Techniques covered include designing, melting, rolling bezels, making bails, soldering, texturing, and embellishing. Santa Fe, NM. Gain experience in sawing, filing, silver (torch) soldering, polishing, and basic patination. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); The hottest content straight from the forge! You have successfully joined our subscriber list. This refund is available if you request it within 30 days of your Class purchase.

Almost all of my students had no experience. This will give you a flavor for the Class Instructor and the skills or project that youll learn in the Class. Jewelry findings are covered in-depth, including the use of commercial findings and fabricating your own clasps, bails, and earring hardware. The evening classes at Grand Junction Gem & Mineral Club make this option perfect for students or those with 9-5 schedules. If you want to jump right into lifetime access of The Intro To Silversmithing Course and get 6 FREE trainings and support in The Silversmithing Club, you can do so right here! The School promotes creativity and community, and has been operating since 1970. Create beautiful earrings, necklaces and pendants to complement your wardrobe. This is the perfect class for beginners to test many different types of techniques, from beading to wire wrapping and beyond. See their work,learn about me, ask questions, and view the course offerings. Students with prior knowledge can complete an Independent Study course that focuses on advanced, personalized techniques and projects. Anywhere. Students learn how to use silversmithing tools, heating, and setting techniques. Artists and craftspeople from all backgrounds and skill levels can definitely learn valuable techniques by taking silversmithing classes and those new to the art will enjoy making something wearable and functional. Factory)Pottstown, PA 194641-610-326-2506, Sweetwater Center for the Arts200 Broad StSewickley, PA 15143, Clases de Diseo de Joyera y Orfebrera en Puerto RicoDenise ElizabethWinston Churchill AvenidaSan Juan, Puerto Rico 009261-787-234-0502IG:@denise.elizabeth.puertorico, Ladysmith Clasesde Joyera Puerto RicoAvenida 65 de Infanteria #416San Juan, Puerto Rico 009241-787-249-0017, The Bench560 Mineral Springs AvePawtucket, Rhode Island 028601-401-484-8161, Rhode Island School of Design (RISD)Two College Street,Providence, RI 02903-2784, The Steel Yard27 Sims AveProvidence, RI1-401-273-7101, Redux Art Center1056 King StreetCharleston, SC 29404, Make Made Jewelry241 N Main Streetsuite CGreenville, SC 296011-864-412-8087IG: @makemadejewelry, B Golden Jewelry School321 W. Ben White Blvd, Ste. Contact Dunedin Fine Art Center for more information about upcoming silversmithing classes and new offerings for 2021. Simply click on any lesson video in the order you wish to view them. Genevieve Flynn is a master silversmith with over 44 years of experience. The Club offers beginner classes twice per year, as well as occasional advanced classes. See what some of the over 300 students I've already taught are making, some of whom have never been creative in their entire lives! I'm Meaghan Young, and I graduated from the premier jewelry school in the U.S in 2006 as a goldsmith and Jeweler. HOURS: MONDAY-THURSDAY 9AM-9:30PM FRIDAY-SATURDAY 9AM-5PM, 7688 SW CAPITOL HWY PORTLAND, OR 97219 (503) 823-2787, Summer 2022 Metals Open Studio Registration Calendar, 7688 SW CAPITOL HWY PORTLAND, OR 97219, Surface Treatments (etching, reticulation, granulation, patination, keum-boo, etc. Box 280Little Switzerland, NC 28749, College of the AlbemarleRoanoke Island Campus205 Highway 64 S.Manteo, NC 27954, Penland School of CraftPO Box 37Street address: 67 Doras TrailPenland, NC 287651-828-765-2359, NC State UniversityCrafts Center- open to the publicThompson Hall210 Jensen DriveRaleigh, NC 27606, Brunswick Community CollegeSOUTHPORT CENTER701 N. Lord StreetSouthport, NC 284611-910-755-6500, Cape Fear Community College411 N Front StreetWilmington, NC 28401Sawtooth School for Visual Art251 N. Spruce St.Winston- Salem, NC 27101Phone: 336.723.7395, Arrowhead Supply330 SW 28th StOKC, OK 731091-405-634-7128, The Sitka Center for Art and Ecology56605 Sirka DriveOtis,Oregon 97368, Banana Factory25 W. Third StBethlehem, PA 180151-610-332-1300IG: @bananafactory_pa, Tuscarora Lapidary Society24 Upland Rd.Brookhaven, PA 190151-610-490-5252information@lapidary.orgIG: @tuscaroralapidary, Carlisle Arts Learning Center38 W Pomfret St, Carlisle, PA 17013, Touchstone Center For Crafts1049 Wharton Furnace