[Montplaisir,Ben] Kill by Meinhart,Jimmy. 1, L [Dunn, Brendon] Kill by Gall, Jacob (from Van Buren, Parker). [Ross, Patrick] Service ace (Yentz, Jack). [Adkisson,Sammy] Kill by Jenness,Kaleb (from Isaacson,Quinn). [Negron, Diego] Kill by Kirch, Jeremy (from Sheehan, Connor). [Warner, Kadin] Kill by Brooks,Colton (from Zolg,Garrett). [Dunn, Brendon] Kill by Gall, Jacob (from Serrano, Ryan). Matches, 15 [Zolg,Garrett] Attack error by Van Buren,Parker (block by Pappas, Alex; Negron, Diego). [Negron, Diego] Service ace (Payne,Henry). [Zolg,Garrett] Attack error by Jenness,Kaleb. [Campisano, Cole] Kill by Van Buren, Parker (from Zolg, Garrett). [Montplaisir,Ben] Kill by Negron, Diego (from Sheehan, Connor), block error by Brooks,Colton. [Serrano, Ryan] Kill by Duggan, Daniel (from Zolg, Garrett). [Dunn, Brendon] Attack error by Van Buren, Parker (from Zolg, Garrett). [Negron, Johansen] Service ace (Brooks, Colton). [Dunn, Brendon] Kill by Van Buren, Parker (from Zolg, Garrett).
[Dunn, Brendon] Attack error by Gall, Jacob (from Serrano, Ryan). [Van Buren, Parker] Kill by Meinhart, Jimmy (from Zolg, Garrett). [Van Buren,Parker] Service ace (Martinski,Nick). [Mangun, Dan] Kill by Campisano, Cole (from Negron, Johansen).
[Swartz, Phil] Kill by Brooks,Colton (from Zolg,Garrett). [Carroll, Ethan] Kill by Montplaisir, Ben (from Zolg, Garrett). [Brooks,Colton] Attack error by Lewis, AJ. LUCMVB subs: Montplaisir,Ben; Mangun,Dan; Zolg,Garrett; Gottlieb,Josh. [Ross, Patrick] Kill by Van Buren, Parker (from Meinhart, Jimmy). [Brooks,Colton] Kill by Lewis, AJ (from Sheehan, Connor). 3 -
Promotional Activities & Fundraising Request Form, Ball State Sports Properties (Sponsorship Opportunities), Van Buren,Parker (15), Schlothauer,Cole (11), Meinhart,Jimmy (7), Zolg,Garrett (4), Van Buren,Parker (2), Lyons,Andrew (1), Meinhart,Jimmy (3), Schlothauer,Cole (1), Payne,Henry (1), Zolg,Garrett (31), Yentz,Jack (3), Schlothauer,Cole (2), Payne,Henry (9), Zolg,Garrett (9), Oakley,Matt (7). LWU subs: Pappas, Alex; Stenmark, Carter. [Warner, Kadin] Kill by Van Buren,Parker (from Zolg,Garrett). [Lyons, Andrew] Attack error by Campisano, Cole (block by Meinhart, Jimmy; Van Buren, Parker).
[Isaacson,Quinn] Kill by Jenness,Kaleb (from Shepherd,Brandon). [Sharfenaker, Justin] Kill by Campisano, Cole (from Negron, Johansen). [Meinhart, Jimmy] Kill by Ross, Patrick (from Serrano, Ryan). [Negron, Diego] Kill by Warner, Kadin (from Sheehan, Connor). [Gall, Jacob] Kill by Van Buren, Parker (from Zolg, Garrett). [Payne, Henry] Kill by Campisano, Cole (from Kutsch, Kohl). 2 - [Brooks, Colton] Attack error by Brooks, Colton (from Zolg, Garrett). [Meinhart,Jimmy] Kill by Swartz, Phil (from Sheehan, Connor). [Zolg,Garrett] Service ace (Shepherd,Brandon). [Voight,Brian] Kill by Negron, Diego (from Sheehan, Connor). The use of software that blocks ads hinders our ability to serve you the content you came here to enjoy. [Ross, Patrick] Service ace (Payne, Henry).
[Schuele, Kevin] Kill by Van Buren, Parker. [Schlothauer, Cole] Attack error by Ross, Patrick (from Serrano, Ryan). [Payne,Henry] Attack error by Kirch, Jeremy. [Schlothauer, Cole] Bad set by Zolg, Garrett. [Kutsch, Kohl] Attack error by Payne, Henry (from Zolg, Garrett). [Brooks,Colton] Kill by Swartz, Phil (from Sheehan, Connor). [Van Buren, Parker] Kill by Sharfenaker, Justin (from Kutsch, Kohl).
