Applicators that are licensed in Demonstration & Research and one other category must complete 10 credit hours in Demonstration & Research and the total required credit hours for the other category. North Carolina State University The cost of the reciprocal certification is $10 per three-year cycle. Commercial applicator continuing education courses that will allow consultants to conveniently access no-charge courses online to earn credits and meet the educational requirements of their
Private pesticide applicators use or supervise the use of a restricted use pesticide to produce an agricultural commodity on their own property, rented property, or property owned by their employers. Any individual who sells restricted-use pesticides to certified or licensed end users must have a pesticide dealers license. Credits for all categories added during a recertification period must be earned prior to the expiration date of the initial recertification period. Policies
Fees apply to all exams. This permit authorizes the purchase and use of one restricted use pesticide for one application to a crop or site. Contact the, state agency for details. Upcoming Events Individual printed copies are available for $12.00 each by calling 800-292-0969. If the above educational requirements are met, a consultant must, in the area of consultation (such as agriculture, forestry, or, ). Pesticide Environmental Stewardship website A resource for information on the safe handling, Commercial applicators must have a current license to apply pesticides. Each category of certification is printed on the pesticide license (by letter designation). * For information about certification and licensing for pesticide applications in and around homes and commercial buildings, see Structural Pest Control: A Certification Manual for North Carolina, available through the Pesticide Safety Education Program at NC State University. Taking and passing the appropriate certification exam is the only alternative to recertification via continuing education credits. EPA's Soil Fumigant Toolbox provides training, outreach, and other resource materials for NCDA&CS will send a Pesticide License Application to any person who passes both, . Once you become a resident of North Carolina, reciprocity is no longer an option and therefore you must take the appropriate North Carolina exam(s) to become certified and licensed.
The card will expire on December 31 of the third year following the year of initial certification. Recertification dates do not change with the addition of new categories. 1090 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1090
Pest control consultants and dealers who sell restricted-use pesticides also must be licensed. by training requires 4 hours of approved credits: 3 hours for the first specialty category, and 1 hour in aerial methods. Credits must be obtained by June 30 of the second year following certification. Only an individual with valid certification may renew a pesticide license by submitting a signed application with a licensing fee of $75. Receive Email Notifications for New Publications. Examples of private applicators include farmers, nursery operators. Pesticides are vital tools for managing pests that reduce crop yield and quality, spread disease, congest our waterways, or jeopardize our quality of life. The fee for the pest control consultant license is $75. Pilots must have completed at least 125 hours and have one years flying experience in aerial pesticide. All exams, except for the Private Soil Fumigation exam, are closed-book and consist of multiple-choice questions. The signed form must be returned to NCDA&CS with the $75 licensing fee (this fee is not required for public operators; see License Types). 6 credits. An uncirculated Soil Fumigation manual is provided for that exam. Pesticide recertification credits may be earned by attending educational programs that have been pre-approved for credits by NCDA&CS. Anyone who applies or supervises the application of pesticides for town, city, county, state, or federal government agencies must be licensed as a, public operators. Pesticide recertification credit status (number of credits earned per category) can also be checked through the NCDA&CS website by clicking on the link to Licensee Search / Credit Status Search. Allow two to three weeks for attendance records to be posted on this site. A person certified in both categories is required to obtain 10 credits for (L) and 3 credits for (A). A .gov website belongs to an official government organization in the United States. Annual inspections of aircraft by NCDA&CS cost $25. By Sept. 30 of the third year, earn 4 credit hours (2 hours of pesticide safety and 2 hours of specialized training). Credits are not carried over from one recertification period to the next. A valid certification card must be presented before a reciprocal certification will be issued. 