Please log in to comment by clicking here, 6405 Sugarloaf Parkway Duluth, GA 30097 She served as church organist during high school. Welcher has a life call to transform lives from the cradle to the grave. He provides counseling, staff development, and keynote addresses sessions in sacred and secular settings, and has served as Director of Young Adults Division, Teacher Trainer, and associate minister. } I often feel intimidated by the great legacy of Dr. Stanley. And its been extremely unhelpful to have otherwise supportive church members incited by pastors in other states to become disrespectful and divisive toward church leadership and even encouraged to leave their church if services remain suspended. He told the agent they didnt want to sell and have future plans to expand on the site. Manage Cookie Preferences | Do Not Sell My Information, Vandals spray-paint tents and more at Alpharetta religious campground. For the moment, our live stream viewership is growing in ways we never could have imagined. Known as a man of integrity, Rev. Kamau Welcher, Pastor of First Baptist Church East Point, is a dynamic preacher, teacher, pastor, and founder of educational consulting company, Revelation Knowledge. A: Before I could accept Dr. Stanleys invitation to come to Atlanta, God made it clear to me that my job description would be to serve and support Charles Stanley period. He is the retired pastor of the Second-Ponce de Leon Baptist Church in Atlanta. He served as Interim Pastor at Spring Hill Baptist Church, Mobile, AL; Wilton Baptist Church, Wilton, CT; Madison Baptist Church, Madison, GA; and Second Avenue Baptist Church, Rome, GA. David has been married to his wife Linda for 52 years, is the father of two adult sons. Former Index Editor J. Gerald Harris recently interviewed Dr. Anthony George, who became senior pastor of First Baptist Church Atlanta last September upon Dr. Charles Stanley stepping down as the pastor after serving in that role for half a century.
A: My first word of advice would be to repent if you are not a dispensational premillennialist.
Etta has been serving our church for many years as we have watched her share her gifts and talents volunteering in a variety of ways. A new lunar rover is under development by Lockheed Martin and Goodyear as NASA gears up for a return to the moon. Consider the solidified hegemony of conventional media, corporate America, higher education, the giants of tech, and, as evidenced in recent elections, the left-leaning globalist politicians in Washington. He has conducted choirs and orchestras that have performed in prestigious concert halls and churches throughout Germany, Czech Republic, Italy, and Austria. And all of this while the church services are suspended, and Im preaching to an empty room. Todd Chandler is a native of Jackson County. Wanda Paulk Holder, Give Online: TEXT FBCEP to 73256$fbcepgahttps://firstbaptistchurcheastpoint.o, First Baptist Church East Point2813 East Point StreetEast Point, GA 30344.
Worship with us on-line! A: My desire would be to see more people saved and baptized, more people discipled in the Word, and more people deployed into ministry and missions than ever before. What do you think needs to be done in order to help First Baptist become that kind of flagship church? MUSIC MINISTRY Our Music Ministry members use their God-given gifts and talents to exalt the name of Jesus during our worship services and other activities of the Church. In 1997, I left Waverly to become pastor of Aloma Baptist Church in Winter Park, Florida, where I served for fifteen years before being invited to First Baptist Atlanta in 2012. Rev.

The city says it could still reenter negotiations and will still keep looking for a place to put softball fields. "Get that corn outta my face!" By this, I am not implying that my confidence to support the Cooperative Program was in question. Theyve also turned down an offer of $4.8 million from a developer who said they could build townhomes there. Question: You are becoming well known throughout our denomination as the new senior pastor of First Baptist Church Atlanta, but people may not know a lot about your background. How would you like for your ministry to be characterized?
Cameron began her Commerce career as the Agriculture Teacher and FFA Advisor at Commerce High School. YOUTH PUPPET MINISTRYHands Up for Christ, is a group available to youth (ages 11 and up) that exists to enlighten and encourage Christians in their faith and to share Christ with others. We saw this under-utilized piece of property that hasnt been used in decades, Dunwoody Mayor Lynn Deutsch said. On October 1, 2019, that mantle was passed to Rev. On the state level, I am very thankful to be a Georgia Baptist. Click the blue box to communicate with us and subscribe to our newsletter. And this time, its not just for NASA. The city of Dunwoody thought the land along Peachford Road would be a great spot to put a new city park with softball fields. This is all part of the process. Our choirs include vocal and instrumental groups The Sanctuary Choir scheduled for 1st and 2nd Sundays, The Voices of Praise scheduled for 3rd Sundays, and The Male Chorale scheduled for 4th Sundays. How has this pandemic impacted First Baptist Church and your own ministry? Kamau WelcherPastor, First Baptist Church East Point.
