D Morrgan, the goddess who governed death and destruction, also appeared before him to offer her protection. It is as if the fish come willingly to get caught, which makes C Chulainn wonder if being unselfish is the secret to fishing after all. War: Legend [13], C Chulainn helps plant cacao trees to produce more chocolate. Along the way, Mash informs C Chulainn that they're on the same island as before 2,000 years into the future. Alignment: Lawful Neutral Gender: Male Region: Europe When the battle turns in favor for Lancer and Rin, Rani VIII decides to commit kamikazeWP by overloading her magic circuits and explode the whole arena. That's the good old Gae Bolg for you. Even in the middle of his first battle with EMIYA, he showed decisive action by leaving the battle to kill Emiya Shirou whom he recognized to have witnessed it. Contrary to his legendary battle prowess, C Chulainn's fighting in the Fifth Holy Grail War was extremely limited. Lancer is able to easily put distance between him and his opponent at any point in a battle, and using his lance to vault thirty meters is not a difficult feat, Lancer's speed is extraordinary. Nasu: Cu Chulainn is probably one of the top two greatest heroes in Irish Mythology. He becomes the Servant of Kirei Kotomine after Kirei fatally wounds Bazett, and remains under his command for the duration of the War. After all, you will one day be the guard dog of all of Ulster."

Upon learning that Stanta defeated the guard dog, they were full of shock and admiration. B He's just forever dragging his feelings for Yuria around. Lancer fights with a two-meter spear, allowing him to only need to attack when an opponent enters his range. These attempts tend to work out well, thanks to not downplaying his Servant qualities. Even the thrown Bolg was just there to make Aegis seem more impressive. He later helps repel the invasion of Mare Aurum. However, in the end things generally turn out differently, leaving Lancer annoyed and/or embarrassed and the girl(s) in question safe from the grasp of the Blue Panther. Profile Said underlings are demon boars he managed to tame with his fists. If they fought against Berserker, wouldn't it be a one-sided fight? In Episode 10, Lancer helps a flower shop deliver flowers to Homurahara Academy for Ayako Mitsuzuri. B[7] Believing Shirou to be an ordinary human, to preserve the secrecy of the Holy Grail War, Lancer silences Shirou by stabbing him through his heart. She had been given a fate where even death was no longer in her hands. He mercilessly killed his enemies on the battlefield, but he respected faith and had the nobility to never once break a promise he had made. In response to this, Kotomine uses a Command Seal to force Lancer to commit suicide. (laughs) Now that I think about it, Lancer's not the only blue character. Furthermore, he reminds his mentor that the island isn't the Land of Shadows, where violence rules, and she should adapt to the situation. Normal classes: Makes possible to fight even with an injury that puts him on the verge of death, and he will survive so long a decisively fatal wound is not received. Despite this, Rin still possesses her Command Spells, leaving Lancer's fate ambiguous. Mana: Ritsuka, Mash, and C Chulainn then return to the others and inform them about Beowulf. Artorias abilities rose when having Kiritsugu as Master. Banning the usage of Noble Phantasms, the group continues with their hunt. Annoyed, C Chulainn decides to leave and orders Diarmuid to make scarecrows with the materials he got from the warehouse. ILLUST C Chulainn tries to get Jeanne to speak afterwards but Jeanne remains silent. C Chulainn overcame many obstacles and reached the Land of Shadows. Moon Holy Grail War [10] He saw an otter drinking the blood that had spilled into the river, and he died standing while laughing at its greediness. A spearman who does not likes ornaments and prefers to fight as his wild nature dictates. They passed the vow of brotherhood, and though he has three priceless friends, Ferdiad held a special place in his heart as an older brother. - () If the samurai residence is built, C Chulainn feels like it is a good place to ready his spear for some reason. [11] He also takes great pride in having the ability and knowledge enough to qualify for the Caster Class due to his knowledge on Runes. Until then, I shall devote myself to protect you". When Nero reveals Velber and Archimedes are the true enemy, he says it doesn't make sense to waste time fighting Tamamo's forces. [10] She assembled