Paper AND digital options available! Just Print & Solve! By having innings in which teams takes turns at bat, you halve the length of everybodys PAT. In this case, it's best to exempt them from the PAT situation and try another reward strategy with them.". PAT is a great way to get to know yourself, [the teacher,] and the students a lot better. Basketball is simply a path game that requires seven moves in order to score, whereas football requires ten moves to score. "I know I couldn't have survived my first couple of years without using this idea. Print on Cardstock, then fold as a booklet. Initially, PAT gave Hayden's students a reason to follow procedures and to work as expected. Monday - Friday chart that can be used to track a student being on task and not showing behaviours. In this segment we will give you some specific ideas. There are 25 different activities to choose from, and room for students to write in new ideas of what they enjoy. She shared some of the activities her class most enjoys, many of which she collected from friends on the Internet! Yet, every teacher has good ideas for PATs. In this fractions activity, students create a fraction pizza to display their knowledge. The extra activity takes place about every ninth week. You can play the game with questions at four levels of difficulty; singles, doubles, triples, and home runs. "In his books, Jones explains that PAT is all about teaching students time management and responsibility. If, however, the student misses the question, you turn to the other team and say. Though the school does not use Fred Jones's philosophies exclusively as a discipline program, she said, those teachers who have chosen to use his techniques have found them to be highly effective and very complementary to the existing program and school-wide discipline plan. Alternate questions between the teams. This activity is perfect for math centers, morning work, early finishers, substitutes or homework. ", Alayne Armstrong, an eighth-grade teacher at Montgomery Middle School, in Coquitlam, British Columbia (Canada), also believes in PAT. Fun for EFL/ESL. Try this fun karate math facts fluency incentive program with your class! Because this system requires little effort and expense, teachers are taking it up -- and because it is fun, students are eating it up! Talk with any group of teachers, and you are likely to discover that at least one of them is using PAT ("preferred activity time"), a reward system described by Fred Jones in his book Positive Classroom Discipline. x} \el*-Tr^TbJH The answer is defense. One additional fan of PAT is Dr. Peggy J. George, principal of Orangewood Elementary School. When time runs out, go through the following routine: Class, you have three minutes for the next problem.. Just Print & Solve! The quick pace of questions makes volleyball ideal for vocabulary.
Included: Teachers share favorite educational games from their PAT repertoires! }, Project Based Learning Math | Area and Perimeter Activity, Christmas Math Mystery - 3rd Grade Christmas Activity - Selfish Elf Math Game, 3rd Grade Math Mystery Games Holiday Bundle - CSI Escape Room Activities, 3rd Grade Halloween Math Activity, Halloween Math Mystery Review CSI Math Center, Executive Functioning Skills Games and Play Activities | Self-Regulation, Executive Functioning Skills Elementary Bundle with Lessons, Plans, & Activities, Digital and Printable Math Activity: Fraction Sundae, Addition and Subtraction (Add & Subtract within 20) Math Mystery Activity, End of the Year Activities 3rd & 4th Camping Theme Math, ELA, Writing, Science, 2nd Grade Halloween Activity : Halloween Math Mystery Game - Tricking Treat, 2nd Grade Math Mystery Holiday Bundle: Fun CSI Math Activities, 2nd Grade Christmas Activity: Christmas Math Mystery - Selfish Elf CSI, Counting Money Worksheets 2nd 3rd Grade Math Review Digital Activities, Counting Money Worksheets Task Cards Digital Activities BUNDLE Word Problems, Christmas Activities for Math, Reading, Writing & STEM, Christmas Math Craft Color by Number Santa, Elf & Gingerbread Man Activities, Color by Code Math 3D Characters Bundle - Color by Number Addition & Subtraction, NO PREP Fall Activity: Pumpkin Math Game: Fall Craft, Fall Math Coloring Page Alternatives for Upper Elementary {21 options!
