For details, go to, Make sure that the new owner's account is active. The article consists of the best methods to migrate cloud data present between two Google Drive accounts. Select the specific documents/files that you want to migrate to another account. Thanks for the informative article, Himanshu, this seems like a really excellent idea. If we look at the manual processes, then there are very limited options available. Google Takeout service is designed to create a copy of all or your chosen data and sent over to you in an email with a link to download, or as a ZIP file in your own Google Drive, which takes up space, or to other services such as Box, Dropbox, and OneDrive. Nowadays, storing the files in the cloud becomes a common phenomenon and Google Drive is one of the popular clouds with massive users. J""d@\N Z]([=,c)F>]6Z--MKw1r051F>9beL^kBY=49W%"" " "" " "" " "" " ( O}MUW&. Click the plus icon in the upper left corner and select File upload or Folder upload to upload your content to the new account. << /Filter /FlateDecode /S 51 /Length 83 >> This is written from experience. In the next window, you can customize your archive format by selecting the Delivery Method and the File Type and click on Create Archive. VaultMe is fully automated and works online. Step 7: Now, click on the permissions against the new Google Account address you shared the files and folders with. Step 2.
Ctrl All files in a shared drive are owned collectively by all participants. Professional email, online storage, shared calendars, video meetings and more. More About Transferring Google Drive To Another Account Manually, The Right Way To Transfer Google Drive To Another Account, Using Google Takeout To Transfer Google Drive To Another Account, How To Transfer Google Drive To Another Using Wondershare InClowdz.

Are you anxious that there is not enough space locally for backup? Thanks in advance.. Shortcuts to the previous owners files whose parent folders are not shared with the new owner. There are three ways you can do it. Step 4. 10 0 obj %# , #&')*)-0-(0%()( C Everything in Drive will be selected by default. ) for the latest version. R As an administrator, you can change a file's owner in Google Drive if the current owner and the proposed owner are in your organization. Actually, compared with the first way, the process of the last three ways is relatively complicated and time-consuming. You can do it manually by downloading all your data and uploading it to your new Google account. IMPORTANT NOTE: When you start the process of migrating your Smith account data to your personal account, please open an incognito/private browsing window or use a different browser than you normally use. Step 2:Click on Archives from the top navigation menu bar. Now, lets see how to transfer google drive to another account. VaultMe is an easy option that will save you hours of your time. So, you can follow the step-by-step tutorial below to transfer Google Drive files to another account safely. endstream % stream Backup and Sync will not show the files and folders from the Shared with me folder. Step 2. endobj Files that remain in just your My Drive will no longer be accessible to others with whom you shared them after your account expires. Both accounts now own the files and folders in the root of your drive, but the files in the folders are not.
If you have fewer files, you can use this method. Click it. Enter the email address of the Google Account where you want to copy your content. Shared with me: Files shared with you will be transferred over (unless the document owner has turned off downloads and copies for commenters and viewers). Enter the account details for another Gmail account and click the Advanced settings. Your new email address will be your document.querySelector('#copyright-year').outerHTML = new Date().getFullYear() In Google Takeout, the emails are saved in mbox format. Backup your music, photos, videos in one could drive to another to keep files safe. Collect all the files and put them in a new folder. But whatever your reasons are, you definitely wouldnt want to risk losing your content, its organization, or formatting due to an inefficient copying process. Create a CBackup account. Step 3: Click the Share button at the top and under the permissions for the old Google Drive account, just remove that account as the owner. Step 2: Select all files and folders you want to transfer to another Google Account. If you want to transfer an entire My Drive to another account, then Google Takeout is the best option. Step 2. Under Sharing settings, change the permission to Is owner and click the Send button to wait for the process to complete.
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Here is what you do to use the Google Takeout service to transfer Google Drive to another account. Be patient. 2009-2022 CBackup.