[Van Buren, Parker] Kill by Kutsch, Kohl. [Payne,Henry] Attack error by Mandilaris,Angelos. [Payne, Henry] Kill by Sharfenaker, Justin (from Kutsch, Kohl). [Voight, Brian] Kill by Van Buren, Parker (from Schlothauer, Cole). [Van Buren,Parker] Attack error by Swartz, Phil. [Negron, Diego] Kill by Brooks,Colton (from Zolg,Garrett).
[Egharevba,Felix] Kill by Meinhart,Jimmy (from Zolg,Garrett). BSU subs: Egharevba,Felix; Adkisson,Sammy. [Van Buren,Parker] Attack error by Brooks,Colton.
The use of software that blocks ads hinders our ability to serve you the content you came here to enjoy. [Brooks,Colton] Bad set by Sheehan, Connor. BSU subs: Shepherd,Brandon; Martinski,Nick. [Kutsch, Kohl] Attack error by Negron, Johansen (block by Zolg, Garrett; Lyons, Andrew). [Zolg,Garrett] Kill by Jenness,Kaleb (from Isaacson,Quinn). Match, W [Kutsch, Kohl] Kill by Negron, Johansen (from Sharfenaker, Justin). [Adkisson,Sammy] Attack error by Schlothauer,Cole.
The use of software that blocks ads hinders our ability to serve you the content you came here to enjoy. [Sheehan, Connor] Kill by Brooks,Colton (from Zolg,Garrett). [Adkisson,Sammy] Kill by Schlothauer,Cole (from Zolg,Garrett). LUCMVB subs: Zolg,Garrett; Gottlieb,Josh; Meinhart,Jimmy; Mangun,Dan. [Lyons, Andrew] Attack error by Gentry, Matthew (block by Meinhart, Jimmy).
[Sheehan, Connor] Attack error by Van Buren,Parker (block by Warner, Kadin; Negron, Diego).
[Brooks,Colton] Kill by Swartz, Phil (from Negron, Diego). [Zolg, Garrett] Attack error by Payne, Henry (block by Negron, Johansen; Walker, Dawson).
[Schlothauer,Cole] Attack error by Van Buren,Parker (block by Hippe,Will; Jenness,Kaleb). [Dunn, Brendon] Service ace (Montplaisir, Ben). [Isaacson,Quinn] Attack error by Zolg,Garrett. [Voight, Brian] Kill by Carroll, Ethan (from Serrano, Ryan). [Serrano, Ryan] Attack error by Schlothauer, Cole (from Zolg, Garrett). [Sheehan, Connor] Attack error by Meinhart,Jimmy. [Warner, Kadin] Kill by Zolg,Garrett (from Brooks,Colton). [Zolg,Garrett] Service ace (Swartz, Phil).
[Brooks, Colton] Kill by Sharfenaker, Justin (from Gentry, Matthew).
[Isaacson,Quinn] Kill by Mandilaris,Angelos (from Isaacson,Quinn). [Duggan, Daniel] Kill by Meinhart, Jimmy (from Zolg, Garrett). [Voight,Brian] Attack error by Hippe,Will. We ask that you consider turning off your ad blocker so we can deliver you the best experience possible while you are here. [Voight, Brian] Kill by Campisano, Cole (from Kutsch, Kohl). We ask that you consider turning off your ad blocker so we can deliver you the best experience possible while you are here.
LUCMVB subs: Mangun,Dan; Montplaisir,Ben. [Van Buren,Parker] Kill by Payne,Henry (from Zolg,Garrett). [Pappas, Alex] Service ace (Payne,Henry). 3 -
[Zolg, Garrett] Kill by Van Buren, Parker (from Zolg, Garrett). [Van Buren,Parker] Attack error by Payne,Henry. [Serrano, Ryan] Attack error by Carroll, Ethan (block by Montplaisir, Ben; Payne, Henry). [Van Buren,Parker] Kill by Schlothauer,Cole (from Zolg,Garrett). [Meinhart,Jimmy] Kill by Negron, Diego (from Sheehan, Connor). [Schlothauer, Cole] Attack error by Carroll, Ethan (block by Van Buren, Parker; Payne, Henry). [Walker, Dawson] Kill by Lyons, Andrew (from Zolg, Garrett). [Carroll, Ethan] Kill by Van Buren, Parker (from Zolg, Garrett). [Zolg,Garrett] Kill by Van Buren,Parker (from Oakley,Matt). [Sheehan, Connor] Kill by Kirch, Jeremy (from Negron, Diego). [Meinhart, Jimmy] Kill by Sharfenaker, Justin (from Kutsch, Kohl). [Negron, Diego] Kill by Van Buren,Parker (from Yentz,Jack). [Kutsch, Kohl] Attack error by Van Buren, Parker (from Zolg, Garrett). 2, L [Egharevba,Felix] Attack error by Shepherd,Brandon. [Payne, Henry] Attack error by Sharfenaker, Justin (from Soliman, Attia).