RdFarmington, PA 15437, Main Line Art Center746 Panmure RoadHaverford, PA 190411-610-525-0272, Abington Art Center515 Meetinghouse Rd,Jenkintown, PA 190461-215-887-4882IG: @abingtonartcenter, Hattie Weselyk Studio113 Lutece Cir,Kennett Square, PA 193481-484-905-2773, PA Guild of Craftsmen335 N. Queen StreetLancaster, PA, 176031-717-431-8706, Fleisher Art Memorial719 Catharine Street,Philadelphia, PA 19147-28111-215-922-3456 ext. Participants can choose to create rings, pendants, bracelets, and earrings. You will get a good feel for the complete Class content by reviewing these various elements. You can access your Class(es) as many times as you wish, and youll never lose access to your Account information. Its connection to jewelry making, goldsmithing, and metalsmithing more generally makes silversmithing an appealing new hobby or profession for those interested in working with metal in an artistic way. If youre not a Member, when you click on the Get Class Access button, youll be given a couple purchase options. All newer-model smartphones or other mobile/tablet devices with an Internet connection are able to play the Class videos. No problem. Lastly, under the Bonus Materials tab, you can see what extra elements are included with the video Class usually a printable PDF resource, or two, is included. Bonnie Nelson teaches the beginner friendly classes, which include 35 hours of private instruction. 875081-505-603-8811, Ignite Jewelry Studios191 Lyman St #262Asheville NC 288061-828-552-4805IG: @ignitejewelrystudios, John C Campbell Folk school1 Folk School RoadBrasstown, NC 28902James Carter Studio & School of Jewelry Arts200 N Greensboro St,Carrboro, NC 275101-919-240-5253, The Cary Arts Center101 Dry AvenueCary, NC 275111-919-469-4069, POCOSIN ARTS201 Main StreetColumbia, NC 27925OQZO Metalsmith1106 Woodgrove WayHillsborough, NC 272781-919-732-9702, Wildacres Retreat1565 Wildacres RoadP.O. Students spend two days learning to cut silver and three days silversmithing.
Whether you want to create curvy copper earrings or chunky silver stack rings, youll walk away knowing how to manipulate your metals with heat, a wide variety of tools and fun finishing techniques. I truly feel that it's worth every penny and I would absolutely recommend it to anyone interested in the techniques of silversmithing or learning a new art or hobby. We also highly recommend using the latest version of Firefox, Safari, Chrome, or Edge as your Internet Browser. ", Im LOVING the course. Florida Society of Goldsmiths(There are multiple chapters ( NE Chapter, SE Chapter, West Chapter, NW Chapter, SW Chapter and South Chapter) of thisorganization in Florida. Classes offered across the country focus mostly on making sterling silver jewelry and other accessories, but the skills taught can be applied to any other silversmithing projects once students become comfortable with the basic techniques. The responses may not be from the actual Class Instructor. If/when you are a Craftsy Premium or Gold Member, you will have access to all then-active Classes on Craftsy. If you are not a paid Member of Craftsy, but have completed a Purchase-to-Own transaction, you can access/view your Class by going to the MY ACCOUNT section of Craftsy. And if you decide it's not for you, simply let your trial expire, keep your Free link, and enjoy the training! Lillstreet Art Center opened in 1975 and has been providing a space for creatives to work and collaborate ever since. Jr Blvd South Bend, IN 466011-574-235-9102IG @southbendart, Gastineau Studio135 North Broadway Street,Berea, Kentucky 404031-859-429-2747, Maine College of Art Continuing Studies522 Congress Street PortlandME 041011-207-699-5061, Wolf DesignsP.O. I've since taught over 300 students this exact class and all have LOVED it! Add movement to your work with hinges and other basic mechanisms. If you are interested in learning silversmithing for yourself, check out the following classes available in all major regions of the US! These are other online classes you can check out! If you have any questions or feedback please reach out to the schools directly! Silversmithing principles can also be applied to other metal-based projects and mixed media art to create something entirely unique! You will be given the option to join as a Premium Member of Craftsy, giving you access to this and all other then-active Classes throughout the term of your Premium Membership, or to purchase this one Class only, which you would then have access to perpetually. It's very exciting to see!