Step 4. Step 5:Once the new user is added, click on the drop-down button next to their user account, and select theMake owner option. There are times when you want to transfer your Google Drive to another account as a whole. Google Takeout is another service offered by Google to help users create an archive of their data so that it can be transferred to other accounts easily. This method involves no manual work and provides accurate results. Step 6:Enter the user email id to whose account you want to transfer the files.
Get Unlimited Cloud Storage for Free to Protect Files with CBackup. Step 2:Locate the file/folder that you want to transfer. Step 8: Like magic, you will see a new option to Make the Owner. The file isn't in the transfer folder and no shortcut is created. Transferring files does not affect who has access to the files. Wondershare. + Therefore, to clear that confusion, we have mentioned the most effective methods to migrate data from one Google Drive account to another. In Google Drive, you can store, share, create, and edit files in the cloud. You can download your Smith Gmail contacts, your YouTube videos, and your photo albums in Google Photos. With it, you can not only transfer files from one Google Drive to another quickly and easily in one interface but also transfer Google Drive to OneDrive, Dropbox and other cloud drives. The Download and Upload method lets you transfer your Google Drive files to another account outside your domain. This action prevents new content from being created or moved in during the transfer. We often need to migrate data from one Google Drive account to another in various situations. Log in to Google Takeout. Step 3: Click the Share button at the top. Your email address will not be published. Select all files and right-click Share button. Transfer files and folders from one cloud to another. Items in Trash are not transferred. Transfer Ownership: You will want to transfer ownership of files that belong to Smith or others by moving them to Shared Drives. Here is what you need to do for this method to transfer Google Drive to another account. Step 7: Click Migrate to start the migration (transfer) process. Apart from the manual process, there is an automated process with Kernel Migrator for SharePoint software that can migrate the cloud data easily.. Restoring lost data is just a matter of a few clicks. The third way is using Google Takeout, a service that lets you take all your Google Drive data with you. CBackup alows you to combine multiple Google Drive storage space into a huge free cloud storage if you encounter your Google Drive storage space full error. 12 0 obj Google Takeout Contact Us Directly, Copy & Transfer your Google Drive files to another Google Drive account, Accessing files in your Google Drive 'Shared with me', Google Meet - Mute a participants microphone, Google Meet - How to Share your Desktop, iPad, iPhone and Android device. Once the files are transferred, the administrator, the old owner, and the new owner will receive a notification email. Connect your new Google account to the app. But before you start, consider the following: Please note that this method involves downloading and installing additional software.
Step 3. Just choose the method that suits your requirements best and transfer with confidence! %PDF-1.5 Note: Files you created in Shared Drives are already available to members of the Shared Drive. Just click the Share button again. Sometimes, people need to transfer Google Drive files to another account when they possess multiple Google Drive accounts. If you're looking for the VaultMe referral program, it was discontinued in 2019, but thank you for your help in our early days!
You will need to keep the computer powered on during the whole process. This is regardless of the method you have chosen to transfer contents. Step 3:Right-click on the file/folder and click on the option Download'. You want to move files to another account for personal or professional use. The last three ways are common ways to transfer files by using features that come with Google Drive or traditional downloading and uploading. So, the software becomes handy in not only moving the data but keeping the account lighter and responsive too. Sync clouds files such as music, photos, videos, etc., from one cloud drive to another. Youll also need to have stable internet access and keep your computer turned on during the copying process. endobj Transfer, Sync and Manage Cloud Drives in One Place. OR. Step 4:Once the export is completed, you will receive an email notification. The step by step process is explained below: Step 1. Seamless Cloud Migration Between Different Services, Comprehensive Syncing for Different Clouds, Manage All Cloud Services and Accounts in One Place. The simplest method to move data from Google Drive is to use the native features of your Gmail account shown below: This method is convenient for those who find it difficult to transfer data from one drive to another. Storage Amounts: Your Smith account has had unlimited storage but a personal Google account is limited to 15 GB. After extracting the files, open another Google Drive account and click the + icon to upload the files and folders from another account. And besides transferring files between clouds, CBackup can also help you combine your clouds like OneDrive, Dropbox as well as FTP/SFTP into one to expand storage space. However, you can change the file formats with the settings while uploading your data to the new account. Step 3. You may have to do some clean up or purchase more space from Google. There are several ways to transfer your Google Drive to another email address, and weve tested them all.