[Payne, Henry] Attack error by Van Buren, Parker (from Oakley, Matt). [Sheehan, Connor] Attack error by Brooks,Colton. LUCMVB subs: Voight,Brian; Meinhart,Jimmy.
[Shepherd,Brandon] Kill by Schlothauer,Cole (from Zolg,Garrett). [Pacini, Luigi] Service ace (Brooks, Colton). [Meinhart, Jimmy] Kill by Duggan, Daniel (from Serrano, Ryan). [Campisano, Cole] Attack error by Campisano, Cole (from Kutsch, Kohl). [Isaacson,Quinn] Kill by Schlothauer,Cole (from Zolg,Garrett). [Payne,Henry] Service ace (Sheehan, Connor). [Gall, Jacob] Kill by Payne, Henry (from Zolg, Garrett). Loyola subs: Gottlieb, Josh; Mangun, Dan. [Payne, Henry] Kill by Carroll, Ethan (from Serrano, Ryan). [Swartz, Phil] Service ace (Brooks,Colton). [Negron, Diego] Kill by Lewis, AJ (from Sheehan, Connor). [Schlothauer,Cole] Bad set by Mandilaris,Angelos. [Zolg,Garrett] Kill by Payne,Henry (from Oakley,Matt). [Meinhart, Jimmy] Kill by Van Buren, Parker (from Zolg, Garrett). [Zolg,Garrett] Kill by Mandilaris,Angelos (from Isaacson,Quinn). [Payne, Henry] Kill by Duggan, Daniel (from Serrano, Ryan). [Brooks, Colton] Kill by Sharfenaker, Justin (from Kutsch, Kohl). [Zolg,Garrett] Attack error by Payne,Henry. [Kutsch, Kohl] Kill by Brooks, Colton (from Zolg, Garrett). [Lyons, Andrew] Attack error by Sharfenaker, Justin (from Kutsch, Kohl). [Gentry, Matthew] Service ace (Payne, Henry). [Shepherd,Brandon] Kill by Schlothauer,Cole (from Lyons,Andrew). [Payne,Henry] Attack error by Negron, Diego (block by Montplaisir,Ben; Van Buren,Parker). [Van Buren, Parker] Kill by Carroll, Ethan (from Serrano, Ryan). [Mangun,Dan] Kill by Jenness,Kaleb (from Isaacson,Quinn). [Carroll, Ethan] Kill by Dunn, Brendon (from Serrano, Ryan). [Meinhart, Jimmy] Attack error by Sharfenaker, Justin (block by Payne, Henry; Lyons, Andrew). [Sheehan, Connor] Attack error by Van Buren,Parker. [Mandilaris,Angelos] Kill by Zolg,Garrett (from Yentz,Jack). [Buckholz,Vanis] Kill by Payne,Henry (from Zolg,Garrett). [Zolg,Garrett] Kill by Pappas, Alex (from Sheehan, Connor).
[Swartz, Phil] Attack error by Meinhart,Jimmy. [Lyons, Andrew] Kill by Campisano, Cole (from Kutsch, Kohl). [Brooks, Colton] Attack error by Sharfenaker, Justin (from Kutsch, Kohl). [Ross, Patrick] Kill by Brooks, Colton (from Zolg, Garrett).
