All rights reserved, Unlimited access tailored to your data needs. A single cookie will be used in your browser to remember your preference not to be tracked. Sri Lanka External Debt accounted for 57.7 % of the country's Nominal GDP in 2020, compared with the ratio of 62.6 % in the previous year. These cookies are used to collect information about how you interact with our website and allow us to remember you. Available via annual subscription to one or more of CEICs global and premium databases. See the table below for more data. To find out more about the cookies we use, see our Cookies Policy. Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) increased by 178.7 USD mn in Dec 2021. There is no data available for your selected dates. Sri Lanka External Debt accounted for 57.7 % of the country's Nominal GDP in 2020, compared with the ratio of 62.6 % in the previous year. 2021 CEIC Data, an ISI Emerging Markets Group Company. The country's Nominal GDP was reported at 23.2 USD bn in Dec 2021. Instant access to full history data in excel. The country's External Debt reached 50,724.2 in Dec 2021. Payable monthly by credit card. Includes 216 key indicators for Sri Lanka, curated by CEIC analysts. Consolidated Fiscal Balance: % of GDP (%), Forecast: Government Expenditure (LKR bn), Government Revenue & Grants: Revenue (LKR mn), Government Expenditure & Lending Minus Repayments (LR) (LKR mn), Government Expenditure & LR: Recurrent (LKR mn), Government Expenditure & LR: Capital & Net Lending (LKR mn), Exports: Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Product (USD th), Imports: Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Product (USD th), Exports: United States of America (USD mn), Imports: Intermediate Goods: Textiles & Textile Articles (LKR mn), Export Volume Index (EVoI): 2010=100 (2010=100), Import Volume Index (IVoI): 2010=100 (2010=100), Terms of Trade Index: 2010=100 (2010=100), Foreign Portfolio Investment: % of GDP (%), Foreign Portfolio Investment: Equity Securities (USD mn), Foreign Portfolio Investment: Debt Securities (USD mn), Forecast: Current Account Balance (USD bn), Net International Investment Position (USD mn), BoP: CA: Goods & Services: Services: Credit (USD mn), BoP: CA: Goods & Services: Goods: Credit (USD mn), BoP: FA: Assets: Other Investment (OI) (USD mn), BoP: FA: Assets: Direct Investment (DI) (USD mn), BoP: FA: Liabilities: Portfolio Investment (PO) (USD mn), BoP: CA: Goods & Services: Services: Debit (USD mn), BoP: CA: Goods & Services: Goods: Debit (USD mn), BoP: FA: Liabilities: Direct Investment (DI) (USD mn), BoP: FA: Assets: Reserve Assets (RA) (USD mn), BoP: FA: Assets: Portfolio Investment (PO) (USD mn), BoP: CA: Goods & Services: Goods (USD mn), BoP: CA: Goods & Services: Services (USD mn), BoP: FA: Liabilities: Other Investment (OI) (USD mn), BoP: FA: Assets: Errors & Ommissions (USD mn), BoP: FA: Liabilities: Financial Derivatives (USD mn), BoP: FA: Assets: Financial Derivatives (USD mn), International Investment Position (IIP): Net (USD mn), Foreign Exchange Reserves: Months of Import (NA), ORA: Foreign Currency Reserves in Convertible FC (FCR) (USD mn), Commercial Banks: Loans: Personal Loans & Advances (LA) (LKR mn), Business Sentiment Index: Business Condition: Current Quarter (Index), Purchasing Managers Index: Manufacturing (Index), Sri Lanka IVoI: 1997=100: IVG: Machinery & Equipment (1997=100), Sri Lanka IVoI: 1997=100: IVG: Transport Equipment (1997=100), Sri Lanka IVoI: 1997=100: IVG: Building Materials (1997=100), Sri Lanka IVoI: 1997=100: Intermediate Goods (IG) (1997=100), Sri Lanka IVoI: 1997=100: IG: Textile & Clothing (1997=100), Sri Lanka IVaI: 1985=100: Consumer Goods: Total (1985=100), Sri Lanka IVaI: 1985=100: Consumer Goods: Foods & Drinks (1985=100), Sri Lanka IVaI: 1985=100: Consumer Goods: Others (1985=100), Sri Lanka IVaI: 1985=100: Intermediate Goods: Total (1985=100), Sri Lanka IVaI: 1985=100: Intermediate Goods: Petroleum (1985=100), Sri Lanka IVaI: 1985=100: Intermediate Goods: Fertilizer (1985=100), Sri Lanka IVaI: 1985=100: Intermediate Goods: Chemicals (1985=100), Sri Lanka IVaI: 1985=100: Intermediate Goods: Wheat (1985=100), Sri Lanka IVaI: 1985=100: Intermediate Goods: Textile & Clothing (1985=100), Sri Lanka IVaI: 1985=100: Investment Goods: Total (1985=100), Sri Lanka IVaI: 1985=100: Investment Goods: Machinery & Equipment (1985=100), Sri Lanka IVaI: 1985=100: Investment Goods: Transport Equipment (1985=100), Sri Lanka IVaI: 1985=100: Investment Goods: Building Materials (1985=100), Sri Lanka IVaI: 1990=100: Consumer Goods (1990=100), Sri Lanka IVaI: 1990=100: Consumer Goods: Foods & Drinks (1990=100), Sri Lanka IVaI: 1990=100: Consumer Goods: Others (1990=100), Sri Lanka IVaI: 1990=100: Intermediate Goods (1990=100), Sri Lanka IVaI: 1990=100: Intermediate Goods: Petroleum (1990=100), Sri Lanka IVaI: 1990=100: Intermediate Goods: Fertilizer (1990=100), Sri Lanka IVaI: 1990=100: Intermediate Goods: Chemicals (1990=100), Sri Lanka IVaI: 1990=100: Intermediate Goods: Wheat (1990=100), Sri Lanka IVaI: 1990=100: Intermediate Goods: Textile & Clothing (1990=100), Sri Lanka IVaI: 1990=100: Investment Goods (1990=100), Sri Lanka IVaI: 1990=100: Investment Goods: Machinery & Equipment (1990=100), Sri Lanka IVaI: 1990=100: Investment Goods: Transport Equipment (1990=100), Sri Lanka IVaI: 1990=100: Investment Goods: Building Materials (1990=100), Sri Lanka IVaI: 1997=100: Consumer Goods (CG) (1997=100), Sri Lanka IVaI: 1997=100: CG: Foods & Drinks (1997=100), Sri Lanka IVaI: 1997=100: CG: Others (1997=100), Sri Lanka IVaI: 1997=100: Intermediate Goods (IG) (1997=100), Sri Lanka IVaI: 1997=100: IG: Crude Oil (1997=100), Sri Lanka IVaI: 1997=100: IG: Refined Petroleum Products (1997=100), Sri Lanka IVaI: 1997=100: IG: Fertilizer (1997=100), Sri Lanka IVaI: 1997=100: IG: Chemicals (1997=100), Sri Lanka IVaI: 1997=100: IG: Wheat (1997=100), Sri Lanka IVaI: 1997=100: IG: Textiles (1997=100), Sri Lanka IVaI: 1997=100: Investment Goods (IVG) (1997=100), Sri Lanka IVaI: 1997=100: IVG: Machinery & Equipment (1997=100), Sri Lanka IVaI: 1997=100: IVG: Transport Equipment (1997=100), Sri Lanka IVaI: 1997=100: IVG: Building Materials (1997=100), Sri Lanka IVaI: 1997=100: IG: Textile & Clothing (1997=100), Sri Lanka Imports: By End Use: Consumer Goods (LKR mn), Sri Lanka Imports: By End Use: Consumer Goods: Food & Drinks (LKR mn), Sri Lanka Imports: By End Use: Consumer Goods: Food & Drinks: Rice (LKR mn), Sri Lanka Imports: By End Use: Consumer Goods: Food & Drinks: Sugar (LKR mn), Sri Lanka Imports: By End Use: Intermediate Goods: Wheat (LKR mn), Sri Lanka Imports: By End Use: Consumer Goods: Food & Drinks: Others (LKR mn), Sri Lanka Imports: By End Use: Consumer Goods: Others (LKR mn), Sri Lanka Imports: By End Use: Intermediate Goods (LKR mn), Sri Lanka Imports: By End Use: Intermediate Goods: Petroleum (LKR mn), Sri Lanka Imports: By End Use: Intermediate Goods: Fertilizer (LKR mn), Sri Lanka Imports: By End Use: Intermediate Goods: Chemicals (LKR mn), Sri Lanka Imports: By End Use: Intermediate Goods: Textiles & Clothing (LKR mn), Sri Lanka Imports: By End Use: Intermediate Goods: Others (LKR mn), Sri Lanka Imports: By End Use: Investment Goods (LKR mn), Sri Lanka Imports: By End Use: Investment Goods: Machinery & Equipment (LKR mn), Sri Lanka Imports: By End Use: Investment Goods: Transport Equipment (LKR mn), Sri Lanka Imports: By End Use: Investment Goods: Building Materials (LKR mn), Sri Lanka Imports: By End Use: Investment Goods: Others (LKR mn), Sri