To that figure, the Future Job Scores for the jobs app developer (41), computer systems analyst (37), computer and information systems manager (26) and software systems developer (21) were added so 97 + 41 + 37 + 26 + 21 = 222. In addition, they may be required to be able to design and successfully utilize computer programs. After all, such a program may not only give undergraduates a theoretical overview of the worldwide trade of money and the many economic models in existence but also prep them for the working world by teaching transferable marketing and management skills. A construction managers usual tasks include interpreting blueprints and contracts, inspecting each phase of the project, monitoring building and safety regulations compliance, and budgeting time and resources per client instructions. 2020 Median Salary: $128,710 Job Outlook 2020-30: 2 percent decrease, but there are 11,300 openings projected annually Median Tuition Rates: In-State Public: $9,332, Out-of-State Private: $50,742. Tech is something that affects our daily lives and needs people that can build, repair, maintain, and code to make tech work for various needs and uses.
For example, business management and how to communicate most effectively could both be covered in degree programs, as skills in these areas may be invaluable when students enter employment. Naturally, these may include more general positions as an electrical engineer or an electronics engineer, but theres also the potential for careers in the aerospace and nuclear energy arenas. As you consider the college majors that work best for you, also look at ones that have flexibility in terms of switching careers. Certainly, theyre well suited to becomingmarket research analysts, a role for which Business Insider has projected 92,300 new openings in the U.S. from 2015 to 2024. Picking out the best college major for your future is like chess.
Indeed, while their professional responsibilities are numerous, the duties of civil engineers can be boiled down to one sentence: they keep life moving. Get the latest news about higher education in the US straight to your inbox. In terms of financial remuneration, meanwhile, individuals with bachelors degrees in this subject can each typically look forward to an attractive mid-career salary of $107,000, according to PayScales 2016-2017 College Salary Report.
Certainly, such knowledge will be put to the test if graduates land jobs with NASA, The Boeing Company or Lockheed Martin all among the top five employers of mechanical engineers in the U.S., according to a 2013 study by The Engineering Career Coach.
People are always going to need medical care throughout their life, and medical professionals are always going to be in demand.
PayScales 2016-2017 College Salary Report estimates, for example, that bachelors in petroleum engineering holders typically each earn a remarkable $96,700 per year towards the beginnings of their careers, while for mid-career salaries that figure is an exceptional $172,000. Someone who has mathematical talents and an analytical mind will do well as a programmer, while someone who can blend art with technology can find work in user experience (UX) design. Undoubtedly, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics has projected that demand for hardware engineers will grow by 7 percent. For example, an automotive company may want to find a way to reduce production costs while still manufacturing vehicles that meet safety and environmental standards, while a pharmaceutical corporation could use applied mathematics to create balanced and accurate clinical trials. As its name implies, a computer science and mathematics undergraduate degree caters for those who have interests in computer technology and the mathematical equations on which that technology is often based.
Consequently, while working towards such a bachelors degree, students can learn valuable and transferable skills such as problem-solving and critical thinking skills that should boost their employability in a number of roles both now and in the future. As long as businesses need people, choosing an HR major will pay off! With more and more businesses going digital, theres a growing demand for IT professionals (over 22,000 jobs each year, to be exact).
Meanwhile, for the best jobs for the future, we referred to the World Economic Forum, Business Insider, Kiplinger, and Mic.
These days, virtually every company on the planet relies heavily on computers to keep their organizations running, and this is something thats unlikely to change any time soon.
The tech field also accommodates those who can understand and write code, but dont want to program. Did you know that cybercrime increased by 600 percent in the past two years?
The good news is, STEM fields are not the only types of well-paying college majors out there. Again, the scores were weighted to take into account the total number of entries on each list and where each job ranked on those lists.

More than just crunching numbers, a degree in applied mathematics puts you on the path to solving real-world problems. For prospective students with a love of geology and a talent for building things, an undergraduate degree in petroleum engineering might be the way to go. This job involves investigating different ways to extract gas and oil from the ground. Learn how to future-proof your career with a degree that will stick.

The bureau furthermore records that in 2016 industrial engineers took home median salaries of $84,310. At any rate, computer science and mathematics graduates are generally very handsomely paid after theyve entered employment.
Bringing such expertise to the fore, then, electrical engineers are generally paid well during the midpoints of their careers: according to PayScales 2016-2017 College Salary Report, during that time those with bachelors degrees in the subjecteach typically achieve earnings of a considerable $110,000 per year.
If you want to change the world through innovation, become an electrical engineer.
That knowledge, moreover, allows graduates to earn positions at virtually anywhere where systems- and program-building is needed from developing vital traffic-control technological infrastructure to crafting the software required for the smart homes of the future. The world needs veterinarians, social workers, psychotherapists, and construction managers.
This gave us an overall Future Job Score for each degree.