[Lewis, AJ] Kill by Brooks,Colton (from Zolg,Garrett). [Swartz, Phil] Kill by Payne,Henry (from Zolg,Garrett). [Montplaisir,Ben] Kill by Warner, Kadin (from Sheehan, Connor). [Schlothauer, Cole] Ball handling error by Schlothauer, Cole. [Stenmark, Carter] Kill by Payne,Henry (from Zolg,Garrett). [Zolg,Garrett] Kill by Schlothauer,Cole (from Payne,Henry). [Gentry, Matthew] Attack error by Kutsch, Kohl. [Adkisson,Sammy] Attack error by Lyons,Andrew. [Negron, Diego] Service ace (Yentz,Jack). [Brooks, Colton] Attack error by Van Buren, Parker (from Zolg, Garrett). [Van Buren,Parker] Kill by Lewis, AJ (from Sheehan, Connor). [Gall, Jacob] Kill by Montplaisir, Ben (from Zolg, Garrett). [Zolg, Garrett] Kill by Carroll, Ethan (from Serrano, Ryan). [Zolg,Garrett] Kill by Van Buren,Parker (from Oakley,Matt). McK subs: Tripp, Tyler; McGrath, Tommy; Schuele, Kevin. [Gentry, Matthew] Kill by Negron, Johansen (from Campisano, Cole). [Mandilaris,Angelos] Attack error by Zolg,Garrett.
[Walker, Dawson] Kill by Gentry, Matthew (from Kutsch, Kohl). [Van Buren, Parker] Attack error by Schuele, Kevin (from Serrano, Ryan). [Sharfenaker, Justin] Kill by Payne, Henry (from Zolg, Garrett). LUCMVB subs: Mangun,Dan; Meinhart,Jimmy; Gottlieb,Josh; Zolg,Garrett. [Stenmark, Carter] Kill by Montplaisir,Ben (from Zolg,Garrett). Matches, L [Meinhart,Jimmy] Attack error by Egharevba,Felix. [Van Buren,Parker] Kill by Kirch, Jeremy (from Sheehan, Connor). [Negron, Johansen] Kill by Negron, Johansen (from Kutsch, Kohl). [Serrano, Ryan] Kill by Payne, Henry (from Zolg, Garrett). [Negron, Johansen] Kill by Van Buren, Parker (from Zolg, Garrett). [Dunn, Brendon] Service ace (Payne, Henry). [Mangun,Dan] Kill by Swartz, Phil (from Sheehan, Connor).
[Serrano, Ryan] Kill by Montplaisir, Ben (from Zolg, Garrett). [Montplaisir,Ben] Kill by Negron, Diego (from Sheehan, Connor). [Dunn, Brendon] Kill by Meinhart, Jimmy (from Zolg, Garrett). [Payne,Henry] Attack error by Negron, Diego (block by Van Buren,Parker).
The use of software that blocks ads hinders our ability to serve you the content you came here to enjoy. [Tripp, Tyler] Kill by Van Buren, Parker (from Zolg, Garrett). We ask that you consider turning off your ad blocker so we can deliver you the best experience possible while you are here. [Van Buren,Parker] Kill by Meinhart,Jimmy.
[Duggan, Daniel] Kill by Payne, Henry (from Zolg, Garrett). LUCMVB subs: Meinhart,Jimmy; Mangun,Dan; Zolg,Garrett; Gottlieb,Josh.
[Martinski,Nick] Kill by Zolg,Garrett (from Yentz,Jack). [Van Buren,Parker] Kill by Mandilaris,Angelos (from Isaacson,Quinn). [Swartz, Phil] Kill by Montplaisir,Ben (from Zolg,Garrett). [Schlothauer,Cole] Kill by Mandilaris,Angelos (from Ensalaco,Colin). 3 -
[Schlothauer, Cole] Kill by Schlothauer, Cole (from Zolg, Garrett). 3 - [Zolg,Garrett] Kill by Negron, Diego (from Sheehan, Connor). [Dunn, Brendon] Kill by Van Buren, Parker (from Yentz, Jack). [Gall, Jacob] Kill by Ross, Patrick (from Serrano, Ryan). [Negron, Diego] Service ace (Van Buren,Parker). [Negron, Diego] Kill by Van Buren,Parker (from Zolg,Garrett). [Payne, Henry] Attack error by Schlothauer, Cole (block by Gall, Jacob; Serrano, Ryan). [McGrath, Tommy] Kill by Van Buren, Parker (from Zolg, Garrett). [Pappas, Alex] Kill by Van Buren,Parker (from Zolg,Garrett), block error by Sheehan, Connor. [Schlothauer,Cole] Attack error by Isaacson,Quinn. [Jenness,Kaleb] Kill by Lyons,Andrew (from Zolg,Garrett). [Isaacson,Quinn] Attack error by Payne,Henry (block by Mandilaris,Angelos; Hippe,Will). [Zolg, Garrett] Kill by Negron, Johansen (from Soliman, Attia). [Jenness,Kaleb] Kill by Jenness,Kaleb (from Isaacson,Quinn). [Voight, Brian] Service ace (Dunn, Brendon). 3 -
[Zolg, Garrett] Kill by Duggan, Daniel (from Serrano, Ryan). [Van Buren, Parker] Kill by Negron, Johansen (from Kutsch, Kohl). [Brooks,Colton] Service ace (Swartz, Phil). [Warner, Kadin] Kill by Van Buren,Parker (from Zolg,Garrett), block error by Pappas, Alex. [Negron, Diego] Attack error by Van Buren,Parker (block by Swartz, Phil; Warner, Kadin). [Meinhart,Jimmy] Kill by Lewis, AJ (from Sheehan, Connor).