<< /BitsPerComponent 8 /ColorSpace /DeviceRGB /ColorTransform 0 /Filter /DCTDecode /Height 288 /Subtype /Image /Type /XObject /Width 315 /Length 8224 >> So, I cannot use them in Outlook and sometimes Thunderbird does not import them without an add-on. Ctrl/Cmd It saves the structure of the copied Drive. If you have enough free storage space on your computer and a good broadband connection, you may use one of the manual options. The files will be transferred to another Google Drive account; you can open that account and check your files there. However, this method is easier than the previous one. For that, you need to open each folder and repeat these steps: Step 8.3: Change permissions on a new account to make it the owner. 13 0 obj Step 1:Log in toGoogle Admin Consolewith your admin credentials. VaultMe will copy all Google Docs, Google Sheets, and Google Slides to another Google account in their native formats. Whats more, the authorization system of this service is based on OAuth which enables third-party applications to access cloud accounts without username and password and ensures your accounts security. Invite your another Google Driveaccount as the receiver. Be aware that to avoid conflicts, this method should be used only if your Google Drive contents are less than 7 GB if you are on the 15 GB free plan. F5 You can modify this if you want to. Read on to discover the most suitable way for you. The copy process usually happens within a few hours, but it can take up to a week. It is possible that you might face an error when changing permissions, the second time to make the new account the owner. When you download multiple files (either manually or using Google Takeout), Google puts them in archives. Sign in using your administrator account (does not end in Are you afraid of accidentally losing the data stored on your hard drive? You can't transfer ownership to a suspended or deleted account. If you want to transfer the files with sharing permissions, select the checkbox next to Restore all share permissions. stream If you are in a hurry, just use the other method listed above. As a Google Workspace Administrator, you can transfer the ownership of all the Drive files of a user account to another account. Step 6:Once you download the exported file, you can upload it to the user account to which you wanted to transfer these files. Below are ways in which users or administrators can easily transfer files from one account to another. With SysCloud, you can transfer your entire Google Drive (along with Shared Drive) data, to another user account in the same domain. The new owner, the previous owner, and you get a confirmation email when the transfer is complete. Step 3:Right-click on the file/folder and click on the option Share. Easy Ways to Migrate Google Drive Data to Another Account. Do this step for all files under every folder. Step 5:Navigate to My Drive and click the Upload files orUpload folder option depending on what you have downloaded. Please refresh ( If some of them fail to generate properly, the archive will have to be requested again. CBackup is a free online cloud service that allows you to transfer files between multiple accounts or different clouds and manage all the cloud storage accounts that you have. Step 3: Now scroll down and select just the Drive. All rights reserved. This feature will automatically transfer your Smith Gmail and Drive files you own and upload them to your personal Google account. This is a heartache you should stay away from, no matter how simple this seems to be. Whether you're changing the owner of one file or many files, start with the following steps: You have a few options to transfer ownership of an individual file: Note: If you transfer ownership of many files and folders at the same time, it might take some time to see the changes. Step 2. If there are other owners in the hierarchy, you must transfer those files separately. Required fields are marked *. Though paying for extra storage is not a viable option for everyone, people choose to move their data to another Google Drive account. Copyright Copyright 2015 Smith College Information Technology Services |Last updated July 1, 2022. Wondershare InClowdz is a cloud-based service from Wondershare providing you with the ability to migrate data between your cloud accounts easily and also the ability to manage your cloud accounts in one place. You can use this is you have less than 7 GB data since using this service in a fully online way to achieve what you want is going to use storage space on your current Google Drive account. Aceess Google's transfer tool from yourGoogle Accountprofile page for your Smith account. Now, lets have a look at the methods that can be used to migrate Google Drive data to another account. Backup all your data to the cloud offsite, never lose data and recover them from any