All games from television make great PATs. Then, as the word is being spelled, everyone can follow along to keep track. It's report card time and you face the prospect of writing constructive, insightful, and original comments on a couple dozen report cards or more. This activity is perfect for math centers, morning work, early finishers, substitutes or homework. Whether teachers view the time students earn as free time or educational game time, they all agree that PAT works! Would anybody on Team A cheat for anybody on Team B? Alfie Kohn on Rewards and Punishment (An Education World e-Interview). (Foods of the New World and Old World), 50 "Needs Improvement" Report Card Comments, 50 Needs Improvement Report Card Comments. I think the idea that 'as a teacher, I'm going to give you this time to enjoy learning' helped me in my approach.". There is a certain contagion to looking up the answer that fills the room. COPYRIGHT 1996-2016 BY EDUCATION WORLD, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The whole class could fall asleep while the person who is up attempted to solve a quadratic equation. 31 0 obj
-- Six Great 'Teacher Tips' Sites on the Web, * 'Speaking of Classroom Management' -- An Interview With Harry K. Wong, * The Secret's in the Little Things: Simple Tips for Successful Teachers. Earn preferred activity time for a specific amount of check marks. No thanks, I don't need to stay current on what works in education! "PAT is adaptable to individual teaching styles," said Armstrong. Kids hate to sit and watch. You would not want to use questions that require explanations for answers. Divide the room into two teams. BUNDLE - Editable Morning Meeting ActivitiesThese Digital morning meeting slides have been created to be used with Google Slides and Google Classroom or can be used with PowerPoint. Parts of the pages are editable so that, Halloween Math Mystery: the Case of The Tricking Treat - 3rd Grade EditionYour student detectives must complete the math worksheets to unlock important clues that will help them narrow down a list of spooky suspects! Pick a ten, twenty, thirty, or forty point question. This activity will add an exciting twist to your math sessions. Divide the class into two teams. Classroom Rewards Reap Dividends for Teachers and Students, The King of Classroom Management! Motivate your 3rd and 4th-grade students to learn their multiplication and division facts with Kicking It! Apart from curriculum enrichment activities, team competition is perhaps the most reliable and easy-to-use motivational hook in education. * Back-to-School Guide for Beginning Teachers (and Not-So-New Teachers Too)! He explained, "PAT stands for preferred activity time. This is a great way to find out what kinds of incentives you can use in the classroom to motivate each student. The goal for Forsman is that the students play an organized game as an entire group. Each picture has 33 worksheets for the following skills: matching numbers to 20, number words, addition to 20, subtraction within 20, doubles addition, doubles + 1 addition, multiplication from 1 to 12 and division from 1 to 12.
", "During PAT, we usually get to play some really neat games," added Amber C. "You can earn PAT by being good and getting compliments from others. In addition, coffee table games like Trivial Pursuit can easily be adapted to the classroom. He suggests that the teacher gains instructional time by having students be on task during teaching and then gains additional learning time by selecting PAT activities that are educational but fun, or preferred by students. What do you think? 2020by Fredric H. Jones and AssociatesInc. Use tab to navigate through the menu items. There are more examples of PATs in Tools for Teaching and in our PAT Bank. In the final score it is the equivalent of hitting a solo home run. If students on defense answer the question correctly, they catch the fly ball and make an out on the other team. Your students are sure to think that Christmas has come early. The realization that you can make lessons into team games caused me to study team game rules. Rather than using the Ping-Pong format, each team gets three downs to score. I enjoy PAT because we get time to play instead of work. Alfie Kohn on Rewards and Punishment (An Education World e-Interview). You could have extra point questions after a touchdown. endstream endobj startxref Drive the pace of the game so that students must be on their toes. Skills include planning, time management, working memory, self control, flexibility, organization, task initiation, metacognition, attention, and perseverance. She suggested that if a certain class needs to work on being on time after lunch, PAT can be used as an incentive for students to be punctual. Like Forsman, Armstrong exerts a great deal of control over the choice of PAT activities. (Write the equation on the board.) You will have one second to give me the first letter of the word.
