Critically discuss the Harappan social structure.
The flourished Trade & Commerce resulted in the emergence of the Trade & Commerce center in the Indian subcontinent Harappa was one such example. notion of urbanism. The external trade was in favor of Harappan as a result of which a huge amount of foreign wealth moved into Harappan cities. Comment on the concept of caste as an invention of colonial modernity. Most of Harappan was involved in Trade & Commerce activities. The society was materialistic in nature. B. How do you view the phenomenon of the rise of Rajputs? The social structure of the Harappan settlements. 1. MHI 06 Evolutoin Of 1. Total Marks: 100
The discovery of a large number of spindles proves the use of cotton for weaving social cloths.
Required fields are marked *. 8. Through trade, civilization expanded its culture by coming into contact with faraway lands. 20 9. Attempt any five questions. Discuss %PDF-1.6 % How democracy and development are related to each other? Harappan lived well-settled life. Men and women also find the place and the second outnumber the first. 5. Other significant features about Harappan Civilisation: Find the incorrect pair from Set B and write the correct ones.
The favorable balance of external trade was responsible for the high level of the material prosperity of the Harappan people. 7. At times, males & females were buried together. Trade and Commerce: Trade & Commerce was the main basis of the Harappan economy. Comment on the role of interpretation in the writing of the history of ancient India. Harappan worships male god as well but the status of a male deity appears to be inferior when compared with a female deity. Total Marks: 100. The Citadel had within its fold important buildings like the Great Bath, the assembly hall, the granary and the workshops. MHI-06: EVOLUTION OF SOCIAL STRUCTURES Society was multiethnic. you view the nature of peasantization of the tribal societies in the medieval This was formed by filling up the previous alluvial deposits that had been washed away by rains with more mud bricks and mud. Such evidence was found in Surkotada (Gujarat).
control the different aspects of society and urbanism is focused on the Social Structure of Harappan Civilization, Burial Practices of Harappan Civilization, Origin of Universe: Concept of Big Bang Theory, Deflection of Winds, Oceanic Currents & Coriolis Theory, Sectors of Economy: Primary and Secondary. Wheat and barley were a staple food. , Email : MHI-06: EVOLUTION OF SOCIAL STRUCTURES IGNOU SOLVED ASSIGNMENT (2020-21) ENGLISH, Be the first to review MHI-06: EVOLUTION OF SOCIAL STRUCTURES IGNOU SOLVED ASSIGNMENT (2020-21) ENGLISH. 20 These seals were mostly made of steatite. through various ways. Most inscriptions were recorded on seals, and contain only a few words. Archaeological data indicates the persistence of the Late Harappan culture till 1000-900 BC. Examples of Indus writing has been found on seals and seal impressions, pottery, bronze tools, stoneware bangles, bones, shells, ladles, ivory and on small tablets made of steatite, bronze and copper. xb```"Y: 1G3p\9s.jx9qssIySyGA#X\nM=(1[0{&8'~'oAZ^^Uujyyyer XZ;| >\W}^dt'kGcYX%,sf7C@N Situated on the bank of river Ravi in Montgomery district of Punjab (Pakistan). Discuss the nature of rural society and its institutions between 20 seventh to twelfth century A.D. 9. The society was materialistic in nature. xbbd``b`Q@H0 " HpEj }H/@)( D MAE-001: UNDERSTANDING ADULT EDUCATION, MAE-002: POLICY PALNNING AND IMPLEMENATION OF ADULTEDUCATION IN INDIA, MAE-003: KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT, INFORMATIONDISSEMINATION AND NETWORKING IN ADULT EDUCATION, MAE-004: EXTENSION EDUCATION AND DEVELOPMENT, FOUNDATION COURSE IN ENGLISH (FEG-01/BEGF-101), (BHDE-108/EHD-08 ) , (EHD-07/BHDE-107 ) - , BHDE-106/EHD-06 ( : ), Scheduling of TEE-June 2020 from 1st week of September 2020, Extension of Last Date of Online Submission of Exam Form, Submission of Assignments and Project Reports till 31st July, 2020, MASTERS DEGREE IN ENGLISH (MEG-16)INDIAN FOLK LITERATURE ASSIGNMENT, MASTERS DEGREE IN ENGLISH (MEG-15) COMPARATIVE LITERATURE: THEORY AND PRACTICE ASSIGNMENT, MEG-14 (Contemporary Indian Literature in EnglishTranslationASSIGNMENT), MEG-13 (WRITINGS FROM THE MARGINSASSIGNMENT 2020-21), A SURVEY COURSE IN 20THCENTURYCANADIAN LITERATURE MEG-12 July 2020 and January 2021, MEG-11 (AMERICAN NOVEL ASSIGNMENT 2020-21), MEG-10ENGLISH STUDIES IN INDIAASSIGNMENT 2020-2021, MASTERS DEGREE IN ENGLISH (MEG-09) AUSTRALIAN LITERATURE ASSIGNMENT, ASSIGNMENT FOR MEG 08NEW LITERATURES IN ENGLISH July 2020 and January 2021Session, MEG-07INDIAN ENGLISH LITERATURE ASSIGNMENT 2020-21, MEG-06 AMERICAN LITERATURE ASSIGNMENT 2020-21, IBO-02 : International Marketing Management (2021-22) ENGLISH, IGNOU PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION SOLVED ASSIGNMENT. Last modified 2021. Q. Indus people had a trade link with Western Asia. mediaeval period. 