Read your article online and download the PDF from your email or your account. 860 NW Washington Boulevard | Suite A | Hamilton, OH 45013Phone: 513-529-7741 | Fax: 513-529-7742. President Mary Pendergraft, the Board of Governors, and Executive Director Sherwin Little warmly invite you to Charleston, SC, to celebrate the American Classical Leagues Diamond Jubilee Institute. Preparing to Teach the New AP Latin Course, Cambridge Latin Course Digital Materials for Beginners: Hands-on and Best Practice, Getting Started: Using Orbergs Lingua Latina: Familia Romana, Storytelling for Any Textbook Oral Techniques for the Latin Classroom, Catching Them All in the Middle: Methodologies Moving in All Directions for All Students, Quia, the Key to Latin Practice & Assessment, Ars Docendi: Workshop for Latin Teachers (1-4 Years of experience), Catching Them in the Middle 2010: The A-B-Cs of the Reading Method, Developing the Next Generation of Fluent Readers of Latin, From Zero to Greek: Teaching Basics,Promoting Interest, Starting Programs, TPRS: Using Oral Storytelling to Teach Latin, Speaking and Writing in Latin: Adding the Active Dimension not only to the Teaching of Latin but also to the Study of Latin Literature, Using Google Earth to Enhance Julius Caesars de Bello Gallico, Ars Docendi: For New Latin Teachers With 1-4 Years Of Experience, How Speaking and Writing in the Target Language Can Help Learners and Readers of Latin, Learning to Speak, Speaking to Learn: Incorporating Oral Latin Without Derailing, Mirabile Visu! The NEW deadline for the submission of abstracts is February 10, 2022. Resources for Excellence in Developing Instruction (REDI), 860 NW Washington Boulevard | Suite A | Hamilton, OH 45013Phone: 513-529-7741 | Fax: 513-529-7742. Charleston, South Carolina

Pre-Institute workshopDescriptions, PRE-INSTITUTE EXCURSIONS Reviewer decisions will be communicated to the authors of abstracts by, We hope you will join us to enjoy the many events and displays celebrating and commemorating the ACL Institutes evolution over the last seventy-five years.
With this Jubilee Institute, we can help everyone celebrate their own claim to classics. Become a member of the American Classical League. Two Live Broadcast Plenary Sessions, free of charge and open to all ACL Members. If you do not have an account on site, select REGISTER. The Charles Humphreys Award for Innovative Pedagogy, 860 NW Washington Boulevard | Suite A | Hamilton, OH 45013. View the invitation to the Jubilee Institute from Vice President Patrick McFadden. [8] The ACL also encourages and supports ongoing dialogue with other classical and modern language associations. To find out more about web accessibility, and the accessibility features of this site, please visit our web accessibility page. Select a purchase The theme for the 2020 Institute was Slavery, and our hosts had invited us to the heart of the old Confederacy to confront the issues of ancient and modern slavery head-on, and not even a pandemic could stop us from doing so. Grand Valley State University, Grand Rapids, Michigan, The Charles Humphreys Award for Innovative Pedagogy, 2015 - University of Connecticut, Storrs, Connecticut, 2019 ACL Centennial Institute - Hilton Midtown, New York, New York, 2018 ACL Institute - University of Montana, Missoula, Montana, 2017 ACL Institute - Grand Valley State University, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 2016 ACL Institute - University of Texas, Houston, Texas, 2022 ACL Institute - College of Charleston, Charleston South Carolina, 860 NW Washington Boulevard | Suite A | Hamilton, OH 45013. Our host, the College of Charleston, welcomes us back after a two-year delay to celebrate our 75th ACL Institute in person and to explore all the ways of belonging in classics. Follow the link to request funding. Abstracts should be submitted to the panel organizer, Ronnie Ancona ( Purchase this issue for $19.00 USD. Charleston, South Carolina, Serving the needs of Latin, Greek and Classics teachers in the US and around the world, 860 NW Washington Boulevard | Suite A | Hamilton, OH 45013Phone: 513-529-7741 | Fax: 513-529-7742. The schedule is a work in progress. Include the title of your paper, your name, and your institutional affiliation (or status as Independent Scholar) in the email message only. And should the choice of Latin texts we use in the classroom take into account our answers to these questions? You MUST be a member of SCS to submit an abstract. TO REGISTER: Go to MEMBER LOGIN at the top of this page. Papers accepted for the panel will be published in, Any questions about the panel may be addressed to her. I am so thankful to the ACL for giving me the opportunity to attend this institute. View your profile, where you can confirm your current ACL membership status. All papers should be accessible to a broad audience of classics scholars and teachers. This year we are building on the last two themes of Slavery and "Empire: A Fuller Accounting" with the special theme of All Our Roots. At their roots in antiquity and through their growth into modernity, classical culture and the field of classics have nurtured and been nurtured by people of diverse genders, ethnicities, religions, and philosophies. ACLvalues individual privacy and we want to give our website visitors the opportunity to know what information we collect about them and how they can limit the use of personally-identifiable information beyond the purposes for which they first provided it. Teacher Preparation and Professional Development may involve topics such as methods courses, student teaching, accreditation, licensure, National Board certification, pedagogy, continuing education, and mentoring. Refer to the full Privacy Policy for more details. Although such contributions have often been unintentionally forgotten or maliciously suppressed, it is critical to our students sense of belonging to see themselves and people with whom they identify both prominent in antiquity and leading in the field of classics. For information on Institute registration, contact Sherwin Little, ACL Executive Director.