Reward Systems That Work: What to Give and When to Give It! They earn minutes/seconds for positive, appropriate behavior, and they lose minutes/seconds for negative, inappropriate behavior. This brings us to our next element of team game structure. %PDF-1.4 % 125 Report Card Comments Perfect for morning tubs, early finishers, or busy boxes, this set of 18 fine motor activities targets the development of fine motor skills in preschool and kindergarten students while also fostering independence and excitement about school. Are your students struggling with fine motor skills and independence in the classroom? She believes that the approach helped her to be more positive. What will it be?. Just Print & Solve! Rather than spending a lot of time planning PAT, these teachers need only pick the best activity of the day and call it PAT. The game described below keeps everybody busy and eliminates paper grading. Some filters moved to Formats filters, which is at the top of the page. They include role play, movement, and fun thinking games that help develop the skills kids need!These games and activities are particularl, Are you looking for a fun activity to use when teaching about fractions?! Whatll it be? "The idea is that when students follow class routines or instructions for an activity quickly and efficiently, they save their teacher time," said Armstrong. You could have difficult Hail Mary questions when more than forty yards are desperately needed. For such questions, baseball would be a much better choice. In this activity students create a fraction sundae to display their knowledge of fractions. Other teachers might prefer to make the activities more academically oriented, such as doing a review game activity or showing a video -- activities that still cover the curriculum yet are perhaps lighter than their regular teaching strategies.". The students work hard to keep one another in line in order to earn PAT. She doesn't have to buy any prizes or worry about the issues involved in handing out candy during class -- issues such as students who have dietary restrictions, the nutritional value of treats, or the fact that she normally does not allow any food or drink in the classroom. "I use PAT as a reward for the time the class earns for positive behavior, minus the negative behavior. Check out our Needs Improvement Report Card Commentsfor even more comments! Hayden feels the experience built respect and the behavior of her students showed it. For volleyball, the questions must come fast and furious with quick answers to keep the game from dragging. If they miss a letter, the word comes back to the first team. db`ab`|j&LKx ]0 Three downs to score forces the students to use the long yardage questions. Students create their sundaes out of the flavors they wish to use. Consequently, a team would be up for one question and then on defense for the following question.
}, Also included in:3rd Grade Math Mystery Games Holiday Bundle - CSI Escape Room Activities, Also included in:Executive Functioning Skills Elementary Bundle with Lessons, Plans, & Activities, Also included in:2nd Grade Math Mystery Holiday Bundle: Fun CSI Math Activities, Also included in:Counting Money Worksheets Task Cards Digital Activities BUNDLE Word Problems, Also included in:Holiday Project Based Learning Bundle, Also included in:Color by Code Math 3D Characters Bundle - Color by Number Addition & Subtraction, Also included in:Fall Math Coloring Page Alternatives for Upper Elementary {21 options! This one-of-a-kind holiday activity is the ONLY resource you need this holiday season. If PAT lasts 20 minutes, your team will only be up for about 10 minutes. However, some older game shows such as Whats My Line? The reward usually comes in the form of free or alternate-activity time. If the student gets a hit by answering the question correctly within ten seconds, he or she is on base. Handy for fast finishers or substitute lessons.This p, What do you prefer? During PAT, we have time to play games," said Adrian F. "We earn PAT by getting compliments, being quiet in line, and stuff like that. Write a math problem on the board, and give each problem a time limit as follows: All right, class, you have two minutes for this next problem. Give the students a warning as time runs out. -- Six Great 'Teacher Tips' Sites on the Web, 'Speaking of Classroom Management' -- An Interview With Harry K. Wong, The Secret's in the Little Things: Simple Tips for Successful Teachers. PAT only becomes a potential headache in a departmentalized setting. Forsman enjoys many academic games with her students. Not likely! "PAT [preferred activity time] is time you get by being good. Parts of the pages are editable so that your students can, Summer Camp End of the Year 3rd and 4th Grade BUNDLE is a comprehensive, jam packed resource with thoughtfully designed activities and learning experiences that cover standards across the content areas for your students! Includes m, This story is meant to be personalized with your student's name and picture.
They have art and music and reading stories to the class to say nothing of special projects. Or go paperless with the new Google Slides option provided within your download.Distance Learning Option: I've added a Word Document within th, Use these Executive Functioning Games and Play Activities to practice executive functioning skills in a fun and interactive way!
You get both in this download!A note about this activity: Students are finding the fraction for each topping used. If, however, a twenty-, thirty- or forty-yard question is missed, the teacher says, Interception! A correct answer gains possession of the ball at the line of scrimmage. }, Also included in:4th Grade Math Mystery Games Holiday Bundle - CSI Escape Room Mysteries. Easy prep! Alternating the questions in this fashion eliminates innings. You are a high-energy game show host. endstream endobj 35 0 obj <>stream Ready? In such games the players move down the squares of the path in order to reach a goal. A gridiron is simply a path with ten squares. The best thing about PAT is we get to have fun for a long time with our friends.". Here we go! * Advice for First-Year Teachers -- from the 'Sophomores' Who Survived Last Year! The greatest challenge Armstrong has faced in the use of PAT occurs when she has fallen behind in the curriculum she needs to cover. I've been using this program with my students and have found it to be a very succe, Halloween Math Mystery: the Case of The Tricking Treat - 4th Grade EditionYour student detectives must complete the math worksheets to unlock important clues that will help them narrow down a list of spooky suspects! I would recommend PAT because it will get students to be well-behaved.
