Well anchored, very little suckering. Does rootstock matter? We do not accept direct sales to consumers. Here is an upcoming, FREE event at one of my favorite nurseries, Annies Annuals and Perennials. Our shipping season has ended and we are not able to accept any more orders for this season. Dennis Tarry of Dave Wilson Nursery, the exclusive U.S. licensor and primary propagator of varieties developed by Zaiger, said that two of the rootstocks in trial have shown traits that they are looking foradaptability to mechanical harvesting and high-density planting, and dwarfing, precocious characteristics.
The most winter hardy of the commonly used cherry rootstocks. Join the OAN. Whether you have an established backyard orchard, or are planting your first fruit tree, Phils extensive knowledge and passion will get you fired up about growing your own fruit! Apparently resistant to bacterial canker. Not much else to report, other than were trying to slowly get into the holidays here. Unpruned tree height 80-90% of standard, or about 15-25 ft. Open, spreading growth habit. Sweet cherries slightly dwarfed, no dwarfing effect on sour types. A good height for a fruit tree is as tall as you can reach. Atascadero CA 93422 https://arbordayblog.org/treeplanting/tree-planting-how-to-choose-the-right-planting-site/, https://raintreenursery.com/fruit-trees/rootstocks, https://www.davewilson.com/product-information-general/rootstock/apple. Nursery: 740 Market Ave. Richmond, CA 94801 Be sure to consider varieties with known pest and disease resistance when available. 2022 Bay Laurel Nursery And what about that all important first cut the very first pruning cut that should be made to keep backyard fruit trees a manageable height for harvesting? Viking is a plum and almond interspecific rootstock crossed with Nemaguard and was also patented by Zaiger. Sweet cherries slightly dwarfed, no dwarfing effect on sour types. Very tolerant of wet soil, induces early dormancy in dry soil. (Zaiger). Zaiger dwarfing rootstock for cherries. For apricots, plums and prunes. Calif. (enter a ZIP). He estimated that the cost of a cherry/plum rootstock would be a dollar less than the Zee Stem, in line with the cost of Mazzard rootstocks.
Established in 1938 by Dave Wilson, Dave Wilson Nursery has grown to become one of the largest growers of BAREROOT deciduous fruit, nut and shade trees in California. But Im planning on working on these trees. Not presently used by Dave Wilson Nursery. Induces early, heavy bearing. Susceptible to nematodes in sandy soils. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Disadvantage: prone to suckering (prune or break off at least once per year). This pruning cut is critical, not just for size control and aesthetics, but for the ultimate fruit supporting structure of the treethe scaffold limbs that develop from the buds below the cut. Most of our stock is grown by Dave Wilson Nursery in the Central Valley of California.
Shallow root system, much more tolerant of wet soils than Lovell or Nemaguard.

What I enjoyed from Dave Wilsons video about backyard orchard, is to not choose your tree based on its rootstock. nurseries, mail order nurseries, and anyone else who qualifies. Consult your agricultural extension office publications and ask their Master Gardener fruit specialists for ideas and recommendations about what to grow. A backyard orchard is apparently what I will be doing. I'm always a fan of not having your eggs all in one baskett, different rootstocks, different vendors, different varieties, different types of fruit, different planting locations Dave Wilson Nursery FORUMS - Fruit, Nut and Ornamental Trees. Good Fruit Grower2022-06-29T15:45:31-07:00June 29th, 2022|0 Comments. | sbnum=7882 | pagenum=19403, Explanations for calcareous soil tolerance - compatiblities - suckering, Return to Main Search for Rootstocks by Name, 2022 Regents of the University of California, Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources. Good tolerance to wet soils, also performs well in calcareous soils. Do you need cold hardy varieties or late-bloomers to avoid late frosts or heavy rains? If you have fruit-growing friends, you could divvy up the taste test winners you want to test in your area. We sell our products to retail nurseries, garden centers, container growers who sell to landscape contractors and retail Unpruned tree height of standard varieties 18' to 30 feet. Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources Phil will walk you through that, too, and give you all of the compelling reasons why you should do it. (See Planting Your Backyard Orchard.). Better adapted to clay soils than Mazzard and Mahaleb. So far Im only looking at about roughly 18 trees. Zaiger Genetics, Inc., of Modesto, California, has been developing interspecific cherries, crossing hybrids of plum and cherry, in hopes of discovering a more grower-friendly cherrylike fruit. Cold-hardy. Tolerates wet soils. And with 7 (8 in a couple months) of us living here. Before I took a break from all the home stuff. These pieces of wood take a long time to dry out from staining.
