Courses from Florida public colleges and State University System schools generally adhere to the Statewide Course Numbering System. Students are expected to assess and analyze ethical perspectives in individual and societal decisions. Social and behavioral science courses provide instruction in the history, key themes, principles, terminology and underlying theories or methodologies used in the social and behavioral sciences. In Diversity courses, students examine the historical processes and contemporary experiences characterizing social and cultural differences within the United States. Students will formulate empirically-testable hypotheses derived from the study of living things, apply logical reasoning skills through scientific criticism and argument and apply techniques of discovery and critical thinking to evaluate outcomes of experiments. Please enable scripts and reload this page. Students learn to identify and analyze different social or biophysical science methods and theories and consider how their biases and influences shape pressing questions about human society and/or the state of our planet. Three credits must be from a general education mathematics course with a prefix of MAC, MAP, MAS, MGF or MHF (a.k.a., 'pure math'). BSC X085 not offered at UF, but may be transferred in from a Florida public institution. Course content must include multiple forms of effective writing, different writing styles, approaches and formats, and methods to adapt writing to different audiences, purposes and contexts. Humanities courses provide instruction in the history, key themes, principles, terminology, and theory or methodologies used within a humanities discipline or the humanities in general. In addition, course listings in each semester's schedule identify whether a course section satisfies Gen Ed credit (refer to the G.E. A minimum of 6 credits from Humanities (H), Biological and Physical Sciences (B/P), and Social and Behavioral Sciences (S). Students critically analyze and evaluate how social inequities are constructed and affect the opportunities and constraints across the US population. These courses lead students to understand how geographic location and socioeconomic factors affect these cultures and the lives of citizens in other countries. Students can take Gen Ed courses at the 1000-4000 levels. Met with any C, H, S, P, B course coded with N.One State Core Gen Ed course carries this code. Course content must include multiple forms of effective writing, different writing styles, approaches and formats, and methods to adapt writing to different audiences, purposes and contexts. The immediate prerequisite must be in the same subject area for the course to count and the subject area is determined according to the institution or SCNS catalog. Students will apply formal and informal qualitative or quantitative analysis to examine the processes and means by which individuals make personal and group decisions, as well as the evaluation of opinions, outcomes or human behavior. In Diversity courses, students examine the historical processes and contemporary experiences characterizing social and cultural differences within the United States. Students will formulate empirically-testable hypotheses derived from the study of living things, apply logical reasoning skills through scientific criticism and argument, and apply techniques of discovery and critical thinking to evaluate outcomes of experiments. Ultimately, competence in these areas enables students to better understand themselves, their neighbors, other cultures and times, and the principles governing the natural world and the universe; and to participate fully and responsibly as informed citizens in local, national, and global matters.
These courses emphasize clear and effective analysis and approach issues and problems from multiple perspectives. Students will confirm the ability to think critically through demonstrating interpretive ability and cultural literacy. Students are expected to analyze and evaluate their own cultural norms and values in relation to those of other cultures and to distinguish opportunities and constraints faced by other persons and groups. Courses focus on major scientific developments and their impacts on society, science and the environment, and the relevant processes that govern biological systems. Information on the statute, implementation process and decisions made is posted on the official website at
Students are expected learn to organize complex arguments in writing using thesis statements, claims and evidence and to analyze writing for errors in logic. Students will apply formal and informal qualitative or quantitative analysis to examine the processes and means by which individuals make personal and group decisions, as well as the evaluation of opinions, outcomes or human behavior. If the course does not have a common-numbered equivalent at UF (either because UF does not offer the course or because the transferred course was not taken in the state system), then the student's college needs to evaluate the course to determine whether it fulfills a general education requirement. The process is being directed (under guidance from the BoG and DoE) by a Steering Committee consisting of representatives from five SUS and five FCS institutions. Students will learn to identify, describe and explain social institutions, structures or processes. Some majors require or recommend specific general education courses. The latter can be assigned only to courses with the former designations. Through analysis and evaluation of the students own cultural norms and values in relation to those held by the citizens of other countries, they will develop a cross-cultural understanding of the rest of the contemporary world. grammar, punctuation, usage) and the techniques that produce effective texts. Some may also fulfill three credits of the diversity or international requirement and/or count toward the writing requirement. Composition courses are writing intensive, require multiple drafts submitted to the instructor for feedback prior to final submission, and fulfill 6,000 of the universitys 24,000-word writing requirement. The PDF will include all information unique to this page. grammar, punctuation, usage) and the techniques that produce effective texts.
