What would you go with? We have created these special content collections organized to give you a deep dive into a range of topics that matter. Jeesh maybe I'm not that old afterall. With that set up, I don't think there is anything you couldn't handle. Were it my choice I would get the Lee Valley, if for no other reason than I really like the Lee Valley planes I have. The realissue in any plane buying decision is what do you plan to use the plane for. Get instant access to over 100 digital plans available only to UNLIMITED members. It's a great plane that does an outstanding job. But, for roughly the cost of the Lie Nielson #7, you can get the Lee Valley bevel up jointer, the jointing fence attachment,two extra blades with38 and 50-degree bevels, and the toothed blade. It would be a simple decision for me. The answer is really quite simple. They are all I'll ever need. It's a self-fulfilling prophecy - there is no buyer's remorse if you ignore buyer's remose. Our biweekly podcast allows editors, authors, and special guests to answer your woodworking questions and connect with the online woodworking community. IP6 9EW. Regardless I might not go for an 8: man they are heavy. 04764498. All of which are pretty epic tools but Im really interested in knowing if the Lie Nielsen and the Clifton really are that much better. however, I don't need better at that level of planing, I've got a LN 4.5 for finishing the job..nd then hand scraping for the face. Take a closer look at the big If you really want the LN #7, go for it, and enjoy it every time you use it. - a great tool for flattening boards and truing edges.

Emotionally, the tool feels fantastic in the hand, like a new baseball glove. In-depth articles, up-close photography, and detailed illustrations. In fact if I could have only one plane the #7 would be it. Lie-Nielsen #7 Jointer Plane. I watched Rob Cosmans rough to ready dvd and away I went. I work with figured wood, but I favor jointing first and then using a York-pitch smoother and a card scraper- thus far tear-out has not been a big problem. The LN weighs more and has a slightly thicker iron which translates into slightly better performance with difficult woods. LOL Bob, well unfortunately I am going through some unwanted marital issues right now :( so some of my projects are put on hold. A Woodworkers mind should be the sharpest tool in the shop! I've been wanting a LN #7 for awhile yet but have been getting away with not buying one because of not seeing it in stock at any of the local dealers (as opposed to just ordering one online). Im not a fan of BU planes for most applications but my L-N low angle jack is great for end grain and I use it on the shooting board. Now I own all LN 60-1/2, 60-1/2 R, Bronze #4, #5-1/2, #7, spokeshave, small and large router, mortise chisel, a couple of skew chisels, a set of 7 bench chisels and even a LN T-Shirt. It's a matter of what the value of the tool is to your method of work. Well the clerk said that he might actually have one back in the stock room. Now to sort of defend the reason why I got the LN over the LV is that I am pretty much a LN enthusiast since I bought my first LN Block plane several months back. UNLIMITED Membership is like taking a master class in woodworking for less than $10 a month. Hands down the LN #8. But with all that said I know LV makes some really nice planes and it's a possibility that if my first plane was LV then I would probably own pretty much all LV stuff. Well, I cant speak to if one's better than the other but I can speak to the #7. I selected the LN because of the HAF and the weight over the Clifton #5 1/2.

VAT No. I took the time to highly tune up the Stanley and gave it a Hock Iron and Chipbreaker, it has worked extremely well for years. Sure as hell they actually had 2 back there so I said "Well I opened my mouth so I am going to have to buy it now". Start your 14-day FREE trial - and get building. Ive also thought about the Clifton No 7. My old Millersfalls is very nice especially after I added an after market chip breaker and blade and it does what it is supposed to do but if money is no object go with the LN. Hope this helps, <"Now I own all LN 60-1/2, 60-1/2 R, Bronze #4, #5-1/2, #7, spokeshave, small and large router, mortise chisel, a couple of skew chisels, a set of 7 bench chisels and even a LN T-Shirt">Admitting the problem is the first step to getting help. I work with difficult grain on occasion but not often enough to warrant a HAF.
I have the LN #7. View cart for details. Become an UNLIMITED member and get it all: searchable online archive of every issue, how-to videos, Complete Illustrated Guide to Woodworking digital series, print magazine, e-newsletter, and more. The 8 is a big hunk on iron, but glides thru tough grain, with no problems. The Lie-Nielsen #7 Jointer Plane features meticulous construction, low-tolerance machining and Bed Rock style body and frog design. You will likely be happy with either the #7 or the BUJ. Start your 14-day FREE trial - and get building! Less than $150 invested in both, counting the Hock irons. In truth, Ibought the Lie-Neilsen because I wanted it rather than needed it. The #8 is not necc. No knock on any other plane maker, it was just a matter of going with a decision and not fretting about it.
Something went wrong. The equivalent of a later type Stanley Bedrock No.607 jointer plane. I love it. It said I am member # 435,877. Better in the sense that finer shavings, better adjustments, etc. I own 4 LN planes, including the #7, making the choice to save my pennies to buy LN. The only way you will know which is right for YOU is to try them out. You can justify going with a different plane mfg and use the remaining budget for something else if you want to stretch your money, no shame in that. UNLIMITED membership - Get access to it all. Witnesham, Ipswich
I love LV products, but LN really knows how to make a plane. The scrub plane makes life a lot easier if your stock is rough to begin with. http://www.lie-nielsenaddictsonline.org;^)Glaucon.

