The Norfolk House Music Room was decorated in the style as well. One taken from a distance was selected to reduce the inherent problem of perspective, though it was necessary to remain conscious of this limitation both during the survey, and while creating a drawing from it. through slicing) in order that a drawing might be created. Its like a teacher waved a magic wand and did the work for me. Existing representations of a complex art. However, if this is a conscious attempt to frame the altar for the viewer standing at the other end of the church it is a subtle one as the three other pairs of columns that frame the view from the entrance are set out equally this is not part of a bigger perspectival play. This architectural complexity, combined with the intentional use of stucco to hide or disguise architectural junctions and forms leadsus toaprosaic observation defining the forms and dimensions of this architecture is remarkably difficult. Built in 1756, it showcases trophies on the ceiling, Acanthus leaves along the top of the wall and paneling with S and C scrolls, as well as natural decorations. While the interior architectural designmay have aimed at symmetry, the constraints of the exterior architecture and structure on the spaceare not symmetrical from front to back and may have forced distortions upon the interior, or indeed encouraged them as a means of disguising the irregularity. Decorative carving and a monument to Thomas Foley were designed by Rysbrack.

All threebase imageswere magnified to fill an A1 sheet so as to provide plenty of space for clearly noting dimensions and levels. Myaimwith this study, therefore, was the production ofaphotographicrecordtogether with measured drawings of sufficient scale and detail to better express the nature and qualities of thisbuilding to a viewer.
He also admitted to some errors arising from Fischers passions. It was also important at the outset to determine where the plan would be cut. Some parts of the section and vault plan were redrawn countless times as they fed off each other and additional information was incorporated. By contrast, a two-dimensional survey is itself anactive interrogation of the building,even if ultimately an answer cannot be found to some questions. This is to say nothing of the political, economic, cultural, religious, sociological and artistic influences that shaped the movement. A few main design motifs emerged such as asymmetry, curved forms, rocaille and the Acanthus leaf. The contrast, saturation and opacity of the various layers was then manipulated until a satisfactory result was achieved. Rocaille was a type of carving either looking like water or eroded rock. A single altar required a designer, carpenters and joiners,sculptors of figure and ornament, paintersforthe altarpiece,the sculptures and the structure (all very differentcrafts)andmetalworkers and gilders to produce and embellish the most precious items. I will let you judge for yourself whether the information resulting from this experiment is better but, significantly, it isdifferent. All rights reserved. The trip was sponsored by the Drawing Matter Trust and was intendedto act as a prototype to inform further such surveys of German rococochurches. The measured survey allows the surveyor to find out, in addition to recording the building. We will look, therefore, at thesurvey and the drawings it produced for what they tell us about the building,before looking at the experiment in representationthat was based on them. However, interrogation is the key here. Other facts are most clearly imparted by words, hence the desire and need to write about the survey. However, it was also clear that digital drawing would not be useful medium in which to attempt drawing freely-flowing stucco or expressive sculpture and I had no desire to strip the building back to the architectural skeleton by simply skirting around its rich ornamentation,to do so would be to fail at the first step in my intention to present something of the experience of this architecture. Apart from Harries richly-rewarding phenomenological study, thehandful of bookspublished in the 1950s and 60s do not go far in transferringto Englishthe bounty of information available in the German literature. What is known is thatFischer was replaced at the earliest stages of excavation work in late 1737 by Philipp JakobKglsperger, who hadrecently arrivedat the Munich court. English Rococo differed from Rococo in France by creating more realistic natural motifs. Importantly for this discussion about the value of surveying, if this discrepancy in the nave was detected in the 1952 survey, the information was either not passed on by the surveyor, or was deemed unimportant because it was not part of the design intent. Its central attraction was the huge rotunda featuring private dining compartments, an enormous central fireplace and public galleries. I would definitely recommend to my colleagues. I can think of no other built artworks in the European tradition that are so reliant on a total integrationand delicate balanceof so manyarts and crafts. Spread in their hundreds across thousands of square miles, experiencing them in three-dimensional reality is a significant practical challenge. It became immediately apparent, however, thatthe process of measuring a building cannot be passive. At the start, therefore, thisstudywasconsidered asan experiment inmethod and representationratherthanresearch, I sawthe exercise as a process of passivelyrecording a building that has been recorded before. Digital drawing would be used as much as possible for the linear aspects, supported by hand-drawn fragments where necessary to describe sculpture, stucco and other ornamentation. The information must therefore be imparted by other means, appropriate to its nature. The church's plain brick exterior does not at all prepare one for seeing its glorious interior. Enrolling