Workshops are immersive and class sizes are small, so you are sure to get a personalized education in the topic of your choice. Dunedins Introduction to Silversmithing class is suitable for beginners and offers two learning levels that focus on basic techniques and projects. Veberod Gem Gallery is a jewelry store owned and operated by jewelers, lapidaries, artists, and metalsmiths. YOU'RE WORRIED YOU DON'T HAVE A STUDIO OR WORK SPACE Where will you make your jewelry? If this community has been helpful to you, and you'd like to support the page you can become a patron for as little as $3 a month! ), Shelby County Arts Council105 West College St.,Columbiana, AL 350511-205-669-0044, Alaska Metal Arts GuildAnchorage, AK1-907-250-0964, Mesa Arts CenterOne East Main StreetMesa, AZ 85201, KP Studio2725 N 24th St, Suite 4Phoenix, AZ 850081-602-320-7513IG: @kpstudiophx, Harold Studio115 W. McDowell Rd #1Phoenix, AZ, 85003info@haroldstudio.comIG: @haroldstudio, Arkansas Museum of Fine Arts2510 Cantrell Rd., P.O. The Multnomah Arts Center offers jewelry and metals arts classes for adults and youth year round. Classes offered at Schack Art Center include beginner, intermediate, and advanced silversmithing, enameling, and other jewelry-related classes. Receive updates, new class schedules and info on our destination courses. In an attempt to avoid this situation, please review the Class Preview video and the various other written descriptions of the Class and each Lesson before you purchase, so you have a good understanding of the Class content. MI 494171-616-607-2470IG: @studiojsd, North House Folk School500 W Hwy 61PO Box 759Grand Marais, MN 55604, Bathing Beauty Beads501 S Higgins Ave, On The Hip Strip,Missoula MT 59801katie@bathingbeautiesbeads.com1-406-543-0018, Lifelong Learning CenterMCPS Adult Education Division310 S. CurtisMissoula, MT 59801, Silver of Oz2610 North Main Street, Suite BElkhorn, NE 68022silverofoz@silverofoz.com1-402-558-1307, John Fish Jewelry School953 E Sahara #5Las Vegas NV 89104info@johnfishjewelryschool.com1-702-731-3686, Bella Romero Designs2750 N Green Valley ParkwayHenderson, NV 890141-702-451-8040, Littleton Studio School23 Ammonoosuc St Suite 2Littleton, NH 035611-603-444-1066IG: @littletonstudioschool, Assemble Makerspace38 Glen AvenueBerlin, NH 03570IG: @assemblenh, Rio Grande7500 Bluewater Rd NWAlbuquerque, NM 87121, Meltdown Studio901 Rio Grande Boulevard Northwest Suite E-130,Albuquerque, NM,, Ronda CoryellAlbuquerque, NM, USA1-510-282-8811, MEKAH/Gold & Silversmithing-Metalsmithing Studio & Educational Center22 Juego Rd. "I am really loving the way you explain things and am so glad I signed up!". Absolutely not. Wire wrapping workshops take place over two days. These classes are appropriate for all skill levels and have flexible scheduling options.
