Green metallic beatle while eating pollen into a hibiscus. We have written many, many articles and webpages telling you how to figure out what is wrong with your hibiscus, but sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words. 2018 has been an active year as it has spread to Broward, Hernando, Collier and Seminole counties, and just recently was found in Duval County. Whitefly infestation on Hibiscus. White spots or patches on leaves, and plant has recently been put in direct sun  , Brown edges on leaves, and plant has recently been heavily fertilized  , Buds discolor and fall off before blooming during the flowering season  , Buds turn bright yellow while still tiny and fall off before blooming during the flowering season  , Scratch marks on flower petals in midsummer or fall  , Leaves stipple, turn yellow, fall off, AND conditions are very warm and dry, inside a house or outside in dry summer heat  , Tiny webs on stems & tips, AND leaves stipple, turn yellow, fall off, AND conditions are very warm and dry, inside a house or outside in dry summer heat  , Leaves turn yellow and fall off until plant is defoliated, soil is neither too wet nor too dry, AND conditions are very warm and dry, inside a house or outside in dry summer heat  , White cottony mess on leaves AND shaking branches makes tiny white insects fly out  , Tiny bright white insects fly out of hibiscus when leaves are shaken  , Black, white, yellow, brown, or green insects on buds, flowers or leaves  , Small, white cottony spots on leaves  , Tiny, black flying gnats around plant  , One wilted branch on an otherwise healthy plant  , Plant defoliating from tip, moving down stem while rest of plant is healthy  , Entire plant suddenly wilts, soil is very dry, leaves turn yellow or brown  , Entire plant suddenly wilts, soil is wet, leaves stay green, then slowly darken  , Entire plant suddenly wilts and collapses, soil is very wet, leaves stay green, then darken quickly  , Yellowing leaves that fall off, dark spots in green leaves, in a hibiscus that is outside in winter chill and rain  , Oldest leaves turn yellow with dark green veins, young leaves stay green  , Youngest leaves turn yellow with dark green veins, older leaves stay green  . Something is wrong with your hibiscus! The adult weevil is very small, measuring approximately 1/8-inch in length, and the beak-like snout is 1/5-inch long. Of the species Aphis gossypii on a Hibiscus plant, Green metallic beatle. Mating orange and black soldier beetles on a hibiscus bud against a green background, Melon Aphid Insects. Hibiscus plant attacked by aphids, isolated, A young hibiscus bush in a pot on a white background. But there is a new pest in town that may put a damper on these floral displays. In addition, check the foliage for the small adult weevils that may be found on the developing flower buds. Terry Brite DelValle is a horticulture extension agent with the Duval County Extension Service and the University of Florida/IFAS. 2022 Thrips are a real nuisance in hot dry weather and they feed on flowers. The hibiscus bud weevil has been a pest of hibiscus in Texas and Mexico for several decades, but Florida was spared until May of 2017 when it was found in the Miami-Dade area. Prune affected branches, cutting back into healthy wood. All rights reserved. In Florida, they have been found on the Chinese hibiscus but other related plants are fair game and there is some concern that cotton or okra may also be host plants. Before spraying, water the plant so its not under stress, and treat early in the morning when temperatures are below 80 degrees. If yellow leaves occur at other times, it could be a reaction to too much fertilizer, water or a pesticide application. If you notice your plants are dropping flower buds, cut the bud open and look for the developing larvae. This feeding results in dropping buds. For more information on this pest, go to A common garden pest. Canker causes branch or twig dieback, sometimes killing the whole plant. Systemic pesticides could also be used but most growers and homeowners tend to avoid these products because of the potential threat to our pollinating insects.

The tiny adult weevil lays eggs on developing flower buds. These pests may go unnoticed as plants are shipped around the state and sold to consumers. Most of the infected plants are coming from wholesale nurseries in south Florida.

Many of us enjoy the tropical display of hibiscus flowers during these hot summer months.

In this photograph mealybugs are on hibiscus flower. by Terry Brite DelValle For the Times-Union. Mealybugs are pests which feed on plant juices.
Isolated, Garden pests scarab beetle. This weevil has a wide host range in the Malvaceae family, and includes several genera: Indian mallow (Arbutilon), heart-leaf hibiscus (Hibiscus martianus), fall mallows (Malvastrum spp.) The larvae are cream in color. Growing potted house plants, green, Closeup of pollens, petals, pistil of hibiscus flower blooming in garden infected with small insects, nature photography. They attach themselves to, Hibiscus plant attacked by aphids. Other pests on hibiscus plants include aphids, thrips, scale, whitefly, caterpillars, grasshoppers, snails, slugs, beetles, cutworms and leaf miners. High resolution photos can be viewed at As the young weevils hatch, the larvae stage bores into the bud and feeds on the pollen. While eating pollen into a hibiscus, A Romalea guttata grasshopper. When I was walking in the park I found hibiscus flower which looks really good but you also see the insect Pests on, Aphids on the bud of hibiscus flower plant sucking the cell sap which are the serious pests of various flower plant and crops. But closer inspection revealed there was a small larva in the bud, and it is much larger than the midge. Used selective focus, Closeup of red hibiscus flowers blooming infected with pests and insects isolated from green plant growing in the garden, Mealybug family Pseudococcidae. Most of these insects can be controlled with insecticidal soaps or summer oils. Disease problems with hibiscus include leaf spot, canker and mushroom root rot. One method that is obvious is to remove developing flower buds and any that have dropped to the ground to break the life cycle. There is no cure for this except to remove the plant, soil and all roots to prevent the spread. Rooted cuttings are planted in the soil of a Chinese rose. For more information on growing hardy hibiscus for Florida, go to It is pear-shaped and tan in color with a darker brown beak-like snout (rostrum). Black and yellow scarab beetle Pachnoda aemula, Diseases and insect pests of leaves on white background. A Hibiscus plant infested with whitefly, Common insect Pests of Hibiscus Sawfly. Mushroom root rot infects the roots and base of the plant causing a gradual dieback, branch by branch ( Sterilize shears between cuttings by dipping the blades into a container of alcohol (ethanol or isopropyl).
and the Chinese hibiscus (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis), to name a few. These are just the old leaves, and the plant is getting rid of them. (Bacillus thuringiensis galleriae) because researchers have had success with it in treating for Sri Lanka weevils on hibiscus. Oh no! A beetle eating a hibiscus flower. Samples can also be submitted to the University of Florida Insect ID lab: All rights reserved. Common brown butterfly sucking on the nectar from the hibiscus with its proboscis, Mating Soldier Bugs. There is little information at this point regarding control methods.
Never use liquid Malathion on hibiscus because it can be phytotoxic to the plant. The hibiscus bud weevil, Anthonomus testaceosquamosus, affects the flowers as the name implies, and is new to Florida. Copy space.