4. Critically comment on the nature of peasantization of the tribal societies in
The long coastline and rivers provided consistent traffic by water!. The evidence of such a joint burial was found at Kalibanga & Lothal. 20 8. The meaning and the importance of Bio-diversity. Course Code: MHI-06 Black on redware, were used by Harappan. solution is based on 2019-2020 IGNOU Assignments to be submitted for IGNOU 6. The evidence of coffin burial was discovered at Harappa. According to it, roads cut across one another almost at right angles, and the city was divided into so many blocks. Discuss how the Vedic texts help us in understanding the social structure of the Vedic societies.
The remarkable thing about the arrangement of the houses in the cities is that they followed the grid system. Q. How do you view the social structure of the Harappan settlements?
KXi#Q[ 06 Evolutoin Of Social Structure In India : This assignment Note: $K3"!Z9s;3{fg"RD*@$($(H;D .lXuoCPLmFnm1a]zVFb_{
On basis of the predominance of mother goddess in Harappan Civilization. SECTION- A 1. India. 2. JULY 2021/JAN 2022 ADMISSION STUDENT SESSION ASSIGNMENT ? assignment before Last Date at IGNOU Study Centre to appear in IGNOU Suppose you have received two letters one with a personalized Wheat, barley, rai, peas, sesame, lentil, chickpea and mustard were produced. societies. V)gB0iW8#8w8_QQj@&A)/g>'K t;\ $FZUn(4T%)0C&Zi8bxEB;PAom?W= About 2000 seals have been found and of these, a great majority carry short inscriptions with pictures of the one-horned bull, the buffalo, the tiger, the medium of exchange. x- [ 0}y)7ta>jT7@t`q2&6ZL?_yxg)zLU*uSkSeO4?c. R -25 S>Vd`rn~Y&+`;A4 A9 =-tl`;~p Gp| [`L` "AYA+Cb(R, *T2B- (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); MHI history of ancient India. How do
Note: Give the classification of food based on perishability with suitable examples. Write a short note on the social structure of the Harappan civilization. They also carried commerce with those in the land of the, The Harappans carried on long distance trade in, The Harappans were very well acquainted with the, The potter's wheel was in full use, and the Harappans produced their. based on 2020 question paper for best result. June2020 Examination & December2020 Examination It is mandatory to submit The last date for submission of Exam Forms, Assignments and Project Reports extended till 31.7.2020. All Rights Reserved. All questions carry equal marks. 6. In 1920s, the Archaeological Department of India carried out excavations in the Indus valley wherein the ruins of the two old cities, viz. How do you view Burton Stein concept of Segmentary State in the context of YouTube :My IGNOU Solution 5. Explain the six elements of tragedy according to Aristotle and discuss whether it bears any relevance with regards to a contemporar Bapsi Sidhwa: Ice-Candy-Man Ice Candy Man Summary The novel Cracking India (first published as Ice-Candy-Man in 1980), by Bapsi Sidh IGNOU MEG Solved Assignment 2020-21 IGNOU MEG Solved Assignment, IGNOU MEG Solved Assignment, IGNOU MA Assignments 2020, IGNOU Assignments MEG 01 British Poetry Solved Assignment 2020 2021 (Based on Blocks (1 10) Max. All assignments are in PDF format which
Nature worship was also practiced by Harappan. Foreign Students Residing in India may send the same with IGNOU, International Division through Postpersonal visit. The Harappan script is not alphabetical but mainly pictographic. Golwalkar on negative and positive Hindutava, The early nationalist response to British rule. Note: Only a member of this blog may post a comment. odCx5M];>jY!IGNvY@O P3K
Garments of cotton and wool were used. Comment, Gabriel Almonds Structural Functional Approach. Wool was also used. It was the main source of prosperity of Harappan Civilization. words each.