As long as your Premium/Gold Membership account is up-to-date and active, access to nearly every Class on Craftsy is included with your Membership. ), 5 Acetylene/Air Smith Variable Tip Torches, 2-Dual-Speed Buffing Arbors w/ Dust Collectors, Comprehensive Collection of Assorted Hand Tools. Box 244Portland, ME 04112-02441-207-871-1343, Baltimore Jewelry CenterSuite 130, 10 E North AveBaltimore, MD 212021-410-243-0479IG: @baltimorejewelrycenter, Silverworks Studio and Gallery 7300 MacArthur Blvd Glen Echo, MD 208121-301-634-2222, North Bennet St School150 North StreetBoston MA 021091-617-227-0155IG:@nbssboston, Cotuit Center for the Arts4404 Falmouth RdCotuit, MA1-508-428-0669IG: @cotuitcenterforthearts, Made it!114 Water StPlymouth, MA 02360IG: @madeitplymouth, Metalwerx50 Guinan StreetWaltham, MA, Snow Farm: The New England Craft Program5 Clary Road,Williamsburg, MA1-413-268-3101Worcester Center for Crafts25 Sagamore RoadWorcester, MA 016051-508-753-8183IG:@worcestercraftcenter, Ann Arbor Art Center117 W. Liberty St., Ann Arbor, MI 481041-734-994-8004IG: @a2artcenter, Birmingham-Bloomfield Art Center1516 S. Cranbrook Rd.,Birmingham, MI 48009, Kalamazoo Institute of Arts/Kirk Newman Art School314 S Park StKalamazoo, MI 490071-269-349-7775IG:@jewelrymetalskia, Kendall College of Art and DesignContinuing Studies for Metalsmithing17 Fountain St. NWGrand Rapids, MI 495031-800- 676-2787Studio JSD - Jewelry, Makerspace + Gallery219 N. 7th, Grand Haven. Frontera Silver is owned and operated by Chayse Romero, an artist who has been working with silver since 2015. Cold connections-rivets, tabs, and threaded attachments, are also covered. Once you join as a Member or purchase-to-own a Class, each individual bonus element is accessible by simply clicking on each item. Call Moab Made or visit their website to learn more about upcoming class sessions. METALSMITHING II- Surface & DimensionBuild fabrication skills and explore decorative and alternative surfaces, including roller-printing, etching, and depletion gilding. "I'm so excited to be a part of this group", "This was a very rewarding experience and Im looking forward to taking more of Meaghans classes., "Meaghan shares the best techniques and I walked away with amazing, quality pieces. I have not personally taken classes at mostof these locations (wish I could) so I have no experience or additional information about them. To enjoy a Class, just be sure that youre logged-in to your Account.