Standard rootstock for sweet cherries. Trees well-chosen will be easiest to grow and give superior fruit - at your preferred harvest times. But they are a great resource for all things trees. The nursery has a reputation for high quality and innovative production techniques. We sincerely appreciate each and every one of you, and look forward to serving you again in September 2022. Trees begin bearing at young age. Induces bearing at young age. Please check back September 2022 to see our online catalog for the next shipping season which will begin January 2023. For nectarines, apricots, plums, prunes, almonds. I was unfamiliar with it. Apricots and plums dwarfed to 3/4 of standard. I thought I had to choose based on rootstock. Retail Nurseries, Northern Calif. Coastal Counties, Retail Nurseries, Northern California Inland Counties. Great job. They take too much space. Trees on apple seedling may be held to any desired height by summer pruning. Mature trees comparatively small. Get PDF Reader and Comments (RSS). Dave Wilson Nursery does not offer rootstock for sale. Trees bear at young age.
document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. BONUS: The fine and fabulous folks at Dave Wilson are generously donating a wonderful selection of beautiful bare root trees to RAFFLE OFF! Commercial-size deciduous fruit trees are a difficult backyard proposition. As a rule, prune young trees lightly and older trees more aggressively. Resists root-knot nematodes. People buy semi-dwarf fruit trees because they want small trees but, without pruning, most trees classified as semi-dwarf grow to be twice as tall as the average person. Attend a fruit tree seminar to meet other local home growers. Phil can totally help with that. Printed harvest date charts may be purchased. Zaiger dwarfing rootstock for cherries. Trees may be held to any desired height by summer pruning. Posted in Guest Writer | Tagged backyard fruit trees, Dave Wilson Nursery, dwarf fruit trees, Prune a newly planted sapling, radical cut, semi dwarf fruit trees, summer pruning, The Little Fruit Tree, UC Davis Home Orchard | 1 Comment . Fruit Trees Online I have also been hiding and not doing a whole lot of projects or updates. Resistant to bacterial canker and nematodes. Advantages:Allows cherry growers to use appropriate peach/plum/almond rootstocks for the planting location, precocious and dwarfing when used with Citation rootstock. The interstem allows cherries to be grown on rootstocks normally used for other stone fruit and to be planted in alkaline, saline, and even wet soils. Prunus salicina x Prunus persica(Red Beaut plumx peach), This rootstock has performed very well with plums and apricots. All to worry about here is what views we want to obstruct from the street (my bedroom) and what views we want to keep (like mt diablo). I talked with a friend whos dad grew an orchard. Trees on GM61/1 may be held to any desired height by summer pruning. Trees reach larger size compared to Marianna 26-24. For plums, peaches, nectarines, apricots, prunes, almonds. Shipment January-February.With the current demand for fruit trees with a major grower going out of business. Create a free website or blog at WordPress.com. So many fruit varieties - which ones to choose? Entries (RSS) Here is my current spreadsheet, https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1vCfsafmhDSrqI6T1NiXzyhDK90jRsslW23uylEMMy9w/edit?usp=sharing, I have a very flat lot with no obstructions for my home. Prune a newly planted sapling to knee-high when it first goes in the ground, a radical cut by any standard. Theyve introduced many low acid/high flavor white-fleshed peaches and nectarines. I'm in San Jose and Citation is very slow growing for me. But the sun may break through today! Good tolerance to wet soils, also performs well in calcareous soils. Manage Your Profile Bay Laurel Nursery Excellent for well-drained soils. But they have also found that the interstem trees tend to be sensitive to heat in late summer and go to sleep for a while. Good anchorage. 2022, The Oregon Association of Nurseries. Very cold hardy and very fire blight resistant. Less dwarfing expected in fertile loamy soils. Floyd Zaiger and Family (Zaiger Genetics) have introduced several hundred varieties of fruit and rootstock hybrids. Ann Ralphs pruning book The Little Fruit Tree will be available from Storey Publishing in 2013. Preliminary data from plum/cherry rootstocks show them to be cold hardy, resistant to bacterial canker and phytophthora, precocious, and dwarfingall qualities of interest for cherry growers, he said. Brown: Precision viticulture takes center stage, Garza: Taking Washington ag to new places, Smart Orchard Field Day Nutrition, Water and Heat Stress Management (English), Smart Orchard Field Day Nutrition, Water and Heat Stress Management (Spanish), visiting our online subscription department.
