Additional important information about getting ready to apply for an award is available in theCDFI Fund's Impact Blog. The Counselor works with Members to be pre-approved for the NACA Mortgage or other mortgages ( NACA Qualification ). To download the WebEx Event Manager, see the instructions on the Verizon's WebEx Downloads page. On a day to day basis, the specific job responsibilities of a Counselor include the following: Provide Members with clear direction for a path towards homeownership and improve their financial management. This requires full documentation based on NACA s policies and procedures. FY 2022 CDFI & NACA Program Application Overview, 3. FY 2022 CDFI & NACA Program Financial Assistance (FA) Application Guidance, 4. Determine a maximum affordable mortgage payment and purchase price. The CDFI Fund is conducting fourtargeted live webinars to provide a forum to answer applicant questions about the FY 2022 NACA Program Application. Determine readiness for homeownership based on NACA s Qualification Criteria: eligibility, readiness, affordability, funds and compliance. 2022 CDFI Program & NACA Program Frequently Asked Questions. Please note this is not a toll free number. For some Members, this can be achieved quickly while for others it may take several months or more. FY 2022 CDFI & NACA Program Base-FA Evaluation Process, 5. The application materials for the FY 2022 Technical Assistance Application are below. The Counselor maintains a professional demeanor and provides outstanding customer service at all times. $25 OFF Today Only. Advance registration is not required to participate in the webinars. Educate the Member about alternative mortgage products or solutions for Member to feel comfortable with their mortgage decision. Work with Members to develop an affordable budget and address budget issues through comprehensive financial counseling Work with Members defining a plan to save minimum required funds to make the home purchase. FY 2022 CDFI & NACA Program HFFI-FA Application Guidance, 7. Persistent Poverty Counties (PPCs) (2011-2015 ACS and Island Areas Decennial Census), 11. Additional counseling is provided to homeowners with an unaffordable mortgage through NACA s HomeSave program. Examine and process documents, addressing issues as needed. 2022 CDFI Program & NACA Program Frequently Asked Questions, Sample Management Letter (For Unregulated Institutions/FOR REFERENCE ONLY). A Counselor manages her/his own pipeline of Members to provide comprehensive, individual housing and budgeting counseling services in a local NACA office or by video conferencing to Members in NACA s Purchase Program (Counselors hired as Remote Counselors not assigned to a location can work from home using video conferencing). A NACA Underwriter reviews the Counselor s determination to make the final decision on whether the Member should be NACA Qualified or requires additional counseling or documentation. 2. High Poverty Areas (2011-2015 ACS and Island Areas Decennial Census), 10. Applicants should continue to check this site for any updates. To know more about the ten steps to homeownership through their website. The application materials for the FY 2022 Financial Assistance Application are below. FY 2022 CDFI & NACA Program TA Evaluation Process, 5. Write narrative analyses and action plans to document next steps after each counseling session. Please direct questions about the application process for Financial Assistance, Technical Assistance, and supplemental awards to the NACA Program Help Desk at 202-653-0421, option 1, orcdfihelp@cdfi.treas.gov. The Counselor utilizes NACA s state-of-the-art content management software called NACA-Lynx that enables paperless housing counseling and mortgage processing. FY 2022 CDFI Program and NACA Program FA AMIS Application Training Manual, 12. The CDFI Fund held a pre-application webinar for organizations interested in applying for a FY 2022 NACA Program award on January 10, 2022. FY 2022 CDFI & NACA Program Technical Assistance (TA) Application Guidance, 4. National Association of State Workforce Agencies, U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration, Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Application Financial Data Inputs Workbook - FOR REFERENCE ONLY, 9. The Counselor must manage their time effectively so that they complete effective counseling sessions within specified time limits and in an accurate manner. FY 2022 CDFI Program and NACA Program TA AMIS Application Training Manual, 8. Check out our home inspections and commercial inspections! The Counselor also works with the Member to address and improve their financial management. Viewing these webinars requires the use of WebEx. Access the webinars by clicking the below links 5 minutes before the webinars begin. The Counselor qualifies the Member for the NACA Mortgage using NACA s character based and compensating factor underwriting policies. S/he must be able to work independently with Members. Note:The application materials listed on this page and the requirements set forth in the NOFA are subject to change for future funding rounds. Work with NACA s software to accurately complete documentation and data entry for efficient and paperless qualification. Nassau County, However, if you arent ready to purchase a home at this moment but you desire to do so in the future, a NACA Counselor will meet with you and guide you on how to save for a house properly and what steps are needed to achieve the goal of purchasing a home through NACA. Work with the Member to calculate a monthly cash flow surplus to demonstrate that the Member can afford a higher mortgage payment over the long term. Application Financial Data Inputs Workbook - FOR REFERENCE ONLY, 7. Community Development Financial Institutions Fund United States Department of the Treasury, Community Development Financial Institutions Fund, Building Native CDFIs Sustainability and Impact II, Access for All: Expanding CDFI Impact in the Disability Community, FY 2022 CDFI Program and NACA Program Pre-Application Webinar Recording, FY 2022 CDFI Program and NACA Program Pre-Application Webinar Presentation, Deadline to enter EIN and DUNS numbers in AMIS, Deadline for Submitting SF-424 through Grants.gov, Last Day the CDFI Fund Will Answer Questions About the Application, Deadline to Receive AMIS Support From the IT Help Desk, Deadline for Submitting FA/TA Application through AMIS. 3. Applicants should continue to check this site for any updates. The Counselor helps homebuyers overcome the roadblocks that prevent them from qualifying for a mortgage and purchasing a home. FY 2022 CDFI & NACA Program DF-FA Application Guidance, 6. Counselors should prioritize ready Members and effectively manage their pipeline and scheduled calendars. The Counselor educates the Member on her/his next steps at each stage of the process and utilizes problem solving skills and excellent budget guidance. HC s only work with Members through NACA Qualification, while MC s are the primary point of contact through closing. Qualify Members by reviewing payment history, liabilities and other credit information. Address NACA Qualification conditions (if any) within 48 hours. These materials are intended to help you understand how to apply for a NACA Program award. The webinar recording and presentation are available below. S/he ensures effective and timely communication, explains requirements, requests necessary documents, and determines readiness for homeownership and an affordable mortgage payment for each Member. The Notice of Funds Availability (NOFA), instructions, and supplemental materials for the FY 2022 round of the NACA Program are below. FY 2022 Round Pre-Application Webinar and Getting Ready to Apply Steps. Questions regarding Native Initiatives may be directed to the CDFI Fund by e-mail to cdfihelp@cdfi.treas.gov; or by phone to (202) 653-0421.