If you refer to your own scholarship in your abstract, cite it in the third person, as you would any other source. Any donations will help members in need.
For more information about logistics for the ACL Institute, or to answer other questions about ACL, contact Sherwin Little, Executive Director, at Refer to the full Privacy Policy for more details.
This conference changed how I think about testing, classroom management, who is in my classroom (and who isn't! Please include in your email submission message your SCS member number and the date you joined or last renewed. Innovative Use of Technology deals with the integration of technologies that are aligned with both the Standards and learner targets within a unit to support language development, cultural understanding, and connecting with wider communities. We look forward to being together with you at last in Charleston. Resources for Excellence in Developing Instruction (REDI), College of Charleston
/* Add your own Mailchimp form style overrides in your site stylesheet or in this style block. We are grateful to our intended hosts at Washington University and are hopeful we may return to St. Louis in the future. 1994 American Classical League #mc_embed_signup{background:#fff; clear:left; font:14px Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif; } Watch this video invitation from ACL Vice President Patrick McFadden. Classical Reception addresses how Latin and Greek, classical literature, and the classical world more broadly has been translated, adapted, and appropriated in eras after antiquity. Our host, the College of Charleston, welcomes us back after a two-year delay to celebrate our 75th ACL Institute in person and to explore all the ways of belonging in classics.
Vice President
Virtual booths accessible for all your favorite companies, publishers, and organizations. It is the official journal of The American Classical League. For information about the program and events for the ACL Institute contact Patrick McFadden, Vice President, at College of Charleston The special theme for this years Institute is "Empire: A Fuller Accounting." Members receive a 20% discount on REDI purchases. [3] Currently based in Hamilton, Ohio,[2] the league publishes and provides hundreds of teaching aids; runs a national placement service for teachers of Latin and Greek;[4] sponsors the National Latin Examination (NLE);[5] functions as the parent organization of both the National Junior Classical League (NJCL)[6] and National Senior Classical League (NSCL);[7] and annually holds a convention the Annual Institute to promote excellence in the teaching of classical studies.
The ACL Office and registration will beat theRita Liddy Hollings Science Center, number 50 on the campus map. Rome was an empire of three continents. The Program Committee, including your friends and colleagues Christine Albright, Reina Callier, John Feliciano, Caroline Kelly, Stephanie Krause, Krystal Kubichek, Alita Shenk, and Bryan Whitchurch welcome proposals on: Assessment and Feedback describes formative or summative, unit level or program level assessments to provide feedback to improve performance, to measure learner progress, or to revise instruction. The Classical Outlook is the leading publication for classroom teachers of Latin, Greek, and Classical Humanities in the schools (elementary, middle, secondary), colleges, and universities. You MUST be a member of SCS to submit an abstract. Civilization (archaeology, history, culture) - emphasizes the dynamic cultural products, practices, and perspectives that underpin language learning and intercultural communication. Sorting Out the Political & Social Spectrum of the Late, Herculaneum by Way of Malibu: The Getty Villa Presents: Teaching the Art and Culture of Ancient Roman Villas. (901) 537-1420 If you do not have an account, select REGISTER and create one. PRE-INSTITUTE WORKSHOPS [2] Teachers of Latin, Ancient Greek and the Classics account for the majority of its membership, though the ACL is open to any person interested in preserving the language, literature and culture of both AncientRome and AncientGreece. The last two of those years have taught us the importance of including members who may not be able to travel to the event, and so there will be some pre-recorded presentations and a limited number of Zoom sessions chosen by the Program Committee to offer a chance for everyone to stay connected to the Institute. Refer to the full Privacy Policy for more details. Resources for Excellence in Developing Instruction (REDI), College of Charleston ), and how I will teach my students for years to come.
Scroll down on the profile page to access the Institute Registration.
When you checkout, you will have the opportunity to donate to the COVID relief fund.