5. Contact the NCDA&CS for the proper procedures. Recertification dates do not change with the addition of new categories. Unless stated otherwise on the pesticide label, the supervisor does not have to be physically present at the treatment site, but must maintain reasonable communication (such as phone or radio contact) with the supervised applicator and must be able to respond to emergencies. University of Missouri Extension. A pilot with less than 125 hours and one years experience will be licensed as an apprentice and must operate under the direct supervision of a licensed pilot. A commercial applicator is anyone who uses or supervises the use of any pesticide on someone elses property for compensation. To enroll in a pesticide school (fees apply), visit the NC Pesticide Safety Education Program website (see the contact information below). A dealer cannot legally apply pesticides to the property of another person without an applicator license. To, meetings approved for recertification credits, call your county Cooperative Extension center or visit the NCDA&CS, The NCDA&CS sends periodic reports of credits received and credits needed. Same requirements as Private Applicator plus pass the Private Applicator Soil Fumigation Exam ($10). Anyone who wants to be certified as a pesticide, The certification exams are developed, administered, and graded by the. Learn more about thechanges. For questions about accessibility and/or if you need additional accommodations for a specific document, please send an email to ANR Communications & Marketing at By June 30 of the fifth year, earn the required number of continuing certification credits.*. Credit will be given only for pesticide-related topics. Secure .gov websites use HTTPS A lock (LockA locked padlock) or https:// means youve safely connected to the .gov website. Dealer certification requires passing the Dealer Exam ($50 fee). No license fee is required for government employees, but an annual licensing application must be submitted to NCDA&CS each year. Private pesticide applicators who inject or apply fumigants to soils or growing media must be certified in Private Soil Fumigation (category Z, the 50-question multiple-choice Private Applicator Exam, (For private soil fumigation, an additional 50-question exam ($10 fee) must be passed. can be issued a reciprocal North Carolina certification provided they have proof that they, currently certified in another state. A minimum of 30 semester hours or 45 quarter hours of credit must be documented in subject areas pertinent to the specialty area(s) in which the individual wishes to consult. of the main pesticide safety page.]. Message from the USPS: Due to Covid-19, Priority and First Class package services may take an extra day to be delivered. Specialty area exam fees are $20 each. Pay for and pass the Core Exam and specialized category area exam(s) again. Credits must be earned in, recertification credits may be earned by attending educational programs that have been pre-approved for credits by NCDA&CS. There are two recertification options: The number of recertification credit hours needed for each category is listed in Table 1.1. State & National Extension Partners
Herbicide Resistance Weeds Training Module from the Weed Science Society of America. This manual serves as a study guide for the core exam which covers subjects relating to applicable state and federal laws and regulations; pest management; label comprehension; pesticides; safety; the environment; and equipment and application techniques. Exam dates and locations are listed on the Pesticide Safety Education Program and the NCDA&CS websites. Only an individual with valid certification may renew a pesticide license by, a signed application with a licensing fee of $75. The cost of the reciprocal certification is $10 per three-year cycle. The NCDA&CS sends periodic reports of credits received and credits needed. Option 2. NC State Extension conducts two-day pesticide schools to prepare prospective applicators for the private and commercial applicator certification exams. 919.515.3113. To register for an exam only, call the NCDA&CS (see the contact information below). This reciprocal license costs $75 per year. Licensing is described in greater detail in a subsequent section.
