- Modification Description I'm confusedwho would ever spend that much on that? My coworker has one that is 6yrs old and still going strong. Is it somehow worth it? The 2135 is a solid impact gun but for me I pull out the 1/2 impact after my cordless has already failed so max power is really what im after I spend most of my time doing diagnostic work over repairs as Im going through the training for my master tech. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. If it was 20 or 30 bucks difference. The ring on my IR 2135 wore out I just ordered a replacement on eBay, seems to be pretty common with most IR guns from what Ive seen. Funny thing is Ive seen 2 snap on impact give up the ghost but my IR is still going. I bought the exact same Aircat off of Amazon for $160. Anyway I took the gun apart and found an o-ring that was in bad shape well really bad shap. Bought a 2135 10 years ago, still works great. Snap on mg725 is $600 here which is why i will never buy it. I've always used truck accounts but I buy one tool, pay it off before buying another tool. Privacy | Terms of Service | Website Disclaimer | Terms of Sale & Return Policy. Anyway other than this o ring should I order anything else? Subscribe Today & Become A Member of the ETCG Community. My one co-worker is like that. I would have bought it from him. I.B.E.W Electrician and Damn Proud of It !!!! http://www.jbtoolsales.com/just-clips-jcdtk1-deluxe-snap-ring-tool-kit-for-1-4-3-8-1-2/?gclid=CjwKEAiAmOymBRD0_evS4aTh2hUSJAB7FkhyFVWhonY6cEshkw5OIJc_-UbkPj7wCJdh80qb0OKrQhoC8xvw_wcB. Not surprised they up and spit their friction ring. Also as for the Snap-On impacts its all in how you take car of them. What kills guns is too much psi, water in lines, dirt in lines, not oiling and greasing if you have grease fittings, the muffler stopping up and creating back pressure, and/or missuse. For most tools that I have the option for I buy a rebuild kit right off the bat. I believe therefore the price already has the interest in it so if you are paying my cash you are getting raped. This is why if you are using something as important as that, you have the tool truck guys support. Whelp I'm poorI guess harbor freight it is For those absolutely stupid things that you see people bring, roll, or toss into your place of business and the people that bring them in. It was one of the #9 o rings around the valve body. May be a silly question but its one I dont know the answer to, My impact is getting worn out specifically the Friction ring which has all but failed now the question is it possible to obtain new friction rings if so will they be brand specific? I wouldn't piss on a snap on air tool if it were on fire. >Innovations are what i leave behind for History<.

No, no, it says right there on the back of the truck. Or maybe a an MG series impact knocked its ring out in an Air Hammer bar fight. If you didn't lose the tiny bits, you'll only need the valve as you can transfer the tiny bits. New one is over $500. It may not display this or other websites correctly. Ingersoll rand is better all day. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. It makes changing them quick as hell. Ask the guy. Home Forums Stay Dirty Lounge Tool Talk Impact wrench maintenance. This topic contains 9 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by James OHara 7 years, 5 months ago. : These items as configured are not offered by Snap on. Other wise you are down a river without a paddle. Everything else is pretty good looking inside and other than power slowly dropping off while using it I have no issues. Ifs its the brand you should be using, Snap-on, that ring is available from the truck.

You must log in or register to reply here. : MG725, MG725A. My Snap On 1/2 impact died the other day. SNAP ON PH3045,PH3050,PH3050A,PH3050B AIR HAMMER T 2135-TK2 Ingersoll-Rand Tune Up Kit For IR Models Neilsen Polyurethane Air Hose Line 30ft For Air Co - Country/Region of Manufacture We earn on qualifying purchases from this website throughAmazonAssociatesand other Affiliate Programs. 13 years. |. I did wear the nose off it so it wouldn't hold a ring, but i had that replaced and it's back to work, taking shocks off big rigs and braking loose suspension fasteners. Ten times the price and a shit warranty, and not nearly as reliable. I guarantee you that I use mine on much heavier and tighter bolts then any of the auto guys. http://public.snapon.com/R_RRD/parts_lg_objects/images/MG725.jpg. I guess its hit and miss but Ive seen 3 fail in the 7 months Ive worked for Toyota, everyone ended up getting an IR off the truck. And having worked with those guys, also entirely believable. Press J to jump to the feed. Participate in over a dozen different forum sections and search/browse from nearly a million posts. I'm guessing they are waiting for the debt to get high enough.