[Ross, Patrick] Kill by Dunn, Brendon (from Comas, Francisco). [Voight,Brian] Attack error by Warner, Kadin. [Negron, Johansen] Attack error by Van Buren, Parker (block by Sharfenaker, Justin; Walker, Dawson). [Montplaisir,Ben] Attack error by Negron, Diego (block by Meinhart,Jimmy; Brooks,Colton). [Schlothauer,Cole] Kill by Mandilaris,Angelos (from Isaacson,Quinn).
[Walker, Dawson] Service ace (Brooks, Colton). [Montplaisir, Ben] Kill by Gall, Jacob (from Serrano, Ryan). [Zolg, Garrett] Kill by Ross, Patrick (from Serrano, Ryan). [Sheehan, Connor] Kill by Van Buren,Parker (from Zolg,Garrett). [Sharfenaker, Justin] Attack error by Brooks, Colton (block by Kutsch, Kohl). [Ross, Patrick] Kill by Van Buren, Parker (from Zolg, Garrett).
[Meinhart, Jimmy] Kill by Schlothauer, Cole (from Zolg, Garrett). LUCMVB subs: Lyons,Andrew; Voight,Brian; Mangun,Dan; Meinhart,Jimmy; Gottlieb,Josh; Zolg,Garrett. [Van Buren, Parker] Attack error by Sharfenaker, Justin (block by Brooks, Colton; Meinhart, Jimmy). [Isaacson,Quinn] Attack error by Van Buren,Parker (block by Jenness,Kaleb; Mandilaris,Angelos; Hippe,Will). 0, L [Zolg,Garrett] Service ace (Martinski,Nick). [Meinhart, Jimmy] Kill by Payne, Henry (from Montplaisir, Ben).
[Kutsch, Kohl] Kill by Van Buren, Parker (from Zolg, Garrett). [Zolg, Garrett] Kill by Payne, Henry (from Zolg, Garrett). [Van Buren,Parker] Attack error by Negron, Diego. 0 - [Montplaisir, Ben] Kill by Ross, Patrick (from Serrano, Ryan). [Walker, Dawson] Kill by Van Buren, Parker (from Yentz, Jack). [Shepherd,Brandon] Kill by Meinhart,Jimmy (from Zolg,Garrett).
[Serrano, Ryan] Kill by Van Buren, Parker (from Zolg, Garrett).
[Zolg,Garrett] Kill by Payne,Henry (from Zolg,Garrett). [Meinhart, Jimmy] Kill by Campisano, Cole (from Kutsch, Kohl). [Lyons,Andrew] Kill by Mandilaris,Angelos (from Isaacson,Quinn). [Zolg,Garrett] Attack error by Negron, Diego. [Carroll, Ethan] Attack error by Ross, Patrick (from Serrano, Ryan).
[Egharevba,Felix] Kill by Schlothauer,Cole (from Zolg,Garrett).
[Carroll, Ethan] Kill by Payne, Henry (from Zolg, Garrett). [Zolg,Garrett] Kill by Lewis, AJ (from Sheehan, Connor). We ask that you consider turning off your ad blocker so we can deliver you the best experience possible while you are here.
[Zolg, Garrett] Kill by Campisano, Cole (from Sharfenaker, Justin). [Tripp, Tyler] Attack error by Van Buren, Parker (from Zolg, Garrett). [Mandilaris,Angelos] Kill by Van Buren,Parker (from Zolg,Garrett). 1 - [Schlothauer,Cole] Kill by Jenness,Kaleb (from Isaacson,Quinn). [Zolg,Garrett] Kill by Van Buren,Parker (from Zolg,Garrett), block error by Jenness,Kaleb.
