The group has been active since 2021 and has tracked more than 70 signs across LA County on their Google Map database. Clark also said that if ever his team encountered atheist signage in a public place, his team would take it down as well. Housing Our 2022 scholarship application is open! All Rights Reserved. Or make a one-time donation in any amount. ProPublica, 48% of Americans want to improve their credit score this year Here are ways to do it, Rwanda cancels marriages after increase in Covid-19 cases, Carl Nassibs coming out shouldnt be a big deal, but it is, Ofsted boss warns militant activism in schools is a threat to education | Schools, The Muslim Brotherhood in the Israeli government, Kojima Productions threatens defamation for its connection to the assassination of Shinzo Abe, After Roe, the religious right is brimming with malevolence its time has come, iurlionis, Esotericism and Theosophy. This California Website Can Help, Stillborn Baby Tossed in Trash at California Funeral Home, California Social Media Addiction Bill Drops Parent Lawsuits, Abortion Pills Are Coming to All CSU, UC Campuses, Biden Tests Positive for COVID-19, Has Very Mild Symptoms, Average Long-Term US Mortgage Rates Bounce Back up to 5.51%, Congress Honors WWII Hero of Iwo Jima With Ultimate Salute, In Mideast, Biden Cites Bone Deep Bond Between US, Israel, Trump Set up Rally After Unhinged White House Meeting: Jan. 6 Probe, Beloved Monarch Butterflies Now Listed as Endangered, UK Breaks Record for Highest Temperature as Europe Sizzles, Putin in Tehran for Talks With Leaders of Iran, Turkey, Ukraines New Rockets Are Wreaking Havoc on Russias Army. Simple Responses to 20 Common Arguments for the Existence of God. A Christian hate-preacher condemned me for quoting him accurately, Christian Right meltdown after 47 Republicans back same-sex marriage bill, Tom Cruise and Scientology: A lesson in cognitive dissonance, Creationist Michael Peroutka wins GOP primary in Marylands AG race, A Christian hate-preacher condemned me for quoting him accurately, Proudly powered by Newspack by Automattic. The idea started as a religious rubbish removal, which eventually became the Atheist Street Pirates. Also, get the book "Why There is No God" for free. Our new program at Atheists United just made the Washington Post today! Lookouts report unwelcome and/or illegal signage on public land, We investigate to confirm the signage should/can be removed, We report them to the appropriate authorities or investigate removal. Contact if you have additional questions.
The only way for us to truly have freedom of religion is to also have freedom from religion..
Los Angeles County sees a new brand of pirates clearing out religious signage posted in public places. The point, Clark said, is to reinforce our commitment to a secular society. Most of the signs theyve documented proselytize a specific religion, and he said, its almost always Christianity, essentially becoming free religious marketing for one religion on our highways., The greater Los Angeles area is home to residents who represent a wide range of faiths: Catholics, Pentecostals, Jews, Buddhists, Mormons, Scientologists, Self-Realization Fellowship members, Hindus and Muslims. Clark and Jones slid the sign downward until they were able to yank it out. I dont like to be confrontational about any of that. He can be reached at @HemantMehta. Unchecked religious privilege and microaggressions of certain religions we cant even start the conversation about what this means for our society until we understand what it is., Church Attendance May Be Down, But This Minister Sees A Lot Of Faith, Trump Launches New National Faith Advisory Council | Politics News, The battle of David and Goliath is brewing at Lick Creek, Opinion An intimidating agenda for the French EU Presidency, A Time for Politics and Religion, by Jackie Cushman, Halloween Fun at Laguna Beach + Oil Spill Loans, Landlords use secret algorithms to screen potential tenants. You can spend 15 hours there if you want. So the Atheist Street Pirates at Atheists United decided to take on that task themselves, as explained by Religion News Service: The idea for the street pirates first emerged as a joke during an Atheists United meeting where members bantered about what to do with religious signage they encountered across the city. The above comes from a March 3 story on Religious News Service. Some just reference a Bible verse. I think theyre not brave enough for all of that. I asked Clark last night if the signs they took down were ever replaced.

But atheist hacker Evan Clark has enough to live for: protecting his constitutional right to a landscape free of religious signage, for example, and preventing the normalization of religious messaging in public spaces. In LA, signs on the public right-of-way are illegal and city officials will remove any that are reported to the bureau of street services, a division of the public works department, a city official said.
