You could lose all the money in your Account and the available Credit, Premium Overdraft and Overdraft Protection funds. Joint Member Accounts. Please click the button below to apply in our new system. More merchants are accepting chip transactions every day. If you order us to stop your preauthorized payment(s) no less than three (3) business days before the transfer is scheduled, and we do not do so, we will be liable for your losses or damages. 8 Applicants under 18 years of age must have co-signer. Overdrafts. Your Card may not be used for any transaction that is illegal under Federal, State or local law. Social Security benefits); preauthorized withdrawals for bill and other recurring payments; Automated Teller Machine (ATM) electronic fund transfer services at Landmark owned (Proprietary) ATMs and Shared Network ATMs and any other systems as may be added from time to time; Automated Account Access via phone (Automated Account Access); Online Banking; Mobile Banking and, POS Transactions. You can also call us at the telephone number provided in this Agreement between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. on any business day, or utilize the Automated Account Access, Online Banking or Mobile Banking at any time to determine whether or not the preauthorized deposit has been made. Make online shopping fast and secure with Visa Click to Pay. To do so, you should call us or write to us using the telephone number or address provided in this Agreement in time for us to receive your request no less than three (3) business days before the next payment is scheduled to be made. Now when you see this iconat any site that accepts Visa, you can enjoy an easy, smart and secure checkout experience. Then simplify online payments with your Visa credit or debit card. ATM Terminals and ATMs means any terminal at which you may use your Card together with your Personal Identification Number (PIN) to perform transactions. All deposits which Landmark has authorized through an ATM Terminal for deposit or payment will be held for collection for two business days following the day of deposit. After adding your card, it may prompt you to call to authorize. Visa Click to Pay is a Visa benefit and not a service administered by Landmark. Each surviving Member shall indemnify Landmark for any tax Landmark may be required to pay under Wisconsin Statutes by reason of withdrawals or payments from the Account, after the death of a joint Member, to any person or to the surviving member in case of a joint Account. Use of Card. Do this immediately if you think your statement or receipt is wrong or if you need more information about a transaction listed on the statement or receipt. Types of Available Transfers. Create a Secure Remote Commerce payment profile at merchants that accept Visa and display this icon, Enter a one-time code sent to provided email, Add your Landmark credit/debit card information, Turn on Trust This Device or Remember Me to save your information on your personal devices (not recommended for shared devices). Then follow the onscreen instructions. The EMV SRC payment icon, consisting of a pentagon design oriented on its side with a stylized depiction of a fast forward symbol on the right, formed by a continuous line, is a trademark owned by and used with permission of EMVCo, LLC. Fees for Electronic Funds Transaction Services. (b) if the POS Transaction results in the extension of credit from us to you, you may have the right to assert a claim or defense against us, but only to the extent allowed by applicable law. Hold the top of your iPhone within a few centimeters of the contactless reader until you see "Done" and a checkmark on the display. Bill Pay is limited to $9,999.99 per payment and $19,999.99 per day. For transactions being converted from a foreign currency, Visa International will convert foreign currency to U.S. dollars using either the government mandated exchange rate or the wholesale exchange rate in effect one day before the date of the conversion, as applicable. General. You may use your Card to perform the following transactions at ATM terminals, terminals marked with the Pulse and Cirrus logos, and such other terminals as we may designate to you from time to time: (a) withdraw cash from your Account, (b) make deposits to your Account, (c) transfer funds between your Accounts, (d) learn your balances, and (e) pay your Landmark installment loans. Download the Card Controls app for better control of your debit or credit card. If you have authorized us in advance to make regular payments from your Account, you can stop these payments. 5 Qualifying for gas and dining out points is based on the merchant's designation, based on what it primarily sells. Earn unlimited 1.5% cash back1 on all purchases when you use your Landmark Cash Back Card and watch the cash add up! Some services may not be available at all terminals. 7 Based on creditworthiness. If you do not tell us within two (2) business days and we can prove that we could have stopped the unauthorized use of your Card/code, you could lose as much as $500. 6 Intro APR available on purchases & non-Landmark balance transfers. We will tell you the results within three (3) business days after completing our investigation. If you have an iPhone X or above, you can use Face ID instead of Touch ID. However, there are some exceptions. Except for its own negligence, Landmark is not liable for any personal injury or tangible property damage suffered or incurred by you through use or attempted use of the Card at any ATM Terminal.
