Winter Palace, St. Petersburg;Richard Mortel from Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons. By the high Italian Baroque architecture period, the style had spread not only to religious structures, but also homes and secular public buildings throughout Europe. Log in or sign up to add this lesson to a Custom Course. 13 chapters | Located in the historic city center of Zacatecas city in Mexico is the beautiful Zacatecas Cathedral, built in dedication to Our Lady of the Assumption. Situated in Oxfordshire in England is the famous country house known as Blenheim Palace. The Palazzos design was the culmination of the work of three highly regarded architects who each added their own unique elements to the overall design. The Spanish architect Fernando de Casas Novoa, designed the west facade of Santiago de Compostela Cathedral, a notable example of Baroque architecture in Spain. Most Baroque churches have vaulted ceilings, which are ceilings supported by a series of interconnected arches. lessons in math, English, science, history, and more. These structural elements also increase the interplay of light and shadow across surfaces. The ceilings are crowded with painted figures and sculpted winged deities. Baroque architecture was innovative for its curvature and large, distorted columns that had the effect of drawing the eye upwards, the practice of quadratura. The Santi Luca e Matina is another notable church of this period and was constructed in Rome in 1635 by Pietro da Cortona. The Catholic Church launched a Counter-Reformation and founded the Jesuit order in the mid- 16th Century, an order of men whose goal was to modernize the practice of Catholicism. Courtyard of the Htel des Invalides, Paris, France; A southern view of Blenheim Palace, London; Zacatecas Cathedral Basilica of the Assumption of Mary, Zacatecas; What Is Not a Characteristic of Baroque Architecture? Baroque architecture is noted for its highly decorative and elaborate designs. It contains monuments and museums, as well as a retirement home for war veterans, a hospital, and a chapel that is the highest church building in the entire city. For church and structural interiors, the Baroque style employed various effects to increase movement and perspective. Get unlimited access to over 84,000 lessons. Michelangelo had built the massive dome which was now to be complemented with a new colonnade and facade. This was following a crisis called the Protestant Reformation, which was when the Protestants broke away from the Catholics and created their own versions of Christianity. Known primarily for its ornateness and manipulation of space, Baroque art and architecture sought to wow audiences with its grandeur and spectacle compared to the more staid, academic Protestant, and reformed churches. Some elements will display distortion with figures that are elongated, broken, or manipulated in some manner to make them stand out. Taking its cues from Renaissance architecture, which already reveled in domes and columns, the Baroque movement tweaked these existing Italian architecture characteristics to be more elaborate. Various different plans were proposed over the following couple of years to expand the existing palace, but the architect eventually decided that the best route to go was to entirely rebuild it. Some architecture is calm, rational and geometric, but in Rome, Italy, beginning in the late 16th century, a style developed that was none of those things. In order to create a dramatic effect, architects often placed stairways in a central position of the building. Structures might have alcoves and other elements that play with and manipulate how light falls. It was designed by the most prominent figure of the style in England, the highly acclaimed English architect, Christopher Wren. For over 300 years the skyline in London has been dominated by the dome of the cathedral and is regarded as one of the most well-known sites of London. Plus, get practice tests, quizzes, and personalized coaching to help you Surfaces of structures will often display a massing of elements like columns and sculptures, and volutes, or decorative spiral shapes. It would be the Cardinals architect, Giacomo Barozzi da Vignola, who would be put in charge of the project. Italian Baroque Architecture | Characteristics, Styles & Design, Baroque Architecture: Style, Characteristics & Features, English Baroque Architecture: Characteristics & Examples, French Baroque Architecture | Palace Exterior & Interior Design, San Carlo alle Quattro Fontane | Church, Floor Plan & Architecture, Baroque Sculpture: Characteristics & Style, Rococo Architecture: Characteristics & Style, Spanish Baroque Architecture | Examples, Characteristics & History, Comparing High Renaissance and Mannerist Architecture, Baroque Furniture: Style, Characteristics & History, Late 19th-Century Architecture: Characteristics, Materials & Famous Works. Francesco Borromini was looking to start his career as an architect and offered to complete the commission without any payment. The Hall of Mirrors in the Palace of Versailles, France;Photo: Myrabella/Wikimedia Commons. The style soon made its way to Paris via the traveling Jesuits. The Church of Sorbonne and the Pavillon de lHorloge of the Louvre Palace were both designed by the French architect Jaques Lemercier upon his return from Rome in 1614. Another Spanish architect, Jose Benito de Chirriguera, designed highly ornate buildings that consisted of twisted columns, sculpted vegetation, and gilded wood. Schwarzenberg Palace, Vienna; Werckmeister, CC BY-SA 2.5, via Wikimedia Commons. It was created with the intention of competing with Paris as the architectural epicenter of the world. It was also the first in the region to feature both a Baroque facade as well as a dome and was built by the Jesuits. From 1810 to 1814, the premises were used as a summer abode by Napoleon Bonaparte, after his takeover of France.
