the opening is the real challenge. You see, full ferns in all their splendid glory are typically too wide and bushy. Space: Every living thing needs space. Photo by J Brew. A terrarium is a container with soil and plants. A good example of this is the Victorians, who could now grow ferns despite their homes being filled with poisonous fumes which would normally kill these types of plants.
They are a great way to observe and learn about plant growth, even if you are short on space. For those up to the task, next, we have some common bottles that translate well to bottle terrariums. Here is how to make a homemade soda bottle terrarium. Often it just comes down to whatever you have to hand, or which container youre desperate to find a use for in the house. Choose small plants that will fit in the hole of the bottle, and won't outgrow the container. The rocks really help though.
The final thing to do in terms of the preparation is to water. You do not want to over do it. You will still need to water your terrarium every few days. But our conversations about plants have been super helpful in understanding a life cycle without too much sadness.). Plants in a garden have roots, a stem, leaves, maybe flowers. Add a little water (not too much! I will say the fertilizer obviously helps the seeds grow faster. If they dont get those basic needs, they wont survive. But, the shape of a bottle does trap humidity very well on its own. Learn how your comment data is processed.
Step 1: Take your empty 2-liter soda bottle and make sure it is clean. This is great for two reasons, firstly it flows to the very edges only and therefore does not dislodge the plants in the centre or splatter the compost around. For detailed instructions, see the tutorial here. Your child can choose what to plant. We followed our own instructions above but using a very thin later of porous material (pebbles) and no charcoal. How to make a homemade soda bottle terrarium for kids, an earth science activity.
Secondly the first layer is generally a fail safe for incorrect watering technique, which (touch wood) we are usually good at. Try chia seeds, lima beans, or any other seed you have handy. These terrariums are very easy to put together, and they are perfect for little ones. Water and add fertilizer as you feel necessary. Then add some rocks, moss, or decorative pieces on top to complete your scene.
Liquor bottles tend to be a little fancier, and can make a beautiful enclosure. Plants need enough room to grow. Glass Bottle Terrarium vs Plastic Bottle Terrarium. There are two main approaches to planting up a bottle terrarium. Something like a baby Calathea musaicacould be a good choice as the leaves grow on tall stems. We left our terrariums outside, so we skipped this step. This can be a fun way to start a little indoor herb garden. A dusty outside will reduce the amount of light that reaches inside, and a dirty interior will do the same as well as encourage disease.
Theyll root up readily in a humid environment ideal for the most challenging of containers! Your email address will not be published. This should go up almost to the top of your bottle half. Bottle terrariums are set up the same way as a normal terrarium.
Whether you prefer water or wine (or my personal favorite, whisky), a potential terrarium is but a few sips away. They can paint a small rock to decorate the inside of their terrarium. Similar to a ship in a bottle, a terrarium in a bottle can make a fascinating centerpiece. If some of the dirt got stuck on the walls of the bottle, wipe it off with a cloth or small sponge piece attached to a chop stick. Everyone has a bottle, right? You can also start larger plants and re-pot them as they get bigger. It's a little easier to do than a ship in a bottle also. Roots: Roots are underground and help bring water and dissolved nutrients into the plant. Okay, so we made a neat little plant container. This method maximizes planting surface area and lets you capitalize more on the volume of the space. For animals and humans, that means we need oxygen. (Learn more about how these vascular tissues work with this capillary action flower experiment.). If the neck is large enough for you to get at least one of your hands inside, things are normally easy as you just need to carefully put one plant in at a time and then bury the root ball into the layer of compost you added previously. The second layer is the growing medium, i.e. Step 2: Fill the bottom half of the bottle with a layer of sand and then pebbles or small rocks.
For even more Houseplant help you may like our. How can my child personalize this activity? The trident-shaped leaves of the Pteris ferns or the heart-shaped leaves of the Heart Leaf Fern both come on long thing stems. As time progressed they became more widely available to the public and this allowed houseplants to be protectivly grown under glass or plastic even though they were surrounded by unfavorable conditions. This is a big reason why plants are so important for our world. Choosing a Croton for its striking green and yellow leaves, a Pteris Fern which will adore the high humidity the bottle garden will provide and a Pilea with it's silvery grey foliage and ground growing nature to cover the depths of the carboy. Make your own garden you can have anywhere! An open Bottle Garden or terrarium will need a small amount of water every couple of months, if the opening is very wide then perhaps a little more often. With a little practice and some patience, your terrarium in a bottle will be thriving in no time! You will need to add water periodically though, as it is not completely sealed. This makes it easier to move them around until you find an arrangement you like. I love coming up with simple and fun learning and STEM activities for kids.
You might have some success with long aquascaping scissors, but most of the time you wont be able to trim anything. All about terrariums and container gardens. it has a lid or a stopper, at this stage you put that cover in place. But these terrariums are not fully sealed, so they still need water regularly.
To start with, think about the look you want to end up with, are you perhaps looking for a variety of colour with many different leaf shapes to create a bold contrast? And you can do it easily and cheaply with a homemade terrarium. All you need to do is move your new bottle garden to its new home and away we go.
This page may contain affiliate links that allow us to make a small commission (at no further cost to yourself). Step 4: Add a layer of potting soil. Let us know and share your pictures in the comments below. 4 | Whisky Bottle Terrarium Whether its the square bottle of Jack Daniels or the rounded thin bottle of Woodford Reserve, there are lots of shapes (and drinks) to explore here. Several times we stopped and waited to check there was enough water before putting in a little more, knowing we could always add but would struggle to take away any if we over did it. The best thing about these accent plants is that you can generally trim them down to tiny cuttings andjust sprinkle them in. By lowering a bamboo pole (or maybe even a bamboo skewer for the smaller bottles) into the center of the bottle, you can wrap an epiphytic vine around and have it be the star of the show. Plus this is going to be a focal point in your home that will draw attention - you want it to be attractive! All these questions can be great jumping-off points. Your chosen plants need to be reasonably slow growing so not to take over the others, they will all need similar light and water requirements. As a former research scientist turned writer, he loves to blend the art and science of horticulture. So if youve lost the lid, youre in luck! Dont worry, this really is simple. Overdoing it will greatly increase the chances of a fungus or mould attack which will ruin all your hard work.