Tell us at once if you believe your Card, PIN or any other password or Account access device has been lost or stolen, or if you believe that an electronic funds transfer has been made without your permission using information from your check. You can even combine your points earned with a Landmark Rewards Checking account. Calling us is the best way to keep your possible losses down. Your Right to Stop Preauthorized Payment. To use your default card, double-click the side button, then glance at your iPhone to authenticate with Face ID, or enter your passcode. When adding your Landmark card to your Android, Google or Samsung device for the first time, you may be required to authorize your card. Unlock your phone and hold near the contactless terminal at any location that accepts Google Pay. The merchant presents the processed check information to us electronically, and the funds are transferred into the merchants account. If we need more time, however, we may take up to forty-five (45) days to investigate your complaint or question. The ATM Terminals, the ATM System or any other system containing terminals at which the Card may be used are available for your convenience, and, except to the extent provided in this Agreement, Landmark is not liable for the unavailability or failure to operate of all or any part of any system. Definitions. Attn: Digital Banking Landmark Credit Union does not endorse or guarantee the products, information or recommendations provided by the linked website and is not liable for any products, services, or content advertised on the linked website. If the reversal to an Account overdraws the Account, Landmark may charge all or part of the deficiency to any other Account at Landmark of any Member authorized to use the Card, and you shall pay to Landmark any deficiency which cannot be paid out of such Accounts. The date of conversion by Visa International may differ from the purchase date and the posting date identified in the monthly statement for your Account. If you disclose any of your PINs or Passwords to anyone, you certify that you have given them access to your Account via the electronic system you are accessing and that you are responsible for any transactions. When it is necessary to complete an electronic transaction or resolve errors or claims; or, To verify the existence and condition of your Account for a third party, such as a credit bureau or merchant; or, To comply with a government agency or Court order, or any legal process; or. The exchange rate is increased by one percent (1%) if the conversion is made in connection with a charge to an Account and decreased by one percent (1%) if the conversion is made in connection with a credit to an Account. Insert the chip end of your card into the chip activated terminal with the chip facing up, Keep your card in the terminal throughout the transaction and follow the prompts on screen. You can swipe left and right to scroll through your payment cards and select the one you want to use for payment. You can also contact us at the address listed in this Agreement.
Using the phone's camera, scan your card. We may place a hold for uncollected funds on an item that you deposit into your Account which could delay your ability to withdraw the funds. If you have further questions about Samsung Pay, please visit the Support page. For new Accounts, we may take up to twenty (20) business days to credit your Account for the amount you think is in error. If a good reason (such as a long trip or hospital stay) kept you from notifying us, we will extend the time periods. Except as outlined in the paragraph above, you are not permitted to stop payment on any POS Transaction or cash withdrawal originated by use of the Card, and we have no obligation to honor any such stop payment request. All terms, conditions and agreements which govern your Account (whether set forth in this Disclosure or Agreement or in any related rules and regulations or otherwise) also apply to the Card except where this Disclosure provides differently. If a merchant is not yet chip-activated, you can still swipe your card to pay. The PIN or Password is non- transferrable and you are responsible for the safekeeping of your PINs or Passwords and for all transactions made by use of the PINs or Passwords. POS signature transactions are limited to $3,000 per day; temporary limit of $1,500 may apply if the system is offline. If we decide to do this, we will credit your Account within ten (10) business days for the amount you think is in error, so that you will have the use of the money during the time it takes us to complete the investigation. This credit card requires a pledge deposit account and for you to sign a Collateral Pledge. (a) Terminal transfers. Other Agreements. Retention of, signature on or use of the Card constitutes agreement to comply with this Disclosure, as amended from time to time. However, if a chip-activated terminal is available, insert your card instead and follow the prompts. the U.S. Treasury, an automated clearing house, or a terminal owner); The ATM, POS terminal, Automated Account Access, Online Banking, Mobile Banking or other electronic services system is not working properly and you knew about this breakdown when you started the transaction; The ATM where you are conducting the transaction does not have enough cash, or cash in the requested denominations; Your card has been reported lost or stolen, has expired, is damaged, is inactive due to non-use or is retained by us at your request; Your ATM Card, debit Card, Online Banking, Mobile Banking or Automated Account Access PIN or password has been entered incorrectly repeatedly; The transaction is declined to protect the security of your Account and/or the electronic terminal or system; There may be other exceptions stated in our agreement with you. The storage and usage of your payment card number (and credentials corresponding to your payment card number) in this digital wallet are subject to the terms and conditions of the applicable cardholder agreement with your payment card issuer, as in effect from time to time. prevent the transaction, despite us taking reasonable precautions; Through no fault of ours, you do not have enough available funds in your Account to complete the transaction; The transaction would exceed the available Credit, Premium Overdraft or Overdraft Protection limit; The funds in your Account are subject to a hold, legal process or other circumstances restricting transactions; We have received incorrect or incomplete information from you or a third party (e.g. Take advantage of Landmark's Cash Back Visa or Rewards Visa Credit Card and earn cash back or rewards points on every purchase, everywhere!