More Info. Students analyze information carefully and logically from multiple perspectives, using discipline-specific methods, and develop reasoned solutions to problems. On ONE.UF, select Quest 1 in the Course Properties filter and then click Search. The subject area letter designations appear at the end of the course description. The general education curriculum is organized around eight major subject areas: biological sciences, composition, diversity studies, humanities, international studies, mathematics, physical sciences, and social and behavioral sciences. Courses intended to satisfy the general education requirement cannot be taken S-U. This designation is always in conjunction with another program area. Students will successfully recognize and comprehend fundamental concepts, principles, and processes about the natural world. If the prefix (first three letters) and the last three digits of the course number are the same, then the course is considered equivalent. Students analyze and reflect on the ways in which cultural, economic, political, and/or social systems and beliefs mediate their own and other peoples understanding of an increasingly connected world. Courses from Florida public colleges and State University System schools generally adhere to the Statewide Course Numbering System. In addition, five Faculty Committees were formed that made recommendations of the specific courses to be included in the core. Through general education courses, students gain fresh perspectives and discover new approaches to intellectual inquiry that promote understanding of both the traditional and the newly discovered. Taken from Humanities (H), Biological and Physical Sciences (B/P), and Social and Behavioral Sciences (S). column). HUM X020 not offered at UF, but may be transferred in from a Florida public institution. Majors that feature extensive use of one of these subject areas may require a student to complete all 6 Additional Required Gen Ed Coursework credits in a particular subject area. Students will formulate empirically-testable hypotheses derived from the study of physical processes, apply logical reasoning skills through scientific criticism and argument, and apply techniques of discovery and critical thinking to evaluate outcomes of experiments. Students will learn to identify and to analyze the key elements, biases and influences that shape thought. Students engage with diversity as a dynamic concept related to human differences and their intersections, such as (but not limited to) race, gender identity, class, ethnicity, religion, age, sexual orientation, and (dis)abilities. The State of Florida Statute 1007.25 regarding General Education was revised in 2012 and again in 2013 to improve articulation and reduce excess hours for students entering the State University System (SUS) and Florida College System (FCS). Students examine the cultural, economic, geographic, historical, political, and/or social experiences and processes that characterize the contemporary world, and thereby comprehend the trends, challenges, and opportunities that affect communities around the world. Biological science courses provide instruction in the basic concepts, theories and terms of the scientific method in the context of the life sciences. A list of UF Quest 1 courses is provided on the, A list of UF Quest 2 courses is provided on the. Acceptable dual enrollment and other transfer credit will fulfill the general education requirements that the same UF course fulfills if the course is equivalent. If a student has the academic background and the interest they may take more advanced courses, but he or she should first check the course prerequisites and/or consult an academic advisor. Students engage with diversity as a dynamic concept related to human differences and their intersections, such as (but not limited to) race, gender identity, class, ethnicity, religion, age, sexual orientation, and (dis)abilities. Students can count a general education course toward one area only except for (D) and (N) credits, which must be earned concurrently with another area. Physical science courses provide instruction in the basic concepts, theories and terms of the scientific method in the context of the physical sciences. In addition, course listings in every schedule identify whether a course section satisfies Gen Ed credit (refer to the G.E. All general education courses are identified by letter in the course descriptions section of this catalog. The PDF will include all information unique to this page. Students learn to identify and analyze the distinctive elements of different arts and humanities disciplines, along with their biases and influences on essential questions about the human condition. Humanities courses provide instruction in the history, key themes, principles, terminology and theories or methodologies used within a humanities discipline or the humanities in general. These courses include reasoning in abstract mathematical systems, formulating mathematical models and arguments, using mathematical models to solve problems and applying mathematical concepts effectively to