warriors from the lands with grudges against him, and cornered him with many plots. Nasu: Gae Bolg: Soaring Spear that Strikes with Death is purely destructive power. After the revelation of a "Force of Destruction" threatening the stability of the whole of SE.RA.PH, C Chulainn expresses eagerness to find out what kind of Servants the Force possesses. , Class: Lancer B He journeyed to the "Land of Shadows" upon hearing of a powerful sorceress named Scthach who had many warriors searching to be her apprentices. It eventually came down to the strongest of the warriors of Connacht, the one man he never wanted to fight, Ferdiad. His final opponent is Kotomine. Nasu: Juuza is supposed to be like the clouds, but in reality he's totally paralyzed. Not as a true druid, but as a temporary one-- Even if the battle with Hasan Sabbaha, he cancelled the throwing swords hurled from the darkness. The main strength of the weapon is in its swings rather than thrusting as its shape would indicate. He and the others then help Marie reel in what turns out to be a monster, which they promptly slay. C Chulainn returns as a selectable playable character for Hakuno Kishinami. As a demigod whose father was an almighty god who possessed every skill such as knowledge, techniques and magic, and whose mother was Deichtine, the younger sister of King Conchobar, C Chulainn exhibited superior talent from birth. With exploits unrepeatable by anyone else, he came for the princess as promised. Level 5 Bond No matter how much they damage Jabberwock, it regenerates causing them to think of retreat. [11] Due to the Command Spell of his Master Kirei Kotomine "Fight with everyone, then withdraw," he was commanded to involuntarily perform reconnaissance missions. Alignment: Even in a scene of the story, he sees through the presence of Medusa's Blood Fort Andromeda at a glance, considers the situation, and makes the decision not to destroy it. As was mentioned in the story, he is a Heroic Spirit that specializes in survival, capable of returning alive no matter how hopeless the situation. [10] While Diarmuid Ua Duibhne is stronger than him in terms of pure firepower due to his Master giving him a greater mana supply, should both of them fight in Ireland, C Chulainn would gain an edge over him.[15]. Lancer helps them with their plan to defeat Caster by fighting Archer to distract him, so that Rin and Shirou are able to enter the church. Not knowing how to handle the situation, he decided that he would tell it to only those who would take up arms on that day. B[2][3] Nasu: Haha, yeah. C[5][10] Protection from Arrows A - Runes: B In Heaven's Feel, upon sensing a disturbance at the Ryuudou Temple, Lancer investigates it as per his orders by Kotomine to scout the competition. In legend, the demonic spear is said to split into 30 and pour down over the enemy, but it seems the number has increased after C Chulainn became a Heroic Spirit. Divinity B[5] [11] However, Kirei Kotomine betrayed Bazett and severed her left arm to obtain her Command Spell, leaving her almost dead. C Chulainn is ordered by Nero to fight Altera in Mare Mellum in order to weaken her. B . He declined and she was insulted, so she transformed into many animals to go after his life. [1] He can only go all out against an opponent during their second encounter due to the Command Spell, so his first true "battle without any binds" is against Archer. A brave warrior from Celtic, Ulster mythology. >The catalyst for Lancer's birth Nasu: To elaborate further on Lancer, he's always been portrayed as a slender warrior. Gilgamesh then shows up to reprimand Jeanne for losing to the "mongrel." After killing the chimera, the group discovers a poorly concealed mage's workshop, which was the source of the homunculi and the chimera. The matured C Chulainn enrolled into the "Knights of the Red Branch" that protected the king of Ulster. B Takeuchi: Yeah, I angled Lancer's eyes down for "Zero" before I checked the main game and remembered that his eyes were in fact angled skyward. He then used her stolen Command Seals to gain the allegiance of Lancer and enter into the 5th Holy Grail War. They learn they were only gone for an hour before rayshifting back to Chaldea. Only sixteen at the time, he went on a journey in search of fame. It was then that it was revealed that his name had been Connla, C Chulain's son. He announce he doesn't have a wish for the Holy Grail and he's happy enough to fight in flesh once more. He readily accepted such a fate, smiling and laughing.