Snap-On, Matco, boot truck, gut truck, That's just sad. Its not the compressor I work in a shop and the line and compressor where tested. But $140 ludicrous.

: I now supply quad rings with o'rings and a spare tip valve seat. My friends dealership had to ban all trucks from the property. Though if after 5 secs it doesnt break lose I upgrade drive sizes.
The thing just works and makes it easy to swap out. Post photos, respond to polls and access other special features, http://www1.mscdirect.com/CGI/NNSRCM2?PARTPG=IMPSTHR, http://www.cp.com/en/whatwedo/powertools/ecatalogue/, http://www.shrinershospitalsforchildren.org/, (Non-Welding) Forum Support & Suggestions, Links to How-To, Job Opportunities, Education and other resources. 2021 EricTheCarGuy All Rights Reserved - Website Design by Caveni, Viewing 9 replies - 1 through 9 (of 9 total), 2021 EricTheCarGuy All Rights Reserved -. Most of the time its less then 10% of the cost and I've used 25% of the kits I've bought, its nice to have something when I need it. You are using an out of date browser. . Too many idiots hop on the truck and get junk drunk and talk themselves into a pile of debt. My gun is a snap on but its from a retired mechanic seen plenty of use from both me and him Was having a play with it today and i think im going to retire it to a home use gun and get the 2235 for the garage. Update: my friend came in to work on his day off and handed me his broken mg725 to warranty for him (snap on comes Mondays) hes had it for about a year he says. [quote=Fmxvxx post=127750]Snap on mg725 is $600 here which is why i will never buy it. Input on whether to rebuild or buy new impact? - Bundle Description Or he would sell me an Aircat 1150 for $300. : United States, - Manufacturer Part Number The IR2135 and Snap On MG725 both put out as much as the CP, or possibly more. My coworker buys tools one after another I'm waiting for the tool guys to cut him off. My gun is a snap on but its from a retired mechanic seen plenty of use from both me and him Was having a play with it today and i think im going to retire it to a home use gun and get the 2235 for the garage.[/quote]. How can I tell if the vanes are good or bad. Yes IR guns run home crying to their mamas when they see Snap-on guns. till about 10 years ago.I admit it's the first tool i grab when the kid says "lets fix my car". Does anybody remember the old days when we used a thing caller a "breaker bar" or how about "wrench".I never had a impact wr. Mcdonalds wages, but he needs to supply the fryers and the flat top to do the job. New techs borrow it, I've seen it dropped off ladders and even run over by a bobtail rig. My guy doesn't charge interest. They do not have the power an IR has but, you can feather then and to me that is more important then that extra 50-100ft lbs because I can always go one drive size up. I got my 2135timax from Sears for $236 the 2235 does look like an animal though, but the 2135 is a proven impact, I personally wouldnt buy another snap on impact. You must be logged in to reply to this topic. Parts no longer available. JavaScript is disabled. Most of the techs were asking for advances every pay period because their entire cheque was going to all the various trucks. If its a harbor freight or Sears or something, probably not. My 5 year old Snap-on 1/2" MG725 with a 1/4" airline runs circles around the shop's 3/4" Aircat with a 1/2" airline.And I guarantee that thing won't last anywhere near 13 years either. But did they help him Jedi shit on the roof? But on the upside he had two torque wrenches that vibrated and beeped when the fastener was tight! I know what you all are saying. I was going to tear it down and see what failed but thought maybe the tool guy wont like that, warranty issues etc.. You're being owned. The snap on gun gun is powerful but just falls apart, the selector switch is constantly getting warranty claims on my tool guys truck, I sold my snap on and bought an IR. 6 or 7 years ago my cousin was a tech at a small John Deere dealer. Why type of impact is it maybe I can help you out! It is more powerful then mine simple because he removed the muffler (aka teddy bear stuffing). I have a really really hard time buying snap on anymore. If you take care of the guns there is no reason they wont last. I have a MG325 and MG725 that are 2 years old and I oil them every day and they are still going strong. So my MG725 is loosing power. Disclaimer; "I am just an a$$hole welder, don't take it personally. There is actually a tool kit you can buy that comes with replacement o-ring and snap rings costs about 40 bucks well worth it I own it. COPYRIGHT EBAY KOREA CO., LTD. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. I never got robbed because I paid in cash and only bought what I really needed. Aircat is garbage. I like the old gun better than my new 2235, the new one is loud and heavier..