To apply for the course, you have to complete a UCAS-like process where, along with your school transcript and school recommendation letter, you also have to submit a 150-word personal statement specific to your study stream of choice. The most crucial part of attending a summer school has got to be the quality of the lectures. However, after the first booking is complete you will be offered to repeat the checkout process for another child.

Schedule Times For cold and wet weather, we recommend children to wrap up warm and wear a coat. Those planning to study engineering; the physical sciences; life sciences or medicine, should consider applying for the Imperial College Global Summer School. Fit For Sport is registered in England with company number 3648410. Thats why, if you find an identical class cheaper on any other website within 24 hours from booking with us, we will refund you with the difference. Having connections is always an asset to your success and building them earlier does no harm. children are encouraged to take part in outdoor activities each day (weather permitting), therefore sunscreen should be applied before camp and we recommend a hat in hot weather. It will also help to improve your knowledge and experience in a particular subject area. Groups: Children are organised into groups according to their age and level of knowledge. About this camp: This face-to-face camp has been designed for children to enjoy, have fun and learn. Because I was interested in the Medicine course, and studying medicine in general, I had to write 150 words explaining my interest in medicine and why I chose this course specifically. All classes and camps are suitable for all levels of knowledge. Make your childrens school holiday one to remember! Want to publish your activities on KiddiPlan? This allowed me to build connections for my future career as they are all prominent figures in their fields. So that there is no change to our programming, we will still be able to offer swimming each day at Ethos via a walking bus. Book your place today for the next school holiday to secure your childs spot! London SW7 2AZ What we teach: Learn and consolidate fundamental mathematical principles and how mathematics also relates to real-life situations. A healthy packed lunch (nut free) with 2 healthy snacks, Comfortable & suitable footwear for activities, Wear weather appropriate clothing, i.e. All of the lectures were very informative and easy to follow and also gave a small taste of the style of lectures that will be taught in the 1st year of studying a medicine or life science undergraduate course. Enter your details to log in to your account, Create an account with us by filling in your details below. This opportunity allowed me to practice my Personal Statement writing skills and also to become more confident when I have to make my UCAS application. This is her journey. Consistently rated amongst the worlds best universities, Imperial is committed to developing the next generation of researchers, scientists and academics through collaboration across disciplines. Type in your email address below and well send you an email with instructions on how to create a new password.
7 Prince's Gardens SW7 2BB
Furthermore, we were assigned a student mentor to talk to throughout the course. Dawn Parry University Guidance Counsellor SAT Coordinator, Grade 9 is learning about the classification of organisms (taxonomy) and how to use a key (dichotomous key) to observe [], In Music class this term, Grade 7shave the option of participating in the Standard of Excellence Challenge. By completing the registration you are accepting the. We encourage you to read and follow our instructions carefully as it contains important information on our registration and dismissal procedures, as well as, relevant information in line with government COVID-19 Health & Safety regulations and advice. *Weekly Booking (Mon-Fri) Discounted Day Pass - 47.50. At this point we only offer booking for a single child at a time. No exceptions. Not only did she help further extend my understanding of the lectures, but she also answered my questions about studying medicine at Imperial which made me sure about my decision to also study medicine. 2. The student mentor is a current Imperial student studying in your chosen study stream. Please note children regularly go on outings to the local park (following Fit For Sport policies and procedures). The lectures are packed with great content as well as interactive sections to check your understanding of the subject. We inspire children in real-life challenges and encourage them to put theory into practice in a fun and engaging way with a special emphasis on Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) subjects. Age: Strictly for children aged 9 or older. Differentiation: At Richer Education, we understand that one size does not fit all. Sometimes, some children tend to give up easily. Fit For Sport advises children to bring the following: We do ask that all items are labelled so we can ensure your child goes back home with everything. *Please note that between 1st August - 26th August this camp will be running at Holy Trinity C of E Primary School, Cadogan Gardens, Chelsea, SW3 2RN. Location: Skempton Building. Fit For Sport deliver action-packed and fun-filled holiday camps every school holiday. Want to publish your classes on Kiddiplan? ***BRAND NEW TOPICS, TASKS AND DISCUSSIONS***
Imperial Colleges global summer school is an intensive STEM course that lasts for 2 full weeks where you can choose a specific study stream.