Students learn how to measure, solder, file, polish, and texture metal. (You dont have to have a Facebook account for access to the course or FREE trainings). Silversmithing is a popular type of metalworking, with many classes offered in cities across America. Once you become a Craftsy Premium Member, or purchase-to-own a Class, youll have the ability to post a question, comment, or tip in the Class Discussion area. Snow Farm: The New England Craft Program is a nonprofit craft school at the foot of the Berkshire Mountains. Just a little disclosure: the following list of schools and workshops have no direct affiliation with Metalsmith Society. Peters Valley School of Craft provides studio-based workshops taught by internationally recognized artists. You wont lose access, and youll be able to enjoy your library of purchased content without any expiration. The resort also has year-round recreation activities and its own art studio that offers silversmithing classes. Classes are affordable and family friendly, making them a great option for just about anyone! I was once where you arewanting to learn silversmithing with no resources or a place to start It took me a long time to figure it out on my own and I don't want that to happen to you. Boca Raton Museum Art School801 W Palmetto Park Rd,Boca Raton, FL 334861-561-392-2503, Learn Lost Wax Casting102 Siesta CourtDeland, FL 327241-949-547-3859IG: @learnlostwaxcasting, Jacksonville Gem & Mineral Society3733 Crown Point Rd.,Jacksonville, FL 322571-904-379-0291, The Maitland Art CenterArt & History Museums Maitland231 W. Packwood Ave.Maitland, FL 327511-407-539-2181, Miami Jewelry School4949 SW 74th Ct.Miami, FL 331551-305-668-0998, Two Bs StudioMount Dora, Florida1-352-638-0001JewelryCreations Workshop1400 NE 131st Street,North Miami FL 331611-305-610-6560IG:@jewelrycreationsworkshopStudio B12345B NE 6th AvenueNorth Miami, FL 33161IG: @12345studiobPinellas Technical College3548 11th Ave S, StPetersburg FL 33711St. Lucie County Rock and Gem Club6901 Heritage DrivePort Saint Lucie, Fla 349521-772-462-6597Tampa Bay Mineral And Science Club10207 Fisher AvenueTampa, FL 336891-813-684-2039, Lighthouse Art Center385 Tequesta DrTequesta, FL1-561-748-8737IG: @lighthousearts, The Armory Art Center811 Park PlaceWest Palm Beach, FL 334011-561-832-1776IG @armoryartcenter, Callanwolde Fine Arts Center980 Briarcliff Road NEAtlanta, GA 303061-404-872-5338IG: @callanwoldefinearts, Chastain Arts Center135 Chastain Park Ave NW,Atlanta, Georgia 30342, Metal Arts Guild of GA5353 Buford Hwy NE,Doraville, GA 30340Spruill Center for the Arts5339 Chamblee Dunwoody Rd,Dunwoody, GA 30338, Atlanta Art Worx Jewelry Metal Arts Studio+ SupplyArtisan Resource Center585 Cobb Parkway SouthStudio G-1Marietta GA, August Axel Jewelry Studio401 Dividend Drive, Suite APeachtree City, GA 30269IG @augustaxel_jewelrystudio 1-310-663-5903, Dreamcat Studio116 Hover Creek RDSavannah, GA 314191-912-289-8337IG: @dreamcatstudio, William Holland School of Lapidary Arts230 Lapidary LaneYoung Harris, GA, Lillstreet Art Center4401 N Ravenswood AveChicago, IL 606401-773-769-4226IG: @lillstreetmetals, Benches on Division2017 W DivisionChicago, IL 606221-312-929-0422IG: @benchesondivisionstudio, The Art Center of Highland Park1957 Sheridan RdHighland Park, IL 600351-847-432-1888, Ear in the Envelope Inc820 SW Adams StreetPeoria, IL 616021-309-550-3518, Indianapolis Art CenterMarilyn K. Glick School of Art820 East 67th StreetIndianapolis, Indiana 46220, South Bend Museum of Art120 Doctor M.L.K. Beginner classes at Frontera Silver focus on introducing students to basic silversmithing techniques. The Center is an admission-free art museum that also provides educational programs and community outreach. This website is a publication of and made possible by MACA. The store specializes in art, jewelry, and personal care products and offers workshops hosted by local artists. Kate is the author of Simple Soldering: A Beginner's Guide to Jewelry Making, as well as the Design Team Lead at Gaston Collective. Jewelry Workshop: Bead, Wrap, Chain & Etch, Torch-Fired Enameling: The Immersion Method. To access the Class videos, be sure youre logged-in to your Account. All classes provide a solid foundation in jewelry design and silversmithing and include starter kits. Another way for you to secure long-term access to this Class is with our Purchase-to-Own option, where you can keep it for your personal collection. One of those options is to purchase the Class on its own. Prerequisite: Metalsmithing I or equivalent. The Palomar Gem & Mineral Club offers beginning silversmithing classes for members. As with the Class video, you can access the Bonus Materials as many times as you like