Most of the Quran teachings come from the Bible even though there are fundamental differences between the teachings of Quran and the Bible. The Bible mentions "emissions" in a few places (Leviticus 15:16,18,32; 22:4; Deuteronomy 23:10).

The first 4 books of bible Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus and Numbers were written 450 BCE when Jesus wasn't even born. The word Bible comes from the Latin word biblia which means book. The Bible is definitely older than the quran in everyway. 6 yr. ago. In my book, The Bible , the Qur'an and Science , I have quoted passages from the Qur'an which came from the period prior to the Hijrah ( the Prophet's emigration from Makkah to Madeenah in the year 622) and which allude to the writing of the Qur'an before the Quran is The Bible is a collection of 66 different books. These five books were written by Moses. The main reason why people take the Quran as the first book and not the Bible is because of the time of translation. the word of the lord came to Abraham. A. The Quran was written in the 7th century. The Quran was written about 1,300 years ago. In Islam there is two, the Quran and The Hadith. Log in. Muslims understand the Quran to be knowledge from an omnipotent God. Allah refutes this allegation in the words, The Quran has been revealed by Him Who knows every secret that is in the heavens and the earth.. And yet, Muslims claim that it is the Bible that has been corrupted instead of showing proof that what the Quran claims is true. The quran is an authoritative and reliable source. 5. Isaiah 2:1 The word of the lord that Isaiah the son of Amoz saw. THIS IS INTERESTING: What language do Catholic priests speak? The Bible is true. A Question From Speech Moses Jesus

Matt: The Bible is, my dear friend, 66 separate writings and written over 1600 years and by 40 different people and in 3 different languages and on 3 different continents. The Torah includes the five books, as well as the oral traditions in the Talmud and the Midrash. The Quran was not written until about 600 AD.

History of the Quran is the timeline and origin of the written compilations or manuscripts of the holy book of Islam, based on historical findings.It spans several centuries, and forms an important major part of the early history of Islam.. History of the Quran and the Bible.

Many Christian writers and clergy claim that the Holy Quran is borrowed from the Bible. Kareem: The Quran is the word of God, as revealed word for word by Angel Gabriel, untouched and still in its original form. The Bible both Old and New Testaments and the Quran are wholly different books. The Old Testament section of the Bible was written over many centuries, stretching from 1446 BC (probably earlier) to 400 BC. Second, the Septuagint, a Greek translation of the Hebrew text dated 3rd century BC. It seems that a one "Rashi" aka Rabbi Solomon Bar Issac (eg. These revelations were codified after his death into the document now known as the Quran. As the Quran was being revealed, the Prophet Muhammad made special arrangements to ensure that it was written down. Now, it is true that the Quran does contain similar stories, characters, and themes with the Bible; but overall, the Bible and the Quran do not see eye-to-eye on these Ascension is also the central part of christian creed as also mentioned in box below Book of Acts 1:9, Luke 24:50-51 and Mark 16:19. Which Came First? The Church came into existence ca. Description of the five books of the Torah. The New Testament was written from around 65 to 95 AD (CE). The Christian Bible is made up of the Old Testament and the New Testament. The oldest fossils of dinosaur eggs We have three main Old Testament manuscripts: first the Masoretic text, a Hebrew text dating from about AD 1000. It tells the history of humanity and of the world around him, as well as the history and destiny of all mankind. By 400AD, hundreds of years before Muhammad, the Bible was already widely distributed throughout the known world at that time in multiple languages. 33 A.D. Knowing that versions written in the Hebrew Bible and the Christian New Testament does predate the Quran, Christians reason the Quran as being derived directly or indirectly from the earlier materials. The Old Testament dates to centuries before the time of Christ. Knowing that versions written in the Hebrew Bible and the Christian New Testament predate the Qurans versions, Christians reason the Qurans versions as being derived directly or indirectly from the earlier materials. The Quran dates from the early 7th century, or decades thereafter. Q: Is the quran better than the bible for the Muslims? Genesis 3:8 And they heard the word of the LORD God walking in the garden in the cool of the day. Eggs, generally speaking, existed before chickens did. First, lets get the scientific answer out of the way. | Scott Eric Alt The five books included are Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. Comedy Gaming Food Dance Beauty Animals Sports By contrast, the Bible refutes the Quranin its entirety with a stern warning in its final paragraph that nothing is to be added to or deleted from the Bible: Bible came through forty different people and was completed in the First Century AD and Quran came through one person and was completed in the Seventh Century AD. The Bible was written between 1400 BC & 95 AD. Muslims understand the Qurans versions to be knowledge from an omnipotent God. But the Bible is not 2000 years old.. historical evidence of first Bible is only 1500 years old (old testament). and the tea-seller responded that on the first night of their marriage Islam is a religion concerned with justice and respect. The Hebrew bible was compiled about 2,400 years ago, though some of its constituent parts are much older - some of it probably about 3,000 years old in one form or another. What is oculesics: 206: Similarities between communism and capitalism: 343: What came first the bible or the quran: Actually, for that matter, considering there's a lot of overlap between the Bible and the Quran (including like 80% of the Gospel) and the fact that a pretty large chunk of Muslims are expected to have read the entire Quran, I wouldn't be surprised if the average Muslim is But Hebrew bible ( Torah and Tanakh) predate Jesus. Quora User The Quran and the Bible are both considered holy texts by their respective religions, but they have very different origins and purposes. Bible and Quran partially agree on the topic of Ascension of Jesus and partially disagree. 3:15) to be an extension of the Incarnation and continue both his words and actions (an ambassador of Gods mercy bringing us into contact with the divine). Christ is encountered in Sacred Tradition AND Sacred Scripture because his Catholic Church came first (1 Tim. Perhaps the most critical difference between the Quran and the Bible, writes Qureshi, is that the Quran is the basis of why Muslims believe in Islam (112). There is no doubt that the Bible has been in existence before the Quran. But the Bible is not one single book. Although the Prophet Muhammad himself could neither read nor write, he dictated the verses orally and instructed scribes to mark down the
revelation. Which Came First: Christianity or Judaism. The New Testament books were written from around AD 48 to 100. The Koran (Qurn) was written between AD 610-632. Muhammad, whom Muslims consider to be the final prophet of God, reported his first revelation in 610 ad a revelation he said came from the archangel Gabrieland he continued to report revelations over the last two decades of his life. And lastly the Dead Sea Scrolls from 408-318 BC. What is oculesics: 206: Similarities between communism and capitalism: 343: What came first the bible or the quran: Actually, for that matter, considering there's a lot of overlap between the Bible and the Quran (including like 80% of the Gospel) and the fact that a pretty large chunk of Muslims are expected to have read the entire Quran, I wouldn't be surprised if the average Muslim is It is a library of 66 books written over a period of 1500 years ( approximately ) from 1500 B.C. A : No. The Bible is a library of sacred books, letters, poetry, and prophecy written by over 40 authors over the course of 1000 years. The quran was compiled by Uthman in the year 652 A.D. What sets this book apart is the Christian claim that it contains the inspired word of God. Popular topics. Revelation of the Quran to the Prophet Muhammed (S) 22 December 609 - 8 June 632. Ascension is the departure of Although the Jews brought their manuscripts of the Torah/Talmud out of Ancient Egypt <<