To change baseball to football, draw two gridirons on the board, one for each team. Creating a Climate for Learning: Effective Classroom Management Techniques, TONS of Tips! Once you envision games played on courts or fields as path games, you can play basketball or soccer just as easily as you can football. Each picture has 33 worksheets for the following skills: matching numbers to 20, number words, addition to 20, subtraction within 20, doubles addition, doubles + 1 addition, multiplication from 1 to 12 and division from 1 to 12. Just Print & Solve! **Check out the preview for a complete understanding of the resource. Since you have two baseball diamonds on the floor, however, we have gotten into the habit of referring to this version of academic baseball as Double-Diamond Baseball.. For the digital format, students will NOT cut and paste. Catching a fly ball nullifies a run. Make the students play defense, and they will be engaged in playing when the other team is up at bat.
endstream endobj 32 0 obj <> endobj 33 0 obj <>>>/Rotate 0/Type/Page>> endobj 34 0 obj <>stream If you want to simplify the game, make every question worth a run. :#8 * Reward Systems That Work: What to Give and When to Give It! All of the bonus PAT that you earn today will be added to the art project..
"We earn PAT by having someone notice all the good things we are doing like walking quietly in line. Hardly! Easy prep! top education news, lesson ideas, teaching tips and more! Once you get the hang of it, you will be able to generate preferred activities with the snap of a finger. Over 30 unique activities for small groups or full classes are included. The best part? If the student you call on answers the question correctly, he or she throws the other team for a ten-yard loss. % CANON_PFINF_TYPE2_TEXTOFF Copyright 2009 Education World, Sign up for our free weekly newsletter and receive. Education World Perfect for Distance Learning!Over 80 Pages from this resource are also included as Google Slides for use with Google Cl, Halloween Math Mystery: the Case of The Tricking Treat - 2nd Grade EditionYour student detectives must complete the math worksheets to unlock important clues that will help them narrow down a list of spooky suspects! Do you play this game open-book or closed-book?
It is a race to see which team can get around the bases more often before time runs out. Aha! If, however, you miss, the service goes to the other team. The student picks a level of difficulty, and you pitch a question. If they're not on time, they get a chance to try again the next day. Math A karate-themed math program for increasing math facts fluency! * Creating a Climate for Learning: Effective Classroom Management Techniques, * TONS of Tips! Teachers in self-contained classrooms have more potential PATs during a school day than they can use. An alternative way of structuring academic football is to pit one team against another on a single gridiron as in the real game of football. Did you know that the rules to baseball, football, basketball, hangman, and Jeopardy are all the same?
You know, however, that once you start a project like this, you always wish you had more time. Forsman's students shared their views on the use of PAT in their classroom. With fewer freebies lying around, these teachers will more often have to build PATs from scratch. I've been using this program with my students and have found it to be a very succ, Preferred Activities Survey- For Behavior Management Plans, Summer Puzzles - Fun End of Year Activities, Crossword, Word search and more, Summer Puzzle Bundle End of Year Activities Crosswords, Word Searches & More, What do you prefer? Or go paperless with the new Google Slides option provided within your download.Distance Learning Update: I've added a Word Document within the folder that contains a Google Slides link to share this resource with your students via Google Classroom or Drive. A scheduled PAT period occurs in Forsman's classroom on every sixth day of school. hb```e``g`d`hcc@ @20H Rly $$|HMg` * Classroom Management: Ten Teacher-Tested Tips! Of course, these teachers will often use curriculum enrichment for PAT just like their colleagues in self-contained classrooms. Armstrong also likes that PAT can be used to develop certain behaviors with students. Then, call on a student. These Fine Motor Task Boxes are the solution to your struggles! The answer is, Normally in baseball the team with the most runs wins, but not in this game. Jeopardy, Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?, Pictionary and Twenty-One can be used to review factual information. If a student misses a question, turn to the team on defense, and say. In volleyball, your team can only score when you have the serve. After the papers are returned, would students on Team B let their counterparts on Team A hold up their hands if they did not get it right? They love to play. "Social stories have often been used to help children with autism or other disabilities to learn coping and social skills, as well as to work through behavior management strategies. Then she has the students choose from those they have played, and the students take turns being the game leader