[Schlothauer,Cole] Kill by Buckholz,Vanis (from Isaacson,Quinn). [Zolg, Garrett] Service ace (Dunn, Brendon). [Meinhart,Jimmy] Kill by Sheehan, Connor. [Sheehan, Connor] Kill by Payne,Henry (from Zolg,Garrett). [Montplaisir,Ben] Kill by Pappas, Alex (from Sheehan, Connor). [Pappas, Alex] Kill by Van Buren,Parker (from Zolg,Garrett). 3, L [Dunn, Brendon] Kill by Carroll, Ethan (from Serrano, Ryan). [Swartz, Phil] Kill by Pappas, Alex (from Sheehan, Connor). [Serrano, Ryan] Attack error by Van Buren, Parker (block by Duggan, Daniel; Ross, Patrick). [Lewis, AJ] Kill by Payne,Henry (from Zolg,Garrett). [Zolg, Garrett] Kill by Van Buren, Parker (from Oakley, Matt). [Payne,Henry] Attack error by Mandilaris,Angelos (block by Meinhart,Jimmy; Schlothauer,Cole). [Meinhart, Jimmy] Kill by Negron, Johansen (from Kutsch, Kohl). [Meinhart, Jimmy] Kill by Schlothauer, Cole. [Payne, Henry] Attack error by Ross, Patrick (from Serrano, Ryan). -, Public High School Commencement Information at SimpliFi Arena at Stan Sheriff Center. [Carroll, Ethan] Kill by Schlothauer, Cole (from Zolg, Garrett). [Lyons,Andrew] Service ace (Shepherd,Brandon). [Zolg, Garrett] Kill by Dunn, Brendon (from Serrano, Ryan). [Van Buren, Parker] Kill by Campisano, Cole (from Kutsch, Kohl).
[Jenness,Kaleb] Kill by Schlothauer,Cole (from Zolg,Garrett). [Sharfenaker, Justin] Kill by Gentry, Matthew (from Kutsch, Kohl).
[Montplaisir, Ben] Kill by Duggan, Daniel (from Serrano, Ryan). 1, Alumni, Friends and Family Crowdfunding Campaign, TicketSmarter - Official Ticket Resale Marketplace, Video Platform powered by CBS Sports Digital. 3, W 10 [Payne, Henry] Kill by Ross, Patrick (from Serrano, Ryan). [Schlothauer, Cole] Kill by Serrano, Ryan. [Campisano, Cole] Kill by Negron, Johansen (from Soliman, Attia). [Payne,Henry] Attack error by Payne,Henry. [Isaacson,Quinn] Kill by Lyons,Andrew (from Zolg,Garrett). [Buckholz,Vanis] Kill by Van Buren,Parker (from Zolg,Garrett). [Serrano, Ryan] Kill by Schlothauer, Cole (from Zolg, Garrett). [Voight,Brian] Kill by Jenness,Kaleb (from Isaacson,Quinn). We ask that you consider turning off your ad blocker so we can deliver you the best experience possible while you are here. [Poulsen, Tyler] Kill by Montplaisir, Ben. [Montplaisir,Ben] Kill by Lewis, AJ (from Sheehan, Connor). [Lewis, AJ] Attack error by Van Buren,Parker (block by Pappas, Alex; Negron, Diego). 1, W [Ross, Patrick] Attack error by Van Buren, Parker (block by Dunn, Brendon; Duggan, Daniel; Carroll, Ethan). [Meinhart, Jimmy] Kill by Dunn, Brendon (from Serrano, Ryan). [Zolg, Garrett] Kill by Schlothauer, Cole (from Zolg, Garrett). [Martinski,Nick] Kill by Van Buren,Parker (from Zolg,Garrett). [Payne,Henry] Service ace (Ensalaco,Colin).
[Kutsch, Kohl] Kill by Negron, Johansen (from Kutsch, Kohl). The use of software that blocks ads hinders our ability to serve you the content you came here to enjoy. [Martinski,Nick] Attack error by Mandilaris,Angelos (block by Payne,Henry; Meinhart,Jimmy). [Sharfenaker, Justin] Kill by Van Buren, Parker (from Yentz, Jack). 3 - [Kutsch, Kohl] Service ace (Brooks, Colton). [Walker, Dawson] Kill by Van Buren, Parker (from Zolg, Garrett). [Egharevba,Felix] Attack error by Schlothauer,Cole. [Ross, Patrick] Kill by Meinhart, Jimmy (from Zolg, Garrett). [Zolg,Garrett] Service ace (Negron, Diego). [Gentry, Matthew] Attack error by Payne, Henry (from Zolg, Garrett). [Carroll, Ethan] Attack error by Schlothauer, Cole (from Zolg, Garrett). [Meinhart,Jimmy] Kill by Warner, Kadin (from Sheehan, Connor). [Meinhart,Jimmy] Kill by Brooks,Colton (from Zolg,Garrett), block error by Negron, Diego.
