Centurion Deluxe Professional Oil Primed Linen Panels, installed on archival gatorboard, specifically designed for oil painters.Key Features: Please stay tune with my Youtube channel where I have a lot of events and news. Acid free and archival quality, the primed medium-textured linen is cleanly wrapped to a solid 3mm MDF wood board. You can try that with your pad, but a panel would be sealed on the board. Thanks very much for the suggestions and experimentation. Home Forums Explore Media Oil Painting The Technical Forum Centurion Oil Primed Linen manufacture? You must be logged in to reply to this topic. Add to cart to save with this special offer. They just would not go to the trouble of sizing with hide glue, and then simply omit bragging about it. Copyright 1995-2022 eBay Inc. All Rights Reserved. The item you've selected was not added to your cart. If you would like to study with me, please click on Teaching menu. Ive searched a vendor site (Jerrys Artarama) and the WC forum to find the info to no avail. {"modules":["unloadOptimization","bandwidthDetection"],"unloadOptimization":{"browsers":{"Firefox":true,"Chrome":true}},"bandwidthDetection":{"url":"https://ir.ebaystatic.com/cr/v/c1/thirtysevens.jpg","maxViews":4,"imgSize":37,"expiry":300000,"timeout":250}}, Recent sales price provided by the seller. I would bet the farm that they use a modern acrylic or PVA type of sizing as it is an easier, quicker, cheaper way to manufacture it, and it would also surely be something that they would tout, that they were using natural hide glue, if that were the case, but that is just an educated guess. Artists' Stretched Canvas & Canvas Boards, - eBay Money Back Guarantee - opens in a new window or tab, - for PayPal Credit, opens in a new window or tab, Learn more about earning points with eBay Mastercard, - eBay Return policy - opens in a new tab or window, - eBay Money Back Guarantee - opens in a new tab or window. Some (who dont know how, or have not ever sized raw canvas properly with hide glue) may say that the back of the canvas has no sizing, which is absolutely not true, it always wets the entire canvas, inside, and both sides, as it must penetrate and seal all of the canvas in order to thoroughly, and to properly size and seal it. Decrease quantity for Oil Primed Archival Linen Panel, Increase quantity for Oil Primed Archival Linen Panel. Centurions beautiful non-mechanical surface is ideal for oil paints (traditional and water-soluble), acrylics, caseins, and more brittle media like egg tempera and acrylic gouache. I would appreciate any pointers to the manufacturer or materials used in the production of this surface. If you'd like to get the additional items you've selected to qualify for this offer. Im trying to find out if Centurion Oil Primed Deluxe Linen (OP DLX) panels and pads are manufactured using hide glue or a synthetic size like PVA. Seller assumes all responsibility for this listing. I use it, it is made by Creative Mark Artists Products.
I have learned a great deal from manufacturers that way over the years. Centurion linen canvas panels are manufactured using a 11 ounce, 1.5 inches deep, universal acrylic primer that accepts any paint desired. Wow, I must have looked right over the line on being unable to find the manufacturer. Since your search for the manufacturer was unsuccessful, I would try contacting Jerrys directly and asking them. Address: 8582 Driftwood Dr, Riverside California 92504, United. Ok, I soaked the back of a 1620 Centurion canvas with some hot water and rubbed it in well for a while. Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total), This topic has 5 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated. If it is like any other store brand, they will not be able to put you directly in touch with the manufacturer because they need to adhere to a nondisclosure agreement. I will share any information they provide. Something went wrong. "Things fall apart, it's scientific." Information like this is sometimes impossible to find. Oil Primed Archival Linen Panel. There is no website that I know of. The best way to find out would be to email the manufacturer directly. It appears to not be hide glue, but I cant say that for absolute certainty, this is all I can tell you, for whatever it is worth. View cart for details. I will try soaking a piece of it in some hot water and feel the back of the canvas to try and detect for some sticky goo. Only hide glue will redissolve, modern synthetics will not. I did obtain the manufacturer info (http://www.phoenix-arts.com) from Jerrys customer service department and have written the company asking for clarification.
Im a noob who has just experienced plein air painting and Im trying to put together a suitable field kit. - 24x36", Centurion Deluxe Professional Oil Primed Linen Canvas Panels 3 Pack OP Enhanced Painting Artists Oils Alkyds More 16x20, Centurion Deluxe Professional Oil Primed Linen Canvas Panels 3 Pack OP Enhanced Painting Artists Oils Alkyds More 24x30, Centurion Deluxe Professional Oil Primed Linen Canvas Panels 3 Pack OP Enhanced Painting Artists Oils Alkyds More 22x28, Centurion Artist Linen Canvas Panels for Painting All Media Primed Museum Quality Multipack of 3 8x16, Centurion Deluxe Professional Oil Primed Linen Canvas Panels 3 Pack OP Enhanced Painting Artists Oils Alkyds More 12x24, Centurion Deluxe Professional Oil Primed Linen Canvas Panels 3 Pack OP Enhanced Painting Artists Oils Alkyds More 12x16, Centurion Deluxe Professional Oil Primed Linen Canvas Panels 3 Pack OP Enhanced Painting Artists Oils Alkyds More 14x18, Centurion Deluxe Professional Oil Primed Linen Canvas Panels 3 Pack OP Enhanced Painting Artists Oils Alkyds More 20x24, Centurion Deluxe Oil Primed Linen Canvas Panels Professional Artist Acid Free Archival Quality 1 8 Deep Art Board Designed Specifically Painting 3 Pa, Centurion Deluxe Professional Oil Primed Linen Canvas Panels 3 Pack OP Enhanced Painting Artists Oils Alkyds More 11x14, Centurion Deluxe Professional Oil Primed Linen Canvas Panels 3 Pack OP Enhanced Painting Artists Oils Alkyds More 18x24, Centurion Artist Linen Canvas Panels for Painting All Media Primed Museum Quality Multipack of 3 10x20, Centurion Deluxe Professional Oil Primed Linen Canvas Panels 3 Pack OP Enhanced Painting Artists Oils Alkyds More 12x12. I was not able to detect any sticky material at all, none. If you Buy It Now, you'll only be purchasing this item. Choosing a selection results in a full page refresh. Perfect for travel painting and pochade boxes, these linen panels are lightweight and take up around 1/4 the depth of a 3/4 inch canvas, so you can travel with more work surfaces. Im also a vegan so looking for materials that dont use animal-based products when viable and quality alternatives are available. - David Byrne. I offer one-on-one mentoring, as well as a group workshops. That said, as it is a store brand, you can contact the vendor website for technical information and they can get it from the manufacturer. Prices may vary online, in stores, and in-app, Centurion Deluxe Professional Oil Primed Linen Canvas Panels 3-Pack - OP Enhanced Primed Oil Canvas Panels for Painting, Artists, Oils, Alkyds, & More! In this case the stuff is made in China and Jerrys probably doesnt even know for sure what they use. This is to protect other brands that may be selling the same exact product with a different label, common practice with manufacturers now days. Centurion Deluxe Oil Primed Linen Panel Pack of 3 10x20x22. I also searched for the manufacturer online but was unsuccessful. Frauddlee 2022 GETTICE All Rights Reserved.