Lanka Imports: By End Use: Unclassified Imports (LKR mn), Sri Lanka EUVI: 1997=100: Agricultural Exports (1997=100), Sri Lanka EUVI: 1997=100: Agricultural Exports: Tea (1997=100), Sri Lanka EUVI: 1997=100: Agricultural Exports: Rubber (1997=100), Sri Lanka EUVI: 1997=100: Agricultural Exports: Coconut Products (1997=100), Sri Lanka EUVI: 1997=100: Agricultural Exports: Minor Agri Products (1997=100), Sri Lanka EUVI: 1997=100: Industrial Products (1997=100), Sri Lanka EUVI: 1997=100: Industrial Products: Textiles & Garment (1997=100), Sri Lanka EUVI: 1997=100: Industrial Products: Petroleum Products (1997=100), Sri Lanka EUVI: 1997=100: Industrial Products: Other (1997=100), Sri Lanka EUVI: 1997=100: Mineral Products (1997=100), Sri Lanka EUVI: 1997=100: Mineral Products: Precious & Semi P Stones (1997=100), Sri Lanka EUVI: 1997=100: Mineral Products: Other (1997=100), Sri Lanka IUVI: 1997=100: Consumer Goods (CG) (1997=100), Sri Lanka IUVI: 1997=100: CG: Foods & Drinks (1997=100), Sri Lanka IUVI: 1997=100: CG: Others (1997=100), Sri Lanka IUVI: 1997=100: Intermediate Goods (IG) (1997=100), Sri Lanka IUVI: 1997=100: IG: Crude Oil (1997=100), Sri Lanka IUVI: 1997=100: IG: Refined Petroleum Products (1997=100), Sri Lanka IUVI: 1997=100: IG: Fertilizer (1997=100), Sri Lanka IUVI: 1997=100: IG: Chemicals (1997=100), Sri Lanka IUVI: 1997=100: IG: Wheat (1997=100), Sri Lanka IUVI: 1997=100: IG: Textiles (1997=100), Sri Lanka IUVI: 1997=100: Investment Goods (IVG) (1997=100), Sri Lanka IUVI: 1997=100: IVG: Machinery & Equipment (1997=100), Sri Lanka IUVI: 1997=100: IVG: Transport Equipment (1997=100), Sri Lanka IUVI: 1997=100: IVG: Building Materials (1997=100), Sri Lanka IUVI: 1997=100: IG: Textile & Clothing (1997=100), Sri Lanka Monetary Survey: DBU: External Banking Assets, Net (LKR mn), Sri Lanka Monetary Survey: DBU: Domestic Credit (LKR mn), Sri Lanka Monetary Survey: DBU: Domestic Credit: Government (LKR mn), BPM6: Balance of Payments: Analytical Presentation: Annual, BPM6: Balance of Payments: Detailed Presentation: Annual, BPM6: International Investment Position: Annual, External Debt: Commitments and Currency Composition, External Debt: Disbursements and Interest Payment, External Debt: Terms and Undisbursed Debt, Balance of Payments: Capital and Financial Account, BPM6: Balance of Payments: Analytical Presentation, BPM6: Balance of Payments: Detailed Presentation, External Debt: Debt Outstanding, Debt Ratio and Debt Service, External Debt: Net Flows and Net Transfers, Investment Approved and Realized: Board of Investment. Its Foreign Portfolio Investment fell by 21.4 USD mn in Dec 2021. We use this information in order to improve and customize your browsing experience and for analytics and metrics about our visitors both on this website and other media.

Key information about Sri Lanka External Debt: % of GDP. The data reached an all-time high of 62.6 % in Dec 2019 and a record low of 38.8 % in Dec 2008.
Suitable for enterprise usage. Instant access to full history data in excel. Includes External Debt: % of GDP on 108 economies standardised by CEIC. This website stores cookies on your computer. Entry level access to the CEIC platform for individual users. Sri Lanka Direct Investment Abroad expanded by 4.4 USD mn in Dec 2021. In the latest reports of Sri Lanka, Current Account recorded a deficit of 1.1 USD bn in Dec 2021. Explore the most complete set of 6.6 million time series covering more than 200 economies, 20 industries and 18 macroeconomic sectors. Sri Lanka External Debt: % of Nominal GDP data is updated yearly, available from Dec 1998 to Dec 2020. If you decline, your information wont be tracked when you visit this website. Download limits apply. Full and unlimited access to CEIC data for multiple users.