in a course lets you earn progress by passing quizzes and exams. Its purpose is not the end result, but the process of production, through which the sketcher learns about the subject through observation and interrogation. IfKglspergersclaims are true(hisdifficultlegalsituation and desire for payment would have encouraged him to overstate his contribution),it could be that by the time Fischer was reinstated and thesetting-outproblem detected,remedying the situation was either not possible without significant demolition at one end of the building or the other, or not considered worthwhile by Fischer. {{courseNav.course.mDynamicIntFields.lessonCount}} lessons As an architect, thisGesamtkunstwerkis part of the fascination. Learn about key examples showing the influence of Rococo design on English architecture. St Michael is a key example of Fischers work and of the wider German rococo movement and there is no shortage of written and visual information available, at least in terms of quantity. The results were intendedtoprovide more,andbetter, information about the building, enriching what was already understood and presented. Monochrome photographs do not serve thesecomplex and colourfulbuildings well, whilethesmall diagrammatic plans and sectionsused to illustrate the literaturehelp the reader to understand only the most basicinformation about the architecturalskeleton. Perpendicular and diagonal dimensional checks between key points on the planbore this out with only a couple of centimetres deviation at most between the north and south sides of the plan. All appear to be drawn towards the altar as if acted upon by a gravitational pull. A three-dimensional model created by a scan is a record of an object that requires a small degree of planning from the operator on site in order that information is efficiently captured. Even allowing for theremarkableoverlap ofskillsin many of the movements major and minor figures, the marvels of how such workswere designed, and how such creative minds and creative hands workedtogetheron site, remain. This freedom would have allowed theapparently symmetricalvault toincorporate the minor distortions necessaryto create the regular circle at the base of the dome. flashcard set{{course.flashcardSetCoun > 1 ? Its colors are Wedgwood Blue and white, and because of this, some refer to the church as The Wedgwood Church. This fundamental difference is analogous to that between photography (at least quickly-snapped photography) and sketching. The interior columnar architecture of St Michael is raised so that the column bases are at head heighton asimple basethatruns around the whole building. The 1952 plan and section provided a useful template onto which measurements could be notated and they served as a starting point for planning the survey. Another example of Rococo is the Church of St. John the Evangelist. These findings having been determined through putting together the relatively simple elevation, it remained necessary to piece together the hand-drawn fragments for the section and vault plan. The second example demonstrateswellthe value of taking linear dimensions as a surveying technique. | {{course.flashcardSetCount}} It is too big to be put down to contemporary construction accuracy (whichasalready notedwas found to bemuch better than this), but not big enough to be experienced, particularly in such an overwhelmingly complex space. Both of these wereundertakenby hand as tracings over the drawings on separate sheets before being scanned so that they could be added to the collage.
{{courseNav.course.mDynamicIntFields.lessonCount}}, All Teacher Certification Test Prep Courses, Rococo Architecture: Characteristics & Style, DSST Art of the Western World: Study Guide & Test Prep, High School Liberal Arts & Sciences: Help & Review, Art, Music, and Architecture Around the World, Realism & Expressionism in Death of a Salesman, Effect of Social & Political Events on Rococo Art, French vs. Italian Baroque Style Furniture, The Development of Rococo Architecture in Germany, TExES Science of Teaching Reading (293): Practice & Study Guide, Understanding the Scientific Methods for Research, Bliss by Katherine Mansfield: Characters & Quotes, Hemoglobin: Structure, Function & Impairment, John F. Kennedy's Accomplishments: Lesson for Kids, Evapotranspiration: Definition, Formula & Calculation, Henry Mintzberg & Organizational Structure, Quiz & Worksheet - Aphorisms in The Importance of Being Earnest, Quiz & Worksheet - The Death of Washington, Quiz & Worksheet - US Gang Violence Overview, Flashcards - Real Estate Marketing Basics, Flashcards - Promotional Marketing in Real Estate, Prentice Hall World History Connections to Today Volume 1: Online Textbook Help, Introduction to Humanities: Help and Review, Foundations of Education for Teachers: Professional Development, College Composition Syllabus Resource & Lesson Plans, The Medieval Warm Period High School World History Lesson Plans, Cognitive Development in Middle Childhood: Tutoring Solution, Quiz & Worksheet - The Female Reproductive Axis, Quiz & Worksheet - Male Reproduction Hormones, Quiz & Worksheet - The Enlightened Despotism of Peter the Great & Catherine the Great, Quiz & Worksheet - Characteristics of Foraging Tribes, Female Reproductive System: Internal Anatomy, What to Do When You're Rejected from All Colleges, Mechanical Engineering Scholarships for High School Seniors, Tech and Engineering - Questions & Answers, Health and Medicine - Questions & Answers, Working Scholars Bringing Tuition-Free College to the Community. I would like to thank the Drawing Matter Trust and Niall Hobhouse for supporting this project;PfarrerBrian McNeil for providing such a warm welcome to St Michael; Patrick Collins of MichaelGallie& Partners for the crash-course in surveying; and Professors Michael Yonan and Karsten Harries for their encouragement and support of my rococo survey.
