Our 5 week session is a great way to experience both our 1st and 2nd session at FLC.
Scholarships available through our Alumni Association. However, it is the final week of this session that really sets FLC apart from other camps.
No refunds for late arrival or early departure.
}, You also get the opportunity to be a part of both final week ceremonies with Marathon, Rush, Track and Field, Banquet and Candlelight Campfire.
We have included some website links to purchase labels for your childrens clothes if you feel this could be helpful. Forest Lake Camping Ground provides 150 large, wooded, function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);} var config = {

FLCs mission is to inspire growth and instill confidence in its campers. Chestertown, NY 12817, [emailprotected] If you would like to purchase Payment Protection your credit card on file will be charged. Tuition fees will be reduced by 5% for a sibling and 10% for additional siblings. Tuition cost reflects the 20% LIT discount. By 1954 Harold Confer's son Philip began running the camp alongside his wife, Sally. [3] The couple ran the camp for 32 years. Rates | Directions var config = { Your childrens counselors and other camp staff will see to it that your child has clean clothes. scriptTimeout: 3000, One of the greatest benefits of the full session is you get to experience both first and second session, giving you a chance to make friends with a wide array of campers.
All proceeds from our camp store goes toward our scholarship fund. During the two-week session, campers will have an opportunity to experience many of our traditional activities at FLC. As a community of leaders, we help our campers grow and learn to be strong individuals for themselves and their community through leading by example in a supportive and a safe environment with patience, enthusiasm and inclusion as our primary guide. This session is perfect for campers who get out of school later in the summer or who might just want some downtime after school before jumping into summer activities. Staff ability to leave camp during break hours is dependent on current state and federal COVID policies. At the end of our June short session if campers would like, they have the option to extend their stay if space permits. Space is limited and sign up is on a first come first served basis. During this time, they bought over 200 additional acres on the other side of the lake, thus acquiring all the land surrounding the lake. We asked the camp what positions they are looking to fill. It is made to help you. Chestertown, NY 12817, [emailprotected] scriptTimeout: 3000, Fax:518-557-8891. provides many distractions, to make your camping some of the best in New Fee is not to exceed $250 total. If laundry is your primary concern, rest assured that camp laundry is done once per week. 'domains': ['forestlake.campintouch.com'] Staff We are very proud of the diversity we offer at FLC with campers attending from around the world. We only allow a limited number of July 2-week enrollments each summer; so dont wait. We encourage you to be in touch with us soon if you think you might be interested in joining our 5-week session as room is limited. })(document); June marks the end of another school year and the official beginning of summer. })(document); Forest Lake Camp offers 2, 3, 4, 5 and 7 week sessions for boys and girls ages 8-16. Some age groups are FULL and there is extremely limited space for this session, please call us to inquire. This service is very convenient for our international campers and those coming by flight. The art is in packing just enough but not too much or too littleand knowing which items children put in their bags that are not needed at camp and can be left at home for the summer (snacks, ipods, cell phones). For first time parents, the task can seem somewhat daunting. Tuition to camp is a huge investment, and we want to make sure that you can enroll your kids with the peace of mind that you have options if unforeseen circumstances arise. async: true In 1984 Philip's son Gary took over the camp. Tutoring on a variety of subjects is available. Kick off the season and join us for the 1st session of the summer. This means that there is not a whole lot of room for extras and labeling clothes is important as mix-ups are bound to happen. Older campers interact more often, as one of the programs is drama whereupon both genders participate in plays. Office:518-623-4771 70 in total (20 international staff), Camp window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; }); This two-week session runs from June 26th through to July 9th. We've put the Forest Lake Camp packing list online so you can get the gear you need fast. We