This forum post is now archived. Suffolk
Click for full details. Do enjoy as I'm sure you have with the others. Ive saved for a nice jointer plane, and Im ready to go all in on one of these things. Our newsletters are designed to inform you of upcoming shows, new products or interesting goings on in the woodworking or related fields, 01473 784983
Man if I just bought a new plane I would probably get stopped for speeding on the way home to try it out! Very fine adjustments. I would have bought a #7 Bailey for a jointer, but it's not easy to find one whose sole is dead flat or can be made so- the key issue for a jointer. Soles and sides are milled flat within less than .002" maximum deviation, and the finish is so smooth that these planes are nearly friction-free. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google, Side edges of Lie Nielsen bevel edge chisels, Editor's Letter: Technology and the future of woodworking. If you can find a pre-WWII #7 or a 607 that's not flat, it's a long weekend's work to lap it flat, and the effort is not always crowned with success. I know I will be greatly happy with it, haven't had a chance to use it yet though. I have the Clifton 7. I had a 6" delta jointer that was (still is) a piece of crap. B.Kidd, Ouch on the other hand, WWing is good therapy (and often cheaper).Glaucon.

I chose the LN #7 over the LV BU jointer for the mass and balance. Plus tips, advice, and special offers from Fine Woodworking. Now, here's the tough part, how do I treat me good?..especially given the fact that I'm a cheap old dog with two sides: the logical me and the emotional me both need to be satisfied. Hill Farm Business Park
The Stanley does everything a jointer should do. If it is edge jointing and generally dimensioning boards, the LN bevel down #7 is pretty hard to beat. for most purposes and the LV is inferior. I got it to flatten some stock. LN #7 is my vote. I can probably sell it used for what I paid, why not? Cast in unbreakable ductile iron, this plane offers performance that is simply impossible with other planes. 2022 The Taunton Press, Inc. All rights reserved. Click here to learn more about the Is it OK to copy projects from the magazine? I cut my pieces down to close finished dimensions and flattend that first face with the#7.
It's a sweet tool. I can say that my L-N #7 is my most used plane, period. I also use the BU jack to shoot end grain. Get complete site access to video workshops, digital plans library, online archive, and more, plus the print magazine. I have both theStanley #7 (withClifton blade and capiron), and the LV BUJ (with a few blades). Copyright 2022 Classic Hand Tools Limited. However, if you are really buying the plane to smooth the face of larger panels, either the LN or LV bevel up jointer will save you money and do a better job. GB 818 111 455. In other words, it's time to treat me good, for the last 35 years it's been everyone else. The late, great Alan Peters used his No.7 for pretty much everything, and today we still come across ex-students which still favour their jointer over any other plane. Rabbeting a shelf; Strength vs. appearance, Editor's Letter: A new tool with every project. I have a #7c and #8c Stanleys. I own several bevel up and bevel down planes and, through heavy use of each, have come to realize that bevel down planes excel at stock removal to generally flatten and dimension a board. Enter now for your chance to win more than $2,000 worth of woodworking equipment from Woodpeckers. Im debating between the Lie Nielsen No 7 or No 8 and the less pricey Lee Valley bevel up jointer with the fancy fence attachment. I just signed on and registered. I love it. Purchasing from us is safe, all of our card transactions are processed securely. Commenting has been disabled. Just about a week ago while I was at a local Woodcraft store I made a mistake in opening my mouth while buying a few items I said that if they had a LN #7 in the glass cabinet I would have bought it. Weekdays 8:30am - 5pm, Classic Hand Tools Limited
#7 bench plane If I broke/lost the Clifton #7, I would order another before the end of the day. Lie-Nielsen No. I have both a LN #7 and a Stanley #7. I've wasted too much money in my life already to lust after a #7 LN for the next some odd years. Seriously the Lie Nielsen #7 and 8 are really nice planes and you will be very happy with them. Thus, in my mind at least, you end up with a far more versatile set up, for the same cost. I own a Stanley #7 and a bunch of LV planes but I reach for my LN #8 very often. There seems to be a problem serving the request at this time, Other Collectible Tools, Hardware & Locks, Stanley Collectible Carpentry Woodworking Planes, Kakuri Collectible Carpentry Woodworking Planes, {"modules":["unloadOptimization","bandwidthDetection"],"unloadOptimization":{"browsers":{"Firefox":true,"Chrome":true}},"bandwidthDetection":{"url":"https://ir.ebaystatic.com/cr/v/c1/thirtysevens.jpg","maxViews":4,"imgSize":37,"expiry":300000,"timeout":250}}. Bevel up planes make better smoothers and do a better job shooting end grain. Company Registration No. 4, 5, 6 & 7 Plane Spare Blade. It is my best joiner for general and difficult wood vs.my Stanley #7, #608 but on shorter boards of really nasty grain the LN #5 1/2 HAF is the go to tool. I use a LN BU Jack to smooth panels after using the LN #7 to joint (followed by glue up) and then flatten the glued uppanels. s, the Clifton #7 is 10 pounds, it has not a thick iron-it is a massive iron with a two part cap. But they are different planes, both in concept and in feel (LN is high centre of gravity; the LV is low centre of gravity). Copyright 1995-2022 eBay Inc. All Rights Reserved. My review of the latter included a comparison of the two planes: http://www.wkfinetools.com/contrib/dCohen/z_art/LVBevelUpJointer/LVBevelJoint1.asp, Edited 2/25/2008 7:58 am ET by derekcohen. It was my first plane purchase(notice I said first). Logically, buying either of these large planes gives me a better tool than a used #7. How in the devil do you find such restraint? You should buy it and send it to me and I will send you my old MillersFalls #22 jointer plane and we will both be happy. The Lie-Nielsen No.7 Jointer Plane is a great plane for edge jointing and flattening larger areas.