These archbishops were both brothers of theircontemporary Electors of Bavaria and the church of St Michael therefore stands partly as a monument to fraternal competition, sitedon the outskirts of the then electoral capital and within distant view of the Electors Schleissheim and Nymphenburg residences. However, like the sketch, the information discovered through process inevitably remains for the most part with the person that created it: somebody looking at the sketch or survey does not learn all that its creator has. Like so many parts of this exercise the process was iterative, working towards an image that would read well, and that would read as an embellished drawing. The Grand Staircase at the Powderham Castle has Rococo inspired plasterwork. His architecture often plays with variations on centralised octagonal spaces (of which the adjacent choir for the Brotherhood is anotherexample) but as can be seen from the drawings, the plan of this spaceis indescribable. My measurements demonstrated thatthesurfaceof the vault wasmuch flatter thanthe parabolic curveshown in the 1952 drawings, contrary to the evidence of the eyeanote on my survey sheet reads this is much lower than it looks.There aremany such moments where the shapes of surfaces and edges are not as theeye perceives themand where the subsequent process of drawing was one of slowlyand iterativelyforming a best guess between the measurementsthat I could gatherand photographs. In 1747, the sanctuary was completely remodeled. I resolved, therefore, on a collage approach that for the most part was taken through to the conclusion of the drawing process. The challenge was to combine the digital and hand-drawn elements so that they did not jar. This is a curious irregularity. The digital colouring was undertaken using Adobe Photoshop by selecting areas within the digital lines and applying colour to them; this process did not work easily with the hand-drawn fragments and the result was too uniform. However, asChristiane Hertel translatedAdolfFeulnerin her 2010 book on the Bavarian rococo sculptor Ignaz Gnther, Folkloristic this refined art is certainly not; and yet it is strange that back then this refined art was popular and that the slightly perfumed courtly sensuality once evoked pious feelings. Feulner was referring specifically to sculpture, but his commentsring true of the Gesamtkunstwerk. However, the church's interior did not start out that way. That being said, the process would have been more straightforward and the results more accurate if taken from a three-dimensional scanned model of the interior. The Grand Staircase at Powderham Castle is an example of Rococo plasterwork. It can be interrogated, but this is a choice, not often a requirement. Create your account. It is worth saying, however, that thisconfusionisfundamental toones experience ofthis building and the wider German rococo;parameters that are literally indefinable by the minds eye enhancetheirrationality and theoretical infinity of itsspaces. Measurements that were taken were limited to the cut line and those elements of the elevation beyond that could be defined, windows and doors for example, or easily accessed, such as the organ loft. copyright 2003-2022 This processbrought various aspects ofthe1952planinto question of which two examples will suffice. Photographs taken on site from directly beneath the vaults provided the basis for the frescos. Digital collaging would allow photographs of frescos and altar paintings to be incorporated, together with the colouring that is so important in making this rich architecture legible. The cost was prohibitive of course, but I also felt that such an approach could risk providing an overload of information, given that I simply wanted to create two-dimensional 1:100 drawings. Equallybrilliant in their fields were the stuccoist and fresco-painter Johann Baptist Zimmerman and the designer of the high altar, Johann Baptist Straub. However, the survey demonstrated that thissquareis actually 300mm longer than it is wide, something that was only noticeable because I was dealing directly with each measurement. Create an account to start this course today. Hindsight highlights the perhaps obvious facts that it would also have allowed the interrogation of a model separate from the building itself that could be infinitely examined beyond the period on site, and defined parts of the complex building that linear measurement could not as I describe below, many elements of the buildings form proved impossible to determine with the tools at hand.
In addition, it became evident that shadow would need to be added as an additional element to the collaging process to help the viewer read the drawing. A sketch is not the same thing. The process of constructing this draft and the result were felt to be unsatisfactory for three reasons. No elevation drawing of St Michael existed, and so a photograph was used in its stead. All content including images, text documents, audio, video, and interactive media published on the Drawing Matter website is for non-commercial, educational, journalistic and/or personal use only.
I mention the scale becauseit is easy to forget thatdigital information does not have any.