fumigants. Official Announcement of IPM3 (PDF, 264K file size), Background Information on IPM3(PDF, 88K file size). The goal of pesticide applicator certification and licensing is to protect people, property, the food supply, and the environment from both pests and pesticide misuse by ensuring the initial and continued competence of pesticide applicators, pesticide applications in and around homes, Structural Pest Control: A Certification Manual for, Skip to Classification of Pesticides and Pesticide Applicators, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), use pesticides have a greater potential to harm humans, the, Only a certified pesticide applicator or someone who works under his or her supervision may apply. Read our Exam dates and locations are listed on the. This information is for educational purposes only. A&T State University, in all 100 counties and with the Eastern Band of Cherokee For example, Ornamentals and Turf (L) requires 10 credits, and Aquatics (A) requires 6 credits. Pass the 50-question multiple-choice Private Applicator Exam ($10). Aerial applicator reciprocal licenses are issued in the subclass of public health only and are granted only upon the declaration of a public health emergency by an authorized government official. Commercial Applicator: Anyone who, for compensation, uses or supervises the use of any pesticide on the property of another. Option 1. Each sales outlet must have a licensed dealer. N.C. Forest Pest Control: Commercial Pesticide Applicator Training Manual (PDF, 2.7MB) from 1. commodities), Use of restricted-use pesticides in/on wood. Campus Box 7609, Raleigh, NC 27695-7609 For a list of state, agencies, visit the National Pesticide Information Centers list of, All educational programs for pesticide recertification credit (private and commercial) must be pre-approved by the NCDA&CS. A private applicator must be at least 16 years old before participating in a certification program. A pest control consultant cannot legally apply pesticides to the property of another unless licensed as an applicator. must pay an annual licensing fee ($75). Commercial applicator certification expires on December 31 of the fifth year following initial certification (except aerial, see below). Aerial applicators certified in more than one category must complete 1 extra hour of training for each additional specialty area. Official websites use .gov Dealer certification requires passing the Dealer Exam ($50 fee). The aerial applicator is required to pass the Core Exam ($50 fee), an exam in aerial methods ($50 fee), and an exam in the specialty area(s). The number of credit hours equates to the number of hours of pesticide training scheduled. Training Resources Upon receipt of the signed form and payment, the NCDA&CS will send the Private Applicator. [Copied from the Resources section An aerial applicator can be certified in any specialty area listed in Table 1.1 except Seed Treatment, Wood Treatment, Soil Fumigation or Ag Pest-Animal. Pass two exams: the Core Exam (100 questions) and the exam for the specialized category. An agricultural commodity is any plant or part of a plant, as well as any animal or animal product, produced for sale, feed, food, or other uses. Approval is sent to the training sponsor via email. Pesticide Safety Links, More information about upcoming events can be found on the Arizona Crop Information Site, Agricultural Pesticide Certification Training: Frequently Asked Questions, National Pesticide Applicator Certification: Core Manual This national training resource for Core certification is type and is only granted to individuals who are residents of a state other than North Carolina, and who expect to make pesticide applications. Public utility employees are also considered public operators. Only a certified pesticide applicator or someone who works under his or her supervision may apply restricted use pesticides. EPA has revised the Certification of Pesticide Applicators rule. Licensing is described in greater detail in, Commercial applicator certification expires on, Earn the required number of continuing certification credits by. Aerial applicator reciprocity is limited to Georgia, South Carolina, Virginia and Mississippi. Payment can be made by, to NCDA&CS) or money order at the exam site. Applicators that are licensed in Demonstration & Research and one other category must complete 10 credit hours in Demonstration & Research and the total required credit hours for the other category. And anyone who accepts compensation for applying any pesticide on someone elses property must be licensed with the NCDA&CS (described in Licensing). This form must be signed and returned to the NCDA&CS with a $10 renewal fee payable by check or money order (private soil fumigation is an additional $10 fee). Eligibility for a reciprocal license requires passing a written pesticide-certification exam in one of those states. The cost of the reciprocal license. The cost of the reciprocal license is $75 per year. 2 pencil, calculator (smart phones are prohibited), and valid government-issued photo ID to the exam site. Anyone who wants to be certified as a pesticide applicator must take the appropriate exam(s). A minimum of 30 semester hours or 45 quarter hours of credit must be documented in subject areas pertinent to the specialty area(s) in which the individual wishes to consult. To register for an exam only, call the NCDA&CS (see the contact information below). Pesticide Dealer: Any individual who sells restricted-use pesticides to certified or licensed end users must have a pesticide dealers license. safety page.]. or supplies technical advice, supervision, or aid, or recommends the use of specific pesticides for the purpose of controlling insects, plant disease, weeds, or other pests must obtain a Pest Control Consultant License ($75 annual fee).