She is President of the Four Seasons Garden Club and is a member of the Commerce Athletic Booster Club. var m3_u = (location.protocol=='https:'? */. Rev. We are very excited! Kathy graduated from the University of West Georgia, moved to Atlanta and began her career in international hotel sales management. document.write (document.charset ? Originally from Augusta, GA, Rev. document.write ("
Q: Dr. Stanley brought prominence to First Baptist Church in Atlanta through his television ministry and leadership of the denomination during the Conservative Resurgence. if (document.MAX_used != ',') document.write ("&exclude=" + document.MAX_used); A: Without being overly simplistic, my greatest challenge is myself. Kamau Welcher and our Minister of Music, Rev. YOUNG ADULT MINISTRYUnder the guidance of Young Adult Ministry leaders, this ministry (Wings of Faith) provides opportunities for spiritual development, ministry, and fellowship for the young adult membership of the church, ages 19-50. In his last year of mathematics teaching under the CRCT testing system, 91% of his general education students passed at his Title 1 School. But God has a way of comforting me and assuring me that He can use memost likely in a different and less visible way, but in the way that He chooses. Thank you for joining us for Worship, Sunday, July 17, 2022, The GapDeuteronomy 6:1-8, Mark 12:31Rev. When we declined the offer for 350, the yellow signs went up and the eminent domain process began and I felt like I was suckered punched, George said. Join us for Sunday Morning Bible Study! Giving is still available online for your tithes, offerings and donations, which are all tax-deductible. She and Rick are members of Union Baptist Church in Hull where she teaches a womens Sunday school class. The city wants to build a softball complex and had a real estate agent contact the church offering only $350,000, because its on a flood plain.
As Director of the LOCC Youth Alliance 501(c)(3), Rev. Tami began working at First Baptist in May of 2004. This station is part of Cox Media Group Television. And I am honored to be a trustee at Truett McConnell where we have in Dr. Emir Caner a president who is loved and respected by the board of trustees, the faculty, and the student body. She is married to Johnny Eubanks and they have two sons and three grandsons. Even so, when we interpret prophecy rightly, its so clear to see where we are heading directly to the end-time scenario depicted in Revelation. OUR MISSION Our mission is to model the life and love of Jesus Christ by Evangelizing and making disciples Educating and equipping our community through Biblical principles Empowering Christians to serve. We were like 350?
The First Baptist Church East Point (FBCEP) family welcomes you! He also fostered a mission partnership between Greenforests Young Adults and the Wesley Woods community. Etta works as a Customer Service Representative for the City of Jefferson's water department. Atlanta and Georgia need to have a church that can become the moral and spiritual conscience of the capital city. 770-936-5599, Anthony George welcomes members and guests at a recent Sunday morning worship service at First Baptist Atlanta. Welcher has a heart to serve, cover, love, lead, and protect Gods people. Q: First Baptist is a multi-faceted church with a large staff and many resources. GIVE ONLINE: PayPal or with Debit/Credit Card: Contact us at 404-762-9451OFFICE@FBCEPGA.ORG. He is a 1991 graduate of Jackson County Comprehensive High School and is now the choral director at his high school alma mater. Now that I am the pastor, I hope and pray that my future ministry will be characterized by those same two virtues. THANK YOU Thank you for your love for God and your commitment to bringing His vision for East Atlanta into existence. The land in question is a 5-acre lot in Dunwoody that belongs to First Baptist Church of Atlanta. Q: You have pastored churches in Virginia and Florida and served for over eight years as the senior associate pastor of FBA. She smells the roses from her garden and can hear the laughter from family dinners. Why is it important for churches to support the work of our state and national Baptist missions, ministries, and educational institutions? My confidence to continue supporting the Cooperative Program was bolstered by the recent statement from our courageous seminary presidents who denounced Critical Race Theory as being at odds with Holy Scripture and the Gospel.
Along with her family, Kathy was actively involved in the programs of the church. From PTA presidencies to coaching, he serves with passion while teaching and preaching with power. OUR HISTORYFirst Baptist Church East Point (FBCEP), founded in September of 1888, has a rich and diverse 131 year history that serves as a living testimony of Gods faithfulness and reconciliation from generation to generation. Harding Epps Jr. But I do. Every pastor wishes he had a crystal ball. When he announced his retirement last year, we had to face the reality that we were not only losing our pastor, but we were also losing our relationship with In Touch. After moves to California and South Carolina, Martha & husband, Don moved back to this area. The staff could not be more enthusiastic.
The Youth Council is composed of leaders of the various youth ministry groups. Share with our readers a synopsis of your life before coming to First Baptist Church Atlanta. What SBC churches have done together since the Cooperative Program began in 1925 is perhaps unrivaled in Christian history. Please join our FBCEP Family via computer or by phone for our Inspirational Virtual Prayer and Bible Study: Wednesday evenings at 6:00 p.m. The rationale for staying closed this long is somewhat complicated but nonetheless justified due to various contextual factors. Kathy Pruett is a life-long member of First Baptist Church of Commerce.