real-world situations. Courses focus on major scientific developments and their impacts on society, science and the environment, and the relevant processes that govern biological systems. Students are expected to assess and analyze ethical perspectives in individual and societal decisions. Humanities courses provide instruction in the history, key themes, principles, terminology, and theory or methodologies used within a humanities discipline or the humanities in general. The PDF includes all undergraduate catalog information. Biological science courses provide instruction in the basic concepts, theories and terms of the scientific method in the context of the life sciences. Rather than serve as surveys of or introductions to specific fields, Quest 2 courses reflect the instructors expertise and challenge students as co-creators of knowledge in multi-disciplinary inquiry that uses scientific data to address pressing questions (e.g., What are the unintended consequences of technological progress? Acceptable dual enrollment and other transfer credit will fulfill the general education requirements that the same UF course fulfills if the course is equivalent. These courses emphasize the effective application of accepted problem-solving techniques. More Info, To complete General Education, student must select a General Education course that features the International subject area for 3 credits and a General Education course that features the Diversity subject area for 3 credits. Courses in mathematics provide instruction in computational strategies in fundamental mathematics including at least one of the following: solving equations and inequalities, logic, statistics, algebra, trigonometry, inductive and deductive reasoning. UF Home, Office of the University Registrar, 222 Criser Hall, P.O. Instead, they are topical and thematic courses that explore essential questions about the human condition that are not easy to answer and hard to ignore. Study abroad must be approved in advance by an academic advisor and the UF International Center. Physical science courses provide instruction in the basic concepts, theories and terms of the scientific method in the context of the physical sciences. Ultimately, competence in these areas enables students to better understand themselves, their neighbors, other cultures and times, and the principles governing the natural world and the universe; and to participate fully and responsibly as informed citizens in local, national, and global matters. Registrar Home |
UF Quest 2 courses fulfill the UF Quest 2 requirement and three credits of the general education requirement in the social & behavioral sciences, the biological sciences, or the physical sciences. All SUS and FCS institutions must accept these courses for transfer credit, but no institution must offer all courses. Students can take Gen Ed courses at the 1000-4000 levels. To achieve these outcomes, the general education curriculum encompasses a breadth of knowledge in composition, diversity studies, humanities, international studies, mathematics, biological, physical, and social and behavioral sciences. If the prefix (first three letters) and the last three digits of the course number are the same, then the course is considered equivalent. Through general education courses, students gain fresh perspectives and discover new approaches to intellectual inquiry that promote understanding of both the traditional and the newly discovered. Students will acquire competence in reflecting critically upon the human condition. For example, a course designated as HD can count toward both the H and D requirements, but a course designated CH can count only as C or H. Study abroad courses can fulfill international credit, in addition to fulfilling credit in other subject areas. International courses promote the development of students global and intercultural awareness. Certain classes are approved to count for multiple general education program areas. Successful completion of these requirements will result in the student learning outcomes. You may be trying to access this site from a secured browser on the server. Students will formulate empirically-testable hypotheses derived from the study of physical processes, apply logical reasoning skills through scientific criticism and argument, and apply techniques of discovery and critical thinking to evaluate outcomes of experiments. A minimum of 6 credits from Humanities (H), Biological and Physical Sciences (B/P), and Social and Behavioral Sciences (S). Office of the University Registrar Certain classes are approved to count for multiple general education program areas. These courses emphasize the effective application of accepted problem-solving techniques. Courses from Florida public colleges and State University System schools generally adhere to the Statewide Course Numbering System. Students examine the cultural, economic, geographic, historical, political, and/or social experiences and processes that characterize the contemporary world, and thereby comprehend the trends, challenges, and opportunities that affect communities around the world.