[Lyons, Andrew] Attack error by Gentry, Matthew (from Kutsch, Kohl). 2, W
LUCMVB subs: Mangun,Dan; Meinhart,Jimmy; Gottlieb,Josh; Zolg,Garrett. [Ross, Patrick] Attack error by Dunn, Brendon (block by Montplaisir, Ben; Schlothauer, Cole).
-, L [Schlothauer, Cole] Attack error by Payne, Henry (block by Serrano, Ryan; Duggan, Daniel). Loyola subs: Mangun, Dan; Gottlieb, Josh. [Voight, Brian] Kill by Negron, Johansen (from Kutsch, Kohl). [Mangun,Dan] Kill by Mandilaris,Angelos (from Isaacson,Quinn). [Dunn, Brendon] Attack error by Schlothauer, Cole (block by Gall, Jacob; Ross, Patrick). [Sharfenaker, Justin] Kill by Brooks, Colton (from Zolg, Garrett).
[Duggan, Daniel] Kill by Van Buren, Parker (from Zolg, Garrett). [Meinhart,Jimmy] Attack error by Negron, Diego. [Poulsen, Tyler] Kill by Ross, Patrick (from Serrano, Ryan). [Payne,Henry] Kill by Zolg,Garrett (from Schlothauer,Cole). [Payne, Henry] Attack error by Brooks, Colton (from Van Buren, Parker).
[Negron, Johansen] Kill by Campisano, Cole (from Kutsch, Kohl), block error by Payne, Henry. [Van Buren, Parker] Kill by Duggan, Daniel (from Serrano, Ryan).
[Lyons, Andrew] Attack error by Sharfenaker, Justin (block by Brooks, Colton; Meinhart, Jimmy).
3 - [Zolg,Garrett] Kill by Isaacson,Quinn (from Shepherd,Brandon). [Warner, Kadin] Attack error by Zolg,Garrett (block by Swartz, Phil).
[Voight,Brian] Kill by Van Buren,Parker (from Zolg,Garrett), block error by Mandilaris,Angelos. Athletics, Home Football Game Day Tailgating Policies, Van Buren, Parker (26), Schlothauer, Cole (11), Payne, Henry (8), Zolg, Garrett (1), Schlothauer, Cole (1), Voight, Brian (1), Montplaisir, Ben (3), Van Buren, Parker (3), Schlothauer, Cole (2), Zolg, Garrett (45), Yentz, Jack (2), Montplaisir, Ben (2), Zolg, Garrett (12), Schlothauer, Cole (10), Yentz, Jack (6). [Swartz, Phil] Kill by Negron, Diego (from Sheehan, Connor). [Kirch, Jeremy] Attack error by Kirch, Jeremy. LUCMVB subs: Zolg,Garrett; Gottlieb,Josh; Meinhart,Jimmy; Mangun,Dan. [Payne, Henry] Attack error by Carroll, Ethan (block by Meinhart, Jimmy; Schlothauer, Cole). [Ross, Patrick] Kill by Schlothauer, Cole (from Zolg, Garrett). LUCMVB subs: Gottlieb,Josh; Zolg,Garrett. [Duggan, Daniel] Bad set by Payne, Henry. We ask that you consider turning off your ad blocker so we can deliver you the best experience possible while you are here. [Carroll, Ethan] Kill by Meinhart, Jimmy (from Zolg, Garrett). [Meinhart, Jimmy] Kill by Walker, Dawson (from Kutsch, Kohl).
[Adkisson,Sammy] Kill by Lyons,Andrew (from Zolg,Garrett).
[Walker, Dawson] Attack error by Lyons, Andrew (from Zolg, Garrett).
0, W [Negron, Johansen] Kill by Lyons, Andrew (from Zolg, Garrett). BSU subs: Adkisson,Sammy; Egharevba,Felix. [Mangun,Dan] Kill by Van Buren,Parker (from Zolg,Garrett). [Payne,Henry] Attack error by Swartz, Phil. The use of software that blocks ads hinders our ability to serve you the content you came here to enjoy. [Mandilaris,Angelos] Kill by Meinhart,Jimmy (from Zolg,Garrett), block error by Shepherd,Brandon. [Egharevba,Felix] Kill by Jenness,Kaleb (from Isaacson,Quinn).
