As many vulnerable households are unable to afford basic commodities due to a lack of purchasing power cash assistance will help to address this. MPCA is one of the strongest evidence-based interventions to meet vulnerable peoples basic food and non-food needs in humanitarian crises. 1901 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Suite 902 | Washington, DC 20006
Despite the overarching macroeconomic damage in Yemen, local markets and supply chains have remained resilient and are currently functioning. Milestone delayed, not completed within grant period. Health Education: NDA members support health and wellness staff to develop health education workshops or classes on topics related to health status, health care needs, positive health behaviors and/or health care policy issues. Participants in the WEP will also have access to other IRC services including case management, youth success programs for their children, and immigration legal services. The IRC office in Silver Spring (IRC-SIL), Maryland provides opportunities for refugees, asylees, victims of human trafficking, survivors of torture, and other immigrants to thrive in America. Copyright Thankyou - All rights reserved. IRCs programs are based on the best available evidence, are adapted to context, and responsive to client needs and preferences. The IRC works with government bodies, civil society actors, and local volunteers to help them translate their past experiences into assets that are valuable to their new communities. Milestone <90% completed within grant period. To learn more about the IRC, visit their website.

Thankyou acknowledges and honours First Nations people from across the world. in 1933 at the request of Albert Einstein, the IRC The original target was to serve 440 households with six rounds of cash assistance.
After more than five years of war, millions of people are now hungry, physically unwell, destitute and acutely vulnerable. Safety -- ensuring that those who are recovering from conflict and disaster can seek protection from harm, build safer communities, and understand their human rights. Adult Education: NDA members support classroom instruction, including English as a Second Language, job readiness and vocational trainings, know your rights, cultural orientation, and topics around health and wellness. 24-01 44th RoadLong Island City, NY11101-4605, 501(c)(3) USA UNFCU is a registered trademark of the United Nations Federal Credit Union which has licensed its trademark to UNFCU Foundation, Photo credits: Our Mission image: UN Photo/ Albert Gonzlez Farran; The BOMA Project image: The BOMA Project/ David duChemin; Building Tomorrow image: Building Tomorrow; The Floating Hospital image: The Floating Hospital/ David Flores; Girl Up image: Girl Up/ UN Foundation; Grace Outreach image: Grace Outreach/ Saskia Kahn; inABLE image: inABLE/ Emms Studio; International Rescue Committee image: International Rescue Committee; Kilimanjaro Initiative image: Kilimanjaro Initiative; MindLeaps images: MindLeaps; Mount Sinai image: Mount Sinai/ Bruce Gilbert; RefuSHE image: RefuSHE; Sanctuary for Families image: Sanctuary for Families; Together We Bake images: Together We Bake/ Lucy von Fahnestock; Trickle Up image: Trickle Up/ Elena Szajewski; Ubongo image: Ubongo; UNFPA images: UNFPA/ Daniele Volpe/ Nigeria image; USA for UNHCR image: UNHCR/ Edris Lutfi; WfWI image: WfWI; Win (Women in Need) image: Win. Another goal of The IRC is to see an 80% increase in households reporting adequate access to non-food items. UNFCU Foundation's grant will support IRC-SIL's Women's Employability Program (WEP) which provides specialized employment services to 75 refugee women. people to survive and rebuild their lives. New York 10168-0002, Copyright We place volunteers to work with the economically disadvantaged: changing lives through education. The IRC operates a mobile clinic that reaches vulnerable families displaced by conflict who cannot afford to access medical services in Yemen. Phone: (202) 380-3406 | Email:, Humanitarian-Development Nexus Collaboration Hub, COVID-19 Global Pandemic Response Coordination, COVID-19 Pandemic and Vaccine Resource Library, 2020 Pitch Challenge Winners Mentorship Program, MOMENTUM Routine Immunization Transformation and Equity, Reaching Zero-Dose Children Advocacy Project, Building an Equitable Future: Climate Action, Inclusivity, and Health, HANSHEP (Harnessing non-state actors for better health for the poor). As of 14th of September, there are 2,011 total confirmed cases and 583 deaths, giving Yemen the highest case fatality rate in the world. The IRC aim to see 80% of these target households reporting adequate access to non-food items as a result of multi-purpose cash assistance. 122 East 42nd Street New York, NY, 10168-1289, United States of America, Economic Wellbeing, Health, Education, Safety, Power, The IRC work in over 40 countries worldwide, and 29 US cities. However, due to local currency fluctuations in Yemen resulting in the increased price of basic commodities in the market, including food, the transfer value was revised from 117,000 YER to 141,000 YER based on the survival minimum expenditure basket (SMEB). The findings show that the Reduced Coping Strategy Index, which uses a standard set of five individual coping behaviors that can be employed by any household, anywhere, significantly decreased at the endline, with 90% of the households using minimum negative coping strategies to meet their household food requirements. Health -- helping those who are experiencing or recovering from conflict and disaster reduce their risk of falling ill and receive treatment when they do get sick. About 2022 All rights reserved, This site contains public sector information licensed under the, The IRC leads the way from harm to home. offers lifesaving care and life-changing assistance The IRC aim to see a 90% increase in the amount of people in target communities reporting that humanitarian assistance is delivered in a safe, accessible, accountable, and participatory manner. *12 month grant tied to the multi-purpose cash assistance program in Yemen (October 2020 - September 2021). The program provides job readiness trainings and job placement services enabling the women to achieve equitable employment. Classes help support those adjusting to life in America successfully. According to the most recent Integrated Food Security Phase Classification analysis, 359,500 people in the Aden governorate of Yemen are predicted to be living in a humanitarian emergency or crisis situation, and in need of urgent humanitarian assistance, by the end of 2020. The IRC puts in place high-impact, cost-effective solutions that help people affected by crisis. The IRC in Northern California serves over 1000 newly arriving refugees annually providing them a fresh start and opportunities to use their greatest resourcestheir motivation, their skills and their experiencesto become independent and self-sufficient new Americans. Women & Girls -- proudly fighting for a world where women and girls have an equal chance to succeed. The mission of the IRC is to help people whose lives and livelihoods are shattered by conflict and disaster to survive, recover and gain control of their future. The focus of Thankyous grant will be in responding to the humanitarian crisis in Yemen. A staggering 80% of the population requires some form of humanitarian assistance and protection. Empowerment -- helping those who are recovering from conflict and disaster understand their rights and make informed choices for their futures. 