A: When Dr. Stanley founded In Touch Ministries in 1982 as a separate organization, In Touch took the place of the churchs media ministry. While in seminary, I pastored Waverly Baptist Church in Virginia. if (!document.MAX_used) document.MAX_used = ','; Our state is filled with pastors who walk with God, preach the Word, and lead their churches to be on mission. Your gifts are tax-deductible under IRS Section 501(c)(3). These allied forces have harnessed their consolidated power to silence, marginalize, crush, and even destroy any voice of dissent which diverges from their orthodoxy. For a decade, Rev. Thank you. Q: First Baptist Atlanta has had an extensive media ministry for many years. It is a relational, hands-on ministry that reaches out to the community through the dramatic arts and enhances other church-related programs. A: I believe I have exhortation and teaching gifts. Todd currently resides in Commerce with his wife, Renee, and their three children. She touches and kisses the . var m3_r = Math.floor(Math.random()*99999999999); Marietta is where she met and married her husband of 50+ years. She has volunteered on numerous occasions to help our children's ministry activities by leading the children's sermon during worship, teaching Sunday School and assisting with the children's choir. Q: You are perceived as a gifted servant of our Lord. Cameron will promote and communicate events, programs, activities and ministries of the church to the congregation and community through our social media accounts and website. What I do know is that every pastor, staff team, and congregation who turn to God for His direction will be blessed with His guidance, ingenuity, and power to adapt, innovate, and thrive in whatever the new normal looks like. The much needed work lead to the discovery of many abilities plumbing, carpentry and such. Greetings and blessings, in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ! Click on your desired button or link below or scan the QR Code with your phone. You put the sign up, put the ad up so you get public input and we did, got lots of public input, Deutsch said. Please log in to comment by clicking here, Mike Woods crosses the 40-year milestone at Powder Springs First Baptist, Iron sharpens iron: Georgia revives age-old concept to help pastors excel in ministry, Johnson Ferry offers drive-thru prayer: Stay-in-your-car, come-as-you are, Nearly 1,000 preregistered to attend next week's Georgia Baptist annual meeting, Georgia spaceport land deal is off, site owner says, In leaving Ukraine, refugees find a home and sense of Gods family, PSC vote on Georgia Power energy plan a mixed bag for renewable power, Turkey: Ukraine grain export deal to be signed in Istanbul, New York reports 1st US polio case in nearly a decade, New lunar rover in the works as NASA moon mission advances, Powered by Creative Circle Media Solutions. if( Math.max(document.documentElement.clientWidth, window.innerWidth || 0) >= 728 ){ We are a loving multi-generational church family, striving to Serve all of Gods children, from the cradle to the grave. Rev. However, the future viability of this mechanism requires that giving churches always hold accountable those entities who are the beneficiaries of Cooperative supportstate and national. FBCEPs history intertwines roots with The Fellowship Group, who organized from Christian Fellowship Baptist Church (CFBC), College Park, GA and first gathered in worship on Sunday, October 20, 2005 at the Sheraton Gateway Hotel in College Park, GA and moved to FBCEP in 2006. Q: First Baptist Atlanta has become a leader in Cooperative Program gifts to the Convention. Their role also includes guiding the youth of the Church in continual outreach programs.
Welcher has served as Executive Pastor of Greenforest Community Baptist Church, Pastor of Students and Families at Lake Oconee Community Church, Director of the LOCC Greene/Putnam County Youth Alliance, and as Teacher and Minister at Stronghold Christian Church. The city wanted to build a new park there. The music includes traditional hymns, anthems, spirituals, gospel and contemporary selections. I certainly pray that the combination of these gifts, under the leadership of Gods Spirit, will help First Baptist to take the next steps God places before us. By using this website, you accept the terms of our Visitor Agreement and Privacy Policy, and understand your options regarding Ad Choices. Kamau I. Welcher, who was installed as Pastor on Sunday, January 26, 2020. Q: You have become known as a gifted expository preacher who is not afraid to address difficult subject matters. WSB-TV Channel 2 - Atlanta facebook feed(Opens a new window), WSB-TV Channel 2 - Atlanta twitter feed(Opens a new window), WSB-TV Channel 2 - Atlanta instagram feed(Opens a new window), WSB-TV Channel 2 - Atlanta youtube feed(Opens a new window), President Joe Biden tests positive for COVID-19, Alligator gets stuck underneath Florida police officers car, Facebook changes: Meta redesigning to be more interactive like TikTok, PHOTOS: See $40 million mountain home, sets record for state's most expensive home, An offer you cant refuse: Godfather mansion available for rent at $50 a night. '&charset='+document.charset : (document.characterSet ? As well as her responsibilities as organist, she has participated in many activities of the church; she has served terms on the deacon board and several other standing committees.
A: After suspending our services last March, we have remained in furlough, so to speak, ever since.
I do pray that God will use us to be a voice of conscience in a state that is quickly drifting in a dangerous cultural direction. The former Judy White, she is a lifelong resident of Commerce and is a graduate of Commerce High School. While at Morehouse College, he served as the Chaplain of the Morehouse Student Government Association. Youth Fun Wednesday is every 3rd Wednesday of the month during Wednesday Night Prayer and Bible Study. Vandals spray-paint tents and more at Alpharetta religious campground The campground is asking anyone who may have information to come forward.