While city officials said they take down such signs, these religious ones still persist, perhaps because of the message on them. These signs shouldnt be up in those spaces because they violate state law and can be seen as distractions on the road. What Jesus? said Ros, who helps organize meetups with other nonreligious Latinos in Southern Californias San Gabriel Valley. The Atheist Street Hackers display some of the signs theyve collected from their previous looting. You can stand on top of a highway and hold a sign as loud and proud as you want. Theosophical symbols, iurlionis, esotericism and theosophy 1. Others offer a meaningless platitude about Jesus. He sees the organization as a space to build community for atheists. It got awful, he says. That led to Clark creating apublic Google map databasewhere they upload photos and locations of the signage they encounter during their commutes. News, Local Record your voice here for it to be aired on the Atheist Republic Voicemails Podcast. Council President Responds to Extortion Charge, Rejects Calls to Resign. The group wants to empower people to express secular values and promote separation of government and religion.. Donate time and money to candidates and nonprofits that stand for reproductive justice. Evan Clark, a member of the Atheist Street Pirate and the executive director for Atheists United, said he understands that people put a lot of passion behind these signs and their messages. I dont like to be confrontational about any of that. This is a broadside attack on our beautifully diverse cities and the land laws protecting the separation of ship and state. For years now, those signs have been put up on the sides of roads, on bridges, and on telephone poles as a form of free advertising. The life!, quoting the words from the Bible verse emblazoned on the placard Clark was trying to take down. Republicans are attempting to retake control of the House of Representatives, and November will bring several closely-watched races for LA and OC seats. Some banners are several feet wide with the words TRUST JESUS. Others are bright yellow and declare REPENT or Hell or Jesus is coming! Then there are signs with stencil letters that read JESUS IS COMING R U READY and Ask Jesus for Mercy. Instead of throwing the signs away, the group is seeking creative ways, possibly an art exhibit, to show the scope of the signage to the general public., To Clark, its not about getting into an arms race over religious signage. If that were the case, theyd place atheism signs to counter religious posters. The idea, and the reference to the pirate, remained. Standing atop an approximately 8-foot-high ladder, Evan Clark tugged at a sign tightly nailed to a utility pole on the intersection of Echo Park and Bellevue avenues, just beyond the 101 freeway ramps. litter in the public space, he says. Since 2019, Clark, who identifies as an atheist and humanist, has served as the executive director for Atheists United. The question now is whether theyll back down or redouble their efforts. Someone who actually gets their life transferred to God in eternityso worth the risk of a potential fine, he says., The application for Call for Voices is live!
Savvy? Help us get illegal religious signage removed. Its unknown where these signs come from, whether they are part of organized church efforts or individuals doing this on their own, but Atheist Street Pirates has collected about 30 signs that range in size and design. Residents can report any they find to hackers, and these days they have far more reported signs than successful takedowns. I dont like to be confrontational about any of that. This is why Farley sees the Atheist Street Pirates as purveyors of despair, interfering in his quest to find meaning in life. In the news this week because of our new Atheist Street Pirates program. It was their last sign for the day, collecting a handful of signs in about two hours. Founding Pirate Evan Clark is the first executive director of the statewide nonprofit United Atheists based in Los Angeles. The duo made their first stop at the intersection of Sunset Boulevard and Alvarado Street, where they easily yanked two signs quoting John 14:6 that were attached to a pole, no ladder necessary. He also used heroin, cocaine, methamphetamine and painkillers. Did Religious News service photog just happen to catch them doing this with the skyline in the back ground? That led to Clark creating a public Google map databasewhere they upload photos and locations of the signage they encounter during their commutes. And that made the Lord coming into my life all the more powerful. Photo by Caleigh Wells. He describes a slippery slope: Thats how In God We Trust makes money.. Joseph Illo of Star of the Sea in San Francisco, CA 06 Mar 2022, We dont want Catholic truth, by Fr. There are dozens left marked on their participatory map. Want to help us find potentially illegal religious propaganda in your neighborhood? Calling it religious rubbish removal, the alliteration inspired the Atheist Street Pirates. Are Fresno High Schoolers Cheating Their Way to a Diploma with Online Option? Backlash Over $10M Valley Childrens Deal, Valley Native Ron Adams Wins Lifetime Basketball Coaching Award, Hey Fresno State Football Fans, Heres How to Tailgate at USC Game, Fresno State Puts A Lot on the Table for Pac-12, says School President, UNFILTERED: Our Nations Melting Pot: What Does It Mean to Be American. They want to keep the streets secular. He says he was trying to clean up and retire over the Easter weekend. People put a lot of passion behind these signs and their messages and ideas about Jesus and God, Clark said. A group of three people dressed in neon vests walk up to a telephone pole on a busy Los Angeles street and stare at a sign that reads, Jesus: The Way, The Truth, The Life. Two hold a ladder tightly while one climbs, gracefully twists and tears the corrugated plastic and frees the sign of Jesus from the metal nails that crucified him on the pole. The 33-year old clarified that the groups goal is not to engage in an arms race over religious signage. Clark said that the Pirates goal is to reinforce our commitment to a secular society.. Supreme Court Reverses Decision Allowing California Muslims FBI Bias Suit, California Wife Faked Kidnapping, Stayed With Boyfriend, Prosecutors Say, A group called Atheist Street Pirates is tracking and removing illegally placed religious material on public streets in Los Angeles. The sign quoted John 14:6, and as Clark spun and pulled it to loosen it from the pole, a man in a car shouted, The way. The truth. The Atheist Street Pirates have set sail to scuttle their efforts, the groups page declares. One of the Street Pirates, Neil Polzin, has even taken down signs from some locations multiple times now. Which suggests the people putting up the signs are aware that their signs are being taken down. Calling it religious rubbish removal, the alliteration inspired the Atheist Street Pirates. Its not.
If your first instinct here is to think the atheists are doing something wrong, thats not the case at all. In fact, getting up to a pole and removing a sign is harder than it looks, reports atheist street hack Anya Overmann on her maiden voyage. Theyve been officially active since 2021. Were going to go at it uniquely because we live in a Christian society and we happen to not be believers in God.. Learn how your comment data is processed. UNFILTERED A Conversation About Pride Night at the Zoo, Unfiltered Ghost Guns, Mayor Takes Heat For Gun Control Remarks, New Tax for Transportation. If signs are illegally marooned, our pirates will report or plunder, Atheists United declares on its website. Get the book "Why There Is No God" and one more book for FREE! Who Stamped 'Let's Go Brandon' on Stanislaus County Tax Envelopes? And bring secular storytelling to everyone. Atheist Street Pirates, a sub-group of Atheists United, a Los Angeles-based atheist group, has removed religious signs from streets and overpasses. World-class journalism, storytelling, and commentary from a secular perspective.