We hope you can make it. For anyone unfamiliar with the Stations of the Cross, it is a series of 15 pictures that portray the Passion of the Christ, from Jesus condemnation by Pontius Pilate to his entombment, then his victory as Jesus rose from the dead!
The Cincinnati School of Supernatural Ministry starts on Tuesday, August 30th, and will span 15 weeks at two locations: Vineyard Cincinnati Church (August 30th - October 25th), and Vineyard Church Northwest (November 1st - December 13th). There will also be an emphasis on the filling of the Holy Spirit, as well as supernatural evangelism, healing, and deliverance from demons. If you sing or play an instrument and have an interest in joining the worship team at Vineyard Northwest, we invite you to sign up for Worship Team Auditions, happening Sunday, April 10th at 1:30pm! This class will prepare you for Sunday Morning Prayer Team, HOTS (Healing on the Streets), and Healing Rooms. Childcare is available for $4/child with a max of $10/family. Each class will run from 6:30pm to approximately 9:00pm. Registration is needed for both the lab and childcare through our website noon on the day of the event.
Motivated by love, they operated in the power that opens blind eyes, heals the lame, and sets the oppressed free.
Lets join together and change the city with radical acts of kindness! Children 6yrs+ are welcome to attend. This event has no cost and is open to anyone!
Whether you want to [], Vineyard Churches UK & Ireland is a Charitable Company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales under Company No.04839046. You can expect worship, food, prophetic prayer and encouragement, laughter, and a chance to spend time with God.
On March 25, Jaime Haselmayer will be sharing the message; there will be worship, food, prophetic prayer and fellowship, so invite a friend - this is a space for any woman! Interested in pursuing the Kingdom with us?
The VINEYARD CHURCHES logo, Vineyard grapes device and VINEYARD' with grapes' device logo are all registered trade marks of Vineyard Churches UK & Ireland.
We highly recommend this class both to those who haven't been equipped for supernatural ministry, and those who could use a refresher. Prophecy Rooms are happening Saturday, March 19th from 1-3pm! This is an "open house" style event, so come and go as you wish! We invite you to join us this year as we contend for the power of God to increase in our lives and our churches.
URBANA CAMPUS 1500 N. Lincoln Ave, Urbana, IL, SULLIVAN CAMPUS 1805 S Hamilton, Sullivan, IL, CONNECTNew HereFind a GroupmyVineyardJobs, WATCHLive StreamUrbana MessagesSullivan Messages, GROWSchool of Kingdom MinistryKingdom Equipping, 2022 The Vineyard Church of Central Illinois.
Join us for a time of prayer, ministry, teaching, and worship as we come together with other Vineyard churches across the region.
Our world is in desperate need of this same power today.
We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. The annual kids summer camp is coming up fast!
Registration is needed for both the lab and childcare by noon on the day of the event. Invite your family and friends for an evening of water guns, kiddy pools and free Kona Ice!
Are we seeing the same and greater works he promised? Click the image above for registration and more information! Our conferences are built on three pillars, encounter, equipping, and extending.
Childcare is available for $4/child with a max of $10/family. Are you interested in joining our Prayer Team? The training will take Saturday, July 30th 10:00a-12:30p. Are the works of Jesus flowing from our lives?
Participants will bring their own ideas and materials and join us for 2 hours to create prophetic art, receive encouragement, and any desired input. Happening Saturday, May 14th 10am-12pm in the multipurpose room. With worship, fellowship, teaching, break-out sessions, and more we cant wait for you to join us! More Love More Power is the premiere Holy Spirit conference of the Vineyard Church of Central Illinois.
Because of the focus on the reorg and future, this is specifically intended for senior leadership and key staff or leaders.
VNWSSM is offering three elective classes this July and/or August.
Prayer requests for any kind of situation are welcome because we believe that God wants to encounter us and transform every aspect of our lives. There will be a powerful video teaching, discussion, and practice. This training is great for those who are new as well as a refresher for any current prayer team members.