Landmark is not responsible for any goods or services you purchase with the Card except when the Card is used as a credit card and the purchase cost is $50 or more and the transaction occurred in the same state as, or within 100 miles of, your address to which statements are sent. Disclosure of Delayed Funds Availability. The EMV trademark is owned by EMVCo, LLC. Also, even when you give a check to a store cashier, the check may be processed through an electronic system that captures the Account information and the amount of the check.
Please contact your payment card issuer for more information. You do not earn cash back on cash advances, balance transfers, unauthorized or fraudulent charges or for fees of any kind on your card account. Please click the button below to apply in our new system. All electronic funds transactions are governed by this document and your acceptance, retention or use of an ATM Card, debit card or other electronic funds transaction confirms your receipt of and agreement with the terms described below. Download the Google Pay app and tap the "add a card" button in the app. See steps below. Preauthorized Credits. Describe the error or the transaction you are unsure about and explain as clearly as you can why you believe it is an error or why you need more information; Tell us the dollar amount of the suspected error; and. Just double-click the side button and hold the display of your Apple Watch within an inch of the contactless reader. For purchases only (not including credit for returns or fees and fraudulent charges). The linked website may have a privacy policy that is different than that of Landmark Credit Union and that may provide less security; please consult the linked website's privacy policy for further information. Once setup is complete and your card has been verified, its ready for use. You do not earn points for unauthorized or fraudulent charges or for fees of any kind on your card account. Landmark provides several types of services that may be accomplished by electronic transfer, which include but are not limited to preauthorized deposits of wages (direct deposit), pension checks and Federal Recurring Payments (e.g. Hold your phone near a terminal and authorize your transaction with your fingerprint. Authorization to Debit or Credit Account. You cannot use ATMs, Automated Account Access, Online Banking or Mobile Banking without an identification number, which we refer to as a PIN or Password. Rates are subject to change. Add your Landmark debit or credit card to your device, Use your device to make purchases with your choice of Landmark card, Transactions are secure and card details are never stored on the device, Touch Set as default card. It is your responsibility to notify the third party to whom the payments were being made that you have revoked this payment authorization. Our Liability for Failure to Make or Complete an Electronic Funds Transfer. 9 This APR will vary based on the Prime Rate. If qualified, bonus will appear on the monthly statement 30 days following the end of the promotion period and will be displayed as an addition to rewards points earned-to-date. In Case of Errors or Questions About Your Electronic Services Transaction. Hold your iPhone near the contactless reader with your finger on Touch ID. Whether you check out using chip technology or swipe your card, you can pay wherever Visa Credit Cards are accepted. Life should be rewarding, so why not use a card that rewards you on every purchase? You may agree with the person being paid to receive this notice only when the payment will differ by more than a certain amount from the previous payment, or when the amount would fall outside certain limits that you set. The linked website may have a privacy policy that is different than that of Landmark Credit Union and that may provide less security; please consult the linked website's privacy policy for further information. You shall at all times: (a) safely keep Card and PIN Number and not permit anyone else to use them, (b) not record the PIN Number on the Card or otherwise disclose or make it available to anyone else, and (c) use the Card, PIN Number and ATM Terminals only as instructed and only for purposes authorized by Landmark. The perfect credit card for full-time high school and college students8. Follow the instructions to add your card manually or with the camera. Landmark Credit Union does not endorse or guarantee the products, information or recommendations provided by the linked website and is not liable for any products, services, or content advertised on the linked website. 1 Earn 1.5% cash back on all Cash Back Credit Card purchases. Sill have questions? If the merchant involved with one of your POS Transactions gives you any credit or adjustment for the goods or services you purchased, the merchant will do so by processing a credit which we will apply to your Account. This APR will vary based on the Prime Rate. Rates are subject to change. This Disclosure is an addendum to and not a replacement of any other agreements, terms, conditions, rules and regulations applicable to your Landmark Accounts and services unless they are expressly modified by this Disclosure. POS PIN transactions are limited to 25 per day.