The Parisian Panthon is said to have been modeled on the Basilica. Also known as the Rocaille style in France, this offshoot from Baroque would last until the 1750s. Soon afterward, new archeological discoveries in Pompeii would ignite an interest in the architecture of classical antiquity from the Greco-Roman Empires and move away from the elaborate Baroque designs. Begun by Michelangelo initially, the plans were adapted by Maderno and Bernini in the Baroque style. Their churches were some of the first connected to Italian Baroque architecture. A feeling of mystery was introduced to the internal spaces by the use of lighting. In north-central Mexico is a perfect example of this style known as the Zacatecas Cathedral, which features an intricately decorated facade and twin bell towers on either side of the ornately sculpted front entrance. It usually includes curving forms including oval shapes and a combination of concave and convex forms that make walls seems to undulate, or appear wavy with a strong sense of motion. She runs an indie press, dancing girl press & studio, and has taught writing and art workshops in college and community settings. Ovals and elliptic shapes were popular, as were manipulations of vertical elements like volutes (a type of ornamental scrollwork) at the top of columns. The building had been designed to the plan of a Latin Cross shape. One of the most famous Italian Baroque structures is St Peter's Basilica in Rome. This style was largely influenced by the work of Jose Benito de Churriguera, hence was named Churrigueresque. We have seen how it started as a reaction to the somber-looking churches of the Protestant faith, and how it was meant to inspire a sense of awe and grandeur to those who would become followers of the Roman Catholic from basking in its pure beauty. Htel des Invalides translates to House of the disabled and refers to a complex of buildings that are all related to the history of France concerning military matters. The movement was initiated by the Catholic Church, which sought to keep and expand its influence during the Protestant Reformation. Baroque architecture can be identified by its elaborate ornamentation, a sense of soaring height, and its manipulation of curvature and light/shadow.

Interestingly, as Baroque spread, it changed. Courtyard of the Htel des Invalides, Paris, France; Photogra Fer, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons. These grand staircases would wind up to various levels, offering differing views as one ascended it. The royal family returned to Paris in 1789, leaving the building empty and abandoned throughout the French Revolution. Regarded as one of the most striking and finest examples of Mexican Baroque art is the ornately decorated facade of the cathedral. It was built one year after the Battle of Blenheim, which it was named after. Fouquet would later be sent to prison by the king due to the extravagant expenses incurred during the construction of the palace. The Early Baroque period consisted mainly of architects working out of Rome from 1584 until 1625. The site was formerly the Sforza familys vineyard and passed hands from cardinal to cardinal without any project ever taking off throughout the 16th century. Variations of the style arose in every region, with distinct characteristics and often different names. Try refreshing the page, or contact customer support. The Catholic Church responded with the Counter-Reformation, which was a series of reforms, but also a display of power and wealth. The main block of the palace is comprised of three tiers of windows that are arch-headed, similar to glazed arcades, which were more Venetian in formula than Roman. In 1629 Maderno passed away and the commission was handed over to Bernini. The Italian Baroque period was a movement in art, design, and architecture that began in Rome in the late 16th Century. Despite Borromini being passed over for the commission, he stayed on nevertheless, assisting Bernini for a short period of time. Sculptural and wall elements will often project from the surface. Baroque buildings often feature sumptuous elements like gilt and marble. Noted Baroque artists included: Italian Baroque Architectural Style, which rose to popularity in the 16th Century, often used manipulations of texture and shape. It was connected to the Catholic Church, which was responding to the Protestant Reformation-when the Protestants broke away - with the Counter-Reformation, a series of reforms and a show of power and wealth. The Knights of the Cross with the Red Star are currently responsible for the church. Mirrors were often combined with windows to create a feeling of greater space in small closed quarters. He then set about transforming the Roman center, constructing Baroque buildings and Baroque interior designs, as well as public fountains and squares. The baroque interior design incorporated a painting effect that drew the eye upward towards the heavens called quadratura. Kristy Bowen has an M.A in English from DePaul University and an MFA in Creative Writing from Columbia College Chicago. In 1752 everything was demolished to make way for a temple of a greater size that would be considered worthy of a great city. The Vaux-le-Vicomte was also designed with Baroque architecture characteristics by Louis Le Vau for King