North Jersey Vineyard Church, 310 Phillips Avenue, South Hackensack, United States.
Phil Patten, founder of Pursuit Financial, will be returning for another seminar! Holy Spirit Night is a night of worship and ministry!
With us at this gathering will be Joel Seymour and Brenda Gatlin (Super Regional Leaders), Charles Montgomery (national team Associations Strategic Director), and National Director Jay Pathak (via video).
July 25th-29th: Open to 2nd-5th graders and located just outside of Oxford, Ohio at Wilderness Ridge Retreat Center! We won't be offering any programming for children or youth at this gathering. You are invited to join us on Thursday, February 24 from 6:30-8:00pm for a Worship Dance Lab!

Please complete the registration form by April 1st. In one of his last moments before his crucifixion, Jesus said, Whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will he do. Have we all settled as believers?
Join us on Wednesday, June 1st from 6:30-8:30p for the NWKids Water Night!
Our hope is that as you leave our gatherings, you are inspired to change your neighborhoods, workplaces, and cities with the love and power of Jesus. Invite a friend, we'd love to see you there!
These luncheons are a great opportunity to get to know the church family better, and a lunch is provided for you!
Children 12 and up are welcome to attend, and childcare is available for $4/child with a max of $10/family.
The three main school instructors are Luke Haselmayer, Wilson Cochrane, and Clay Harrington - Vineyard pastors who share with unique styles and passions, but are united in a passion for equipping the Church for supernatural ministry and advancing the Kingdom of God by doing. Children 6yrs+ are welcome to attend. So if youve never joined us for a luncheon, please register below and come meet our staff at the Luncheon!
Vineyard Churches UK & Ireland, Unit 8, K3 Business Park, 200 Clough Road, Hull, HU5 1SW.
Worship Dance Labs are interactive discussions and practice of how dance can be used to worship and pray for others prophetically. The cost for this workshop is $20 and includes teaching, activations, and a booklet.
The purpose of this conference is to gather Vineyard Youth Ministries from all around the Midwest (and beyond) to extend the Kingdom, to bring life to our youth ministries, and to experience the power and presence of God.
Registration is required so we know how many friends and family to expect, so register today! The school will happen once a week on Tuesday evenings at 6:30pm, and will focus on teaching, equipping, and activating on a variety of topics.
Starting on July 03, we will be bringing back our Newcomers Luncheons! What we soon realized is that when you set aside several days to seek Jesus together, He takes it seriously! Childcare is available for $4 per child with a maximum of $10 per family.
Vineyard events around the UK and Ireland, Dreaming The Impossible is an annual youth gathering for young people aged 12-18 from churches and youth [], Join us this autumn for a gathering of your generation, to be inspired and propelled to extend Gods Kingdom [], The Call is a new space designed to help you discern the next steps in your leadership calling. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it.
One signing up for this class can expect to learn the theology of identity and the kingdom of God, as well as be activated in Holy Spirit ministry via the gifts of the Spirit. On Good Friday, from 4pm-7pm the auditorium will be turned into a contemplative prayer room with several prayer stations set up with prompts for prayerful meditation on Jesus and his great act of passion for all of us on the cross. We welcome groups of all sizes to join us for this fun, action-packed weekend!
All Rights Reserved. Basics is designed to introduce you to Vineyard Northwest's story and vision. Childcare for children ages 0-6 will be provided for each class, but registration is required for this (as you register for the school, you will be directed on how to register for childcare).
There will be a powerful video teaching, discussion, and practice. Ages 7 years and up are welcome; we ask that children under 12 be supervised by an adult. This event is open to anyone to come and receive prophetic encouragement.
Join us for our next Holy Spirit Night on May 1st.
The three main school instructors are Luke Haselmayer, Wilson Cochrane, and Clay Harrington - Vineyard pastors who share with unique styles and passions, but are united in a passion for equipping the Church for supernatural ministry and advancing the Kingdom of God by doing the things that Jesus did.
You can register by volunteering for 3 or more sessions or by paying an entry fee.