Chanhudaro (Sindh) was a prominent toy manufacturing center. 7l(PpC ? ? ?Rt)].EKRt)].EK[)RnJb+V[)Rna+7 ~7 ~7 ~7 ~7 ]jR//G70\h) 18>~T0t~ a Although the Harappans practised agriculture, The importance of trade in the life of the Indus people is witnessed by the, Metal money was not used and trade was carried by. the spread of Buddhism in the peninsular India. While rice uses were relatively rare. 7. How do you view the phenomenon of the rise of Rajputs? 20. during the colonial period. The Harappan society was multiclass. The only evidence of proto-shiva has been found on the seal at Mohenjo-Daro. Archaeological pieces of evidence indicate that Harappan were peace-loving people. Note: Attempt any five questions.
Items of common use such as pottery & ornaments were placed with dead bodies perhaps because Harappan believed in the idea of life after death. They imported bullion. 189 0 obj<]/Info 176 0 R/Filter/FlateDecode/W[1 2 1]/Index[177 19]/DecodeParms<>/Size 196/Prev 366133/Type/XRef>>stream 177 0 obj <> endobj IN INDIA THROUGH THE AGES. The Harappan culture was distinguished by its system of town planning. Arts & Crafts: The industries in craft formed an important component of the Harappan economy. These were complete burial fractional burial post-cremation (burning) burial. HVn8+$Kl''4*tFm s,On 2/uu]_]vo(,b_]`X]N6HeC2^47)~W-J;+'[:(Prxp:? Explain the six elements of tragedy according to Aristotle and discuss whether it bears any relevance with regards to a contemporary play you may have read or watched. Society was multiethnic. Discuss the proliferation of jatis in the early mediaeval period. Assignment Code: MHI-06/AST/TMA/2020-21
These are depicted in their seals and painting. Comment on the concept of caste as an invention of colonial modernity. Sir John Marshal opined that Harappan society was Matriarchal in nature. The greatest artistic creations of the Harappan culture are the seals.
The cosmopolitan outlook of the Harappan civilization was also an outcome of trade & commerce to a large extent because the elements of foreign culture could enter Harappan life through trade & commercial contact with the outside world. The assignment is divided into two Sections A and 20 on the role of women during India's freedom struggle. ( T Z`J`6hd9T(`)``\@, NI%W_8Vg3lmyl$D1Z2v3$c] M [X' f Harappan lived well-settled life.
Rivers were also used for exportation as indicated by the location of greeneries closed to the river. To get solved assignments, mail me at and check your inbox at the same time. More than 2500 seals have been discovered from Harappan cities. 20 the medieval period. Critically comment on the nature of peasantization of the tribal societies in 20 the medieval period. The flourishing trade gave a boost to industries arts & crafts by increasing demand for their products. This indicates that Harappan was concerned about sanitation & they had good civic sense. Inland trade carts were used.