Members receive a 20% discount on REDI purchases. INSTITUTE DATES:Friday June 24 Sunday June 26, HEALTH AND SAFETY GUIDELINES FOR ACL INSTITUTE. When you checkout, you will have the opportunity to donate to the COVID relief fund. */, The Classical Association is a charity registered in England No. Refer to the full Privacy Policy for more details.
The Charles Humphreys Award for Innovative Pedagogy, "From Epigram to Epic: Teaching Poetry in the Latin Classroom" course to be offered fall 2022, 860 NW Washington Boulevard | Suite A | Hamilton, OH 45013, STRENGTHENING COMMUNITY, EXTENDING OUR REACH: Teaching Young Students features approaches that are developmentally appropriate for elementary and middle school students. The 2021 American Classical League Annual Institute will take place online.
[7], American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, Classical Association of the Middle West and South, "In America's Schools, Latin Enjoys a Renaissance", "Ancient culture is hip during Junior Classical League convention", "Bringing the classics and classicists to life", "St. Louise's Poerio named 'teacher of the year', "Allied Organizations: Listing of Classical Organizations",, Academic organizations based in the United States, Pages using infobox organization with motto or pledge, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 1 March 2022, at 09:06. INSTITUTE REGISTRATION LINK The National Humanities Center invites applications for academic-year or one-, The International Plato Societys Symposium XIII will take place at the Unive, Call for Papers: AMPRAW (Annual Meeting for Postgraduates in the Rece, 2020, Society for Classical Studies Privacy Policy. We look forward to seeing you all online this June. Writing and Filming a Screenplay, Catching Them in the Middle 2009: Engaging Readers and the Use of Latin, From Zero to Greek: Learning the Language and Building a Program, Using Apple's iLife Multimedia Tools to Help Your Students Create Content, Disce ut Doceas: Preparing to be a TA in Latin, Active Latin: Speaking & Writing in Latin, Multisensory Learning in the Classroom for Latin III and Beyond, Web Weaving: Supporting Your Classes On Line, Disce ut Doceas: Preparing to be a TA in Latin 7, Seeing is Believing: Making the Most of Digital Images 16, Teaching, Practicing & Testing Grammar Culture 20, Creating Bridges Between Latin and Spanish 23, Successful Reading Strategies for Middle School and Beyond 16, Cicero: Philosopher, Orator, and Correspondent 26, Bytes for the Bewildered: The Classical Internet for Beginners 3, Writing Essays for the AP Latin Examinations 33, Making Full Use of Perseus on CD-ROM: A Hands-On Approach 22, Implementing the New Classics Curriculum in the International, Making the Most of Your Reading-Based Curriculum 44, From Thinking Outside the Box to Building a Bigger Box: Inclusion of Women and Minorities in Latin Textbooks 6, Techniques for Teaching Learning Disabled Students 25, Classics in Cyberspace: How to Use VRoman in the Latin Classroom 25, JCL: Its Not Just a Convention Anymore 17, eaching Race and Ethnicity in the Classics Classroom 36, National Standards for Classical Language Learning-Trainers Workshop 27, Preparing for the 1999 AP Latin Examination 61, Conversational Latin: Breaking the Sound Barrier 40, Instructional Strategies for the elementary/Middle School Teacher 43, 1996 University of Maryland, College Park, MD - 431, 1995 Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA - 231, 1993 University of Colorado, Boulder, CO - 221, 1992 University of Georgia, Athens, GA - 232, 1990 California State University, Northridge, CA - 268, 1989 McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada - 254, 1988 University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN - 196, 1987 Georgetown University, Washington, DC - 244, 1985 University of Texas, Austin, TX - 107, 1984 University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA - 123, 1983 Mary Washington College, Fredericksburg, VA - 127, 1981 Creighton University, Omaha, NE - 85, 1980 University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH - 109, 1979 University of Georgia, Athens, GA - 99, 1977 Atlanta Hilton Hotel, Atlanta, GA - 80, 1976 Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, IL - 108, 1974 College of Mount St. Joseph on the Ohio, OH - < 100, 1966 University of Western Kentucky, Bowling Green, KY, 1963 The University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, 1959 The Phillips Exeter Academy, Exeter, NH, 1955 State University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA.
860 NW Washington Boulevard | Suite A | Hamilton, OH 45013Phone: 513-529-7741 | Fax: 513-529-7742. Founded in 1919, the American Classical League (ACL) is a professional organization which promotes the study of classical civilization at all levels of education in the UnitedStates and Canada. Use the Delta Airlines meeting discount if you fly Delta.
Outreach and Equity addresses topics such as student recruitment, broadening the appeal of classics to a more diverse population, striving for equity in the classroom, developing relationships with key stakeholders, and public relations for your program. Utilitas Scripti: Incorporating Writing into Our Latin Classesat Any Level!