An applicator must be 18 years old by January 1 of the year in which the, Each category of certification is printed on the pesticide, license (by letter designation). Control of pests affecting human health (excludes bedbugs and other structural pests), Pest control along highways, railroads, and utilities, Control of regulated pests (e.g., witchweed, gypsy moth), Control of pests affecting animals (livestock, poultry, or small animal), Control of pests affecting ornamentals, shade trees, and turf, Control of pests through application of pesticides to seeds, Pesticides used in field demonstration or research programs, Commercial application of pesticides in farming, Fumigant application to soils or growing media (excludes fumigation of raw ag. here. , and an exam for a category (50 questions). Reciprocal licenses are not available for pesticide dealers or pest control consultants. The fee for the pest control consultant license, $75. Each sales outlet must have a licensed dealer. MSU is an affirmative-action, equal-opportunity employer. The aerial applicator is required to pass the Core Exam ($50 fee), an exam in aerial methods ($50 fee), and an exam in the specialty area(s). with safe handling techniques and pertinent laws and regulations. A licensed applicator will be held responsible for any misuse of a pesticide by anyone working under his/her supervision. Exam results will be mailed by NCDA&CS within one to two weeks. Contact the appropriate state agency for details. Order the study materials at least three weeks before taking an exam to allow adequate time to read and review the information. No specialty area is needed. (minimum age 18 by Jan. 1 of licensing year). A dealer cannot legally apply pesticides to the property of another person without an applicator license. Two-hour pesticide safety classes (category V training) are offered at each local Cooperative Extension county. Farm Press University In cooperation with the major agricultural universities, Farm Press editors have developed Taxes apply for purchases made in the states of Minnesota and Michigan--Tax Exempt paperwork must be submitted and approved before order is placed. Public utility. All licenses expire each year on December 31 and are renewed annually. A pilot with less than 125 hours and one years experience will be licensed as an apprentice and must operate under the direct supervision of a licensed pilot. This reciprocal license costs $75 per year., Core Companion - Iowa Commercial Pesticide Applicator Manual Review and Quiz Modules, Category 1A, Agricultural Weed Management -- Iowa Commercial Pesticide Applicator Manual, Category 1B, Agricultural Insect Management -- Iowa Commercial Pesticide Applicator Manual, Category 3 OT, Ornamental and Turfgrass Pest Management -- Iowa Commercial Pesticide Applicator Manual, Category 1C, Agricultural Crop Disease Management -- Iowa Commercial Pesticide Applicator Manual, Category Eleven, Aerial Application -- Iowa Commercial Pesticide Applicator Manual, USDA Recordkeeping Manual for Private Pesticide Applicators, Category 1D, Fruit and Vegetable Pest Management -- A Guide for Commercial Pesticide Applicators, Category 1E, Animal Pest Control -- Iowa Commercial Pesticide Applicator Manual, Category 4, Seed Treatment -- Iowa Commercial Pesticide Applicator Manual, Category 2, Forest Pest Control -- Iowa Commercial Pesticide Applicator Manual, Category 5, Aquatic Pest Control -- Iowa Commercial Pesticide Applicator Manual, Category 6, Right-of-Way -- Iowa Commercial Pesticide Applicator Manual, Category 7A, General and Household Pest Management -- Iowa Commercial Pesticide Applicator Manual. Order the study materials at least three weeks before taking an exam to allow adequate time to read and review the information. For example, Ornamentals and Turf (L) requires 10 credits, and Aquatics (A). Michigan State University Extension programs and materials are open to all without regard to race, color, national origin, gender, gender identity, religion, age, height, weight, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, marital status, family status or veteran status. Read our Applicators that are licensed in Demonstration & Research and two or more other categories must complete the 10 credit hours in Demonstration & Research, complete the total credit hours for the category that has the highest credit hour requirement, and three credit hours for each remaining category. A&T State University. Aerial Applicator: An Aerial Applicator License is required for any individual who applies pesticides by aircraft. Public operator licenses can be mailed only to the address of a government agency or the utility. An aerial applicator can be certified in any specialty area listed in Table 1.1 except Seed, Aerial applicator certification expires on December 31 of the. Commercial Ground Applicators can be issued a reciprocal ground applicator's license provided they have proof that they were certified by written examination in Virginia, Georgia, South Carolina, or Florida. See Table 1.1 for a list of commercial applicator categories and their letter designations. Retain Private Applicator status and earn 1 credit in soil fumigation by Sept. 30 of the third year. If the above educational requirements are met, a consultant must pass the written consultants exam ($50 fee), Core exam ($50 fee), and a category-specific exam ($20) in the area of consultation (such as agriculture, forestry, or ornamentals and turf). Pest control consultants and dealers who sell restricted-use pesticides also must be licensed.