Basics is designed to introduce you to Vineyard Northwest's story and vision. In 2011, we launched our first conference, More Love More Power, in an effort to help our people grow in their identity in Jesus and be equipped in their God-given destiny.
Open Studio is an event where artists of any level of experience or ability will have the opportunity to create prophetic art in a community setting. Join us for our Prayer Training led by Van Cochrane.
This training is great for those who are new as well as a refresher for any current prayer team members. Registration is only $25/person before May 15, and $40/person after May 15. Charity Registration No.1087771.
Identical trainings happening Saturday 2/19, Thursday 2/24 (6:30-8:30p), Saturday 3/5 (10:00a-12:00p).
Interested in learning more about prayer and practicing how to pray for others?
You are invited to join us on Thursday, March 24 from 6:30-8:00pm for a Worship Dance Lab! On June 12-14 we will be meeting at the Vineyard Church of Davenport in Davenport, IA to spend some time worshipping God, building relationships, and hearing more about the Vineyard reorg and future from some of our Vineyard national team.
Worship Dance Labs are interactive discussions and practice of how dance can be used to worship and pray for others prophetically. In this workshop, we will talk about how prophetic intercession differs from other types of prayer, how prophetic intercessors are designed, and then practice what we learn! Reserve your spot at the conference now and register below! This class will also prepare you for Sunday Morning Prayer Team, HOTS (Healing on the Streets), and Healing Rooms. Please visit our website for conference details, schedule of events, speakers, and more. The EXPRESS class is a 3-week class happening August 3rd, 10th, and 17th from 6:30-8:30pm.
It is a three-part course that includes two Sunday morning sessions (July 10, July 17) and one Wednesday evening (July 20).
The Sunday morning sessions are held in the lower level and run simultaneous to our 11:30 weekend service. We will be hearing from Jay Pathak, our National Director, as well as other national and local leaders alike during our sessions and will also be providing awesome programs and activities for kids and teens throughout the conference.
At Kingdom Pursuit, we recognize we are not seeing the level of power promised in the New Testament.
The 3 different electives that we are excited to offer are: Devotion & Prayer: The Foundation of a Supernatural LifestyleJuly 12th - July 26th (3 weeks)Identity & Destiny: Understanding who you are and why the world needs you.July 12th - August 16th (5 weeks)Supernatural Lifestyle: Seeing sustained Kingdom Breakthrough in your lifeJuly 27th - August 10th (3 weeks)To find more information hit the Register button below.We cant wait to see you there! Please register below for both the workshop and childcare is applicable. You are invited to join us on Thursday, May 26 from 6:30-8:00pm for a Worship Dance Lab!
The cost of the class is $10. If you love to dance or if you are simply curious, join us as we learn together!
Reverb is the annual Regional Vineyard Conference for students 6th-12th grade.
Mon Jul 18 2022 at 07:00 pm to Wed Jul 20 2022 at 10:00 pm, North Jersey Vineyard Church | South Hackensack, NJ.
Email hello@vancouvervineyard.com for more details!
We are excited to regather as churches from our newly expanded region from Maine to Virginia and extending into western PA. We kick off the event with worship led by a variety of gifted worship leaders from our region on Monday, July 18 at 7pm and will conclude Wednesday evening, July 20. In the end, the goal is for you to know where Vineyard Northwest has come from, where we are now, where we are going, and how you can get involved! Overflow is a time and space for women to gather together! Expect to be equipped, encouraged, challenged, and inspired to be part of Gods kingdom advancing here in Cincinnati!
Laurie Cochrane will be our guest speaker this time around! Registration is optional, but requested if you are able. We will press into the Lord together and unite in the Vineyard movement.
Join us on Friday, May 6th from 6:30-8:30p & Saturday, May 7th from 1:30-3:30p for our Prophetic Intercession Workshop taught by Kim Turnbo! VINEYARD is a United Kingdom and European Union trade mark registered to Vineyard Churches UK & Ireland.