The Harappan social structure reflected its urban ethos. Discuss. Verify your number to create your account, Sign up with different email address/mobile number, NEWSLETTER : Get latest updates in your inbox, Need assistance? The crops were harvested before the arrival of the next flood. 3. Yl;gt It is believed that the Indus Valley region experienced several. Beginning of Cultivation: Agricultural Production, Agricultural Settlements: Organisation and Administration, The Interrelationship Between Cities and Villages, Production, Trade, Organisation and Administration, Vedic Culture: Vedic Literature, Linguistics, and Archaeology, Vedic Literature and Social Organisation of Vedic Times, The Early Vedic Culture as Unfolded Through Vedic Literature, Territoriality and Autonomous Functioning, Expansion and Development of the Janapadas, Mahajanapadas and the Contemporary Cities, Mahajanapadas Administrative System, Guilds, The Conflict Between the Iranian (Achaemenid) Empire and Greece, Political and Cultural Impact of the Iranian Contact, Administrative System, Trade, Literature, Art and Architecture, Social Life, Administrative System, Literature, Art, and Social Life, The Administrative System, Trade, Social Life, Trade and Cultural Relations in Ancient Times, India and Gandhara (Afghanistan and Pakistan), Art, Architecture, Literature, Social Life, Swarajya to Empire - Contribution of Sants, Administrative System Established by Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj, Swarajya to Empire - Art, Architecture, Literature, Swarajya to Empire - Trade, Industries, and Social Life, Maharashtra Board Question Bank with Solutions (Official), Mumbai University Engineering Study Material, CBSE Previous Year Question Paper With Solution for Class 12 Arts, CBSE Previous Year Question Paper With Solution for Class 12 Commerce, CBSE Previous Year Question Paper With Solution for Class 12 Science, CBSE Previous Year Question Paper With Solution for Class 10, Maharashtra State Board Previous Year Question Paper With Solution for Class 12 Arts, Maharashtra State Board Previous Year Question Paper With Solution for Class 12 Commerce, Maharashtra State Board Previous Year Question Paper With Solution for Class 12 Science, Maharashtra State Board Previous Year Question Paper With Solution for Class 10, CISCE ICSE / ISC Board Previous Year Question Paper With Solution for Class 12 Arts, CISCE ICSE / ISC Board Previous Year Question Paper With Solution for Class 12 Commerce, CISCE ICSE / ISC Board Previous Year Question Paper With Solution for Class 12 Science, CISCE ICSE / ISC Board Previous Year Question Paper With Solution for Class 10, Lothal Gulf of Cambay, Gujarat ( 1954-62), The Harappan cities were generally divided into two main parts - the raised area; known as the Citadel, and the lower town. Amethyst from Maharashtra, shells from the western coastal region, copper from the Khetri mine, lapis lazuli (bluestone) from Badakshan (Afghanistan). Critically assess the debate on Indian feudalism. Sukkur (Gujarat) was a famous center of the stone cutting industry. The Harappan artisans made beautiful images of metal. 20. Local trade was with the nearby settlements. 20 They worshiped their deities for material benefits. Discuss nature of the rural elites in the medieval north India. Through trade, civilization expanded its culture by coming into contact with faraway lands. in case of any dispute or mismatch. n3kGz=[==B0FX'+tG,}/Hh8mW2p[AiAN#8$X?AKHI{!7. Discuss the nature of marriage in the early medieval period. assignment before Last Date at IGNOU Study Centre to appear in IGNOU Monetization of economic was absent Harappan didnt use coins.
All questions carry equal marks. Wildfires spread as Heatwave grips Europe - IN FOCUS | UPSC Current affairs | Drishti IAS Watch On YouTube, Editorial on Social Media and Politics in India, Drishti The Vision Foundation641, 1st Floor, Dr. Mukherjee Nagar, Opp Signature View Apartment, New Delhi-110009, Copyright 2018-2022 Drishti The Vision Foundation, India. 2. how the Vedic texts help us in understanding the social structure of the Vedic Their monuments symbolised the ability of the ruling class to mobilise labour and collect taxes; the huge brick constructions also impressed the common people with the prestige and influence of their rulers. EVOLUTION OF SOCIAL STRUCTURES ININDIA The Harappan imported gold from Karnataka, lead form Central India. The trade & commerce was also responsible for the multiethnic character of the Harappan population without active commercial relation with the outside world. The impact of early colonialism on Indias foreign Indias Asian trade during the 16th -17th centuries. Both men and women used two pieces of cloth. Its admin system appears to be centralized in nature. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); BPCE 143 Solved Assignment 2022-23 ENVIRONMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY BPCE 143 Solved Assi. Q. 3. 10. The Harappan were Phallus worshipers. 6 . Society seems to be materialistic in nature and pre-dominance of the mother goddess in Harappan Civilization. (For the complete answer and also the full set of answers of 1st and 2nd year MAH assignments mail me :, you may also, Gandhi on relationship between religion and politics, Sir Syed Ahmad Khan on Hindu-Muslim unity, M.S. Rajputs. read on your smart phone also with unlimited download limit. Writing assignments can, Let me ask you a question! Pieces of evidence suggest that bull was worshiped by Harappan. Inter relationship of duties and rights within liberal thought.
They believed in ideas of peaceful co-existence.
20. xSn@y7_JBU Five Altar was discovered at Lothal, Kalibanga & Banawali. Also you may WhatsApp me at : 8157035638, MHI-06: EVOLUTION OF SOCIAL STRUCTURES IN INDIA. solution is based on 2019-2020 IGNOU Assignments to be submitted for IGNOU
This area was separated from the lower town by a wall. About Us | Contact Us | Cancellation/ Refund Policy | Terms and conditions| Pricing | Privacy Policy.