[1]. He admits that Kotomine is strong and regrets not fighting alongside Bazett in the war but he is content with avenging her death. His childhood name is Setanta. Takeuchi: I guess it would be too much if Gae Bolg could strike the target's heart without fail when thrown as well. He agrees with her plan to lure the group, but he's irritated that he's only there with a childhood name. - Nasu-san CHECK! C Chulainn answers it is called Backspear Village in honor of Fionn and Diarmuid. Endurance: A: Diarmuid received more backup from his Master (magical energy supply), thus in terms of pure firepower, Diarmuid was stronger. He can deal with most projectiles even in conditions where the opponent cannot be visually seen. His father was Lugh, the god who governed over the sun, a member of the Danann divine family in Celtic Mythology. I mean, he died in an accident in Sakura's route (laughs) Height/Weight: 185cm70kg Nasu: I like to call it intuition. A prior attempt to ask for Shirou's assistance failed, and offering to ask Shirou again is what convinces Archer to help Lancer, despite Archer's promise to meet Rin at the park soon. Rune Magic B Lawful Neutral[1][2][3][5][7] Ge Bolg Source: Celtic mythology C Chulainn spots a deer on the lee of a nearby mountain. We didn't elaborate on this in the game, but Lancer was actually battling against Gil for half a day before he lost, so I think it's safe to say that Gil sustained some serious injuries in that encounter. B Ability to deal with projectiles. STR: B AC[5][10] He had managed to hold out against them for seven years, and finally succeeded in making them retreat. In Unlimited Blade Works, after being driven out of his church by Caster, and faking his death, Kotomine orders Lancer to cooperate with Shirou and Rin. Eventually, the three encounter and slay many demon boars, but they have trouble with the giant one. Strong rebuffs from a sword only results in a counterattack, while weak rebuffs do not create any openings. Also, in the game, Assassin was able to push Berserker back because of the terrain advantage and support from Caster (weighing down Berserker's body). Interlude Kotomine was confused about how his command spells are not working on Lancer. Medb broke the conditions of the treaty and advanced. However, due to the Command Spell of his Master Kotomine "Fight with everyone, then withdraw," he was commanded to involuntarily perform reconnaissance missions. Anti-Unit[5] In the next battle, C Chulainn excitedly enters the battlefield with Nameless at his side again. Luck: E There, she bore Stanta(, Setanta? C[5][10] Noble Phantasm He then made his way to the city ruins, where he reunited with Ritsuka and the girls. A Nasu: As with Berserker, Lancer's concept did not change much from old "Fate". E Magic Resistance: C Eventually, everyone learns from a near-dead Blackbeard that their location is still unknown, and its nearly impossible to leave by ship. He was to be given three vows to follow: "To not answer his name when asked", "To not change course", and "To not back down from a fight", the worst possible rules that could be given to his son. If the stage of this Holy Grail War were anywhere but Japan, he would be a shining existence on par with Heracles and King Arthur. NP: He ends up being retroactively killed in the events from the second episode, and he's revived from his grave at the end of the episode as a horror movie reference. It is said that it was the incarnation of the witch Morrigan who continued to give him her unrequited love. Luck: It began with C Chulainn's rune of vows, Ath nGabla, guaranteeing one-on-one combat with honor at stake. After the escape device is built, the group leaves the island. Her LCK status decreased since even Kiritsugu still could not provide sufficient magical energy, as a result the status was affected by the Master's way of life. From the start, C Chulainn excelled in seeing through battle situations, and had the responsibility to wage war and withdraw repeatedly from all the Servants. The land was split into five countries, and he was sent with his uncle, Fergus mac Rich, to King Conchobar's army under the Northern kingdom of UlsterWP. When I was coming up with the abilities for it, I thought the notion of a battle between the "rules" laid out by Noble Phantasms would be a new and fun idea.

When Nero orders him and others to return to their posts, he asks her why Hakuno sits on the throne even though she wears the Regalia. The group learns he needs the Holy Grail to build an escape device to contact Chaldea.