Louis XIVs financial superintendent, Nicolas Fouquet. The Italian Baroque style took root in the Catholic Church, which struggled to compete with the draw of Protestant churches in the 16th century. The ends of the first and second World Wars were marked with peace services in the cathedral, Charles and Diana got married there, and Jubilee celebrations for Queen Victoria were also held there. It distorted building elements to heighten light and shadow and had curving, wavy walls. It was a definite, purposeful shift in style. Chief among the architects enlisted by the Church were Carlo Maderno and Gian Lorenzo Bernini, who both had an integral role in the design of the famous St. Peters Basilica in Rome. In 1568 the construction of the Baroque church began based on Vignolas design. By the early 1700s regional variations of Baroque-style buildings could be found across Italy. A sense of movement was also integral, which applied to light, but also to lines and curvature. Architects such as Bernini, Carlo Fontana, and Carlo Rainaldi constructed fountains, squares, and churches in Rome from 1666 during the Papacy of Pope Alexander VII. Situated in Vienna, on the south side of Karlsplatz, is the famous Baroque church known as Karlskirche. The first Italian Baroque style church was the Church of Gesu built-in 1850 in Rome. The buildings from this region often combined elements of Italian Baroque architecture with elements inspired by the architecture of Versailles, such as the Schwarzenberg Palace, which was built in 1715. Bernini's contribution of the baldachin, a large ornate tent over the tomb of St Peter, is particularly noteworthy for its Baroque details. Bernini completed work on the building in 1633, After the death of Urban VIII, the Palazzo Barberini was confiscated and then only later returned to the ownership of Barberini in 1653. Peter the Great was the first to have a residence built on the site of the Winter Palace in 1708. A writer and book artist, she currently works as a content writer with an arts and culture focus. Italian Baroque architecture has several identifying characteristics, including curving forms and walls that seem to undulate, or move in waves. Actually, the term ''Baroque'' began as a negative one, coined by critics who thought the style was overdone, extravagant, and full of drama and excess. Italian Baroque architecture has several important characteristics. copyright 2003-2022 Santa Maria della Salute;Vassil, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons. Buildings will have columns, sometimes topped with capitals and large volutes (scroll or spiral forms). Another fine example of Italian Baroque architecture from this period was the hunting lodge and residence designed by Juvarra, the Stupinigi Palace. Today we have learned more about the architectural designs of the 17th-century style known as Baroque architecture. The palace has played an influential role in French architecture and history and in 1979 was recognized by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site. Oval naves were often surrounded by circular radiating chapels, as can be seen in the architecture of the Basilica of the Fourteen Holy Helpers. The Catholic Church, who sought to distinguish their places of worship from more simply designed Protestant churches, often employed artists and architects to imagine or re-imagine their spaces, including Lorenzo Bernini, who built the mammoth baldachin (or sloped cover) over the tomb at St. Peter's Basilica. The central facade of Palazzo Barberini at sunset;Jean-Pierre Dalbra from Paris, France, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons. {{courseNav.course.mDynamicIntFields.lessonCount}}, Dutch Baroque Architecture: Characteristics & Examples, All Teacher Certification Test Prep Courses, Italian Baroque Architecture Characteristics, French Baroque Architecture: Characteristics & Examples, Italian Baroque Architecture: Characteristics & Examples, Russian Baroque Architecture: Characteristics & Examples, Spanish Baroque Architecture: Characteristics & Examples, Baroque Architecture of the Philippines: Characteristics & Examples, German Baroque Architecture: Characteristics & Examples, Mexican Baroque Architecture: Characteristics & Examples, Baroque Palaces in France, Germany & Italy, DSST Art of the Western World: Study Guide & Test Prep, High School Liberal Arts & Sciences: Help & Review, Isamu Noguchi: Biography, Sculpture & Furniture, Jackson Pollock: Art Style, Paintings & Death, Jasper Johns: Biography, Paintings & Facts, Louis Comfort Tiffany: Biography, Lamps & Paintings, Quiz & Worksheet - The Maltese Falcon Summary, Characters & Analysis, Quiz & Worksheet - The Sound and the Fury, Quiz & Worksheet - Our Country by Josiah Strong, Quiz & Worksheet - Aesthetics in Philosophy, Quiz & Worksheet - Beloved by Toni Morrison, TExES Science of Teaching Reading (293): Practice & Study Guide, Understanding the Scientific Methods for Research, Bliss by Katherine Mansfield: Characters & Quotes, Hemoglobin: Structure, Function & Impairment, John F. 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In the 1600s the Portuguese and Spanish brought Baroque architectural designs with them to Latin America. The play of light and shadow was incredibly important to the Italian Baroque Architecture style.