It is a three-part course that includes two Sunday morning sessions (March 6th & March 13th) and one Wednesday evening (March 16th). The early church walked in this power; it was their mechanism for reaching the world with the Gospel. GiveOnline Connect CardMyVineyardNorthwestVineyard Northwest Worship, Online: Sundays 9:30 & 11:30AMIn-Person: Sundays 9:30 & 11:30AM, Classes will include theologically rich teaching, worship, time for sharing God moments, powerful ministry time, activations (activities/clinics where we practice what were learning), outreach to the local community, and more! We are excited to announce that Vineyard Northwest will be launching its very own 15 week ministry school, starting on February 8th.
Kingdom Finances will present a theory and an application of how we should view and manage our finances from a Kingdom perspective. You can count on fun, in depth conversation, and a chance to spend time with God. Register below! Our heart is to reignite passion for the power of God in and through our lives.
Cincinnati School of Supernatural Ministry. Ages 7 years and up are welcome; we ask that children under 12 be supervised by an adult.
The Wednesday evening session will be hosted by one of our Vineyard Northwest leaders, held in their home with dinner.
Charity Registration No.1099748.
To see a complete church calendar, click here.
Camp features an epic creek, zip line, climbing wall, lake, campfire ring, mud course and more!
If you love to dance or if you are simply curious, join us as we learn together!
Our goal is to align with Vineyard Northwests vision to be a Community of Healing by creating an environment where the Holy Spirit encounters people freely and they are able to receive healing.
The primary focus of the EXPRESS class is to practice being led by the Holy Spirit in a way that allows him to express himself to you and through you, deepening your relationship with Him. Each year we gather to encounter Jesus powerful presence together, receive equipping and impartation in the spiritual gifts, and are inspired to extend His love and His power everywhere we go, our neighborhoods, workplaces, cities, and more.
We will not settle for anything less than what Jesus promised and paid for. No registration is required.
You will acquire tools in a variety of artistic forms such as visual art, written and spoken word, music and movement regardless of your skill or experience.
The cost for the class is $15, please register by July 31st.
Please register for this event and childcare if applicable. Overflow is a time and space for women of all ages and life stages to gather. Identical trainings happening Thursday 2/24 (6:30-8:30p), and Saturday 3/5 (10:00a-12:00p). Whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will he do.
Make sure you bring your favorite water gun and a towel. Meditation on the Word is a 4 week class where we will meet and learn how to meditate on God's word. This free seminar will be completed with worship and a Q&A, but registration is required, so register today! Our Vineyard Eastern Regional Conference 2022 is for all pastors, staff, key leaders, and their families. It is based on the methods used in Kirk Bennetts book, Deepening Prophetic Revelation through Meditation.
We are joining with Vineyard Finneytown and several other churches in the Cincinnati area to do servant evangelism (practical acts of love) throughout Cincinnati on July 2nd! These events are lead by Susan Rodebush.
Happening Saturday, August 27 from 10am-12pm in the multipurpose room.
Come alongside us as we learn to partner with God, demonstrate his power to the world, and press into all that the blood of Jesus paid for! We are not content with the level of healing and freedom we are seeing in the lives of people in our region, and we believe growing in the power of God is a key to this breakthrough. gathering at10am on sundays, in person and online, 1207 e reserve st. | vancouvervineyard.online.church, vancouver vineyard, 1207 E Reserve St, Vancouver, WA, 98661, United States.
This devotional exercise is meant to help meditate on the Passion of Christ, as you go through and pray at each station. Healing Rooms are offered the second Saturday of each month. Expect a time of extended worship, a revelatory message on the Holy Spirit, and a designated time for ministry.
The class will be every Wednesday from July 6th through July 27th from 6:30-8:00p.
Though the gathering is short, we'll be intentional to provide time for ministry and meeting new people. When you sign up, you are signing up for a 20 minute time slot with our prophetic teams, and their only goal during that time is to hear from God for you! Open to those 15 yrs old and up. Childcare is available for ages 0-6, click here below register.