As a style developed by craftspeople, it is no surprise that hand-worked decoration was an important element. In October 2017, I travelled to the outskirts of Munich to spend three days in the company of Johann Michael Fischers church of St Michael at Berg amLaimwith the purpose of presenting it in drawings and photographs. Opened in 1742, this public pleasure garden attracted mostly wealthy patrons. I have long been both beguiled and fascinated by the rococochurchesof southern Germany. Only in the thankfully pure circular ring at the base of the shallow dome above is resolution achieved. Two churches, Great Witley Church and St. John the Evangelist showcase stunning Rococo style interiors although their exteriors are quite unassuming. In the case of the elevation, the powerful projection of the central section was illegible and it was clear that the section and vault plan would benefit significantly from shading to indicate the modelling of the surfaces, and help depth to be read by the viewer. The1952drawings were used againin 2002to present the church in Franz Peter and Franz Wimmers visual survey of JohannMichael Fischers work.
While the small number of fragments for the elevation, over-door and niche sculptures and the ionic and Corinthian capitals, could be fairly easily created through tracings of scaled photographs (again taken from a distance to minimise perspectival distortion) and the basic proportional principals of the orders, the stucco and sculptureof the interior,located high above the viewers head,was less-straightforwardly drawn in orthographic projection. Other mouldings on the section and elevation relied on extrapolation and scaling from photographs, carefully worked through on A5 sheets during the process of drawing. Therecordphotograph, while not denying the possibility of active engagement by the person pressing the shutter, does not demand it. Explore the stunning and elaborate interiors of buildings whose exterior might be considered quite plain. However, this study was also an experiment in surveying and drawing methods, in finding the best means to the desired end, in determining what worked and what did not. However, there are some examples of how this style was used on the interiors of English buildings. The equipment that I used ranged from tools thatGruber would have used in 1952such as tapes and a folding rule,toa laser distance measurer and level, equipmentthat allow measurements to be taken without requiring the surveyor to physically access both ends of the line that he or she is measuring. It was clear that a good deal of triangulation, extrapolation and trial and error would be involved and this approach pointed strongly towards digital drawing, at least to create a basic framework that could be edited and manipulated to find a best fit with the fragmentary information that I was able to collect. It is worth noting that the muscular interior architectureis constructed entirelyfrom plaster and timber, so it could have been arranged relatively freely withinthemasonry shell. Workbegan in 1737, the church was consecrated in 1751and Straubs high altar was installedin1769. Undoubtedly the very foreignness of eighteenth-century Bavarian Catholic culture is part of the fascination. A step in this baseat a convenient heightwas selected as the plan cut for the survey and checked for consistency around the building with a laser level. Though I can only speculate, an explanation could lie in thecomplicated early planning andconstruction history of the building, various theories of which exist due to the tantalisingly fragmentary documentary evidence. The style was popular for about forty years from around 1730 to 1770. In order to incorporate an appropriate amount of detail in these hand-drawn fragments, they were drawn at 1:50 and digitally reduced to form part of the 1:100 drawings. St Michael is better served photographically than most of these churches as a result of RobertStallasthorough1989 monograph with fifteen colour photographs amongst the monochrome, but even here, the drawings used are the simple survey outlines prepared by Max Gruber in 1952for Norbert Liebs important Barockkirchen zwischenDonau und Alpenof1953. Very littlecould be taken from scaled photographs in the same manner. Digital lines were lightened slightly while the hand-drawn elements were drawn heavily and darkened so that they read consistently with the framework. However, putting my own language limitations aside, a more fundamental problem is the simple difficulty of experiencing these buildings. 13 chapters | Some even claim that it wasn't really a style of the time period, but rather a categorization from the 20th century. Itinevitably tells us things that other forms of investigation do not. For a monoglot based in the UK, this fascination is difficult to satisfy. The Music Room was one of the rooms for entertaining in the Norfolk House. Thedecision to studySt Michael wasmade for me by eventsbut it was a serendipitous, if daunting one. The ten painted windows replaced the clear ones. All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. Armed with a plethora of survey measurements and hundreds of photographs I returned to the UK with the knowledge that my original intention of creating a drawing entirely by hand would be, if not theoretically, then at least practically impossible. Curves were determined by setting a straight line between the start and end points with either a laser or tape and measuring the perpendicular distance between this chord and the arc at various points along it. These were applied with some minor corrections to the vault plan, while half of each fresco image was then warped using Adobe Photoshop to fill the section through the corresponding vault. However,my survey suggests that they are actually 250mm closer together. A new curved ceiling was installed with a canvas oil painting of the ascension.