How to answer IELTS cue cards in Part 2 of the IELTS speaking test. It's in the center of the city and is very big. Whenever I go to the public gardens I see people relaxing, reading, listening to music, riding their bikes or just sitting and chatting with friends, so I guess you could say they are a social place as well. Not only students even the tourists from different states also visited this place. Normally there are a lot of trees and plants in a wide open space so it is good for the air and helping to create oxygen in the atmosphere. Eg. Where do you and your friends often go in your town/city? I thought it would be a place for children, but what I experienced was nothing short of a natural amusement. They breathe fresh air and enjoy being in the lap of nature for some time. Meaning: Captivating Once these gardens are well developed, they can become tourist attractions too. Eg. All rights reserved. This rose garden is also called as a lovers point. What affects job satisfaction & individual wellbeing? What are the benefits of writing a 30 60 90 day plan? You should say: what his/her relationship is to you what s/he has done in your life what s/he does now and explain why you admire this person so much. It is located in my hometown and maintained by the youth club of my town. Model Answer 1: 'Family' is the most precious thing for everyone. From then on, she has been mentoring IELTS aspirants. That parks name is Kalpana Park. Yes, I believe public gardens are essential owing to a slew of reasons. How Has Technology Changed Communication? In my family, I admire my father most. Question:- What age group normally visits parks? : The paintings were really alluring. Will robots and Artifical Intelligence make humans obsolete at work? In fact, it is an imperative step. Recently, the local youth club made a wonderful garden and, now all male and female members go to the garden and do exercise. The need for natural spaces in the large cities is much greater for many reasons such as providing a place for people to relax and enjoy nature, for purifying the air and reducing noise levels and allowing people to have a change of scenery and pace of life while visiting the garden or park. I, along with some of my friends, went there as we heard a lot about its natural therapeutic effect that cleanses ones soul. The last time I went there was on Sunday afternoon, I went with some friends and we sat and drank a couple of beers at one of the cafes there. Those people can use it who cannot afford high expenses of private gyms. Especially on last weekend when we when there the park was much crowded. However, here I would like to talk about the rose garden which is located in Kurukshetra University. Templates and examples for new job, managers, executives. we can see shrubs, trimmed into animal shapes. This park is in a town called Vasundhara and is one of the most beautiful illustrations of the wonders of nature. How would you answer these IELTS speaking test questions about gardens? Question:- What do people do when they go to a public Garden? It was evening time so for the sunset when we sat on the bench and enjoyed the beautiful view of the sunset, the cool breeze and the city skyline in the distance. How do you avoid using personal language in your academic writing? To be honest, I love this place personally and I love to go there whenever I got a chance. It's an alternative to meeting in a bar or restaurant and in the summer it can be much nicer than being indoors. In this post, we will discuss some of the basics and give advice on how to write your answers for Task 1. Pie charts have three main components: a title , a description (including what the pie chart is showing), and labels for each slice . What types of music do you like to listen to? The charts below show the percentage of water used for different purposes in six areas of the world. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.] One cannot live without a family, and even if we notice deeply, we could see that familial bonding is also found among animals.
Answer:- according to me, when individuals go to the public Garden they do some exercise such as running jogging jumping and so on to become fit. What is Teamwork? It acts as the lungs of the community.
With the help of sports children easily develop their body and mind. Being in touch with nature, the trees and flowers and in my hometown there's also a river which runs through the public garden, so it's a nice place to experience a change of scenery and enjoy some really fresh air. Genetically modified food, intensive livestock farming, advantages and disadvantages essay, Essay notes on Digital technology Describe a place which is full of colour. Top reasons you deserve a promotion at work. But here I would like to talk about the garden which I remember well. Answer:- kids and old people most prefer to go to the parks to relax their body and mind. Describe a park or garden in your hometown. Would you have wished for more information about this garden or park when visiting it for the first time? There are some other flower plants that enhance the beauty of this Garden. You should say: when it was where you were going how long you had to wait and explain how you felt about this.
How to Describe Your Strengths & Weaknesses? Writing Task 2, It Is Said That Young People Should Visit Other Countries as It Is Beneficial for Their Development: Writing Task 2, One Way to Solve the Problem of Congestion Is to Increase the Tax on Private Vehicles: Writing Task 2.

However, the place where I come from is profusely suffused with the beauty of nature and vegetation. Model Answer 1: India is a populous city and traffic jam is a very common issue for the citizens of the country, especially people living in urban areas. They offer a change of scenery for the inhabitants. Did you enjoy a particular feature of the space more than others (e.g., views, flowers, activities)? Answer:- well, I live in a small city and there are not enough Garden but the local government provides 3 gardens in my hometown. Every colony has atleastone garden. Nowadays many people prefer to use private cars. My hometown is developing the city with the latest facilities such as CBSE school, water supply, electricity house, banks, restaurants, and hospital. Is it a good idea or bad idea that persons Visit parks daily?. There are many different activities you can do and it makes a nice change from the rest of the city. Discover 3 Smart Questions to Ask in an Interview. Moreover, there was a musical fountain that adds the beauty of this garden. It's more of a fun place at the weekends, but during the week it's nice and peaceful. We all sat there on the benches and sauntered across the park. with it, I also liked this Garden because there is the number of facilities available for kids and people such as the cafeteria, a small library and the most important thing parking place which is important in any public Garden. ", Time when you were stuck in a traffic jam, Person in your family who you most admire, Describe a competition that you took part in. The old people visit the garden to refresh the mind and body as well as, they also spend with friends and, play cards in the garden.
Do you think governments should provide public gardens for people to visit? Question:- What is the importance of the Garden in our life?
Cambridge Vocabulary for IELTS helps you practise new words and include them in your active English vocabulary. This is a question that many people ask when they are thinking about taking the International English Language Testing System exam. Question: How do people of different age groups use public gardens? If a small and nominal entry ticket is also there, then enough money could be collected for their upkeep. Why are some outdoor activities expensive? This is a subjective question as people do a variety of things in a public garden depending upon ones persona. All in all, this is a park which I visit daily. No more guessing! Many people like going there at the weekends especially to spend time with their families and enjoy the atmosphere. The city and town development authorities have made it mandatory to include gardens in residential areas where people can come and enjoy the beauty of nature, and also socialize with each other. What Do You Like To Do Together As A Family? If you want to do well in IELTS writing, it's important that you know how to answer Task 1 correctly! A Popular Traditional Product in Your Country That You Bought, Questions & Answers about Memory | IELTS Speaking Part 3, Describe An Activity You Do After School/Work, Describe Your First Mobile Phone Cue Card Example Answer, Describe a Goal You Hope to Achieve in the Future. Was the park in your hometown or another city? In the evening, this Garden looks like a shining pearl just because of colorful lighting. Essay Template Outline Opinion, Discussion, Problem & Solution, Money Essay Outline - Discussion Questions for Essay on Money, Cambridge Vocabulary For IELTS Book & Audio, What do I write in a cover letter? As it is, we are living in concrete jungles. The management committee of this Park has installed some machines of exercises. So that it is the favorite place of youngsters to spend quality time with their loved ones.