More projects soon followed with Baroque-style domes being built for the Church of Val-De-Grace and the College of Four Nations. 's' : ''}}. Giovanni de Rosis, a Jesuit architect, took over in 1575 when Tristano passed away. Trajans Column in Rome was another source of inspiration, especially for the neighboring two columns. It peaked in the High Baroque period with Italian Baroque architecture spreading across Europe, segmenting into unique interpretations of the style in many countries. Discover the style and history of Italian Baroque architecture. Drawing of the ephemeral decoration of the Guadalajara Gate for the entrance of Mariana de Neoburgo, Florence, 1690; Hunting Palace of Stupinigi, Nichelino, Northern Italy; The Hall of Mirrors in the Palace of Versailles, France; The highly decorated facade and towers of the Zacatecas Cathedral, Mexico; The central facade of Palazzo Barberini at sunset. Czechia, Germany, and Austria are home to some of the most striking Late Baroque buildings in Central Europe. flashcard set{{course.flashcardSetCoun > 1 ? Facade of the church of the Ges;Chabe01, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons. The present-day version of the building was constructed in the 17th century by Christopher Wren in the style of English Baroque architecture. In 1671, the Royal Academy of Architecture was established. It was built with the intent of being rewarded to the first Duke of Marlborough, John Churchill, for his military efforts in the Spanish Succession that led up to the great Battle of Blenheim. However, Cardinal Alessandro Farnese would fund the building of the church. Although he had only just been appointed as the architect to the court, he would eventually become known as the master of Baroque architecture in Russia. What was the architectural style of the Old Sacramento Fairgrounds? To divide surfaces and create three-dimensional elements to surfaces, a cartouche was often used. The first order for the construction of the complex came on the 24th of November in 1670, initiated by Louis XIV, and was to be built as a hospital and residence for the disabled and the aged. As its popularity spread across Europe, structures in various countries, including France, England, Spain, and Scandinavian nations, began to be influenced by the movement. The highly decorated facade and towers of the Zacatecas Cathedral, Mexico;Karina Castaeda, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons. The Queen of France, Marie de Medici had ordered French architect Salomon de Brosse to design and build the Luxembourg Palace, her new home, in the style of Italian Baroque architecture in 1615. All rights reserved. Another key characteristic is distortion, with figures that are elongated, broken, or manipulated in some manner to make them stand out. As a member, you'll also get unlimited access to over 84,000 Let's take a couple of moments to review what we've learned. Baroque architecture can be further divided into three distinct periods. It was replaced by a second temple which was built in 1625. Create your account. Charles VI, the holy emperor of Rome, decided to create a church dedicated to the saint who was renowned as a healer for those who had suffered from the effects of plagues. San Carlo alle Quattro Fontane, Rome;Welleschik, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons. Johann Bernhard Fischer von Erlach was chosen as the winner, among several others that would all contribute to the design, including Johann Lukas von Hildebrandt and Ferdinando Galli-Bibiena. It is also the head temple of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Zacatecas and was declared a World Heritage site by UNESCO. These surfaces full of forms are done on purpose to increase the interplay of light and shadow across them. It found its way into many European countries as well as in the Americas where it developed distinct regional niches. Italian architect Filippo Juvarra designed a notable example from this period, the striking Basilica of Superga, which is situated overlooking the city of Turin.