Enjoy! So now that I have lots of land and lots of desire to eat fresh fruit Ive been compiling ideas/ lists of what to do. With 100% humidity even when its not raining and with highs in the 50s. Choose between 1, 2, 3 or 4 columns, set the background color, widget divider color, activate transparency, a top border or fully disable it on desktop and mobile. The patented and trademarked Zee Stem, developed by Zaiger Genetics, is an interspecific combination of peach and almond rootstocks that has expanded the area where cherries can be planted in California. Local Master Gardeners offer excellent seasonal pruning seminars. Fruit trees absolutely require regular pruning to keep them in line. Its perfect for grabbing the attention of your viewers. May through October? Most rugged rootstock for apples. Most Zee Stems have been put on Citation rootstock, a peach and plum interspecific cross developed by Zaiger. Fruit tree rootstocks: https://raintreenursery.com/fruit-trees/rootstocks, Apple Tree rootstocks: https://www.davewilson.com/product-information-general/rootstock/apple. Resistant to fireblight, powdery mildew, moderately resistant to collar rot. But more work is needed to find the winning combination. Vigorous, more tolerant of wet soils than Mahaleb (but good drainage still required). Very winter hardy, widely adapted. Relatively tolerant of wet soils (but good drainage still required). In poorly-drained soil, plant on a hill. Fruit & Nut Harvest Dates (chart) + Variety & Rootstock Description Book, Recommendations for USDA Plant Hardiness Zones 5-9, Tom's Pick's - Winners for the Low-Chill Southwest, Rootstocks, Dwarf and Semi-Dwarf Fruit Trees. Well anchored, very little suckering. For apricots, plums, most almonds. However, Zee Stem trees on Viking rootstock show tolerance to alkaline soils and bacterial canker. Ann Ralph. Promotes early bearing. The article Recommendations for USDA Plant Hardiness Zones 5-9 highlights some lesser-known but widely adaptable varieties - some old and some new. Not tolerant of wet soils. Tolerates wet, dry or poor soil. Dwarfs cherry trees to 8-12 ft. unpruned.

Winter is in full swing here. Use the search box to find a topic of interest, explore articles by topic or category in the main navigation links on every page, or view articles by issue on our Archives page. We do not accept direct sales to consumers. More tolerant of wet soils than Nemaguard. There are several guides to how/where to plant trees and fruit trees. Im a spreadsheet-aholic so I made a spreadsheet of trees, useful resources, and where Im thinking of buying them. Are you in a warm winter area that requires low-chill varieties? Nondiscrimination Statement, Accessibility But today someone decided to make Red/green cookies. Dwarfing rootstock for sweet cherries; trees dwarfed to about 2/3 of standard. We sell our products to retail nurseries, garden centers, container growers who sell to landscape contractors and retail Much of the fruit produced on these trees will ripen out of reach. No purchase necessary just be here by 11 am to nab a free raffle ticket! You, Hannah and the kids are doing a great job. By far, this is the most important and difficult pruning cut you will ever have to make, but it almost guarantees fruit tree success, whether you want to keep your tree at six feet or let it grow taller. Excellent all-around rootstock for apples.
Less dwarfing expected in fertile loamy soils. Missed the bus? Visit fruit stands and farmers markets for ideas about what is being grown locally. If a trees rootstock is ill-suited to the conditions it must grow in, nothing else is likely to matter a sensational variety or a "semi-dwarf" rootstock is of no value if the tree dies. Along with varieties proven for your area, be sure to plant some of the new taste-test winners likely to perform in your climate. Start with varieties adapted to your area. Let the National Grape Research Alliance president fill you in on the highlights of the precision vit demo day. Dwarfing varies with soil, climate conditions and cultivar. Plant Edible Ornamentals to add distinction and beauty to your landscape. Shallow but vigorous root system. Many proprietary varietals as seen in Sunset Magazine. As grower feedback filters in from commercial planting experience, the Zee Stem is showing longevity from early plantings, Tarry said. Resists crown gall, bacterial canker, some nematodes. All rights reserved. Find a retail nursery that specializes in fruit trees chosen for your area. Create a free website or blog at WordPress.com. Travel out of town to a good fruit tree nursery if necessary. nurseries, mail order nurseries, and anyone else who qualifies. Site Information Tom's Pick's - Winners for the Low-Chill Southwest describes Tom Spellmans selections for the warm-winter Southwest: a sequence of proven varieties that produce quality fruit from mid-May through October. Printed harvest date charts may be purchased. We are taking orders for 2019, 2020 and 2021. Bay Laurel Nursery is pleased to offer youover sixty-five of Zaigers best varieties for home orchard use, the largest selection youll find anywhere. But to choose the rootstock that best fits the needs of your location. Resistant to oak-root fungus, root-knot nematodes. Theyre hard to maintain. More versatile than Mazzard and Mahaleb. Some of the cherry-plum crosses may have value as cherry rootstock. Not a Member Yet? Here are a couple shots from when I was last working on it. I suppose that could be less work. Some Zaiger innovations include dwarf and semi-dwarf varieties, extra early and extra late ripening varieties and rootstocks with extra vigor, pest and disease resistance. Hansen previously was an associate editor at Good Fruit Grower from 1996 through 2015. 