Your workday could span from troubleshooting computer problems and safeguarding information to creating databases and communication networks. One aspect of teaching is people management, and you can easily switch into a human resources career with a professional certificate in HR. 2020 Median Salary: $61,310 Job Outlook 2020-30: 14 percent increase Median Tuition Rates: In-State Public: $7,128, Out-of-State Private: $32,250. Once theyre in the middle of their careers as professional civil engineers, moreover, they can each typically expect an impressive annual salary of $96,000, according to PayScales 2016-2017 College Salary Report. Such skills are, moreover, eminently transferable, as industries from advertising to pharmaceuticals all require individuals to interpret the stats that they produce.
At the same time, petroleum engineering majors can look forward to very healthy paychecks if they use their learning to enter the field.
But the future work prospects of math majors neednt be limited to just the financial industries. Plus, if any of those positions dont suit accounting graduates, theyll be happy to know that their degrees may equip them for careers in the likes of risk assessment and budget analysis. Dont go into a degree program simply because it seems like its one of the best degrees for the future. When flipping through college brochures, prospective students may come across the word FAME. This isnt, however, a major in how to become a celebrity; rather, its an acronym for the intertwined subjects Finance, Accounting, Management and Economics. Still, while those studying for a bachelors degree in finance may not eventually become household names, they can still command enviable salaries once they go into the world of work.
2020 Median Salary: $126,830 Job Outlook 2020-30: 22 percent increase Median Tuition Rates: In-State Public: $6,930, Out-of-State Private: $34,177. all among the top five employers of mechanical engineers in the U.S. electronics and communication engineering degrees, computing, telecommunications or even the aerospace industry, bachelors degree in accounting couldbe the ideal choice, the career prospects of those with degrees in electrical and computer engineering (ECE) look bright, analyzes the financial workings of businesses and governmental organizations. Are There Any Specializations Within Bachelor Degree Programs? Most businesses need employees with great heads for numbers and data and, by and large, math graduates fit that bill. How do you identify college majors that wont leave you struggling to earn a living? As a result, finance and economics graduates should be good fits for future roles in banking and insurance. In particular, a computer science and engineering bachelors couldbe the ideal choice for anyone who wishes to learn both the basics of how computers work and how to develop and build their own hardware or software handy skills in an age where we rely so heavily on technology.
That impressive figure perhaps speaks to the value of what students of finance typically learn on their degree courses, especially as expert knowledge of private equity and venture capital schemes can help earn big bucks for companies and clients alike. 2020 Median Salary: $103,390 Job Outlook 2020-30: 7 percent increase Median Tuition Rates: In-State Public: $5,884, Out-of-State Private: $29,898.
Computers have taken over, and theyre not going to be replaced anytime soon. Which bachelors degrees will equip students to step into the highest paying jobs? And though earnings potential naturally depends on how much an employer is willing to give, PayScales 2016-17 College Salary Report states that computer science and engineering bachelors graduates can each typically expect a median salary amounting to $116,000 a year.
According to PayScales 2016-2017 College Salary Report, for instance, finance graduates can each typically expect to secure mid-career yearly earnings of $89,600.
Meanwhile, CollegeGrad states that the number of biomedical engineering roles is set to rise by 23 percent from 2014 to 2024. Actuarial science typically utilizes mathematical and statistical data to ascertain the probabilities of such events occurring, and in the process it helps create an understanding of how companies can safely adapt to unforeseen circumstances.
Their experience and know-how is valuable in many different arenas, too. While its perfectly possible to major in either finance or economics, there are definite advantages to studying for a college major that combines both subjects.
25 Best Paying Careers for Bachelors Degree Grads. 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HR professionals are tasked with dealing with people, whether that is finding the right talent to join a company or building a good working environment.
The field of medicine offers multiple degree pathways that get you started working in the field at all levels.
The Overall Score for a Computer Science degree was, then, 222. Finally, we calculated the Overall Score for college degrees by adding the relevant Degree Ranking to its corresponding overall Future Job Score. When it comes to eventually entering the world of work, however, physics and mathematics majors may find their skills a perfect fit in many industries, including finance, software development, design, and economics. But what if you dont have the aptitude for these fields? Pursuing a career in pharmacology can land you a great job in high demand because of current job market trends and a lack of skilled graduates.
2020 Median Salary: $108,350 Job Outlook 2020-30: 13 percent increase Median Tuition Rates: In-State Public: $7,941, Out-of-State Private: $43,720. In the healthcare sector, for example, ECE graduates can contribute to advances in medical equipment, whilein the field of renewable energythey may develop the environmentally-friendly power systems that help save the planet. This career commonly involves working with businesses to improve profits and streamline operations through financial planning, investing, and budgeting. There are plenty of cheap colleges in the US here are the most affordable public and private ones. Perhaps even more promisingly, the DOLhas estimated that the need for people in these roles will only increase in the U.S. in the coming years.
What is an Online Bachelors Degree Program Like? PayScales 2016-2017 College Salary Report states that they will typicallyeach earn $57,400 a year during the first stages of their careers, rising to salaries of $97,500 at the midpoints of their working lives.