One of our current grade 11 students, Namping, worked very hard with Prems university guidance counsellor to apply for a competitive summer school place at Imperial College London. We ensure that youre always getting the best value for money. There are 3 different study streams: Engineering, the Physical sciences, or Medicine and Life Sciences. In conclusion, the Imperial Global Summer School is a very worthy investment for your future career.
You can reach us at [emailprotected]. We employ a range of tutors and mentors from primary and secondary school teachers, PhD and EdD students, academic Doctors and post-doctoral researchers. *Please note that activities are subject to change and use of facilities may vary. Privacy Statement and Data Protection Notice (GDPR). However, the most unforgettable experience of attending the Imperial Global Summer School for me was getting to connect with experienced Professors who are currently working in the field. We are committed to getting #everychildactive, leading to enhanced child self-esteem and wellbeing by empowering children through multi-sports and activity. We motivate children to develop their mathematical and scientific skills while having fun. Located in the heart of London, Imperial is a multidisciplinary space for education, research, translation and commercialisation, harnessing science and innovation to tackle global challenges., Address 22 Westmoreland Road. If you are interested in studying at Prem please reach us by phone at +66 5330 1500 or by email at where our team will be happy to assist you. For many high school students, the summer holidays are a period of time when they can choose to take a break from schoolwork and lie around doing nothing or spend the time doing something they like that will benefit them in the future. Although, because of the pandemic, the course had to be online, Imperial still delivered quality live lectures throughout the 2-week programme. Please click here for directions. We also motivate children to develop problem-solving skills, teamwork and resilience. Our half-term camps also take place at Baden Powell House in South Kensington. Tutor-Child Ratio: 1:12 (minimum 6 children, maximum 12 children). For the avoidance of doubt, we only issue credit notes including in the event of a national or local lockdown or any level of restrictive tiers of any type. FACE-TO-FACE ENGINEERING SUMMER CAMP FOR CHILDREN AGED 9-11 AND 12-14. As a result, alternative activities will be arranged for the children during the afternoon. For those who plan on entering a competitive universitys STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Maths) course, attending a specialised summer school is very important to make your application stand out. We will apply our standard cancellation policy if a parent cancels their booking (s). Sign up as a provider! Activitiesincluding;Super Sports, Fit Factor, Thrive Time, Learn Zone, Wellness Zone, Creative Zone, weeks in focus, special events, andmuch more! Sessions take place at the world-renowned Imperial College in central London just a few minutes walk from South Kensington tube station.
All children are welcome to join any Saturday, Sundays or any of our camps. Important Numbers:07801 887999 (Only for Emergencies within Camp Time). Dont let your child miss out on afun andenergisingschool holiday that will leave them wanting to come back again and again! We teach children to learn how to identify a problem and look for a solution. Therefore, our tutors and mentors differentiate the content of our sessions. Book this camp only if you agree to our Terms & Conditions. IMPORTANT: ***PLEASE READ BEFORE BOOKING THIS CAMP***
We also stimulate children to be creative. My student mentor was in the 3rd year of her intercalated MBBS degree (medicine).

Handcrafted with love by Local Fame Ltd, Ofsted Registration and Childcare Vouchers. Resources for the session: Children will need to have access to stationery, including pens or pencils and paper. Therefore, we teach children that they need to try for alternate solutions to a given problem. From quality lectures by top professors at Imperial to connections with like-minded people, the summer course will surely be an unforgettable experience that will prepare you for your future career. These are [], Students from Senior and Junior School have come together this week to create some beautiful Krathongs for the Loy Krathong [], On Monday, 18th Nov students from the Career-related Programme (CP) had a unique opportunity to meet students from NIST International []. This activity has been added to your favourites! Please note that during half terms the Ethos Imperial College is not available on Wednesdays after 12pm. All our tutors and mentors are specialists in their subjects. To improve the user experience on our Fit For Sport website we use, Copyright 2021 Fit For Sport Ltd. Proof of age is required. Directions, Summer holidays: 11th July - 2nd September. Imperial College Road. *Please note that these activities are subject tochangeand the use of facilities may vary. In the Medicine and Life sciences stream this year, I had lectures about many interesting topics such as diabetes and obesity; the urinary system; Cancer biology and Infectious diseases; Clinical skills; endocrinology, Cloning Genes, Stem cells and many more. We designed our face-to-face camps for children to enjoy and have fun while learning. Didnt receive the email? That preparation takes a great deal of time and effort. We ensure that all children, regardless of their level of knowledge, are engaged at the appropriate level and pace. Full Day : 08:30 - 17:30, Day Pass - 49.50 Please see the school gate below: The school entrance has also been circled on satellite view: Directions to Ethos from the school entrance are below: To find the school via Google Maps, we do recommend using the postcode. Joining instructions: We send our joining instructions 48 hours before the first day of the camp (normally at 5:00 pm on the Saturday before the first day of the camp). We explore civil engineering, mechanical, engineering, railway engineering, structural engineering and other fields within engineering and its application in our day to day lives. Topics include: Building with Bricks, Water Power, Electromagnet Engineering, Sound Engineering, Ecosystems and Energy Flow, Engineering Railways, Engineering Defences, Splendid Soil, Drawing and Surveying, Islands and Coasts, Engineering Rockets, Greener Energy, Mighty Materials, Engineering Ancient Greece, Automotive Engineering, Rolling Coasters, Timber Structures, Aeronautics, Rubbish and Recycling, Engineering Polymers, Arches and Bridges, Its Electric, Hydrology, Boring Tunnels, High Rise Structures, Mission to Mars, Drainage Systems, Insulation, Natural Disasters, Engineering Highways, Petroleum Engineering, Engineering: Ancient Rome, Solar Power, Housing Materials. Check your junk mail. To create your new password, simply click the link in the email and enter a new one. *Book for a full week (Mon-Fri) and secure a discount on your booking! The key to a successful university application is preparation. *Please note any children 11+ must wear a mask on site when moving around the leisure centre. Imperial College London is a science-based university with an international reputation for excellence in teaching and research. 3. You can call us to arrange a booking or with any questions you might have regarding our Activity Camps. Fit For Sport is part of the. To see if this this partner venue is running any of our events please check either: Home to the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering on the South Kensington campus, the Skempton Building houses three lecture theatres and seven seminar rooms.