while she plays the games with the class. Yahtzee, backgammon, Monopoly, and 20 questions are just a few of her favorites. But their choices are more limited since they only have their students for one subject. Even with all its positive aspects, PAT is not perfect. They feel that they are getting out of work -- yet PAT is really all about teaching. Point to a student, and you are off and running. hbbd`b` Preferred Activity Time (PAT) Is Preferred by Kids and Teachers! The category is. With no prep options - these are the perfect last minute resource!WHAT YOU GET:Three easier PDF pumpkin puzzles (12 pieces each) with 17 problems to match with mixed facts 0-12Three, Practice number matching, adding, subtracting, multiplying or dividing with these fun Halloween math color by number pictures that turn into 3D paper toys! Hayden's use of PAT has taken on many forms, but early in her teaching, she developed a core group of activities that went over well with her students. Defined by Fred Jones in his book Positive Classroom Discipline, PAT is a reward that students receive for the on-task time that they give to their teachers. BUNDLE - Editable Morning Meeting Activities, Ending Preferred Activity (Videos) Social Story, On Task and Behaviour Preferred Activity Checklist, Fine Motor Skills Task Boxes - Morning Tubs - Fine Motor Activities, Fine Motor Skills Task Boxes Bundle - morning tubs, activity bins, centers, Digital and Printable Math Activity: Fraction Pizza, Fraction Fun {A BUNDLE of Fraction Activities!! In this game the final score for each team is calculated as runs minus outs. Go!. You can display your screen in your physical class or share it with the students in a virtual class meeting and then complete these amazing activities.It is important to note that these slides are editable so you can adapt them according to your needs.What do you prefer? Activities. (An Education World e-Interview With Classroom Management Expert Fred Jones), Carrots or Sticks? Pair each member of Team A with a member of Team B, and have the pairs place their desks side by side. Start on the fifty-yard line. She feels her students get the free time they need at home. All puzzles are provided in two versions to allow differentiation in the classroom plus a vocabulary handout for reference. If all students are on time, they may receive a minute of PAT. Common Core Math Standard:CCSS.Math.Content.2.MD.C.8. Click HERE if your prefer this packet in Google SLIDES format.How do you recommend I use them?You may, You can check holiday lesson planning off your list because this resource, Christmas Activities for Math, Reading, Writing, is a full-week of festive, interdisciplinary, hands-on activities including STEM, project-based learning, critical thinking, creativity and so much more. In the last month's blog we learned how to use Preferred Activity Time (PAT) and Hurry-up Bonuses to reduce wasted time in the classroom. So much more than just math facts fluency timed tests!Want to get your students excited about learning their addition and subtraction facts?
You can choose t, These MULTIPLICATION pumpkin puzzles are a great way for 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade classroom or homeschool students to get some fun multiplication practice in. PAT is when the class is able to have preferred fun. Let me tell you what makes the best team games time-on-task. Did you know that there really arent that many different games in the world? The students love playing games during PAT, Forsman told Education World. If you play the game open-book, the team on defense can start looking up the answer as soon as they hear the question. Educators who use PAT advise that a key to the effectiveness of this system is for the teacher to be consistent with its implementation. Repeat the question and then wait before calling on anyone. Easy prep! A correct answer throws the offense for a ten-yard loss. If, however, they miss the question and drop the fly ball, the batter is on base with an error, and all runners advance one base. The art project will be your PAT this afternoon. With every additional problem the score mounts and the tension builds. Theyll say, Ill take that! and grab the paper. These examples of PAT games are meant to whet your appetite. Teachers Pay Teachers is an online marketplace where teachers buy and sell original educational materials. The students did not know that, had their teacher never heard of PAT, they would have done the art project anyway. The fifth grade students had just taken their seats to begin the school day when their teacher made the following announcement. What kind of game rules work for math? Just Print & Solve! Anything can be taught in the form of a team game, and team games make terrific PATs. If someone misses, the word will come over to the other team. Classroom Management: Ten Teacher-Tested Tips! Then, I will point to another person on that same team, and he or she will have one second to give me the next letter of the word.". Rather, you have two games running side-by-side like a race. I will begin by giving a word to one of the teams. Of course, teachers can elaborate this basic format to suit their pleasure.