Psychiatric/Mental Health Nurse Practitioner, M.S. Education Arts Integration Concentration, M.A. with Teacher Licensure. Health Informatics Graduate Certificate (Online), School of Interdisciplinary Health and Science, Counseling & Applied Behavioral Studies Programs, Applied Behavior Analysis Graduate Certificate. Mathematics with a Concentration in Computer Science, B.S. All Rights Reserved. Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL), M.A. Are you ready for a challenging, transformative college experience? *The University of Saint Joseph reserves the right to revise these calendars at any time.
Come and tour our beautiful campus, learn more about our programs and discover firsthand what makes our University so unique! Autism and Neurodiverse Learners Graduate Certificate (Online). (Hybrid). f]SI)L:j#{0 u-MU2 (Hybrid). Strength and Conditioning - Fitness Center, Activity Center and Academy Student Center, Cross Country Practice - Independence Park, Algebra II Prep Camp - Room SJ100 and SJ102, Art Session 1 - Art Room, Academy Arts Center, Baking Session 3 - FACS Kitchen and Dining Room, Mother Alice Hall, Basketball Week 2 Level I - Academy Student Center, Scrapbooking with the Stickers Session 1 - Room MH103, SJA Day Camp (Full Days) - Activity Center, SJA Day Camp (Half Days AM Session) - Rooms MH102 and MH108, STEM Board Game Design - STEM Lab, Mother Alice Hall, Softball Pitching and Catching Clinic - Traction Sports Complex, Art Session 2 - Art Room, Academy Arts Center, Baking Session 4 - FACS Kitchen and Dining Room, Mother Alice Hall, Basketball Week 2 Level II - Academy Student Center, Electronics Robotics - STEM Lab, Mother Alice Hall, Scrapbooking with the Stickers Session 2 - Room MH103, SJA Day Camp (Half Days PM Session) - Rooms MH102 and MH108, Math ACT Prep with The Extra Point - Room SJ100, Basketball Practice - Academy Student Center, Cross Country Practice - Academy Student Center and Orchard, Mission Trip Reunion - Community Room, Mother Alice Hall, SJA Cheerleading Practice - Activity Center, Cross Country Practice - Highland Road Park, English ACT Prep with The Extra Point - Room SJ100, Academy Student Center Closed for Floor Refinishing 7/4/2022 - 7/10/2022, Strength and Conditioning - Activity Center and Academy Student Center, Science ACT Prep with The Extra Point - Room SJ100, Class of 1972 50 Year Mass and Reception - Chapel and Academy Arts Building, Reading ACT Prep with The Extra Prep - Room SJ100, LHSCA Volleyball Coaches On Court Clinic- Academy Student Center, LHSCA Basketball Coaches On Court Clinic- Academy Student Center, Practice ACT Test with The Extra Point - Room SJ100, Cross Country Practice - Activity Center, Academy Student Center and Orchard, Incoming Freshman Parent Meeting for Computer Orientation Session 1 - Academy Student Center, Computer Orientation Session 1 - Pennington, Incoming Freshman Parent Meeting for Computer Orientation Session 2 - Academy Student Center, Computer Orientation Session 2 - Pennington, Red Steppers Practice - Dance Room, Academy Arts Center, Volleyball Practice - Academy Student Center. 2022 Commencement Information, Click here! Early Childhood Education/Special Education, M.A. Post Masters Certificate in Psychiatric-Mental Health Nurse Practitioner, Post Masters Certificate in Musculoskeletal Health/Orthopedics and Sports Medicine, Doctor of Nursing Practice, DNP (Post-Masters), Dietetic Internship Graduate Certificate Program, Combined Nutrition, M.S. Allrightsreserved. Board Policy BDA - Closed Meetings, Records, and Votes, Board Policy BDDL - Release of Information, Robidoux and Truman Receive Library Grant, New Board Member Appointed to Fill Vacant Seat, New Apprentices Added to Apprenticeship Program, Administrative Promotions & Transfers Approved, BOE Narrows List of Contenders for Vacant Seat, Current Administrator Promoted to New Position, BOE Approves New Hires for 2022-23 School Year, Vision Forward March and April Meeting Focus, Third Vision Forward Community Engagement Session, Seniors Selected for State Academic Honor, Board of Education Accepts Van Zyl Resignation, First Vision Forward Meetings Launch Process, Board Votes to Extend Thanksgiving Holiday, St. Joseph School Board Candidate Information, Facilitating Team Selection Process Begins, State Honors Students with Seal of Biliteracy, Missouri Teacher of the Year Semi-Finalist, Lease Certificates of Participation Sale Approval, St. Joe Native Appointed as Technology Director, Finance and Facilities Committee Slots Now Filled, Collaboration Tools for ESOL & Special Services, Process Consultants & Assessment Specialists, Trauma Informed Schools Initiative (DESE), An Educator's Guide to Combat Bullying and Bully Prevention, Anti-Bullying, Harassment, and Hazing Policies, St. Joseph School District Intranet (Staff Page). Physician Assistant Studies (PA Program), M.S.P.A.S. Find out when classes begin, the last day to drop a class, the dates of final exams, and more.