While computer science degree courses may provide a valuable overview of the field, other related programs offer more specialized insight and teaching for those looking to develop their skills in certain areas of tech. Students who choose math careers become in-demand professionals employed to analyze problems, calculate risks, and help organizations make data-driven decisions. Accountants will typically find highly satisfactory numbers in their bank accounts, too: the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics states that the median salary in the field is $67,000. 2020 Median Salary: $137,330 Job Outlook 2020-30: 8 percent increase Median Tuition Rates: In-State Public: $8,038, Out-of-State Private: $41,698. Specifically, the best college majors for the future should equip learners to go into roles with often excellent annual salaries and, at the same time, enable them to enter fields where their knowledge ensures exceptional job prospects in the years to come. According to PayScales 2016-2017 College Salary Report, graduates in this field typically each earn $115,000 a year median salary.
In a 2008 interview with McKinsey & Companys James Manyika, Varian described statistics as the sexy job of the future, since the ability to take data [will] be a hugely important skill in the next decades. Whether or not Varians words come to pass, though, those with bachelors degrees in statistics can at least expect to be well paid while they wait to find out.
Indeed, the site states that there will be an estimated 439,300 new posts for registered nurses from 2015 to 2024. Consider your skills and aptitudes asyou consider the best college majors for the future.
What Are The Fastest Bachelors Degrees Online That Are Also High Quality? In These 19 States, Yes, These Are the Cheapest Colleges in the US, 67 Top Side Hustles for College Students to Make Fast Cash. Accordingly, studying for a bachelors degree in economics should give learners crucial insights into how money is managed domestically and internationally, whether thats through investigating how families deal with their earnings or the ramifications of the collapse of a whole nations economy.
And the roles that former students go on to take up are often very lucrative themselves. Such positions are usually well paid, too: according to 2016 figures from the U.S. Department of Labor(DOL), the typical software developer earns an impressive median salary of $102,280. In the past, certainly, practitioners in the field have made their mark, contributing to advancements in prosthetics, pacemakers and replacement organs, while their work on the likes of X-rays and robotic surgery may have indirectly saved a number of lives.
Furthermore, accountancy majors ought to have excellent prospects for the future once they enter employment. Communication and media studies are growing to be powerhouse industries thanks to todays media-dominated society. Furthermore, theres good news for ECE majors when it comes to financial rewards, as PayScales 2016-2017 College Salary Report calculates that those with bachelors degrees in the discipline can typically each anticipate substantialmid-career earningsof $114,000 a year.
In essence, it deals with the sale and supply of items to corporations, manufacturers, and distributors, and students of industrial distribution are likely to also dip their toes into aspects of math, science, data management, and quality control along the way.
Undergraduates majoring in IT will, then, usually be sharpening their skills in the design, implementation and maintenance of such systems as well as perhaps learning about crucial related areas like information security. A career in petroleum engineering can take you all over the world.
You can also set yourself apart and score better jobs by increasing your expertise through further certifications.
Its a good thing that plenty of college majors will help you bring in the goods during your career! And with the changing job landscape, businesses will pay top dollar for impressive human resource workers to keep the team intact under new circumstances. Plus, future prospects for MIS graduates look great.
For instance, in 2013 Forbes named business graduates as having some of the largest average starting salaries around, at $54,000 apiece.
Whatever physics majors decide to do after graduation, however, PayScales 2016-2017 College Salary Report suggests that it will likely be lucrative; specifically, the report states that those with bachelors degrees in the discipline each typically commandmid-career earningsof $108,000 a year. Accordingly, those on biomedical engineering undergraduate degree programs ought to be involved in finding answers to medical problems by creating technological devices and systems that work successfully.
College majors for the future have to include a field that accommodates a wide range of people with different aptitudes and talents for tech.
Theres a whole field of industrial distribution experts who make it happen. Meanwhile, a 2016 study by ThinkAdvisor has reported that chief investment officers representing one of the roles that ought to eventually be up for grabs for those who have majored in business earned highlyimpressive median mid-career salaries of $186,000.
As a consequence, systems engineering courses should teach learners more than just tech know-how. To develop this list article, we first studied other lists from respected publications that identified, in the first instance, the bachelors degrees with the best future salary potential and, in the second, the projected best jobs for the future. And the massive power grids that deliver that electricity to our homes, businesses and institutions are typically maintained by those with electrical engineering expertise. One things for sure people will always need nurses. These are careers that require a bachelors degree at a minimum and have skills that can be parlayed into other career paths. This means that if you choose to major in cybersecurity, your skills will always be in demand. Meanwhile, both hardware and software engineers are well remunerated: PayScale states that the median annual salaries in the U.S. for positions in each field are $83,631 and $80,825, respectively.
And if a prospective student chooses to study for a college major in electrical and electronics engineering, then their increasing familiarity with both fields ought to boost the range of roles that they can conceivably go for after graduation. Furthermore, the demand for financial managers is growing, with Business Insider estimating that by 2024 there will be 37,700 more roles of that kind up for grabs in the U.S. than there were in 2014. Chemical engineering is a more diverse discipline than its name perhaps suggests. Primarily, computer engineers are involved in developing the technology necessary to make electronic systems work.
No business can last without committed workers, and this is where human resources come in!