or you can print them out also. Cottonwood Silver & Lapidary Supplies is a retail store that also offers silversmithing classes. Stone setting is taught in some classes as well. Dunedin Fine Art Center was first imagined in 1969 and opened its doors to its community in 1975. Several have gone on to take my Advanced Silversmithing Course and started selling their work. But, at the time, I wished I just had a way to learn that wasn't expensive and I could learn quickly and in my own house. And receive a FREE jewelry making training worth $97. My journey wasn't straightforward. Do keep in mind, however, that as a benefit of Craftsy Membership, you would have access to all Classes on the Craftsy site as long as your Membership is valid. Build a broad skill base for getting started making beautiful, timeless jewelry. The Center boasts 40,000 square feet of work space and 20 classrooms, plus faculty members that are experts in their respective fields. No prerequisite. Once youre logged in, all Class video lessons are open for you to view. Members must complete the beginner class or have prior silversmithing experience before taking advanced classes at the Club. Call for more information on classes and open studio reservations. Students can pick the time and day that works best for them. V6B 1S9604.443.8484, Argentum Jewellery School & Supply13 - 560 Johnson Street,Victoria, BC, Canada778.433.5959IG: @argentum_jewellery_school, Georgian College 1 Georgian Drive, Barrie, Ontario, Fleming College 297 College Dr.Haliburton, ONK0M 1S01-866-353-6464IG: @flemingcollege, George Brown College160 Kendal AveToronto, ON416-415-5000, ext. From there and over many years, I created 4 jewelry businesses, includingThe Crested Butte Jewelry Schoolin beautiful Crested Butte, CO, as well as the exclusive groupThe Silversmithing Club. Get fired up!
Do you wish you could learn silversmithing online from your own home? Grand Junction Gem & Mineral Club is a non profit organization dedicated to sharing knowledge about minerals, gems, fossils, and more. YOU WORRY THAT YOU MIGHT DO IT WRONG AND NOT HAVE ANYONE TO HELP YOU How will you get the guidance you need after you've purchased tools and supplies? Classes at Schack Art Center are very reasonably priced and take place one evening per week over several weeks. This is not a live chat, but a subject matter expert may answer posted questions. The Palomar Gem & Mineral Club is a non profit organization founded in 1954 that promotes the study of gems, minerals, rocks, and related topics such as silversmithing. Chain-making and the elements of design will also be introduced. The classes at Sundance are best suited to beginners and families. While more expensive than other options listed, Clear Creek Academy offers a well rounded curriculum and is geared towards serious silversmithing students. Regardless of your experience level, youre sure to learn something new from JoAnn Pibum and the other instructors. The Club hosts regular meetings, field trips, and hands-on workshops for members. Youll also receive our schools exclusive discount link to set up your own Rio Grande Jewelry Supply account for exclusive discounts on tools, supplies, and metals! Finally, years later, I figured out a way to teach others how to learn silversmithing without expensive tools and in their very own kitchen! A workspace and tools are included in the price of open studio. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Enter in your email and password to create a FREE account. Where you can get resources, direction and encouragement. Found within the Bonus Materials tab, directly below the Class video frame, just click on the icon/button for any of the extra Class elements you want, download the asset, and print with your local printer. For silversmiths with prior experience, Multiplicity Art Studio also offers open studio time every third Thursday.
Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. List of Silversmithing Classes, Courses & Workshops in the USA 2022 [Updated], 5) Clear Creek Academy of Jewelry and Metal Arts, 11) Snow Farm: The New England Craft Program, 13) Cottonwood Silver & Lapidary Supplies, JTS Metalsmith Tools Kit Beginners -Apprentice Metalsmithing Jewelry Making Tool Set, Clear Creek Academy of Jewelry and Metal Arts, Famous Goldsmiths in History (Past & Present), A-Z List of Glassblowing Terminology [Updated], Daggers & Short Swords of the Middle Ages [Updated], Blacksmithing Classes in Tennessee 2022 [Updated], Blacksmithing Classes in Wyoming 2022 [Updated], Stained Glass Classes in Massachusetts 2022 [Updated], Forged Weapons of the Middle Ages [That Arent Swords], More information about the tools see product description.