only allow a limited number of 2-week enrollments each summer; so dont wait. Weeks 2 and 3 provide campers with ample time to delve into activities of interest offering a chance to develop new skill sets and strengthen friendships. If full payment is not received by camper arrival then all charges (including the late fee) will be put to the credit card on file plus a 3% processing fee. It is also important to keep in mind when packing that your childs cabin space is somewhat limited, although definitely adequate. This is one of our most popular sessions of the summer. Are you looking to hire Waterfront Staff and Lifeguards? © 2022 Forest Lake Camp. At Forest Lake we provide a packing list (https://forestlakecamp.com/parents-info/flc-parentcamper-handbook/)to aid you with this daunting task. (function(d) { h=d.documentElement,t=setTimeout(function(){h.className=h.className.replace(/\bwf-loading\b/g,"")+" wf-inactive";},config.scriptTimeout),tk=d.createElement("script"),f=false,s=d.getElementsByTagName("script")[0],a;h.className+=" wf-loading";tk.src='https://use.typekit.net/'+config.kitId+'.js';tk.async=true;tk.onload=tk.onreadystatechange=function(){a=this.readyState;if(f||a&&a!="complete"&&a!="loaded")return;f=true;clearTimeout(t);try{Typekit.load(config)}catch(e){}};s.parentNode.insertBefore(tk,s) "Forest Lake Camp for Boys" was opened as a boys-only camp in 1926 by Harold T. Confer, who was the athletic director at Freeport, New York, High School on Long Island. If there is something you dont see or have any questions, please email me at [emailprotected] Keep in mind as you browse that all proceeds from this store go to the Olie Van Cise Scholarship Fund. Horseback riding is very popular and space is limited. Single Bed Sets cost $10 a week and include 1 Top sheet, 1 Fitted sheet, 2 Towels, 1 Blanket, and 1 Pillow and Pillow Case. Thereafter, payment protection must be purchased upon enrollment. Residential cabin accommodation. | Campground Map. Our current cancellation policy offers a full refund for withdrawal until January 15th, but with the addition of the Payment Protection plan you are covered until the day before your camper is set to arrive at FLC. We encourage you to be in touch with us soon if you think you might be interested in joining our 2nd session, room is limited. Since then, the camp runs as a brother-sister camp, although it is not a true coed camp, since boys and girls cabins are located in different campuses, and both camps have independent programs. function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);} In 1990, the camp stopped being a boys only camp and opened "Forest Lake Camp for Girls". With this order you will receive a camper profile picture (46), a cabin picture (57), and a camp photo of the girls or boys camp (810). The Two Week Short Session is only available to first year campers. We look for staff who possess strong leadership and communication skills as well as being compassionate, patient and bring a lot of positive energy. Are you looking to hire counsellors with Outdoor Adventure & Nature skills? gtag('js', new Date()); 90 campers If deposit is paid by check it must be received within 7 days of application. You will see discounted products as you shop the website. For seasoned ForestLake parents, packing is a science based on experience. Forest Lake Camp 'domains': ['forestlake.campintouch.com'] Please Note: The July Two Week Short Session is only available to first year campers. Fully refundable with cancellation by January 15, 2022.
The difference in tuition will be charged when the request to extend is approved. Our English immersion program is available for those campers where English is not their first language. In the property were a farmhouse and an inn that are still there to this day. https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Forest_Lake_Camp&oldid=1058787363, Buildings and structures in Warren County, New York, Tourist attractions in Warren County, New York, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 5 December 2021, at 16:30. If nothing else, please do not forget to write your childs name in all of their belongings BEFORE arriving to camp. Office:518-623-4771 *After May 1st payment in full is due within 7 days of enrollment. The plan does not cover extraordinary circumstances where FLC has to suspend operation or terminate a session early for any reason. This session is designed to provide campers with everything that FLC has to offer and will give campers the chance to enjoy Forest Lake to the fullest! 1-800-535-2057.A girls and boys camp in the Adirondacks! Everything Summer Camp is recommended by 270 camps and has donated over $750,000 to summer camps nationwide.