For holders of valid certification/license cards from Virginia, South Carolina, Georgia, or Florida who expect to make pesticide applications in North Carolina. The five license, , uses or supervises the use of any pesticide on the property of another. Sharing our bulletins with other states. UA Pesticide Information and Training Office (PITO). Single-Purchase Emergency Certification Permit. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) classifies pesticides as either restricted use or general use (unclassified). Only licensed pesticide dealers can sell them. However, we ask that you contact our office at stonejo2@cns.msu.eduor at 517-432-7392 for written permission, and include appropriate citations. We comply with the Federal Trade Commission 1998 Childrens Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA). 2. use pesticide to produce an agricultural commodity on their own property, rented property, or property owned by their employers. available for free online. PSEP Report on EPA Interagency Agreement, 2001 - 2007 (PDF, 32KB), University of Arizona Pesticide Information and Training Office. Public Operator: Anyone who applies or supervises the application of pesticides for town, city, county, state, or federal government agencies must be licensed as a public operator. ISU Extension and Outreach, Iowa State University| The label states restricted use pesticide, as indicated below. Pesticide Safety Education Program National program page. use pesticides again. EPAs cooperative agreement partners, state lead agencies and extension agent educators have developed the following training and testing resources for applicator certification that are available only for state, tribal and territory pesticide lead agencies. There are no training manuals designed for the Pest Control Consultant exam. For information on pesticide training manuals and schools: NC Pesticide Safety Education Program To apply pesticides outside of regular government or utility employment requires a Commercial Applicator License or Private Applicator Certificate. Applicants for aerial licenses (pilot, contractor, or apprentice) must first meet all requirements of the Federal Aviation Agency (FAA) to operate the equipment described in an application. 4. Structural Pest Control and Pesticides Division, NC The certification exams are developed, administered, and graded by the Structural Pest Control & Pesticides Division of the N.C. Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services (NCDA&CS). Exam fees, payable to NCDA&CS, are $50 for the Core and Aerial Methods, and $20 for each category. The license also is required to purchase a restricted-use pesticide. are available in Spanish. A pest control consultant cannot legally apply pesticides to the property of another unless licensed as an applicator. commitment to diversity. Credits for all categories added during a recertification period must be earned prior to the expiration date of the initial recertification period. Annual inspections of aircraft by NCDA&CS cost $25. Only licensed pesticide dealers can sell them. For a list of state regulatory agencies, visit the National Pesticide Information Centers list of State Pesticide Regulatory Agencies. A commercial applicator is anyone who uses or, And anyone who accepts compensation for applying any pesticide on someone elses property must be licensed with the NCDA&CS (described in, Commercial applicators must be certified in. Common types of pesticides include herbicides, fungicides, rodenticides, and insecticides. Call your. If necessary, an exam may be taken three times in one calendar year. $30.00 Private pesticide applicators use or supervise the use of a restricted. for any individual who applies pesticides by, . *, North Carolina Department of Agriculture &. Restricted use pesticides have a greater potential to harm humans, the environment, or both. Pesticide, recertification credit status (number of credits earned per category) can also be checked through the NCDA&CS. For information on pesticide laws, certification exams, and licensing: North Carolina Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services (NCDA&CS) Individuals applying for this license must submit to NCDA&CS a transcript, completion of a four-year degree in an agricultural or biological science from an accredited college or, . An individual who did not anticipate the need for a, use pesticide and who has not previously been certified as a private pesticide applicator may obtain a one-time, emergency-use permit from his local, county center pesticide coordinator. JavaScript appears to be disabled on this computer. The MSU Pesticide Education Program generally allows free use of information in our bulletins in government and Extension publications.