During the 2022-2023 school year, St. Ambrose School will transition our tuition collection services to TADS.
Virtual Tour FACTS does charge both usage and enrollment fees. If you do require a co-signer, most lenders offer a co-signer release option. Technology Fee: $280 per yearSoftware maintenance, upgrade network and lab equipment, enhance technological services.

TADS se utilizar para la inscripcin y el cobro de la matrcula. There is a $300 per family fundraising requirement. St. Ambrose has partnered with Sallie Mae to offer an opt-in tuition insurance plan. Your scholarship will automatically renew each year of your undergraduate studies - up to four years - as long as you maintain satisfactory progress toward an undergraduate degree, achieve certain GPA requirements (see below), and remain a full-time student. We value the dedication you have for your sport. Motor Vehicle Registration: Parking ranges from free to $130 per year. The SAU Financial Aid Office determines which types of federal loans you are eligible for, and the loans will be listed on your official award letter. The loan cannot exceed the cost of attendance that remains once all other institutional and federal aid has been applied. Financial Aid should be applied early in the year to ensure payment awards and notification can be received prior to the beginning of payment plans for the following year which begin July 1. A subsidized loan is based on financial need; the government waives the interest accrual while the student is enrolled at least half-time. Please contact the school or click here to learn more about tuition assistance throughout the Archdiocese. Saint Ambrose Catholic School recruits and admits students of any race, color, gender, or ethnic origin to all its rights, privileges, programs, and activities made available to all students. Contact UsIf you have questions or concerns, our admissions counselors are always willing to talk with you one-on-one. St. Ambrose School admits students of any race, color, and national origin. Parent volunteer hours (per family) will be required throughout the school year, ten hours per family. Academic Scholarship - $14,000Music Scholarship - $2,000Federal Direct Loan - $7,000Outside Scholarships - $5,000, Total Aid = $28,000Remaining = $6,890 each year of undergraduate studies. unweighted GPA 2.5, admitted to SAU, and FAFSA filed by Mar. There are other exciting things we can use TADS for, and that information is forthcoming. A primary goal of St. Ambrose Catholic School is to provide a high-quality education for children at a reasonable price. There are no penalties for early repayment. Part-time students must take Religion. *Test scores are required for admission to specific programs and eligibility for top academic scholarships. Better to put in place the steps necessary to protect the school community than to be caught unprepared. We are excited to be leading the way as the first STEAM school in Ohio, offering students the very best education rich in faith and family values to help shape Leaders for Tomorrow. Click here to visit the list of lenders offering private loan refinancing. Should a payment amount or method change, the service fee will change accordingly. If you have questions during the application process, you may reach FACTS at 866-315-9262, Monday through Friday, 7:30 AM to 5:00 PM Central Time. FACTS applies standardized criteria to determine to what extent each family needs assistance to pay for one years tuition.
FACTS requires a $50/family fee to create and maintain the account. We ask that every family register with FACTS before July 1st. To provide a quality Catholic education for children, the school must have the necessary funds to provide the best-qualified teachers possible, as well as current technology and textbooks. Examples of public service include government jobs at any level, attorneys in certain fields, non-profit 501(c)(3) organizations, and other non-profit groups. To earn this award, the team must have a minimum 3.0 GPA (on a 4.0 scale). Our St. Ambrose Fighting Bees lead the nation with 25 scholar-teams! News This means that the company will run your credit history. We understand these types of situations can be a financial hardship for many families. Here are some answers to your more common questions. Scroll down to "More Sample Packages" to see other types of financial aid packages. Please apply online at www.online.factsmgt.com/Signin by March 18, 2020. St Ambrose Academy offers tuition assistance to assist families in making a Catholic classical education affordable. If you are a first-time borrower, there is a 30-day hold on your first disbursement. There are 4 options for payment of tuition: For the 2022-2023 academic school year, all families will be required to set up an account through FACTS Tuition Management. A family does not need to be in poverty to qualify for tuition assistance. The majority of private educational loan lenders offer a choice of variable or fixed interest rates. This insurance program complements and enhances our school's refund policy, and we believe families will benefit from this added protection. Evaluation and Selection Criteria: After compiling a comprehensive list, lenders were evaluated and selected based on interest rates, origination fees, cosigner options, out-of-state borrower options, efficiency of loans processing, customer service, loan limit criteria, non-degree seeking loans options, past due balance options, and repayment options/incentives. No tuition payments should come directly to the school office. Review criteria and all details here.Award: up to $4,000. This grant is awarded on a first-come, first-served basis to students who have submitted all required documents for review and in time for the review to be complete. Expand your world, and take your college journey with us! These processing or origination fees are charged to you and taken off the top of your loan. The highest value in Catholic education, Saint Ambrose is a learning community based on the values of Jesus Christ and the faith and rich tradition of the Roman Catholic Church. These are federally guaranteed loans. A student is not required to borrow from a lender on this list and may apply for a private student loan with any lender. Go Brainy Bees! For your convenience, tuition may be paid in full, semi-annually, or in 10, 11 or 12 equal monthly installments. Unfortunately, in many cases these families are unable to recoup all of their tuition dollars. Welch Alumni ScholarshipsCriteria: parent is a St. Ambrose graduateAward: $1,000/yearMinority ScholarshipCriteria: ethnically diverse student, FAFSA requiredAward: $500-$1,000/yearCatholic Traditions ScholarshipCriteria: graduate from Catholic high schoolAward: $2,000/year, Out of State Off Campus Merit-Based Scholarships, Academic ScholarshipsCriteria: based on unweighted GPA and ACT/SAT score (optional)Award: $14,000-$17,000/yearUniversity GrantsCriteria: based on unweighted GPA and ACT/SAT scoreAward: $11,000/yearOut of State Off Campus Additional Institutional Scholarships, Fr.
Find your creative outlet at St. Ambrose, and you'll find supportive faculty who just like you value self-expression, dedication to their craft, and holding themselves to a higher performance standard. In order for our fundraising efforts to be successful, we must rely heavily on our parent volunteers. 563-333-6300 Tuition is automatically deducted from your primary financial institution account (credit or debit). Loans are one way to pay for your degree. Begin your application. You must request summer financial aid by completing a Summer Loan Request Formlisted under Financial Aid Forms. Contact us at 563-333-6300 or admit@sau.edu. 15. There is no institutional aid/scholarships for summer sessions. All applicants must be enrolled at St. Ambrose Academy to be considered for tuition assistance.