If you have an packing questions, please dont hesitate to email us at [emailprotected]. window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; We would love to hear from you. Your linen packet will be waiting for you at camp when you arrive. kitId: 'okd7gmk', After that, all enrollment applications will be on first-come, first-served basis as space allows. Conversational English will be with 6-8 campers and will run 2 times per week for approximately an hour each time. ; window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);} gtag('js', new Date()); gtag('config', 'AW-1045491249'); .woocommerce-product-gallery{ opacity: 1 !important; } During the two-week session, campers will have an opportunity to experience many of our traditional activities at FLC. If you are looking for more space to keep belongings, try bringing an organizer than can hang from your childs bunk bed. function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);} It is bigger than a traditional CIT program. Look out for the big thumbs up! Preserve your childs memory of camp by ordering your summer photos. Are you looking to hire Support Staff (Campower)?. The Camp is now owned by the Blanck and Kelly families of Waterbury, VT, and Needham, MA, respectively. Among its sports related facilities are: 2 softball fields, 2 soccer fields, 2 lacrosse fields, 2 basketball courts, 1 street hockey rink, 4 tennis courts (2 clay and 2 hard court), 2 volleyball courts (one beach volleyball), 2 climbing walls, 6 ping pong tables, 6 tetherball courts, 1 riflery range, 1 Skeet shooting range, 1 dance and yoga pavilion, and 2 archery ranges. Cancellation/Refund Policy async: true At the end of the July short session if campers would like, they have the option to extend their stay for the rest of the summer if space permits. This session is also perfect for first time campers as it has an orientation week and a final ceremony week, but is a bit shorter than our 1st session. Reserve your spot today, as this session fills up quickly. Forest Lake Camp is located on 825 acres (3.34km2) of land and has 1.5 miles (2.4km) of shoreline of its 22-acre (89,000m2) private lake. td.free,div.free {background: #18c90e !important;}td.busy,div.busy {background: #cc142d !important;}td.notpossible,div.notpossible {background: #dbe68a !important;} Price is $75 per week. © 2022 Forest Lake Camp. Before the end of the summer, your child will likely get wet, slimed, painted, generally messy, and a host of other cool things that tend to make children laugh and leave indelible memories. Every weekend between Memorial Day 'linker': { For Forest Lake campers, it also means its time to start thinking about packing! They are someone who embodies the best characteristics of FLC: confident, responsible, respectful, fun, and has grown into a leadership role which shows they can be flexible, make positive improvements with little direction, and are willing to take on challenges. 518-623-4771. All Rights Reserved. If you are looking for an exceptional summer experience this session is for you! Heres a list of all the Campower Roles this camp are specifically looking to hire! Full session campers are able to experience all that camp has to offer while also allowing time to specialize in certain activities. Fax:518-557-8891. It is not necessary nor is there enough room for campers to bring trunks, we encourage you pack your clothes in a duffle bag, which will store more easily in their cabin. Remember, each cabin is occupied by up to 12 other campers and 2-3 counselors. The July Two Week Short Session is only available to first year campers. Payment in full must be received by May 1st 2022. There are many online options. Some of these activities are; Marathon, Rush, Track and Field, Banquet and Candlelight Campfire. We also reserve the right to add a COVID medical fee per week, depending on the circumstances next summer. Those received after May 1st will incur a $100 late fee per camper. This session is for veteran and new campers alike as it includes an orientation and full summer schedule. 'domains': ['forestlake.campintouch.com'] The Leaders in Training (LIT) Program at Forest Lake Camp is a leadership program specifically designed to not only prepare a camper for being a summer camp counselor, but also a leader in society. Remember, 1 locker and 1 drawer per bunk-mate! }, gtag('js', new Date()); Coverage ceases at 9:00 am on the day prior to your childs arrival at camp. All Rights Reserved. England. The cost is $30 a package. 261 Forest Lake Road gtag('config', 'UA-3218570-1' , { How many t-shirts are enough? American Institute for Foreign Study (UK) Ltd. and Labor Day is full of activities scheduled to make your camping trip } Some age groups are FULL and there is extremely limited space for this session, please call us to inquire.