92 Rupert Street CollingwoodVIC 3066, Australia, PO Box 289 Abbotsford LPOVictoria 3066, Australia. Now, Yemen faces the devastating impact of COVID-19, which has been spreading across the country since April 2020. Job Training: NDA members support vocational training courses that includes English as a Second Language, cultural and workplace orientation, mock interviews, creation of resumes, and job skills development sessions. to refugees forced to flee from war, persecution or natural disaster. to millions who are uprooted and struggling to endure. NEW YORK, New York, 10168-0002 United States, NEW YORK, and 22 U.S. cities, we restore safety, dignity and hope Milestone on-track for completion within specified timeframe, outside of Thankyous grant period. The vision of the IRC is to lead the humanitarian field by implementing high-impact, cost-effective programs for people affected by crisis, and by using our learning and experience to shape policy and practice. The recipients acknowledged that they were well informed about the location and timing of the distribution, and COVID-19 prevention measures were in place on the distribution days. Alongside their programs, The IRC work towards shaping policies that push for change from a local to global level. NDA members will facilitate health education workshops to IRC clients. 91% of the endline surveyed clients mentioned that cash assistance provided by the IRC was delivered in a safe, participatory and accountable manner. COVID has further exacerbated the fragility of Yemen, which has greatly impacted peoples ability to afford food and other basic items such as medicine. Founded The International Rescue Committee (IRC) exists to respond to the worlds worst humanitarian crises. As an Australian-founded organisation, we pay our respects to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island communities and their elders, both past and present, as traditional custodians of this land. The International Rescue Committee responds to the worlds worst humanitarian crises and helps people whose lives and livelihoods are shattered by conflict and disaster to survive, recover and gain control of their future. Gifts are deductible to the full extent allowable under IRS regulations. Economic wellbeing -- ensuring that people resettled in the United States have what they need to rebuild their lives and grow their assets. The IRC aim to see that multi-purpose cash assistance is delivered in a safe, accessible, accountable, and participatory manner to 90% of target households. Responds to the worlds worst humanitarian crises and offers lifesaving care and life-changing assistance to refugees forced to flee from war or disaster. It is therefore important to use cash transfers instead of other forms of emergency aid, as cash transfers can have a positive multiplier effect on local economies in emergency contexts, contributing to the recovery of local markets that benefit from an increase in demand. Mission / Vision Founded in 1933, the International Rescue Committee (IRC) provides relief, protection, and resettlement services for refugees and victims of oppression or violent conflict. A volunteer organization expanding access to education, 2019 Notre Dame Mission Volunteer - AmeriCorps. Despite the ongoing assistance, 20.1 million people in Yemen at large are food insecure, of which nearly 10 million are severely food insecure. The impact is particularly great on already-vulnerable households, and existing vulnerabilities such as malnutrition will be exacerbated. Education -- providing children, youth and adults with safe, quality educational opportunities that help them learn the skills they need to survive and thrive. The International Rescue Committee (IRC) responds These programs help to restore health, safety, education, economic well-being and power, to people devastated by conflict and disaster. The results imply that the targeted households can now meet essential food and non-food needs without engaging in typical and unsustainable strategies to access food and income. Their vision is to lead within the humanitarian field by implementing high-impact, cost-effective programs. Increase humanitarian assistance delivery. The IRC aim to see a Reduced Coping Strategy Index of 70% in the communities they serve. Increase the number of households with access to non-food items. to the worlds worst humanitarian crises and helps The International Rescue Committee (IRC) responds to the world's worst humanitarian crises, helping to restore health, safety, education, economic wellbeing and power to people devastated by conflict and disaster. As one of our humanitarian partners, The IRCs milestones look a little different to our development partners goals. In addition, these households will likely experience drastic increases in household debt; they may be required to sell off assets including productive assets with longer-term value; or they may resort to other negative coping strategies if they do not get immediate support. There are three NDA member positions with the IRC. The IRC provided 370 households in the Al Bureiqah district, Aden governorate, Yemen, with six rounds of multi-purpose cash assistance, approximately $162 per distribution, over 12 months to meet their basic needs and avoid negative coping strategies.
These individuals have survived against incredible odds. They have been able to provide sufficient quality and quantity of food and other household items. After the curriculum is developed, the NDA members will also have the opportunity to help expand the current job training curriculum. The IRC aim to see the change in average prices of staple food items in local markets remain within +/ 30%.