1 reason people lose fruit trees is water-saturated soil. Peaches and nectarines dwarfed to 8 to 14 feet. The cherry/plum rootstocks would be more economical than the Zee Stem because you wouldnt have to pay for the double budding that must be done for the interstem.. Dwarfs to 65% of standard. Vigorous, more tolerant of wet soils than Mahaleb (but good drainage still required). 2500 El Camino Real Very winter hardy. Resistant to bacterial canker and nematodes. Dwarfs cherry trees to 8-12 ft. unpruned. This Sliding Bar can be switched on or off in theme options, and can take any widget you throw at it or even fill it with your custom HTML Code. With the sun hiding for 3 weeks. This time of year, in the dormant season, remove only what Portland pruner, John Iott, calls the dead, the diseased, and the disoriented. If you want to keep your tree short, leave tall upright whips in place for the time being, and head them back near the Summer Solstice. Resistant to root-knot nematodes and oak-root fungus. At best, an untrained fruit tree will be an eyesore. In many planting locations, rootstock is the most important part of a fruit tree. Dave Wilson Nursery is the primary grower and licensor of Zaiger Genetics. These fruits have truly unique, outstanding flavors and textures and are wonderful additions to the home orchard. Also more cold hardy. Melissa Hansen is the research program director for the Washington Wine Commission. For more information about rootstocks, training, and summer pruning, visit the Dave Wilson Nursery and UC Davis Home Orchard websites.
< < <, If your soil tends to remain wet for extended periods due to slow drainage and/or a rainy climate, you must plant trees with rootstocks tolerant of wet soil. Bare-Root Fruit Trees! Let your pruning decide the size of your tree. Keep it up! In heavy soils, trees are dwarfed to 70-80% of standard. I watched this very helpful video on Backyard orchards. Are You an OAN Member? The final height of a fruit tree is up to the pruner. Vigorous, deep-rooted, tolerates wet soil, dry soil, poor soil. Or micro-climates (like hills, shady areas, wet areas) which I do not appear to have. January is the perfect time for Bay Area gardeners to plant bare root fruit trees and Annies Annuals & Perennials are, Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), For more information about rootstocks, training, and summer pruning, visit the, Backyard Fruit Trees: The Hardest Pruning Cut You Will Ever Have toMake. (See the latest Fruit Tasting Report.) For any who dont already know, at the end of march we should have a new addition to our homestead. Learn about fruit tree chilling requirements, especially if you live in a spring-frost or warm-winter climate. (Remember, exact dates vary with local climate and site conditions, especially sun exposure.) For reliability, sometimes lesser-known varieties are the best choices. Standard cherry varieties dwarfed to half-size, or about 15-20 ft. if not pruned. With very few exceptions, this is not accomplished by dwarfing rootstocks - but it can be achieved by summer pruning! He is a big fan of Dave Wilson Nursery. Standard rootstock for sweet cherries. Not sure what fruit trees are best suited to your growing zone or space? Our pantry is woe-fully underutilized. Resists woolly apple aphids and collar rot. Dennis Tarry of Dave Wilson Nursery observes a cherry plum cross. Please email sean@davewilson.com for information and a catalog. Precocious, and production can be heavy, requiring crop management. Plant descriptions on this site and elsewhere often refer to USDA Plant Hardiness Zones. January is the perfect time for Bay Area gardeners to plant bare root fruit trees and Annies Annuals & Perennials are thrilled to welcome back our favorite fruit tree expert, Phil Pursel of Dave Wilson Nursery on January 18 at 11 am! Disadvantages:Crop management may be needed on precocious varieties during early years. Welcome to my pinboard where words and photos are inspired in and around the garden and wherever life takes me. Annies Annuals and Perennials Not drought tolerant. One of the main reasons to grow fruit at home is to have what is not otherwise available a season-long supply of the tastiest varieties, tree-ripened. Better adapted to clay soils than Mazzard and Mahaleb. A Cornell University introduction, unpruned height is about 1/3 to 40% of standard (8'-10'). Induces early heavy bearing; crop management may be needed for productive varieties in early years. Ideal for container growing. The chart of Fruit & Nut Harvest Dates is a key tool for home orchard planning. For most people, to be able to do the pruning, thinning and picking while standing on the ground or a low stool, the trees must be kept under eight feet tall.