PC. Once migration is complete, you will get a notification. Step 8: When the ZIP is created, you will be notified. Connect your old Google account to the app. When your files are finished copying, you'll get an email at your Gmail address. xcbd`g`b``8 "Clc,rD* Rr:XVDH}0{F#U0;]E * You have some essential documents in a shared account and want to move them to a personal account. To transfer contents manually, you need to download your data from Google Drive to your computer and then upload it from your computer to your new Google Drive. Thats it! Here is how to transfer ownership of content from your current Google Drive account to the new Google Drive account. Log in your old Google Drive account. Start your free Google Workspace trial today. Check for source and target accounts properly before proceeding. ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( ;" L !1AQq"Ta#234BRSUs$56brt7%&Cc 5 1!AQq2a"3R#CB ? It gives the information of the migration process briefly and you can choose the suitable one for you. Step 4. If you have a large account (over 10 GB and/or over 10 000 files), the process may take weeks and may fail to complete eventually. But if the data size is large, the process will be very time consuming and troublesome. If you decide to use Google Takeout, you will need to download shared files manually from the Shared with me section of your Drive. Eliminate all your concerns with the Best Cloud Backup service - CBackup, I have some files in a school Google Drive account that I want to transfer to my personal Google Drive, there must be an easy way to transfer Google Drive to another account but I have no idea. Step 4:Enter the current owners user name in the From users field and the new owners username in the To user field. So, you are recommended to use free CBackup to do cloud to cloud backup. Step 4:Select the checkbox next to Drive on the app list. To get more insights on how to use Google Takeout, click here. 9 0 obj It possesses a complicated process to transfer the data, as well as it will convert your files into another format. In this article, we will discuss the easy ways to move your data from one Google Drive account to another. If you have any questions about VaultMe, please contact us at, 113 Cherry St, Suite 1422, Seattle, WA 98104. Stoddard Hall | Northampton, MA 01063 | 413.585.4487 For example, if someone leaves your company, you can transfer the files they own to someone else. Right-click the new folder, click Download button and wait for the process to complete.
Make sure that someone else has Manager permissions of each Shared Drive so someone else will be able to manage the files after you leave. Step 6:You will find the file under My Drive in the second account. Fix files are not syncing between the computer and Google Drive Issue, Techniques to Configure Office 365 Spam Filter, Remote Working with Microsoft 365: Benefits & Challenges, Best Practice of Task Management Applications in Microsoft 365, Easy Ways to Create a Poll in Microsoft 365, Easy Ways to Recover Hotmail Emails from Outlook. The transferred files will be added to the new owners Drive under a folder named with the previous owners email address. Youre using a public account and there isnt enough space available. Are you panicked that you have lost all local backups due to local accidents? There could be various reasons behind migrating Google drive data from one account to another, such as: These are amongst the most common reasons to migrate data from one Google Drive account to another. We have an alternate solution for you Kernel Google Drive Migration. Processing Time: If you have a large amount of data, the processes may take up to several days to complete according to Google Support. Try after a couple of days in that case. Make sure the file hierarchy structure of the previous owner is the same for the new owner. If you have a large account (over 10 GB) and decide to use Google Takeout, your archive will be split into several parts. To transfer your Smith mail and Google Drive files that you own to a personal Google account, you can use the Google transfer service available from your Google account dashboard. If you want to transfer files that are in Trash, move the files out of Trash. The method of downloading and uploading is the process of saving the files and folder to your computer and then uploading it to the new account. In addition to owned files, VaultMe can copy Shared with me folders and files from one Google Drive to another. There could be various reasons behind transferring Google Drive files from one account to another, such as: Your current account is not working properly. Now you have transferred Google Drive files to another account with a success. Thus, if it exceeds the storage limit, youll either have to purchase more space on Google Drive or move your data to another account.