Classes at Lillstreet Art Center cover metalsmithing and jewelry design, so they relate closely to traditional silversmithing. You would then own the Class and have access to it in your Craftsy account permanently weather youre a Member or not. The Center seeks to enrich lives through the visual arts and is dedicated to providing quality educational experiences. Absolutely not. With the Purchase-to-Own option, you will maintain on-demand video access to this Class even if your Membership expires, for the one-time cost below. Most classes cover the basics of silversmithing, like forging, soldering, and polishing. The range of classes offered is also unique to Schack Art Center. Focus on adding a third dimension to fabricated pieces, with instruction on building hollow forms, including the use of the hydraulic press. Mix and match essential wire-weaving techniques to create beautiful custom jewelry! Please direct any refund request to our Customer Service team, using the Contact Us information on The Purchase option is simply an alternative way for you to own a given Class, beyond your Membership term in Craftsy. Flynns classes are more expensive than others listed here, but may be perfect for those who prefer private learning. 4844Emporium Vitreum1485 Dupont St, Unit 214Toronto ON416-534-3913, George Brown College P.O. Students can choose to participate in multiple class sessions or shorter workshops that focus on specific techniques. Schack Art Center opened in 2011 but was originally founded as the Arts Council of Snohomish County in 1974. Youll be able to see all Class participants questions and input to take part in this virtual dialogue among others who have viewed the Class and are willing to share tips, answers, or ideas. Access to all tools and supplies needed for basic projects are included. All projects are created using recycled sterling silver. Where you can get access to amazing online courses and learn it all in one placewithout wasting time or money. Membership is extremely affordable and includes some great discounts and perks for those who love gems and silversmithing. If you would like to suggest an addition to this list or an edit please email me: with "CLASS DIRECTORY + CITY/STATE" in the subject line of the email, include in the email the name of school, physical address, link to website, link to Instagram and contact number (where applicable). A refund on a Craftsy Premium Membership will be applied on a pro-rata basis, within the then-existing term of your Craftsy Premium Membership. If your access to a Class is through Premium Membership in Craftsy, then there is no refund available on any specific Class. Past classes have focused on topics like textured metal and finished projects including earrings and bracelets. Have you wanted to take a class but don't know where or how? My husband said hes never seen me so happy!. Both of these courses are great for students of all skill levels and provide well rounded instruction in techniques that are useful for all silversmiths. Her one-on-one and small group silversmithing classes cover the basics of silversmithing like sawing, filing, finishing, polishing, and bezel setting. ), Casting (lost wax, found object/nature, mold-making, etc. I describe it in detail, including my money back guarantee! ), Stone Setting (bezels, prongs, tube, flush, pav, gypsy, etc. Jamie Matthew teaches beginner friendly classes at the studio. It was a longer, more round about way that brought me to where I am now. When youre ready to purchase the Class, simply click the Get Class Access (or it may show Purchase Option) and proceed. If you are a Premium Member, you have ongoing access to this Class for as long as your Membership remains active (and you are logged-in). Even though you will have been able to view all videos and download any Bonus Materials, we have a 100% money-back guarantee on any Class you purchase on an a la carte basis (Purchase-to-Own). Academy Of Art University fully accredited degree programs (AA, BFA, MA, MFA. Some just take it for fun, not anticipating that people would want to buy their work. Project options include earrings, bracelets, rings, and pendants. Nearly every Class has a free Class Preview video clip. Youll instantly take a shine to Kate Richbourgs edgy style and warm instruction as she guides you through the detailed properties of jewelry making metals, soldering safety and four unique metalsmithing projects. There are several classes that are still available focusing on pendant making, soldering rings, and hammering basic jewelry like earrings. Level 1 students create a sterling silver pendant by forming, texturing, soldering, and finishing. Sign up for the Premium Membership and get access to our best Craftsy videos and projects.