[Van Buren,Parker] Service ace (Ensalaco,Colin). [Zolg,Garrett] Kill by Mandilaris,Angelos (from Ensalaco,Colin). [Carroll, Ethan] Kill by Serrano, Ryan (from Zolg, Garrett). [Tripp, Tyler] Kill by Payne, Henry (from Yentz, Jack).
[Zolg, Garrett] Kill by Sharfenaker, Justin (from Kutsch, Kohl). [Swartz, Phil] Attack error by Negron, Diego. [Campisano, Cole] Kill by Brooks, Colton (from Zolg, Garrett). [Brooks,Colton] Kill by Payne,Henry (from Zolg,Garrett). [Dunn, Brendon] Kill by Serrano, Ryan (from Zolg, Garrett). [Pacini, Luigi] Kill by Sharfenaker, Justin (from Kutsch, Kohl).
[Kirch, Jeremy] Kill by Montplaisir,Ben (from Zolg,Garrett). [Montplaisir,Ben] Kill by Swartz, Phil (from Sheehan, Connor).
LWU subs: Stenmark, Carter; Pappas, Alex. [Voight,Brian] Attack error by Kirch, Jeremy (block by Montplaisir,Ben; Van Buren,Parker; Brooks,Colton). [Payne,Henry] Kill by Van Buren,Parker (from Oakley,Matt). [Schlothauer, Cole] Kill by Carroll, Ethan (from Serrano, Ryan). [Lyons, Andrew] Kill by Gentry, Matthew (from Kutsch, Kohl). [Negron, Diego] Kill by Kirch, Jeremy (from Negron, Diego). [Payne, Henry] Kill by Brooks, Colton (from Lyons, Andrew).
[Van Buren,Parker] Kill by Egharevba,Felix (from Isaacson,Quinn). [Swartz, Phil] Kill by Meinhart,Jimmy (from Zolg,Garrett).
[Campisano, Cole] Kill by Meinhart, Jimmy (from Zolg, Garrett). 2022 | McKendree University
[Pytlak,Lukas] Kill by Van Buren,Parker (from Zolg,Garrett). [Zolg, Garrett] Attack error by Payne, Henry (from Zolg, Garrett). [Buckholz,Vanis] Kill by Van Buren,Parker. Loyola subs: Voight, Brian; Mangun, Dan; Brooks, Colton. [Duggan, Daniel] Attack error by Van Buren, Parker (from Payne, Henry).
[Meinhart, Jimmy] Attack error by Schlothauer, Cole (from Zolg, Garrett). [Lyons, Andrew] Service ace (Negron, Johansen). [Zolg, Garrett] Kill by Walker, Dawson (from Kutsch, Kohl). [Carroll, Ethan] Attack error by Meinhart, Jimmy (block by Gall, Jacob; Dunn, Brendon). [Carroll, Ethan] Kill by Van Buren, Parker (from Zolg, Garrett), block error by Serrano, Ryan.
[Duggan, Daniel] Attack error by Schlothauer, Cole (from Zolg, Garrett). [Hippe,Will] Kill by Meinhart,Jimmy (from Zolg,Garrett).
[Zolg, Garrett] Attack error by Schlothauer, Cole (block by Carroll, Ethan). 209 S. Kings Highway, St. Charles, MO 63301, Division I Transition for Incoming Students, Team Physicians: Washington University Orthopedics, Van Buren,Parker (20), Brooks,Colton (12), Payne,Henry (10), Payne,Henry (3), Zolg,Garrett (2), Brooks,Colton (1), Van Buren,Parker (5), Montplaisir,Ben (4), Brooks,Colton (3), Zolg,Garrett (42), Oakley,Matt (3), Brooks,Colton (1), Zolg,Garrett (9), Oakley,Matt (4), Payne,Henry (3). [Kutsch, Kohl] Attack error by Brooks, Colton (from Zolg, Garrett). [Mandilaris,Angelos] Kill by Jenness,Kaleb (from Isaacson,Quinn). [Gentry, Matthew] Attack error by Van Buren, Parker (from Zolg, Garrett). [Payne,Henry] Kill by Negron, Diego (from Sheehan, Connor). [Lyons,Andrew] Kill by Hippe,Will (from Isaacson,Quinn). [Poulsen, Tyler] Kill by Van Buren, Parker (from Zolg, Garrett).