It is required that all campers are properly insured in the US and proof of insurance will be required. The land was originally crossed by an old stagecoach route from Chestertown, New York, to Saratoga Springs, New York. For over 20 years Everything Summer Camp has been all about helping you get ready for camp. Thank you for supporting the fund & Happy Holidays! The camp also has 2 campfire circles for traditional Sunday Night Campfire, 1 amphitheater a vegetable farm and 25 miles (40km) of private woodland trails for horseback riding, hiking and mountain biking. This fund has helped dozens of campers enjoy the magic of summer camp here at FLC. Most campers choose to ride on average 2 or 4 times per week while they are at camp. Rates | Directions Lessons and trail rides are offered at a rate of $60 per lesson. During the final week campers experience an array of traditional activities, which have taken place at FLC for over 90 years. Also, our lockers do not come with locks, so we strongly encourage all valuables, especially money, to be left at home. Give us a call if you have any questions. gtag('config', 'UA-3218570-1' , { and open tent and trailer sites, 2 large restrooms with full facilities, gtag('config', 'UA-3218570-1' , { Store is always very popular each week and we monitor what each camper can purchase. kitId: 'okd7gmk', Your Camp Code: smores588FL has been accepted. We offer a half day clinic for waterskiing and wake-boarding which is available for $110 per clinic. The deposit can be paid by credit card or check. This is a great session for first time campers who are looking for a well rounded summer camp experience! Non-refundable after May 1, 2022. So keep the really good stuff at home and send clothes that neither you nor they will miss too much if they have to be retired at the end of the summer. This session begins with an orientation, which helps campers settle in and become familiar with the traditions at FLC. This session begins with an orientation for all new campers which helps them settle in and become familiar with the traditions at FLC.
Robs passion for dining services began early on. Female & Male ages 18+
Credit Cards will be accepted for the $1,200 deposit. 261 Forest Lake Road 261 Forest Lake Road ; window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);} gtag('js', new Date()); gtag('config', 'AW-1045491249'); .woocommerce-product-gallery{ opacity: 1 !important; } async: true } var config = { }); We will be shipping all orders on December 14th. Withdrawal of enrollment for ANY reason including change of mind. td.free,div.free {background: #18c90e !important;}td.busy,div.busy {background: #cc142d !important;}td.notpossible,div.notpossible {background: #dbe68a !important;} How much sunscreen and shampoo to pack? Are you looking to hire counsellors with Sports skills? These earlier years were as a line prep, grill cook, and Taylor has been a camp professional since 2014, working in the Adirondacks in the summer camp world and as an international Forest Lake Camp https://forestlakecamp.com/parents-info/flc-parentcamper-handbook/. Chestertown, NY 12817, [emailprotected] Campers will have a great time sailing, horseback riding, woodworking and mountain biking in Warrensburg, New York in the Southern Adirondacks. 'linker': { Our June short session is a great way to begin your FLC experience. The camp has 2 riding rings, 2 stables, one camp store, a nature center, two activity offices, one infirmary, one craft barn and one nature & science shop. It should not be disregarded. Registered in England No. need shin guards? (function(d) { Two nights a week from 7pm-11.30pm (If staff doesn't return by 11:30 then they must wait until 7:15 am the next day), one 1/2 day a week from 1:15pm-7am the following morning and two 24 hr periods during the summer. Please contact us about rates. What better way to experience FLC than to join us for the whole 7-weeks! The days will melt together as you spend your summer at Forest Lake Camp having fun and making friends. Packing properly also takes timeand patience. We are pleased to offer a linen services to our campers. This is a very popular session for younger first time campers. Please use the quantity box to specify the number of weeks you would like to be covered by our insurance. scriptTimeout: 3000, Summer camp values often downplay appearances.
COVID-19: If FLC Summer 2022 can NOT go forward due to a government mandate or our own decision at FLC, ALL tuition and deposit money will be FULLY refundable by your choice of check or by rolling it over to the following summer. The LIT program is a life program that helps prepare kids for adulthood, college, and additional responsibility. Do they really © 2022 Forest Lake Camp. Please Note: The Two Week Short Session is only available to first year campers.
full of fun. We do offer health insurance for $35 per week for each camper and require all foreign based campers to purchase unless proof of insurance in the US is shown. Enroll soon to lock in your spot. })(document); Thank you for visiting the camp store! At least one dance is held each summer which is another interaction. Yet on occasions, such as July 4 and campfires, both camps will interact. td.free,div.free {background: #18c90e !important;}td.busy,div.busy {background: #cc142d !important;}td.notpossible,div.notpossible {background: #dbe68a !important;}